Ancient Diocese of Saint-Malo

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The former Breton and French Catholic Diocese of Saint-Malo (Latin: Dioecesis Alethensis, then Dioecesis Macloviensis) existed from at least the 7th century until the French Revolution. Its seat was at Aleth up to some point in the 12th century, when it moved to Saint-Malo. Its territory extended over some of the modern departments of Ille-et-Vilaine, Côtes-d'Armor, and Morbihan. Until the 860s, it was sometimes termed the bishopric in (the monastery of) Poutrocoet.

Diocese of Saint-Malo

Dioecesis Maclovensis
Ecclesiastical provinceTours
Dissolved1790 / 1801
The former diocese of Saint-Malo



In early Brittany, church organization was not centered on cities and dioceses, since the Roman system of government had not reached so far to the west and north, but on monasteries, populated from the British isles and Ireland.[1] Dol, Treguier, and Alet were considered monastery-bishoprics until the 11th century.[2]

Already by the mid-6th century the metropolitan bishop of Tours was struggling to exert his authority over the bishops of Brittany. At the Council of Tours in 567, which was attended by no bishop of Brittany, a canon forbade the consecration of any bishop of Armorica without the consent of the metropolitan.[3]

In 826, after two generations of warfare between Franks and Britons, Brittany was conquered, and created a duchy by the Franks. Louis the Pious made the Breton Nominoe the first duke.[4] But when the Emperor Louis died in 840, Nominoe embarked on an independence campaign for Brittany, while posing as a loyal adherent of the distant Emperor Lothair.[5] His plan included ridding himself of bishops who had supported the Gallicising of the Breton church.[6] Simony was a convenient charge.[7]

Bishop Rethwalatrus is referred to as Redhuualatro episcopo in Poutrocoet in a document of 863, in the cartulary of Redon,[8] and again in 858.[9]

Incursions of the Normans into Brittany began in 843 with the sack of Nantes, repeated in 853 and 866. Treguier and Dol and the whole north coast were ravaged between 878 and 882. The abbey of Landévennec was destroyed in 913. In 919, there was general devastation throughout Brittany, causing nobles and monks, with their treasures, to flee the country. The abbey of Redon was destroyed. By 936, the Normans were masters of all Brittany.[10]

In 965, Bishop Salvator, along with Abbot Juanus of Saint-Malo, was forced to flee to Paris from the Normans. He died there, perhaps around 1000.[11]

At a synod held by Pope Leo IX in Reims in October 1049, several clergy of Tours laid a complaint through the archbishop of Reims before the assembly. The bishop of Dol and seven of his suffragans had attempted to secede from the metropolitanate of Tours, and form their own ecclesiastical province, with the bishop of Dol as archbishop and metropolitan, all without papal authority and contrary to custom. Pope Leo ordered the bishop to appear next year at the Roman synod to answer the charges.[12] On 1 September 1050, he wrote to the duke and count of Brittany, informing them that, in accordance with previous papal decisions, all their bishops were subject to the archbishop of Tours, and that in no way could he approve the demand for a separate ecclesiastical province. He had excommunicated all the bishops, not only for their presumption, and their failure to appear at the Roman synod, and for their involvement in simony as well. They were not to carry out ecclesiastical functions or impart blessings.[13]



The town of Saint-Malo lies at the mouth of the Rance River, on the east (right) bank. It was originally an island in the estuary, similar in situation to Mont Saint-Michel.

Eventually, Saint-Malo became the seat of the bishop,[14] though it is still in a monastery. In 1062, Bishop Rainaldus signed himself episcopus de Masloo de Bidainono[15] The cathedral of Saint-Vincent dates from the 12th to 14th century.[16]

Bishops of Aleth

P. B. Gams points out that all names before 817 are at least doubtful.[17]
  • Aaron
  • Suliac
  • Saint Malo or Maclovius (487–565)[18]
  • Gurval[19]
  • Colfin oder Colaphin
  • Armael oder Armel
  • Enogat
  • Maëlmon, ca. 650
  • Godefroi or Geofroi c. 656
  • Oedmal
  • Hamon I.
  • Noedi
  • Ritwal
  • Tutamen
  • Ravili
  • Bili I.
  • Meen or Moene
  • Ebon or Edon
  • Guibon or Guibert
  • Hamon II.
  • Walter
  • Cadocanan
  • Rivallon I.
  • Judicaël I.
  • Réginald or Regimond
  • Menfenic
  • Budic or Benedikt
  • Docmaël or Idomaël
  • Johannes
  • Walter
  • Hélogard or Haelocar (811–816)[20]
  • Ermorus or Ermor (833–834)[21]
  • Iarnwaltus or Jarnuvalt (835–837)[22]
  • Main, Maen or Mahen (840–846)[23]
  • ? Salocon (c. 848)[24]
  • Rethwalatrus or Retuvalart (857–867)[25]
  • Ratvomo or Ratwili (867–872)[26]
  • Bilius[27]
  • Salvator (tenth century)
  • Raoul (c. 990–1008)[28]


  • Hamon (III) (c. 1028)[29]
Sede vacante in Aleth[30]
  • Martin (c. 1054)[31]


  • Renaud or Rainaud (c. 1062)


  • Daniel (I) (c. 1085)[32]
  • Benedict (II.) (c. 1092–1111)[33]
  • Judicaël (II) (1089–1111)[34]
  • Rivallon (II) (1112–1118)
  • Daniel (II) (c. 1120)
  • Donoald (1120–1143)[35]

Bishops of Saint-Malo



  • Jean de Châtillon (1146–1163)
  • Albert or Aubert (1163–1184)
  • Pierre Giraud or Géraud (1184–1218)[36]
  • Radulfus (1219–1230)[37]
  • Geoffroi de Pontual 1231–1255
  • Nicolas de Flac (1254–1262)
  • Phillipe de Bouchalampe, O.Cist. (1263)
  • Simon de Cliçon or Clisson (1264–1286)
  • Robert du Pont (1287–1310)
  • Raoul Rousselet (1310–1317)[38]
  • Alain Gonthier (1318–1333)
  • Yves le Prévôt de Bois Boëssel 1333–1348
  • Guillaume Mahé 1348–1349
  • Pierre Benoît or de Guémené 1349–1359
  • Guillaume Poulart 1359–1374
  • Josselin de Rohan 1375–1389
  • Robert de la Motte d'Acigné 1389–1423



See also



  1. ^ Louis Gougaud, Les chrétientés celtiques, (in French), (Paris: J. Gabalda, 1911), pp. 121-123: "Le monastère est le berceau de l'évêché. Il n'y a pas de diocèses à territoires nettement délimités . L'évêque-abbé exerce sa juridiction sur l'abbaye-mère d'abord, puis sur ses autres monastères, enfin sur un certain nombre de plou, ou paroisses, situés dans le voisinage de ces établissements ou même enclavés dans une autre zone juridictionnelle."
  2. ^ Gougaud, p. 122: "Dol, Alet, Tréguier sont considérés, dans les textes, jusqu'au XIe siècle , comme des monastères-évêchés. Le Pontificale Lanaletense (x1° siècle), par exemple, contient une formule d'excommunication à l'usage du Lan-Aletensis monasterii episcopus."
  3. ^ Canon 9, in: C. De Clercq, Concilia Galliae, A. 511 — A. 695. (in Latin), (Turnholt: Brepols 1963), p. 179: "Adicimus etiam, ne quis Brittanum aut Romanum in Armorico sine metropolis aut comprouincialium uoluntate uel Uteris episcopum ordinare praesumat. Quod si quis contraire temptauerit, sententiam in anterioribus canonibus prolatam obseruet et a nostra caritate usque ad maiorem synodum se cognoscat esse remotum...." Gougaud, p. 126
  4. ^ Ferdinand Lot, "Nominoé, Erispoé, et l'Empereure Lothaire," (in French and Latin), in: Annales de Bretagne Vol. 22 (Paris: Champion 1907), pp. 239-246.
  5. ^ Lot, p, 242: "Nominoé a prétendu, non se séparer du Regnum Francorum, mais se poser en partisan de Lothaire, c'est-à -dire de l'unité impériale."
  6. ^ Gougaud, pp. 127-128
  7. ^ Gougaud, p. 372.
  8. ^ Aurélien de Courson, Cartulaire de L'Abbaye de Redon en Bretagne, (in French and Latin), (Paris: Imprimerie Impériale, 1863), p. 20, no XXIV. Gallia christiana XIV, p. 997.
  9. ^ Cartulaire de Redon, p. 159, no CCIV: "Rethuualatro episcopo in Poutrocoet." Louis Duchesne, Les anciens catalogues épiscopaux de la province de Tours, (in French), (Paris: E. Thorin, 1890), p. 96, note 1.
  10. ^ Gougaud, pp. 348-351
  11. ^ Gallia christiana XIV, p. 998.
  12. ^ J.-D. Mansi (ed.), Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, (in Latin), Vol. 19 (Venice: A. Zatta 1774), p. 739.
  13. ^ Tresvaux, p. 224-225.Mansi, pp. 679-680.
  14. ^ Ferdinand Lot, Mélanges d'histoire bretonne (VIe-XIe siècle), (in French), (Paris: H. Champion, 1907), pp. 27-29.
  15. ^ That is, Bishop of Saint-Malo de Beignon. Cartulaire de Redon, p. 383, no. LX. Gougaud, p. 122.
  16. ^ Elise Whitlock Rose, Cathedrals and Cloisters of Northern France: French Flanders. Normandy. Brittany, Vol. 2 (NY-London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914, pp. 194-196, 202-204.
  17. ^ Gams, p. 618, col. 1: "omnes admodum dubii ante 817."
  18. ^ Maclovius: Louis Duchesne, "La vie de Saint Malo: étude critique," (in French), in: Etudes celtiques Vol. 11 (Paris: E. Bouillon 1890), pp. 1-22.
  19. ^ Gurval: John O'Hanlon, Lives of the Irish saints, Volume 6 (Dublin: J. Duffy 1873), pp. 217-220.
  20. ^ Bishop Helogar, Alethensis episcopus, was a great help to Charlemagne during the Breton revolt of 811, as a charter of Louis the Pious indicates: Ferdinand Lot, Mélanges d'histoire bretonne (VIe-XIe siècle), (Paris: Champion 1907), p. 28, note 2. Duchesne, p. 383, no. 1.
  21. ^ Ermor: Duchesne, p. 384, no. 2.
  22. ^ Iarnwalt: Duchesne, p. 384, no. 3.
  23. ^ Mahen: Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 997. Duchesne, p. 384, no. 4.
  24. ^ Saloco was deposed, and retreated to Autun, where he became an auxiliary bishop for Bishop Jonas. Duchesne, p. 384, no. 5. He is rejected by Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 997, "Post Maenum Salaconem quidam ponunt. Is autem Dolensis erat episcopus."
  25. ^ Rethwalatr: Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 997. Duchesne, p. 384, no. 6.
  26. ^ Ratuili, Rethwalatrus: Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 997. Duchesne, p. 384-385, no. 7.
  27. ^ Bilius, it is claimed, had been Bishop Ratuili's deacon, and was the author of the "Life of St. Malo." Haureau remarks doubtfully, "A Ratuilo ad Salvatorem plurium epiuscoporum nomina desunt. Bilius quiden a nonnullis post Ratuilum collocatur. Is vero Venetensis sub idem tempus praesul erat." Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 998. Duchesne, p. 385, no. 8.
  28. ^ Reginaldus: Gallia christiana XIV, p. 999. Tresvaux, p. 224.
  29. ^ Bishop Hamon is attested in a document dated 1032. In 1049, he was deposed by order of Pope Leo IX. He died in 1058. Gallia christiana XIV, p. 998.
  30. ^ Due to excommunications by Pope Leo IX in 1050. Tresvaux, p. 225.
  31. ^ Bishop Martin assisted the archbishop of Tours in the consecration of the monastery of Cormeri in 1054. It is said that he attended the Council of Chalon-sur-Saône in 1056; the proceedings list three bishops named Martin: Martinus Dialetum, Martinus Cenomannicorum, and Martinus Auximorum. Mansi XIX, p. 844. Gallia christiana XIV, p. 999. Tresvaux, p. 224.
  32. ^ Daniel died in 1285. Tresvaux, p. 224.
  33. ^ Benedict is called both Bishop of Aleth and Bishop of Saint-Malo. He was in competition with Judicaël for the diocese. Tresvaux, p. 224. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 999-1000.
  34. ^ Judicaël was the brother of Archbishop Geoffroy of Rouen. Tresvaux, p. 224. Hauréau, Gallia christiana XIV, p. 999-1000.
  35. ^ Donoald: Tresvaux, pp. 226-227.
  36. ^ Bishop Pierre died on 10 September 1218. Gams, p. 618, col. 2. Eubel I, p. 319.
  37. ^ Bishop Radulfus died on 8 October 1230. Gams, p. 618, col. 2. Eubel I, p. 319.
  38. ^ Bishop Robert du Pont resigned his bishopric into the hands of Cardinal Bertrand de Bord, who appointed Radulfus Rousselet, a secular cleric of King Philip IV of France. The appointment was approved by Pope Clement V on 9 February 1311. The bull carried a dispensation from the rule that a bishop of Saint-Malo had to be a regular or a professed member of a religious Order. He was transferred to the diocese of Pamplona (Navarre) by Pope John XXII on 2 March 1317, and then on 18 June 1317 to Laon (France). He died on 16 October 1323. Eubel I, pp. 296, 319, 387.


  • Duchesne, Louis Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule: Vol. II: L'Aquitaine et les Lyonnaises. (in French). deuxième edition. Paris: Thorin & fils, 1899
  • Gams, Pius Bonifatius (1873). Series episcoporum Ecclesiae catholicae: quotquot innotuerunt a beato Petro apostolo. Ratisbon: Typis et Sumptibus Georgii Josephi Manz. pp. 548–549. (Use with caution; obsolete)
  • Eubel, Conradus, ed. (1913). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 1 (second ed.). Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana. p. 301.
  • Eubel, Conradus, ed. (1914). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 2 (second ed.). Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana. p. 175.
  • Eubel, Conradus, ed. (1923). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. 3 (second ed.). Münster: Libreria Regensbergiana.
  • Gauchat, Patritius (Patrice) (1935). Hierarchia catholica (in Latin). Vol. IV (1592-1667). Münster: Libraria Regensbergiana. p. 219.
  • Hauréau, Bartholomaeus (1856). Gallia Christiana: in provincias ecclesiasticas distributa. (in Latin). Volume 14 Paris: Didot, 1856. pp. 993-1037; "instrumenta," pp. 233-244.
  • Ritzler, Remigius; Sefrin, Pirminus (1952). Hierarchia catholica medii et recentis aevi (in Latin). Vol. V (1667-1730). Patavii: Messagero di S. Antonio.
  • Jean, Armand (1891). Les évêques et les archevêques de France depuis 1682 jusqu'à 1801 (in French). Paris: A. Picard.
  • Pisani, Paul (1907). Répertoire biographique de l'épiscopat constitutionnel (1791-1802) (in French). Paris: A. Picard et fils.
  • Tresvaux, ‎François Marie (1839). L' église de Bretagne ou histoire des siéges épiscopaux, séminaires et collégiales, abbayes et autres communautés de cette province: d'après les matériaux de Dom Hyacinthe Morice de Beaubois. (in French). Paris: Mequignon, 1839.

48°39′N 2°02′W / 48.65°N 2.03°W / 48.65; -2.03