Yeho'ezer ben hosh'ayahu seal

Yeho'ezer ben hosh'ayahu seal is a rare 2,700-year-old seal of the First Temple Period discovered in the city of Jerusalem.[1][2]



The black stone seal was discovered in the Jerusalem Archaeological Park near the southern wall of Temple Mount. The seal features a Paleo-Hebrew inscription of the name: LeYeho'ezer ben hosh'ayahu along with the image of a winged figure.

The excavation directors shared their thoughts regarding the discovery and said:

“extremely rare and unusual stone seal... bearing a name inscribed in paleo-Hebrew script and a winged figure . . . one of the most beautiful ever discovered in excavations in ancient Jerusalem.”[2]



The stone seal itself was likely created by a local artist within Judae. It is curved outward and has a hole drilled through it so it could be put on a string then wear it as a chain around the neck. On the seal is the profiled winged figure of a man with long curly hair, wearing a crown or a hat, a long tonic, as one of his arms is reaching out forward with an open palm. On the left- and right-hand side of the figure an inscription can be seen in Paleo-Hebrew letters.[1][2]    

It seams that the seal belonged to a man by the name of "Hosh'ayahu". His son "Yeho'ezer" inherited the seal then added his name alongside his father's name hoping to benefit from the stone magical powers.[1]

The names inscribed on the stone seal is are known from the bible. The name "Yeho'ezer" that is an abbreviation of the name Yo'ezer appears in the Book of Chronicles. I 12:7, as the name of one of King David's heroes. The name "Hosh'ayahu" appears in the Book of Jeremiah 43:2, as he describes that time period and mention a man by the of "Azariah ben Hoshʼaya".[1][2]

The art and style shown on the stone seal by using a winged figured man on such a talisman, is a clear indication of how the Assyrian Empire had influenced the areas and kingdoms that came under its conquest.[1][2]


  1. ^ a b c d e Schuster, Ruth (Aug 29, 2024). "Ancient Seal Featuring Assyrian Demon From First Temple Period Discovered in Jerusalem". Haaretz.
  2. ^ a b c d e "Archaeologists find ancient seal with rare winged 'genie' in Jerusalem near Western Wall". The Jerusalem Post | 2024-08-29. Retrieved 2024-08-29.