August 11, 2016

     The area of exploration relations is primarily theoretical that concerns the application of Graph Theory (a graph is a representation of a set of objects). The equilibrium and counteraction of some atomic systems which starting from small to extend polymeric structures. The valence or the assembly of molecules depends on the framework of molecular orbital and solid state structures. This molecular orbital system is extended to develop algorithms for calculation of Topological Indices and to deal with problems involving reaction in networks. We have seen various valences of the chemicals in the laboratory how the chemicals are changed in colour. This is a disguise revolution in the organic world but not organic originally. I always respect to the chemists regarding this. We have seen how do the productivity are increased day by day in the cultivation through the fertilizers. Fertilization is an artificial force in production. This is not good for metabolism. This is a vanguard tendency in the soil structure ? Such as without the collective socialist consciousness a peaceful social changes is unexpected, if any organization try to change the society through the vanguard tendency, therefore, the new born society can not be the peaceful. We have seen how do the electric bulbs are blazed through the framework of the molecular orbital. This is an another revolution in physics. Everyone knows the rotation of the solar system in her own orbital and the retardation of the Earth’s rotation by the tides indicates the doom of this system. This is the law of dialectics into nature which discovered by the scientists, I also respect to the physicists regarding this. All these have a mass recognition because these revolutions have been discovered. As such, worldwide the mass demonstration, inflation, somewhere the revolts, as well as the great pauperism indicates the doom of this painful existing capitalist society. In case of, fall of the leaves from the tree, the photosynthesis process is to be hampered, until a new leaf is generated. Such as the struggle for emancipation from the pauperism is a social task. You can not achieve the emancipation from the slavery, until a social revolution is begins by us. We came to understand in this phenomenon, that the Social revolution will be reached through this material basis. When you want to access your daily basis life, then you have to face to different monetary problems and to fight so many austerities. The social scientists are pathfinder of the socialist revolution to eliminate these austerities. Have you seen any scientific activity into the money circulation? We got an alienated activity between these circulations C-M-C’ and M-C-M’. Socialists aware about the various class struggle and they know how the future struggle will be happened through the materialist conception of History. And the existing antagonistic social disorder must be abolished, whereas the chattel slavery had changed into the serfdom and the serfdom had changed into the wage slavery and the wage slavery must be changed into the socialist ones. Who had thought, that the aeroplane will fly in the sky before the invention of 1903 ? We think this material basis social changes are awaiting for mass consciousness and recognition. I respect to the Socialists regarding this.

Gorachand Paramanik