The eponymous character of the series is Naruto Uzumaki, an energetic ninja who wishes to become Hokage, the leader of Konohagakure. During the early part of the series, he is assigned to Team 7, in which he meets Sasuke Uchiha, a taciturn and highly skilled "genius" of the Uchiha clan; Sakura Haruno, who is infatuated with Sasuke and has Naruto's attention; and Kakashi Hatake, the quiet and mysterious leader of the team.

Contributor(s): 1989

The list and the articles meet the topic criteria, since they're all good articles. I'm not having the supporting characters on here because IMO, I would rather have the main characters that are all notable. --1989 (talk) 19:41, 21 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]