Jamia Islamia Anwar-Ul-Quran (Trust) 

Welcome to Jamia Islamia Anwar-Ul-Quran (Trust)

Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran is an old and authentic institute of Religious Education in which poor and destitute students of Islamiat are getting Education free of cost. External students reside in the hostels of this institute and they are provided free lodging and boarding. They are getting the Hifz and Nazirah and Tajveed and Qirat also Dars - i-Nizami and Dora-i-Hadith. The Institute is responsible for all their needs. The devoted people are requested to Contribute at their own or Contribute from the side of their parents and relatives so that it could be an act of continuous virtue to them. From, Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed ( Chairman ) Jamia Islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran ( Trust ) karachi.

2.Hifzo Nazra
3.Tajweed - o - Qirat
4.Dars - e - Nizami
6.Islamic Study
7.Preaching of Islam
9.Taleem - e - Balghan
10.Lecture to the Public
11.Distribution of Literature
15.Winter Operation
16.Qurbani Operation

Jamia Islamia Anwar - ul - Quran is a basic Center of Islamic Education. Students get religious education and learn to read the Holy Quran.

.Hifzo Nazra

There are many classes of Hifzo Nazra of Holy Quran in this Institute.

.Tajweed -o - Qirat

The Correct style of reciting the Holy Quran, classes are held in this Institute.

.Dars - e - Nizami

This Institute arrange the classes of Darse Nizami, Where expert teaches delivered the lectures of it.


There are many neat and clean rooms in this Institute for accommodation of students, which belong to other Cities.

.Islamic Study

This Institute Arrange Islamic studies and basic Islamic history program for the information of students and common man.

.Preaching of Islam

The teachers and students delivers the preaching of Islam ( Naiki ki Dawat ) to the Public and other Students.


There is a very big Library in this Institute. This library has a lot of books of every Subjects, Specially Islam, Islamic History, Hadayat, Translated Holy Quran and other information. Countless people and students get a lot of information from the library.

.Taleem - e - Balghan

Adult persons who could not get religious education, they come and learn to read Holy Quran. This Institute is arranged special classes for Taleem -e- Balghan.

.Lecture to the Public

Special lectures are delivered to the public on every Thursday, Friday and Special religious occasions.

.Distribution of Literature

This Institute arrange many program of distribution of religious Pamphlets and hand bill and other literature for the welfare to public on every religious occasions.


This Institute is arranged a special diet program everyday for the students and teachers of this Institute Chicken, Beef, fish, Daals and Vagetables are cooked by the menu of kitchen.


This Institute provide the medical facilities to the Students, where they get free medicines and free treatment.

.Social Welfare

This is a special program of social welfares. A lot of people come to Institute and solved there religious problems and masail.

.Winter Operation

In the season of winter, this Institute provides all the facilities about the winter operation.

Warm clothes, Sweaters, Blankets, Razai, etc are arranged for the Students.

.Qurbani Operation

On the Eid - Ul- Azha, this Institute is arranged a Special program for Qurbani, where many people and common public participate for Qurbani.


Coming Soon.....


Jamia Islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran is a great Islamic learning Center. By the grace of Almighty Allah, the institution is now being run by a team of learned. Devoted and experienced teachers. All of them are conveying the knowledge of Quran, Fiqah, Hadith and recitation of Quran in the its real sprit to a large number of poor Students.

The institution is providing food, clothes, medical aid, books, residence and other necessities of of life to their students freely. The institution also grant Scholarships to the deserving students. As all the expenditures met with donations, Zakat and Sadqats. Therefore you are requested to take share of this great work by giving Zakat, Donations and sadaqat to the intuition; The instition also request the social and Islamic organization to kindly donate and contribute their share in this sacred cause and mission. So that the trust may serve the objectives smoothly.

you can help us with your donations and zakat and Sadqats. Make your cheques to the accounts of Jamia Islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran:

Account# 285-8 Allied Bank Limited Branch, Azeem Pura Branch, karachi pakistan.

You can contact us as follows:

Postal Address:

Jamia islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran (Trust) Gulfishan Society, Malir Halt, Karachi. Post Code#75210

Phone no: 021-4592065

Mobile phone: 0333-2102854 = 0300 - 3378626 - 72

E - mail : info@anwarulquran.org


FACEBOOK:https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Jamia-Islamia-Anwar-Ul-Quran-Trust/267121520064411

                            Future Plan 

In spite of limited resources, jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran is continuously progressing to play its key role in spreading the inspiration of Islamic knowledge all over the country, yet a lot more is to be done. Following is the list of some projects, which are on the list of our future plan:

1:Construction of a separate building for CENTRAL LIBRARY and purchasing of authenticated old & new Islamic books and literature.

2:Establishment of well standard ISLAMIC MEDICAL CENTRE.

3:Construction of a number of RESIDENTIAL FLATS for staff & other employees of the JAMIA.

4:Construction of a GIRLS ISLAMIC COLLEGE for 1000 students.

5:Construction of an AUDITORIUM for Islamic Seminars etc.


7:To construct MOSQUES and establish TALEEM-UL-QURAN CENTRES in other parts of the Country.

                            Contact Us 

You can contact us as follows:

Postal Address: Jamia islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran (Trust) Gulfishan Society, Malir Halt, Karachi. Post Code#75210

Phone no: 021-4592065

Mobile phone: 92 - 333-2102854

                      92 - 300 - 3378626 -72 
                      92 - 331 - 2351905  

E - mail : info@anwarulquran.org


FACEBOOK:https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Jamia-Islamia-Anwar-Ul-Quran-Trust/267121520064411

Jamia Islamia Anwar-Ul-Quran (Trust)

         Jamia Islamia Anwar-Ul-Quran (Trust) 

Welcome to Jamia Islamia Anwar-Ul-Quran (Trust)

Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran is an old and authentic institute of Religious Education in which poor and destitute students of Islamiat are getting Education free of cost. External students reside in the hostels of this institute and they are provided free lodging and boarding. They are getting the Hifz and Nazirah and Tajveed and Qirat also Dars - i-Nizami and Dora-i-Hadith. The Institute is responsible for all their needs. The devoted people are requested to Contribute at their own or Contribute from the side of their parents and relatives so that it could be an act of continuous virtue to them. From, Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed ( Chairman ) Jamia Islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran ( Trust ) karachi.

2.Hifzo Nazra
3.Tajweed - o - Qirat
4.Dars - e - Nizami
6.Islamic Study
7.Preaching of Islam
9.Taleem - e - Balghan
10.Lecture to the Public
11.Distribution of Literature
15.Winter Operation
16.Qurbani Operation

Jamia Islamia Anwar - ul - Quran is a basic Center of Islamic Education. Students get religious education and learn to read the Holy Quran.

.Hifzo Nazra

There are many classes of Hifzo Nazra of Holy Quran in this Institute.

.Tajweed -o - Qirat

The Correct style of reciting the Holy Quran, classes are held in this Institute.

.Dars - e - Nizami

This Institute arrange the classes of Darse Nizami, Where expert teaches delivered the lectures of it.


There are many neat and clean rooms in this Institute for accommodation of students, which belong to other Cities.

.Islamic Study

This Institute Arrange Islamic studies and basic Islamic history program for the information of students and common man.

.Preaching of Islam

The teachers and students delivers the preaching of Islam ( Naiki ki Dawat ) to the Public and other Students.


There is a very big Library in this Institute. This library has a lot of books of every Subjects, Specially Islam, Islamic History, Hadayat, Translated Holy Quran and other information. Countless people and students get a lot of information from the library.

.Taleem - e - Balghan

Adult persons who could not get religious education, they come and learn to read Holy Quran. This Institute is arranged special classes for Taleem -e- Balghan.

.Lecture to the Public

Special lectures are delivered to the public on every Thursday, Friday and Special religious occasions.

.Distribution of Literature

This Institute arrange many program of distribution of religious Pamphlets and hand bill and other literature for the welfare to public on every religious occasions.


This Institute is arranged a special diet program everyday for the students and teachers of this Institute Chicken, Beef, fish, Daals and Vagetables are cooked by the menu of kitchen.


This Institute provide the medical facilities to the Students, where they get free medicines and free treatment.

.Social Welfare

This is a special program of social welfares. A lot of people come to Institute and solved there religious problems and masail.

.Winter Operation

In the season of winter, this Institute provides all the facilities about the winter operation.

Warm clothes, Sweaters, Blankets, Razai, etc are arranged for the Students.

.Qurbani Operation

On the Eid - Ul- Azha, this Institute is arranged a Special program for Qurbani, where many people and common public participate for Qurbani.


Coming Soon.....


Jamia Islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran is a great Islamic learning Center. By the grace of Almighty Allah, the institution is now being run by a team of learned. Devoted and experienced teachers. All of them are conveying the knowledge of Quran, Fiqah, Hadith and recitation of Quran in the its real sprit to a large number of poor Students.

The institution is providing food, clothes, medical aid, books, residence and other necessities of of life to their students freely. The institution also grant Scholarships to the deserving students. As all the expenditures met with donations, Zakat and Sadqats. Therefore you are requested to take share of this great work by giving Zakat, Donations and sadaqat to the intuition; The instition also request the social and Islamic organization to kindly donate and contribute their share in this sacred cause and mission. So that the trust may serve the objectives smoothly.

you can help us with your donations and zakat and Sadqats. Make your cheques to the accounts of Jamia Islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran:

Account# 285-8 Allied Bank Limited Branch, Azeem Pura Branch, karachi pakistan.

You can contact us as follows:

Postal Address:

Jamia islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran (Trust) Gulfishan Society, Malir Halt, Karachi. Post Code#75210

Phone no: 021-4592065

Mobile phone: 0333-2102854 = 0300 - 3378626 - 72

E - mail : info@anwarulquran.org


FACEBOOK:https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Jamia-Islamia-Anwar-Ul-Quran-Trust/267121520064411

                            Future Plan 

In spite of limited resources, jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran is continuously progressing to play its key role in spreading the inspiration of Islamic knowledge all over the country, yet a lot more is to be done. Following is the list of some projects, which are on the list of our future plan:

1:Construction of a separate building for CENTRAL LIBRARY and purchasing of authenticated old & new Islamic books and literature.

2:Establishment of well standard ISLAMIC MEDICAL CENTRE.

3:Construction of a number of RESIDENTIAL FLATS for staff & other employees of the JAMIA.

4:Construction of a GIRLS ISLAMIC COLLEGE for 1000 students.

5:Construction of an AUDITORIUM for Islamic Seminars etc.


7:To construct MOSQUES and establish TALEEM-UL-QURAN CENTRES in other parts of the Country.

                            Contact Us 

You can contact us as follows:

Postal Address: Jamia islamia Anwar - Ul - Quran (Trust) Gulfishan Society, Malir Halt, Karachi. Post Code#75210

Phone no: 021-4592065

Mobile phone: 92 - 333-2102854

                      92 - 300 - 3378626 -72 
                      92 - 331 - 2351905  

E - mail : info@anwarulquran.org


FACEBOOK:https: //www.facebook.com/pages/Jamia-Islamia-Anwar-Ul-Quran-Trust/267121520064411

Mufti -e- Azam Pakistan


Mufti -e- Azam Pakistan

Mufti -e -Azam, Scholar Muhammad Tufail Naqshbandi (R.A) was born in 1937 at place chak No.76, District kassur in a Jatt family. His father's name was sadder - uddin who did agricultural work. When his father went into the field he was also with him. When he became mature then he went alone for work but he had no interest in agricultural work. Whole day, he was there recited Quran or studied other books. One day his father asked him the reason of ignoring the work, then he replied without hesitation that " I want to get education." At that time his age was 20 years and parent needed and wanted that he he should work. Therefore parent arranged his marriage but he divorced his wife and left home for education, he did not return back to his home for a long period. After the competition of his education he returned home and was popular in his native town people came in his home for seeking the beautiful young Moulana and Alim. But they wondered when they say him "he is not anyone he is their well known personality Muhammad Tufail and son of sadder-uddin ". His parent was very happy to saw him as an impressive personality and Alim of islam.

Education: Moulana Muhammad Tufail's home envirement was purely rural, so there was no any educational environment but it was a religious family. He had completed basic Quranic education from his mother. Mostly he liked to recite the Quran. He recited the Quran at home and out of home. When was reciting the Quran he forget everything and only concentrated on the recantation of the Quran.

Beginning of Study: He had taken religious education from the following great personalities.

1. Allama Moulana Atta Muhammad (R.A) 2. Allama Moulana Atta Bukksh (R.A)

He studied Mantaq, Tafseer, History, Mysticism, Principal of Fiqa, Arabic, Philosophy, Hadees, and other subjects from them. He got Hadees's education from Allama Moulana Abdul Mustafa Al - azhari (R.A) and Allama Moulana Abdul Ghafoor Ghafoor Hazarvi.

Surrender / Handover (Bait): He studied Fiqa, Haddass and Tafseer with full concentration, he needed such personality who could explore him. For this purpose he took Bait at the hand of Pir mian Rahmat Ali Naqshbandi of Ghang Sharif.

Begning of Teaching / Coaching ? Maulana Muhammad Tufail (R.A) after taking the education started the formal teaching in institute of Darul Aloom qadria saudabad subbania and institute of Qamarul Aloom, he ran up this institute and done good administrative work and got pride of performance.

Institute of Hanfia: For preaching of Islam he established the institute of hanfia Rizwia at Green Town, Karachi, Pakistan in 1960.

Mostly he spend his time to teach students. He was popular and famous by his good teaching style. He always taught with concentration and always expressed about the great personality of holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Institute of Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran: To fulfill the requirements of the large number of students he bought another plot at Gulfishan Society for another Institute. In 1970 he established second Institute Jamia Ghousia Tufailia Trust.

Allama Mufti Muhammad Abdul Haleem Nazim -e-Ala of Institute of Subhania said:

"When he was teaching at Hanfia he was so famous that in short time period a lot of students came to acquire high quality of education. So he established another institute of Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran in Gufishan Society Around 2 mills far from institute of Hanfia , there are six rooms and one separate place for misjid (now a days his son Allama Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed has been extending it). He has been teaching Quran, Hadees and other Subjects".

Therefore after establishment of Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran, he had increased his educational activities. But unfortunately, after his death, every educational activities slowed down especially in institute of Hanfia at green Town, Karachi, but Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran is still running by grace of Allah and under the supervision of Maulana Allama Muhammad Faiz Ahmed . He is doing work day & night to increase the quality of education.

As a Teacher: Mufti Muhammad Tufail was very Intelligent, Intellectual, Successful man and well - known educator. No one was like him because he taught students in details and their questions were automatically solved due to his style of coaching.

Really he was best educator. He taught with concentration and every students understood. If any student did not understand then he taught him according to his mental level when he was addressing any topic he quoted examples from the life style of Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).

Although, his speeches were simple but attractive. Every person wanted to listen his words because his words affected the people's heart. Maulana Muhammad Tufail had qualities of a good instructor and speaker because when he was addressing he divided his topic in three and four parts and addressed it step by step which was very meaningful to everyone.

Great Translator of Quran: Maulana Muhammad Tufail had Completed translation of the Quran from Great Imam, Translator Allama Abdul Ghafoor. Like his teacher he was famous and called a great Translator of the Qura. Students and other peoples who knew him followed his work. His students mufti wali ullah says about his teaching style that:

"His style of addressing was different from others. He was best translator and instructor because when he was addressing any topic he used simple words which could be understood everyone.

Love the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): Allah Declared that "who loves Muhammad (peace be upon him) actually he loves me" Every Muslim loves Holy prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) because this is compulsory to become a Muslim, Aha Hazrat too mush loved with Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and always tried to act upon his sunnat. He mostly said about him because he liked and loved holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

When he was establishing the Institute of Hanfia he called a meeting and invited famous personalities of local area and addressed them that:

"It is our duty to spread the Religious Education, Build the behavior of Nation, and help the poor, we should not be dishonest and convey this message to all over the region"

In this regard he made a union by the name Anjaman - e - Aashqan - e - Rasool. Many meeting had been held by this committee which increased the Islamic activities.

Consequently, Mufti Tufail (R.A) personally took interest in the union. The union started the funding for poor person, distributed the sewing machines to girls and arranged for funeral.

Character / Personality: Role of mufti Muhammad Tufail was respectable. Society considered him honest, truthful and a custodian of human rights. His reality of words, respectfulness and dignity are evidence of his strong character. His hands moved to solve the problems of other and for prayers.

He did Justice with wife, children, mother, father, and relatives, with the saying of God Almighty and with all spheres of life. His action was according to his words. He obeyed the wiliness of God with patience. He spoke and heard the truth and believed in as well as preached the purity of the inner being. He did not hide or defined his own mistakes. He accepted his wrong doing and possessed the potential to avoid such mistakes in future.

He covered the weaknesses of other and guided them. He kept unless needed, because we do not know which words may displease God Almighty.

He was careful and did not harm any one. He always obeyed god and respected the believers of all religions. Well- Known Students: Mufti Muhammad Tufail had thousand of students but some famous students are as under:

1. Allama Mufti Abdul Aleem 2. Professor Dr. Muhammad Saeed 3. Allama Mufti Muhammad Wali Ullah 4. Allama Ghulam Yaseen Golarvi 5. Allama Maulana Qazi Mushtaq 6. Allama Maulana Sufi Munir 7. Allama Hafiz Ghulam Ghous 8. Allama Mulana Jawaid kashmiri 9. Allama Maulana Ahmed Bukhsh 10. Allama Moulana Noor Al-hadi 11. Allama Moulana Fazal Hadi 12. Moulana Allah Bukhsh Sindhi 13. Moulana Ghayas - Uddin (Ex MPA) 14. Moulana Syeed Jamat Ali Shah Aazmi 15. Moulana Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa 16. Moulana Atta -ur - Rehman 17. Hafiz Muhammad Sadiq 18. Moulana Hafiz Muhammad Hayat Multani 19. Moulana Muhammad Rafiq Randawa 20. Moulana Muhammad Khursheed 21. Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed (Son & Chairman of Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran)

Personal Life: Mufti Muhammad Tufail got two marriages. Parents had done his first marriage at District kassur before starting the education but he divorced her. He got second marriage in Karachi after completing his education. He has six sons and three Douters.

The name of his sons are as under:

1. Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed Qadri (Chairman of Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran) 2. Mr. Muhammad Ahmed (Who had death at young age) 3. Moulana Ali Ahmed (Chairman of Jamia Hanfia ) 4. Mr. Zahoor Ahmed 5. Mr. Muhammd Saddique 6. Mr.Muhammd Aziz

His elder son Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed is a Scholar. He is doing work day and night for preaching of Islam. During his studies Mufti Muhammad Tufail left us. After which he took the responsibility of running the institute but his process of studying was being continued by the grace of Allah. After completion of his education he managed the Jamia Islamia Anwar Ul Quran and is still doing work for enhancing it.

I attached with him for three years. Moulana Faiz Ahmed had a very kind and nice personality. During my stay there, he did so much for me that can not express in words. May Allah give him its reward in his life and after life.

Moulana Faiz Ahmed has visited South Africa, London and other Countries to spread the message of Islam. Dozen of people have taken the Islam on his and due to his nice and good behavior. Its his obedience that he is continuing growing - up the mission of this father he is continuing growing - up the mission of this father he has been publishing a magazine which is called Majalla Al - Tufail.

Death: Death and destruction of every thing is real fact and no human being decline it.

The brightly shine sun, coolness of the eyes of the scholars the majaddid of century, the sweet - scented rose from the fragrant garden of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) Mufti Muhammad Tufail left this Mundane word on 21st February 1987 at Karachi.

These words from my heard:

. No One Again come in the word like mufti - e - Azam . He is lord and he is in my Heart. . Truly there is no doubt that he is kind gentleman. . He is the one who owns all Places. . May Lord bless him and forgive him.

His elder son Moulana Muhammad Faiz Ahmed Qadri is a Scholar. He is doing work day and night for preaching of Islam. During his studies Mufti Muhammad Tufail left us. After which he took the responsibility of running the institute but his process of studying was being continued by the grace of Allah. After completion of his education he managed the Jamia Ghousia Tufailia Trust and is still doing work for enhancing it.

I attached with him for three years. Moulana Faiz Ahmed Qadri had a very kind and nice personality. During my stay there, he did so much for me that can not express in words. May Allah give him its reward in his life and after life.

Moulana Faiz Ahmed has visited South Africa, London and other Countries to spread the message of Islam. Dozen of people have taken the Islam on his and due to his nice and good behavior. Its his obedience that he is continuing growing - up the mission of this father he is continuing growing - up the mission of this father he has been publishing a magazine which is called Majalla Al - Tufail.

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