Messages for IO252Prof


Messages from Wikipedia Editors




Wikipedia User Page Assignment


This is another no credit assignment. Doing this assignment will help prepare you for the editing part of the Wikipedia assignment.

By next Thursday I'd like you to make your wikipedia user page look nice. Please take a look at my user page

And you can look at anyone's user page. The easiest way to do this is to click view history on any article page of Wikipedia. You'll see the list of edits and to the right of the date you'll see the editor's name, which is a link to his or her user page. You may need to click a few to see someone who has a nice user page.

Once you get the idea, go to your user page. Make it look nice. I'd suggest:

  1. a couple sections
  2. put in a couple userboxes -
  3. put in a couple of references

The easiest way to put in references is to copy my page!

  • Go to my userpage and click edit (you won't actually edit it) and copy my wiki markup for my Introduction and References section.
  • Leave the page by your browser's back button or click 'cancel.' Thus, you will not actually make an edit.
  • Go to your user page and edit it and paste my markup text into your page. Save it.
  • Re-edit your page and put in your own text in the introduction and your own references.

Oh, I'll give extra credit to anyone who makes a new userbox! There is one obvious need for a userbox.

When you are done, leave a note for me on my talk page.
Leave your note below (just say you're done and sign it):

Sandbox Assignment


I/O Psychology, Online Summer 2011 Course.

Hello Professor, The following link is where you can find our (Gekko) sandbox with information that will be edited into the already existing page, Engineering psychology.

Thank you, Gekko Group (talk) 02:51, 16 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

(David, Keshia, Lamica, Geraldine, Stephanie & Aviann)

Jo Ann's posting

Hi Dr. Ashton, I added the userbox like you asked but I neglected to post this message sooner. I did ask you a question about signing but you didn't answer. Jdmg2004 (talk) 18:52, 1 July 2011 (UTC)Reply



Hi Prof.

I did the assignment thank you. I was having a problem with posting my references. I dont know if it is a system error, but it stated "cite error" every time I would save the references. I copy and paste from your markup in the introduction and typed my own text but still had a problem. I was able to create the userbox with no problem. The references held me back. Please advise!

Llljacques (talk) 05:20, 1 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Dear Professor:
This is Sol (David) Ham. I am done. I have also made a new userbox. Thank you. Bye!
BoogieWoogie123 (talk) 15:45, 29 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Aviann's Postings

Hello Professor,

I would like to say I am done, but I came across a problem and I do not know how to fix it. I tried creating a new user box, for York College (CUNY), which I think I did because the link on the actual userbox works, but here's where the problem comes; The link at the bottom of the page "Wikipedians by alma mater: York College, City University of New York" does not work. It sends me to an edit page where I can write information about the school, but there is already a page that exist, how do i connect the two? Also, my time always seems to be wrong when I sign! I checked my timing preference and it seems to be right. =/

Thank you, AviannM (talk) 05:39, 26 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Hello again =] Thanks for giving me feedback. I adjusted the page after reading your suggestions. I was hoping you can let me know if I did it correctly. As for the Alumni page, I'm not really sure what I should include, because I am a current student, however I will take a look at other Alumni pages and get a feel for what kind of information I should include.

Have a great week, AviannM (talk) 15:52, 28 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Wiki Talk Assignment


New project: Let's clean up my talk page


After this first assignment, my talk page is a mess. Let's clean in up!

To begin:

  1. Put your assignment in a section by itself.
  2. Title your section with your first name (and first name only).
  3. Use the wikipedia code to sign your assignment.

If you see this message before I discuss this assignment on Blackboard; either clean up your entry or just wait for me to announce it on Bb.
--IO252Prof (talk) 03:36, 18 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Amelia's Wiki Talk


My thoughts on Wikipedia before using this website: I've never used Wikipedia for research projects, but I have occasionally browsed through it when I search through Google. I believe Wikipedia is a well known site because while searching anything on Google, Wikipedia is usually one of the first sites to pop up as a result. I'm not sure how much I trust the information on Wikipedia, but many people use this site as a reference.

How has my views changed since starting this project? I realized throughout this project that much of the information on this website is valid, and if it has not been validated yet, it will be soon. Many of the editors on this website seek through all the pages thoroughly even correcting the fact that you signed something wrong. I guess with saying that I can also say that I trust this website now.

My reaction to sandbox edit: Well as you know, our group has almost completed this project and I'll have to say that it was one of the hardest things that I had to do in an online class. I am not technically challenged, but editing a website was a bit overwhelming for me. To begin with, I did not even know about all these codes you can use to create new sections, or italicize and bold fonts. With finishing this project I can add editing a website to the list of things I can do.

Questions that I have about Wikipedia? 1. Can this website be used as a reference for college papers, since it lists all the resources where the information came from?

Thank you,

Amelia Shivcharran (talk) 03:41, 18 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Aviann's Wiki Talk


Thought on Wikipedia before beginning class: I try my best not to use Wikipedia because many professors frown upon it. I’ve heard many times that Wikipedia is not a valid source for correct information. Some professors even penalize you for using it. For my personal use however, I use it all the time. I check the latest pop culture news or the latest science discovery. I do this because it is always an easy read.

How has my views changed since starting this project? Now I know that everything that is placed on Wikipedia is checked and verified before it can stay on. The information is always backed up by sources. So my question is, why don’t professors allow us to use this information if it is verifiable?

Sandbox edit: Okay, I’ll be honest, when I first tried to create a sandbox I thought I was doing something wrong, because every time I clicked the sandbox link on my page I went straight into an editing box. I am not quite sure what I am suppose to edit in the sandbox. I am usually good with websites but editing Wikipedia seems like a challenge for me. I recently tried to edit “engineering psychology”’ page and when I clicked edit I wasn’t sure if my edit would end up in my sandbox or on the “engineering” page itself, so I took a step back.

Questions on Wikipedia? 1.When editing an already existing page, does this edit go directly to your sandbox or to the page you chose to edit? 2.Engineering psychology has no information on its page, only where you can read further information about this topic. If I was to edit this page, how would I create sub headers? For example: Engineering psychology: History: WWII, Demands of the job in today’s world. 3.Also for this project since it is a group effort, will we have to focus on one edit? Like I mentioned before , History of engineering psychology or can we do more than one topic within that subject?

Date of Original Post::: AviannM (talk) 11:04, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

AviannM (talk) 03:12, 22 June 2011 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by AviannM (talkcontribs)

Sol (David)


Thoughts on Wikipedia. I love Wikipedia. I am a huge fan. For the most part, I think that most people like Wikipedia. However, I have met a few people that dislike Wikipedia. What's not to love? It's useful, practical, and easy to understand information at your fingertips about everything and anything. This place is a dream come true. I have always loved Wikipedia and used it as one of my primary personal references. When they were debating a shutdown or some type of a financial situation, I was somewhat displeased and in disbelief as to the lack of financial support for such a great reference place. There is absolutely too much information on here. If someone was to read all of the information, they would know just about everything there is to know in the world.

How my Thoughts have Changed. Wow! I am amazed at all the work that goes into Wikipedia. I never knew it was so complex. Sure, I enjoyed the content without thinking much of it but I had no idea that it was so much work. When I think about Wikipedia now, I think about the people that it involves. I think about the editors' contributions and what pages go through before I see what it is now. I have a greater respect not only for Wikipedia itself, but for the contributing community. It takes alot of hard work to have something like Wikipedia running and the level of knowledge that is contained in this place is overwhelming. I hope to one day be a contributor to Wikipedia and be able to take a part in this vast online community of knowledgeable people and good articles.

My Sandbox. I have yet to explore the broad horizons of Wikipedia. However, I have made a insignificant post in my Sandbox and am messing around with some of the functions that are available during editing. I also am trying to get used to this form of editing and formatting to try to be on par with the rest of the online community. I have yet to conduct research, due to time constraints and various technical difficulties, but I am getting to that. I have yet to read the incredibly long manual of style and will start to disect it as I get more familiar with Wikipedia. Sorry for posting late, I look forward to working with all of you and Wikipedia.

Questions. Here is a question. Is this type of editing and formatting the standard for other webpages or is it exclusive to Wikipedia? What I mean is does these codes for formatting the pages work in other places?

Sol (David) Ham BoogieWoogie123 (talk) 14:06, 17 June 2011 (UTC)Reply



1) Your thoughts on Wikipedia before you began the class?

Before I began the course my thoughts on Wikipedia wasn't much, meaning that the site wasn't extravagent to me compared to google

or yahoo.When I did research for a given assignment I would always google the topic.Plenty of times Wikipedia would appear as the first to be clicked on. I always avoided the link. When I attended highschool my teachers informed my fellow clasmates and I,to refrain from using Wikipedia. As I recalled one teacher saying "Wikipedia is a source I will not accept because, not everything publicized on this site is true. It's mostly a site that's opinionatated". During and after my highschool years, I bypassed the wikki site and used other resources.

2) How your thinking about Wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment?

My thoughts on Wikipedia has changed drastically. When preparing for this assignmnet. Despite the fact that my highschool

teachers wanted us to not use Wikipedia, I find it very useful. Individuals can create a page on this online Encylopedia, and other users can make corrections or state opinions through messages. Your work is viewed by viewers and it can be nominated once it follows the Good article criteria guidelines, on what's good and what's not good.You can think of the whole creation of a page as your own creation, which can be publicly displayed and edited in a good suggestive way.

Wikipedia is exactly what it"s name displays. It's a book of facts, or published documents. Reminiscing on what my teachers told

me I feel as though Wikipedia should have been an option instead of a cancellation. Wiki pages clearly list references. Words are highlighted to direct you back to a link, which takes you to pages that explains the concept of the word or it's definition.So to sum up my thought on Wikipedia, my thinking changed for the better, meaning I would consider using it more often for information.

3) Describe an edit you made to a Wikipedia article or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox?

I've been playin around in the sample sanboxes, that's open to first time editors or people that just want to test things out. When ever I need help with Wiki I just go to the live chat and ask all my questions, they are very helpful.The first time I did my edit was when I was given a statemnt which said "Hi my name is Mary and i LOVE PIE", to test this out I capitalized the I and I typed in what I fixed and clicked it was a minor edit. This was definitely a minor test Ive done in sandbox. I want to master the whole concept of wiki so I'm still doing more sand boxes.

Practing in my Sandbox
I've learned alot using wikipedia and I practiced in my sandox to:
  • I'v learned how to put words into bold text
  • I've learned how to make words change colors and turn word formats into Italic
  • I also learned how to make * bullets
    1. Numbering lines for outlines was learnt to

4) Any questions you have for me on Wikipedia?

  1. I wanted to know even if you test the sandbox, how can you go about saving the work to your page even if its deleted after 12 hours?
  2. When making our subpage creating the about me portion how can we put basic stuff about ourself like hobbies favorite songs and not expect for it to be edited?

Keshia london (talk) 20:52, 23 June 2011 (UTC)Reply



Your thoughts on wikiipeda before you began the class

Wikipedia is one of the best things that have happened to the internet. Its information is huge and covers a wide range of topics. The most important thing about Wikipedia it’s free. Another valuable thing about Wikipedia is the different languages. This site offers tools to organize information and has numerous topic breakdowns. Wikipedia puts the control into the hands of its users.

How your thinking about Wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment

I discovered Wikipedia gives me the opportunity to create information through research, and share that information with a global community. Wikipedia is also a good example of how different people can work as a group with a shared interest on a topic.

Describe an edit you have made to a Wikipedia article or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox

So far I have tried to familiarize myself with the operations of Wikipedia. I'm amazed how i'm able to input and edit information on wikipedia.I like to do things hands on and creating the sandbox is a good idea to help people become familiar with the site.

Any questions you have for me on Wikipedia

The questions that come across my mind is how trust worthy is the information in Wikipedia? How does Wikipedia keep users from putting explicit content on the site? Why was wikipedia made to have a open forum for people to edit? Can people advertise their business on wikipedia?

Llljacques (talk) 15:22, 15 June 2011 (UTC) Llljacques (talk) 20:35, 23 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Unfixed entries


a. your thoughts on Wikipedia before you began the class My thoughts on Wikipedia before I began this class was just an unofficial website with opinionated answers and information. I know anyone can come edit whatever they like with either better or worst information. By worst I mean false information that can lead you astray. It's always been a website that you can look up anything you need to know a brief understanding about, for me at least! b. how your thinking about Wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment I know now that you have to create an account in order to edit any ones page. I did not know there were actually users on this website, I always thought anyone can just edit whenever desired. c. describe an edit you have made to a Wikipedia article or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox Right now I am having problems trying to edit anything on this website but I will be meeting up with a classmate tomorrow so she can explain to me how to do it. I click on edit but nothing opens up so I might be doing something wrong? but any information I would edit would be either to add more detail or delete any false information. My individual Sandbox user name is markirpk......and I will begin by including information about children starting pre school and the positive outcomes of starting school so early including day care settings. I will collect information and write the reasons, causes and results. d. any questions you have for me on Wikipedia Does the information that has been edited get checked by any one for approval to legitimize it? Is there any upper professional authority that is watching over the edits and information being edited and/or added, altered?

Above reply by user name Markirpk : Hina Rashid

a. your thoughts on Wikipedia before you began the class — Preceding unsigned comment added by Markirpk (talkcontribs) 17:24, 15 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Prior to starting this class, Wikipedia was just a popular site for "Google search". I noticed it was becoming more popular, when i was doing my research paper for my English class last semester, and found much of what i needed there. However, I was addressed by my professor to limit my use of Wikipedia because, the information could be fictional. To date I have continued to use the Wikipedia sites because i still find them informative.

b. how your thinking about Wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment

It has changed because now i know this site is not always 100% correct there are mistakes. So I intend to use numerous sources before coming to a conclusion or answer questions, especially if it is research based.

c. describe an edit you have made to a Wikipedia article or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox

Firstly, i did not even know it was possible to edit a Wikipedia page. One of my interest, is "cultural Indian dance" and I found a link that interested me; after reading the information provided, I noticed it did not have a link or any information for places where this type of dance is being taught/learned. After an extended search, I found a list of schools across the United States and posted the link to the site. I hope it is or sometime in the future become informative for others.

d. any questions you have for me on Wikipedia

Is wikipedia a permanent record ? Do i have a option of deleting a personal wiki page? (talk) 15:44, 15 June 2011 (UTC)Shalini CharranReply

Next Student — Preceding unsigned comment added by Eriador (talkcontribs) 23:31, 14 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

a)Your thoughts on Wikipedia before you began the class?

Before I began the this class my thoughts to wikipedia wasn't me everytoimte i googled a phrase or question wikipedia was usually the first souce to pop up. I always skipped the link only because in high school my prpfess told me to refrain from using wikipedia because the resource isn’t to accurate, so I wen with that advice throughout college.

b)How your thinking about Wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment? My thinking about wikiipedia changed drastically when preparing. Although many of my high school teachers wanted us to avoid using wiki I find it very useful. Individuals can create a page on this online encyclopedia (a way to make you feel special, your own creation), and other users can make corrections or state opinions. In wiki people cite their work and while exploring it i realized it was similar to our hobby wiki assignment. You can click a highlighted word and it either takes you to its definition or a page that explains the concept of the word, this allows you to visualize the work more. Book names, people names, and are also highlighted and by clicking the word it directs you to a picture of that person or thing.

c) Describe an edit you have made to a Wikipedia article or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox For me I am definitely a visual learner. So I need just a little more practice that I will do buy viewing tutorials. I know i can also do a live chat with someone for wiki as well. When i searched the guidelines for the sandbox wiki guided me to a tutorial for the sandbox. I was also given the option to edit a sample sandbox. It was a statement that was made and had a minor error in the statement. It stated Hi my name is Mary and i LOVE PIE. To test this out I capitalized the I and typed in what i fixed and clicked it was minor edit. I want to master the whole concept of wiki so I will definitely play around more with the examples and ask questions in the wiki chat room)

d) any questions you have for me on Wikipedia

  1. If we are making a wiki page of our own should i have something to do with I-O Psychology?
  2. If for any reason you cant get to your talk page and put a message on it what do you suggest we do if the link you gave us click shows the talk page but doesn't allow us to comment (I had this problem?

Keshia london (talk) 21:26, 15 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

a) Your thoughts on wikiipeda before you began the class?

Before I began the this class my thoughts to wikipedia wasn't me everytoimte i googled a phrase or question wikipedia was usually the first souce to pop up. I always skipped the link only because in high school my prpfess told me to refrain from using wikipedia because the resource isn’t to accurate, so I wen with that advice throughout college.

b)how your thinking about wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment? My thinking about wikiipedia changed drastically when preparing. Although many of my high school teachers wanted us to avoid using wiki I find it very useful. Individuals can create a page on this online encyclopedia (a way to make you feel special, your own creation), and other users can make corrections or state opinions. In wiki people cite their work and while exploring it i realized it was similar to our hobby wiki assignment. You can click a highlighted word and it either takes you to its definition or a page that explains the concept of the word, this allows you to visualize the work more. Book names, people names, and are also highlighted and by clicking the word it directs you to a picture of that person or thing.

c) Describe the edit you've made on the wiki article, or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox ? For me I am definitely a visual learner. So I need just a little more practice that I will do buy viewing tutorials. I know i can also do a live chat with someone for wiki as well. When i searched the guidelines for the sandbox wiki guided me to a tutorial for the sandbox. I was also given the option to edit a sample sandbox. It was a statement that was made and had a minor error in the statement. It stated Hi my name is Mary and i LOVE PIE. To test this out I capitalized the I and typed in what i fixed and clicked it was minor edit. I want to master the whole concept of wiki so I will definitely play around more with the examples and ask questions in the wiki chat room)

d) Any questions you have for me on Wikipedia

  1. If we are making a wiki page of our own should i have something to do with I-O Psychology?
  2. If for any reason you cant get to your talk page and put a message on it what do you suggest we do if the link you gave us click shows the talk page but doesn't allow us to comment (I had this problem?

Keshia london (talk) 21:30, 15 June 2011 (UTC)Reply


Geraldine Obas


Wikipedia is a very known website used for information. a. My thoughts about Wikipedia before I began class were that it wasn’t accurate information and that anyone could post anything on here and it didn’t have to be true information. I was told by some professors that as a research website this was one we weren’t allowed to use. You can find any topic on Wikipedia but it doesn’t mean the information is accurate.

b. While preparing for this assignment, It just showed me how anyone can make a account and add there feedback to this website. That is very positive for errors. I learned that this website in order for people to post things you have to be a user, but still shows that the information might not be worded correctly or accurately.

c. I'm still currently doing my sandbox and looking for an article to edit.

d. As of right now i currently have no questions to be asked but have and will continue learning about wikipedia. — Preceding unsigned comment added by GObas1213 (talkcontribs) 02:03, 16 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

Wikipedia Thoughts


a. your thoughts on Wikipedia before you began the class Before I began this class I saw Wikipedia as being an unreliable site that was only running through the inputs of random people from the outside world. I did not think that I could hold anything as being factual from this site because I was not certain of whether or not those who posted to this site were really knowleagble on the subjects at hand. b. how your thinking about Wikipedia has changed during preparing for this assignment Now I see this site in a different way. The information posted is not just a bunch of random junk from a bored individual who is sitting at their computer desk. Instead Ive noticed that there are links and references for you to double check what is said on each page. c. describe an edit you have made to a Wikipedia article or what you have been doing in your individual sandbox I love to decorate cakes and added an external link on how to make poured fondant to a page that is talking about fondant. d. any questions you have for me on Wikipedia No questions at this time on Wikipedia

Manderson 0512 (talk) 03:51, 16 June 2011 (UTC)Reply



Prior to starting this class, Wikipedia was just a popular site for "Google search". I noticed it was becoming more popular, when i was doing my research paper for my English class last semester, and found much of what i needed there. However, I was addressed by my professor to limit my use of Wikipedia because, the information could be fictional. To date I have continued to use the Wikipedia sites because i still find them informative. Wikipedia has completely changed the way I approach an assignment because, now I know this site is not always 100% correct there are mistakes. So I intend to use numerous sources before coming to a conclusion or answer questions, especially if it is research based. Firstly, I did not even know it was possible to edit a Wikipedia page. So I created a “Sandbox account” and started researching one of my many interests, which is "Cultural Indian Dance" and I found a link that interested me; after reading the information provided, I noticed it did not have a link or any information for places where this type of dance is being taught/learned. After an extended search, I found a list of schools across the United States and edited the post by submitting a link to the site. I hope it is or sometime in the future become informative for others. My questions about Wikipedia are as follows: Is Wikipedia a permanent record? Do I have a option of deleting a personal Wikipedia page? (talk) 20:57, 22 June 2011 (UTC) Shalini SharranReply

(unaffiliated with class) You actually do; it's called criterion G7, which indicates that the author seeks to delete the page. —Jeremy v^_^v Components:V S M 21:17, 23 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

-- I gave you credit for doing this (a "yes") but you really didn't do the assignment. I asked you to sign it with your wikipedia username and you didn't.--IO252Prof (talk) 02:01, 25 June 2011 (UTC)Reply



This is signed.--Dr Ashton (talk) 17:40, 24 June 2011 (UTC) --Dr Ashton (talk) 17:40, 24 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

This is unsigned.

Jo Ann


My thoughts on Wikipedia

Before taking this class, I have ventured to Wikipedia for information on different subjects. The majority of the professors I have studied with have not allowed students to use Wikipedia as a reference because, in their opinions, the information was not reliable. When writing a paper, I would check Wikipedia as a reference point but never cite it. I would always use other sources because of the restriction.

After reading through the assignment, and creating a wiki page of my own, I was curious about the other possible functions. I didn’t know that I could create an account. I had no idea how people edited information. I never felt that I was knowledgeable enough to contribute to Wikipedia. I went to your talk page but didn’t save it because I needed to go back to the instructions to make sure I answered all your questions.

I followed the directions and made a sandbox but I didn’t put anything in it yet. I am not confident enough to do an edit yet but I did find an article that was being disputed for factual accuracy. That was the first time I came across something like that during a search.

After taking a better look at the site it appears the suspicions of my former professors may be unfounded.

I came to your talk page to fix my post and I messed it up. I was scared I couldn't fix it but I was able to go in and do it. My confidence is building. Then of course I forgot to sign it again. I had to go back in and do it again so I just thought I would write a little more.

I don’t have any questions yet but if I do I will ask.

Respectfully, Jo Ann Jdmg2004 (talk) 03:05, 25 June 2011 (UTC)Reply

User page question


Hi Dr., I am in the process of updating my user page with the information you requested. My question is; do I have to sign when I edit or add a section? Another question, I just edited this post because I didn't see my user name when I signed. Do I have to be signed in to post with my user name? Jdmg2004 (talk) 19:39, 28 June 2011 (UTC)Reply



Im did my wiki page K.A.L 04:00, 1 July 2011 (UTC) — Preceding unsigned comment added by Keshia london (talkcontribs)

Raccoon sandbox


Hello professor, this is the link to our group sandbox.... Hina Rashid...Thanks! ---> — Preceding unsigned comment added by Raccoonz7 (talkcontribs) 04:41, 16 July 2011 (UTC)Reply

Kerron wiki talk


a) Before i began this class i was pretty well informed about how Wikipedia works, but putting it into action is a bit more difficult that the theory.

b) In preparing for this assignment I have learned much more thoroughly the ins and outs of wikipedia. I now have a greater understanding and appreciation for wikipedia as a reliable source for information.

c) I have not edited any articles just yet, as for my sandbox, i have been playing around with it but i still have a long way to go in understanding how to use it in order to be more effective in editing pages.

d) I think it is best if i reserve questions for a later date because as of now, i still feel like a new born baby when it comes to editing my own page and i'm hoping that i got this part correct. Is this correct?

Trinirebel (talk) 17:19, 5 February 2013 (UTC)Kerron Hinkson-EdwardsTrinirebel (talk) 17:19, 5 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Kerron, this assignment was for a class from 2 years ago. How did you find it? IO252Prof (talk) 19:04, 5 February 2013 (UTC)Reply