Fourth Development Cabinet

The Fourth Development Cabinet (Indonesian: Kabinet Pembangunan IV) was the Indonesian cabinet which served under President Suharto and Vice President Umar Wirahadikusumah from March 1983 until March 1988. The cabinet was formed after Suharto was elected to a 4th term as President by the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR).

Fourth Development Cabinet
Kabinet Pembangunan IV

31st Cabinet of Indonesia
Date formed19 March 1983 (1983-03-19)
Date dissolved21 March 1988 (1988-03-21)
People and organisations
Head of governmentSuharto
No. of ministers32 ministers
Member parties
Status in legislatureCoalition
PredecessorDevelopment III Cabinet
SuccessorDevelopment V Cabinet

The five cabinet aims

  • Intensifying the Development Trilogy with the support of a stronger national resilience.
  • Intensifying administrative reform and aiming towards a clean and legitimate hovernment.
  • Intensifying the institutionalization of Pancasila in developing Pancasila democracy and the Guide to Learn and Apply Pancasila (P4) and to strengthen the unity and oneness of the nation.
  • Intensifying the free and active foreign policy for the sake of national interest.
  • Holding a direct, universal, free, and secret Legislative election in 1987.

President and vice president

President Vice President
Suharto     Umar Wirahadikusumah

Coordinating ministers

  • Coordinating Minister of Politics and Security: Gen. (ret.) Surono
  • Coordinating Minister of Economics, Finance, Industry and Development Supervision: Ali Wardhana
  • Coordinating Minister of People's Welfare: Lt. Gen. (ret.) Alamsjah Prawiranegara

Departmental ministers

  • Minister of Home Affairs: Lt. Gen. Supardjo Rustam
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Mochtar Kusumaatmadja
  • Minister of Defense and Security: Gen. (ret.) Poniman
  • Minister of Justice: Ali Said
  • Minister of Information: Harmoko
  • Minister of Finance: Radius Prawiro
  • Minister of Trade: Rachmat Saleh
  • Minister of Cooperatives: Lt. Gen. (ret.) Bustanil Arifin
  • Minister of Agriculture: Achmad Affandi
  • Minister of Forestry: Soedjarwo
  • Minister of Industry: Hartarto Sastrosoenarto
  • Minister of Mines and Energy: Subroto
  • Minister of Public Works: Suyono Sosrodarsono
  • Minister of Transportation: Air Marshal (ret.) Rusmin Nuryadin
  • Minister of Tourism, Post, and Telecommunication: Lt. Gen. (ret.) Achmad Tahir
  • Minister of Manpower: Admiral (ret.) Sudomo
  • Minister of Transmigration: Martono
  • Minister of Education and Culture: Brig. Gen. (Hon) Nugroho Notosusanto
  • Minister of Health: Suwardjono Suryaningrat
  • Minister of Religious Affairs: Munawir Sjadzali
  • Minister of Social Affairs: Nani Sudarsono

State ministers

  • State Minister/State Secretary: Lt. Gen. (ret.) Sudharmono
  • State Minister of National Development Planning/Chairman of the National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS): J. B. Sumarlin
  • State Minister of Research and Technology/Chairman of the Research and Implementation of Technology Board (BPPT): B. J. Habibie
  • State Minister of Population and Environment: Emil Salim
  • State Minister of Housing: Cosmas Batubara
  • State Minister of Youth and Sports: Lt. Col. Abdul Gafur
  • State Minister of State Apparatus Utilization/Vice Chairman of BAPPENAS: Saleh Afiff
  • State Minister of Female Empowerment: L. Soetanto

Junior ministers

  • Junior Minister/Cabinet Secretary: Brig. Gen. Murdiono
  • Junior Minister of the Intensification of Consumption of Nationally-made Goods: Ginandjar Kartasasmita
  • Junior Minister of the Intensification of Foodstuffs Production: Wardojo
  • Junior Minister of the Intensification of Hard Plants Production: Hasjrul Harahap
  • Junior Minister of the Intensification of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Production: J. H. Hutasoit

Officials with ministerial status





  • Simanjuntak, P. N. H. (2003), Kabinet-Kabinet Republik Indonesia: Dari Awal Kemerdekaan Sampai Reformasi (in Indonesian), Jakarta: Djambatan, pp. 357–364, ISBN 979-428-499-8.

