November 2023


  Thank you for your edit to the disambiguation page Squash. However, please note that disambiguation pages are not articles; rather, they are meant to help readers find a specific article quickly and easily. From the disambiguation dos and don'ts, you should:

  • Only list articles that readers might reasonably be looking for
  • Use short sentence fragment descriptions, with no punctuation at the end
  • Use exactly one navigable link ("blue link") in each entry
    • Only add a "red link" if used in existing articles, and include a "blue link" to an appropriate article
  • Do not pipe links (unless style requires it) – keep the full title of the article visible
  • Do not insert external links or references

One and only blue link per item. Donald Albury 14:42, 17 November 2023 (UTC)Reply

Thank you for your vigilance, Donald. The dos & don'ts of disambiguation seem to differ a bit in the French Wiki (to which I regularly contribute) - where this edit would have been acceptable. But I will know now for this part of the wiki world. Criric (talk) 15:07, 17 November 2023 (UTC)Reply