Help me!


I am trying to get in touch with Coldcreation who removed an edit that I made to The Bitter End page. This edit can be verified and relates to a few months after the Bitter End opened...This is valuable oral testamony which will never appear anywhere is verifiable...I am a recognized musician and played at the Bitter End...please respond Please help me with...

Pinging Coldcreation. Nightfury 13:14, 25 October 2017 (UTC)Reply
User Bluesplayer1947 What is your source supporting the inclusion of "Roy Hannum - open mic night May 1961" into the The Bitter End article? Coldcreation (talk) 13:22, 25 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

The Bitter End


I got your message...I just left an extensive explanation on Coldcreation's talk page...Can you access that and we can open dialogue about it..Thanks... Bluesplayer1947 Bluesplayer1947 (talk) 17:49, 25 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

You had removed my edit to The Bitter End post and I wish to verify my edit.

In 1961 as a teenager I often went down to the guitarist and would often participate in informal group jams that would congregate in Washington Square on nice afternoons...not uncommon to see 25 of us or so sitting in a large circle strumming on the lawn...cell phones and video camera's were not invented yet and so there is no record of these events other than oral testamony by the participants..I was playing in a pick up jam when Bob Dylan played "Baby Let Me Follow You Down" when his turn came around. In most groups the custom was that each musician would play a song he liked and we would all follow along...Each guy would sing 1 or 2 songs.. Anyway Bob had only arrived in NY a few months before and was completely all of us he was just another musician with some songs he had written..nothing unique..just another guy named Bob...He didn't sign with Columbia till later in 1961 an then took off..These types of inerations happened all the time... Sorry I am getting too wordy...During weekday eves the Club was slow...some of us (including me) would go up on stage and play a few liked this since we were providing free entertainment...the whole scene would just develop a night here and there...I am a writer, singer and guitarist to this day...I have a gospel song recorded that will be released next month...and have written many songs...I have many industry people who can vouch forr my bona fides..and could work on that to submit...Also if it is too difficult to "prove" this happened I was thinking of publishing an article about my experiences during that period...I know a few publications that would carry the story...there are a number of articles and documentaries about life in the Village then...a few of the good ones are accurate but only really scratch the surface of the era...a lot of other stuff I have seen or read is pure hogwash and should be challenged...Each year more people pass away who were there...famous and non-famous...the history of the period is mostly oral testamony...these histories are invaluable and priceless if not presereved...that is my sole purpose in this project... I was born in 1947 and will be 71 in a few monrhs... Any guidance you can give me would be appreciated. Thanks. Roy Hannum Blueplayer 1947 Bluesplayer1947 (talk) 17:27, 25 October 2017 (UTC)Reply

This is all well and good and I sympathize with you, as a fellow musician. But unfortunately wikipedia is not the place to mention any of this, unless the relevant text has been published by a reliable source. See here for example. You could try creating a blog? They are free and easy to make. That's all I have time for right now. Coldcreation (talk) 19:12, 25 October 2017 (UTC)Reply