
Hello Jackisback12321. Welcome to the English version of Wikipedia!
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This is your Talk page where you can receive messages from other Wikipedians and discuss things with them. At the end of your messages you must put your signature by signing with four tildes (~~~~) or by pressing the button in the editor bar ( ). By the way, you shouldn't sign edits that you make in the articles themselves as those messages will be deleted. If you have any questions or face any initial hurdles, feel free to contact me on my talk page and I will do what I can to assist or give you guidance and contact information. Good luck editing! — Bility (talk) 16:36, 30 April 2013 (UTC)Reply

Copying licensed material requires attribution


Hi. I see in a recent addition to Life imprisonment in England and Wales you included material from webpages that are available under a compatible Open Government Licence. That's okay, but you have to give attribution so that our readers are made aware that you copied the prose rather than wrote it yourself. It's also required under the terms of the license. I've added the attribution for this particular instance. Please make sure that you follow this licensing requirement when copying from compatibly-licensed material in the future. — Diannaa (talk) 14:01, 10 July 2022 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, and my apologies! Jackisback12321 (talk) 18:49, 13 July 2022 (UTC)Reply