Here are some tasks awaiting attention:
- Cleanup : Brownfield land, Sukinda, TOXMAP, Triad (environmental science)
- Expand : Ahvaz (called "most polluted city in the world" by WHO), Ambrosia Lake, Bioaccumulation, Citarum River, Climax Uranium Mill, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, Kabwe#Broken Hill Mine and its legacy of pollution, La Oroya#Pollution, Mailuu-Suu, Matanza River, Mexico City#Environment, Moab uranium mill tailings pile, National Priorities List, Norilsk#Pollution, Pollutant, Pesticide drift, Sequoyah Fuels Corporation, Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, Uranium tailings, Valley of the Drums, Vapor intrusion
- Merge : Toxic waste
- NPOV : Sukinda
- Orphans : Industrial nature
- Stubs : Mixed waste
- Verify : Ecotax, Love Canal
- Other : Port-au-Prince needs a section/information on its pollution.