Pahar Khel

پہاڑ خیل

Parent tribeMullagori
Religion Islam

Pahar Khel Urdu: پہاڑ خیل) is a sub-tribe of the Mullagori tribe of Pashtuns.[1]

Pahar Khel exert dominance in the internal affairs of the Mullagori tribe, including traditional practices such as jirga assemblies. They wield significant influence within the tribe, surpassing other sub-tribes in their involvement in tribal matters.[2]


  1. ^ Khan, Muhammad Hayat (1867). Hayat-i-Afghani (in Punjabi). [Place of publication not specified]. p. 139.
  2. ^ Khan, Muhammad Hayat (1867). Hayat-i-Afghani (in Punjabi). [Place of publication not specified]. p. 139.