The Friendly Inn was one of the first settlements built in Cleveland OH in 1874.[1] This settlement was founded by the WCTU (Women Christian Temperance Union) who wanted to help the underprivileged and underrepresented in Cleveland.[2] This place, originally known as the temperance coffee house and lunchroom, continued to expand throughout the east side of Cleveland from 1874 to now. Some of these locations were, 634 St. Saint Clair, 522 Central Ave, and 3754 Woodland Ave. and the most recent location, 2386 Unwin Rd. The main purpose of the Friendly Inn was to provide a communal space for underprivileged people in Cleveland, like immigrants, the poor, children and people of color. They wanted to help this minority by giving opportunities that wouldn't have been afforded to them. The Friendly Inn had elementary education programs, clubs for men, women and boys and washrooms.[3] The Friendly Inn also held food drives and donations provided by many different people and organizations to the community with the help of the WCTU. Right now, the Friendly Inn resides at 2486 Unwin Rd. in Cleveland OH. This organization continues to offer services in the Fairfax community, helping underprivileged men, women and children, while also offering mental health services for adults. This organization is funded by ADAMHS board of Cuyahoga County, and other private donors.[1]


  1. ^ "Friendly Inn Settlement | ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County". Retrieved 2023-12-21.