Wikipedia:Wikipedia Connection/Newsletter/2016-02-01

Newsletter - February 01, 2016
The Ohio State University - Written by Kevin Payravi

Upcoming Dates

  • Weekly Workshop (Wednesday, February 3 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the 18th Avenue Library Room 350A): Join us to discuss Wikipedia, learn how to edit, and contribute together. All experience levels are welcome! We'll have pizza, drinks, and goodies.
  • Art+Feminism Edit-A-Thon (Saturday, March 5 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the Research Commons Main Colloquium Room in the 18th Avenue Library): A fun, inclusive one-day event that brings together diverse communities to create and improve Wikipedia articles related to women in the arts. Food, refreshments, and raffle prizes will be available.

Latest Club Updates

  • From now on, our Weekly Workshops will be taking place every Wednesday (5:30 - 7:00) in Room 350A of the Research Commons - no more random room switching!
  • At last week's workshop, we took a look at combating vandalism on Wikipedia. If you're interested in exploring more, here are the resources and readings we discussed:
  • We're busy planning our upcoming Art+Feminism Edit-A-Thon on Saturday, March 5 from 1:00 - 5:00 PM! Stay tuned for more details.
Indian streetseller hands displaying green chickpeas.
Photo by Jorge Royan - CC BY-SA 3.0

Things to Work On

  • Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.
  • If you're a member who has yet to create an account, consider taking the first step and create one now!
  • Once you've joined, please enroll in our spring course page to track what you and other club members have been up to.
  • Check out our to-do list of articles related to club members' interests that need expansion, cleanup, and sources.



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