August 9, 2014

 15th August is the Independence day of India. In the philosophical attitudes the theory of independence is a contradiction. Which Country is independent in the World ? according to the law of demand and supply no one country can said that, they are able to produce everything for human needs. Because the natural resources are exists here and there in the World. An example, in human life no one belongs dependent, because an individual is not able to produce his/her all types of the cost of subsistence, they are socially inter-dependent. So, no one country is independent in the World.

However, who got the freedom in India from the rules of the British capitalist/rulling classes ? The win was on behalf of the Indian bourgeois and capitalist class and the immense majority of the working class were exploited by the British east-India company, and is being exploited by the Indian capitalist class. The form of exploitation has been changed but the human exploitation did not abolish. The working class was cheated by the Indian bourgeois class and their managers/leaders by their nationalist dogma of freedom, as such as - your country, your nation and castism etc. The struggle for freedom from 1857 to 1947 in India was a bourgeois struggle, because the citizens of India were influenced by the owning class for changing the parliamentary body but not for elimination of the parliamentary system. The struggle for freedom was never for the emancipation of the oppressed working class from the wage slavery. Marx demonstrated that, political revolution changed nothing but the form of state power while social revolution affected the social basis, and the prime force of that revolution. So, we don't need bourgeois freedom, we want freedom from the domination of the private property ; where the real freedom will get to all mankind in place of the minority capitalist (rulling) class.

Gorachand Paramanik