

Nkamba is a city in Bas-Congo in the Cataractes District. Located in the south-west, 210 km or 420 miles far from Kinshasa,Democratic Republic of Congo.Nkamba,also called the New Jerusalem.It is build on an hill and surroded by many other hills and a big forest. [1]

Nkamba was a normal village before the April 06 1921. In that date a born villager named Simon Kimbangu a 34 year old started to operate miracles.From that date,people from different cities or even countries was in a rush to reach the village to be healed or to see Simon Kimbangu[2].There is a river called the"holy water".Right after operating a miracle and healing people Simon Kimbangu would send them to the river for a bath. According to testamonies,that river heals people until today.Simon Kimbangu was arrested in Nkamba because of the word of God that he was preaching and colonial inequalities that he was denouncing to the community [3] . Once arrested he was taken out of Nkamba and two of is young sons and his beloved wife was held prisonners in Nkamba and they had no authorisation to get out of the village. In 1960 the body of Simon Kimbangu was sent back to Nkamba after 30 years of emprisonment and his body was burried out his natal land for 9 years .The sons of Simon Kimbangu bought Nkamba and it became the headquarters of the Kimbanguism like the vatican for the Catholic Church or the Mecca for the Islam. One of the biggest temple in Africa is found there, with 37000 seats(37000,represent the number of kimbanguist's famillies that was percecuted by the Belgian Colonizers,[4].Nkamba has rules that everybody must follow[5]


  • Everybody must walk barefoot
  • Nobody must shout
  • Nobody must run
  • Nobody must make love,even for the married couple

All rules of the Kimbanguism are strictly executed

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