Howdy One and All!
Feel free to comment, criticize, or question any of my edits or contributions here. I'm always open to constructive feedback and appreciate a kind and civil discussion of almost any topic. Thank You!
"Of all the things man says and does, I look back on what never was and think of all that life could be if I could capture what I see."
JesHelpin, you are invited on a Wikipedia Adventure!
editWeeellll, as it turns out, just when I think I'm going to have time to learn and edit, life happens and I don't. This is not a dormant account (Not that anyone is watching or cares, but just in case :-) ), just one that belongs to someone with lots of good intentions and no time to carry them out. Thanks for your patience!
JesHelpin (talk) 22:03, 15 October 2014 (UTC)
"Of all the things man says and does, I look back on what never was and think of all that life could be if I could capture what I see."