I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself; I am Arun Nelli C. from Thrissur, Kerala State. Presently residing in Bangalore, Kanataka. I am blessed with loving parents who are Mr. N.G Rajan, my Father Mrs.- Gracy Rajan, my Mother and my one and only loving Sister – Ms. Rinu Rajan. About My Family: My Father is a Vehicle Mechanic with vast years of experience in handling heavy Vehicle’s, and my Mother is a House Wife and a brilliant cook. My sister is presently working as a Staff Nurse in Bangalore.

About Me... I was born in Thrissur at _Thrissur Medical Colledge Kerala in 1986. I completed my educations in St.Aloysius College, Elthuruth. Thrissur. After Completing my Higher Secondary Certificate, I Started to Work With ECIT Computer Education Division, Mala. Mr. Rakesh Radhakrishnan. Branch Head of ECIT Computer Education Division, Mala.. a master in computers and Web Designing was an inspiration to me, he was the one who was behind me to develop this blog.

After my tenure with ECIT I went to Bangalore and joint with Dias and Associates which is a Charted Acountant Organization. I worked as a Stock Auditor with them. They appointed me, to work with SIEMENS Information Systems Ltd. in Bangalore. As a Junior Accountant. I made a lot of friends and I should be very grateful & thankful to Mr. Rajneesh Jain, Mr. Saugata Bagchi, Mr. Ramadass Ravichandran, and Mr. Niraj Kumbhat. Mrs.Anuradha Shenoy and so on. They trained me in SAP System and helped me to develop my Career.

As I got a chance to go to Dubai. I left SIEMENS Without Information, which I dearly regret ,I sincerely apologies’ to all the names I mentioned, Because I know, I missed them a lot more than they would have missed me.

In Dubai, I worked with Besix Group in Burj Dubai, The tallest tower in the world as a Store Clerk. But I couldn't sustain for long time there with Besix. It was a time of Economic Crisis. I had to Come back to India. With Assistance from my good friend Mr. Mr.Dominic D'Souza who was working in Doha Qatar at that time. Was able to get me a job as a Warehouse Administrator with Rumaillah. As the Project of Rumaillah Came upto an End, I joined with Grace Engineering and Technical Services, Doha Qatar. Later I resigned the Job and Went back to Kerala.

I started working as Bus Conductor, in a Private Bus route. It was really a Great time for me to learn many things in life.

After a Long time effort I got selected to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Joined with Al Mutlaq Holding. I Started to work as Warehouse Officer and by the grace of God the Almighty I got promoted as Logistics Specialist within one year from the date of My joining.

Through out my life I experienced the Protection, Guidance and love of God. Thank You Oh My lord for giving me such a wonderful life experiences.

My Testimony - Let us Taste the Love of Our GOD...!!!




Myself is Arun Nelli C, Born and brought up in Thrissur, Kerala. It was my best dream to become a catholic priest. After My Secondary School Studies I Joined to Carmelites of Mary Immaculate Congregation (CMI) and started My Seminary studies. First Three Years everything was fine with me. But back to my home everything was mess. During My Vacations, when I am back at home my parents used to celebrate. After I left home to seminary my father did not have enough earnings, so the complete financial Part became weaker day by day. And my Mom never let me know about these entire crises happening at home. Whenever I come for my vacation, she used to visit her elder sister and collect some money to spend during those days. These adjustments lasted for first Three Years. During the third year vacation before entering into Novitiate, one day my sister spotted a small hut in middle of paddy fields and she requested to re-build our house atleast to that structure. Because the side of house was demolished in heavy rain at that time and there was no safety inside the house. So I decided to leave my seminary studies and started to support my family. So I lost my best dream I ever had, to be a priest.



Days passed; One day my mom's elder sister told me that, she would like to sponsor the studies of either the one. Suddenly I proposed her to support my sister. And she was ready to help my sister. She sponsored her for Nursing studies. My sister got admission in Bangalore. Through one of my friend (Mr.Shanavas) I also got placement in at one the schools at Bangalore. And in the following year my father also got a job in Bangalore at Kallada Travels. And later my mom also joined with us. We rented a small single room in Bangalore. It was not so good. It was on the terrace of the building. During raining, a single drop of water won't go outside. Inside of the house it was a pool during raining season. During the Struggles, We never became frustrated, With full hope we prayed for a better house. And Every Sunday We used to go for ceremony in RRC (Renewal Retreat Center, Bangalore). The Priests in RRC – Especially Fr.George Poothakuzhy and Fr.Reji valiyaparambil – Supported us in many ways to grow up and to trust in GOD the almighty. Many Kinds of Trials happened during all those days. And we never gone back, We joined our hands and hearts together to meet all the trials.



We Prayed continuously to God for a better house through mother Mary, God gave us a house. The House Name was "Yeshu Bhavan", that was also in Bangalore city. We had all the supports from the house owner. Even if I don't have money to pay the rent in time he never urges. He was always a support to me and my family.



How will I forget the day 17th February 2008, it was the occasion when my family and me realized the love and protection of Lord Jesus. My Sister; the one and only expectation in my life. While She was in her for 3rd Year Nursing. One day morning her friends called me from her hostel and asked me to reach there as early as possible. They said; my sister (Rinu) was having back pain and she couldn’t walk by herself. I went there and I took her to the nearby hospital. After the First investigation the doctor’s report was partial paralysis. I admitted her at NIMHANS Hospitals in Bangalore, one of the best neurology hospitals in Asia. The Doctors did an MRI Scan and all other medical tests. After those tests they concluded that there was an abnormal growth which blocks the nerve system and it affect the spinal code towards the waist. Their only suggested was for a surgery and the chances were only 50/50. The doctors fixed the surgery after two days. Before the surgery she asked for the sacrament of confession, it was given by Fr.Reji Valiyaparambil, But she did not receive the communion. Fr.Reji Said to her that she should receive communion. The Following day my father went to take Fr.Reji to give communion, as Fr. Reji entered the autorikshaw with communion he could not bear the smell of Smoking at once Father Said to him that Unless you stop this habit of smoking your child will not be cured. And My Father agreed to it and he stopped smoking. And the very Next day I saw My sister walking without the help of anyone. It was the last Friday of February 2008. I have great trust and belief in the Almighty Lord and Virgin Mary. I used to visit Renewal Retreat Center in Bangalore, Every Last Friday of the month we do have a night vigil dedicated to the Virgin Mary which is celebrated as Marian Night . My father accompanied me for the prayer. At the time of the Adoration Rev.Fr. Reji Valiyaparambil announced from the stage that ‘there is a girl studying for nursing who is admitted in NIMHANS Hospital which the doctors had suggested surgery for partial paralysis is getting healed in this moment Lord Jesus is touching her’. After the prayer I went to the hospital early in the morning. I saw my sister waiting for me in the front gate of the hospital. She had walked through the hospital. Tears ran down with joy when I saw her, I asked the Lord, Oh Lord! How could I thank you. But the Lord works in mysterious way and my sister working as a nurse in Bangalore.



My Academic Qualification is Higher secondary We had gone through rough times and financially were struggling which was the reason that I couldn’t complete my graduation. With an education qualification as low as that, It was impossible to get a good job. I knocked the doors of the Lord and again attended the night vigil and prayed sincerely to Mother Mary in the next Marian night (March 2008). As a result our Lord blessed me, with a job in an MNC company – Siemens Information Systems Ltd in Bangalore – That’s too as a Junior Accountant. Even though I was week in maths, I took up the offer and worked with the Chartered Accountants of Siemens using my H.S.C. base accountancy. I had a very week memory for numbers and I used to find it very difficult to memorize it. If any questions were asked I had to check the computer where the entries were made, which actually was annoying the superiors. I again knocked the doors of the Lord and today that shortcoming also has gone, I thank Mother Mary for the wonderful things that have touched me and my family it was in (April 2008). When I was working with Siemens I was fortunate to learn SAP/R3 the costliest Application Software.



For Past Three and half years I had been trying for a job abroad. Every week I used to go through the job classifieds and attend interviews, the result was so pathetic and none of them selected. I never lost hope, In The month of September 2008 during the night vigil at the last Friday of the month Rev.Fr. Reji Valiyaparambil Announced from the stage that our lord is blessing five individuals with a job abroad. I strongly believed that out of those five I am the one. The interview that I attended was for Belhasa Six Construct L L C. based in Dubai, and true to his word I was again blessed. Everybody was happy at home. I was very excited that I am going to Dubai, after a very long wait, one of my dream is getting to be fulfilled, I had never travelled by plane and to see one of the most beautiful and exciting cites. But tragedy struck me, my left leg got paralyzed and was suffering from Acute Back Pain. I couldn’t move a single step alone. I consulted a doctor in St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore. After MRI Scanning the Doctor told that, it is Disc Prolapses. That is a disc which has moved from the position and blocking the nerve system towards the left leg. Surgery was mandatory for me. I had a cashless health care insurance card of ICICI Lombard. But each time I tried to claim the Insurance, they used to reject my claim. I told to Doctors that without an insurance cover I am not able to do the surgery and more over I didn’t have sufficient funds for further treatments. The next day 9thNovember 2008 a Sunday, I got discharged from the hospital and I went directly to the Renewal Retreat Center. I reached there at the time of adoration. Rev.Fr.George Poothakuzhy was passing through the public, carrying the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. I shouted at Lord Jesus “I will not go outside of your church unless and until you heal me. I strongly believe in you. I believe you are the Doctor and Medicine”. Holy Sacrament which was passing bye I was sitting very close to it. I suddenly felt the Holy Spirit touching me and I gained strength to stand up from the chair, my knees where able to support me the Back pain which was troubling me had gone. I came into the Renewal Retreat Center by putting my hands on the shoulders of my Mother and one of my friend Dominic D’souza. Now I am walking by putting my hand on the shoulders of our Lord Jesus Christ. The rejected Insurance Claim was approved. The Insurance Company has agreed to reimburse the hospitalization expense. In two days that is November 11th Tuesday. The agent called me. Asked me to get ready to travel to Dubai. They booked my ticket from Mumbai by 16th November Sunday. I took a bus from Bangalore to Mumbai, My dreams all came true, for four months I worked in Dubai in Burj Dubai on a project which we were handling (The Tallest tower in the world) without any trouble. But tragedy struck me again and my dreams were shattered, On 2009 February 17th I got terminated from Behalsa Six Construct L.L.C Dubai because of the Economic Crisis. I was desperate what will I do if I go back, how I will support my family I tried all the ways to make the things straight, I realized that my friend Dominic D’souza who was working for a recruitment firm in Doha, I contacted him, as always the lord works in mysterious ways, On February 18th before I could have my lunch, I Got the Job offer letter from Doha. Without an interview Rumaillah Group offered me a job through my friend Dominic D’souza.



We Initiated marriage proposal for my sister. Once my family visited our relatives in Kerala. And on their way back to Bangalore, they carried dry fish wrapped in a news paper. While cleaning the same, my sister noticed a matrimony advertisement in newspaper. And she called them. They said they want to meet the family. We decided to go back to Kerala to meet their family. After meeting them, they said they are willing to accept the proposal. At that time I didn't have a single rupee in my account to conduct the marriage. My Plan was once proposal is up and then to ask for time duration from 3 to 6 months. But the family of Brother in law wanted the marriage to be done with in 20 days. My parents were so tensed, thinking how to meet the marriage expenses. But God worked miraculously in those days. Within 7 days God gave me 22,500 QAR from Friends in Qatar Jesus Youth. And I traveled back to India for her marriage. By the Grace of God everything was good; GOD gave me strength to full fill all her needs. And through Mother Mary god has given us complete assistance as same as he did during the marriage at CANA.



We sold our old house for the purpose of Sister's Marriage. And it became my sweet dream to have an owned house in Kerala. My Mom's Eldest Sister Put a suggestion, she was willing to register a portion of her land in my name, on one condition, it I have to take care of her in her old ages. I agreed to it. And My mom was also happy because that plot is in her native place. All Relatives where okay with this decision. And I went down to Kerala for further process. But My Mom's Eldest sister herself refused to go further on this matter. I was really confused and I consulted with Fr.Reji Valiyaparambil as I used to do. It was my mom's dream to have a plot some where near to the church. So that she can go to church everyday. And We started searching for a plot. Consulted many land brokers, many friends and so on. And we finalized one land, which was not so close to church, no facilities, no bus routes. As per word between two men we agreed to give advance for the plot. And on the way to ATM Fr.Reji valiyaparambil called me and told me that there is a land for me some where next to a Church. He said wait for three days. Even though we gave 1000 Rupees as token advance to the plot owner. The Next day it was decided that we will go for document the deal. But when we consulted with the advocate, he said the documents pertaining to the plot is not okay. So the deal got canceled. And in two days we got another land, it was really a gift, His plan where so wonderful. The Plot is just next to the Kallettumkara INFANT JESUS CHURCH. So HE want us to live just beneath of HIS feet for life long.



The Life was well and good, Felt relaxed somehow. But tragedies again started to haunt me. The Power plant Project which I Was working for got Completed. And I had only two options either I have to travel back to India or Change my VISA Sponsorship to some other companies. I blindly trusted one of my colleague who started his own business there in Qatar and transferred my VISA to his company. I consulted with Fr. Reji, He said Don't do that but I didn't hear his voice and later I suffered a lot due to that bad decision. The Friend and his partner reduced my Salary drastically. The salary was never on time, I had to spend from my pocket for the accommodation, Medical, Transportation and Flight tickets so on. I was Completely frustrated. By then the Acute back pain started again and under gone for medications in Qatar. But Nothing was so worth as we get in our home country. So applied for a Medical emergency leave. And My Mom's Younger Sister who is in USA booked a flight ticket for me. I reached in Kerala with bare hands, Undergone for Ayurvedic medication. And completely cured. I consulted with My Spiritual Directors, And all of them said one message, it was “Arun If you travel back to Qatar you won't see your home again”. I decided to quit Qatar. And Searched for a Job in Any other country or in anywhere in India. But I got no where. And so I decided to work as Private Bus Conductor. I didn't had any technical concepts of Bus. I didn't had any idea about the timings, Point to point passing timing didn't had free hand balance in bus and so on. Two times my bus met with accidents and owner of the bus protected me like Jesus Protects me. One time a person got killed by an accident, even and I was protected by the Guardian angels. Each and every moment in bus, I was experiencing the protection of Guardian Angels.



Even though I was Working as Bus conductor My Ultimate goal was to fly abroad. And I was Frequently attending for interviews and consulting with friends. My best friend Dominic D'souza was working at that time in Bahrain and He said He will arrange a job for me in his Company under him as Business development Executive. But the same time I got an opportunity from Saudi arabia to work as Warehouse Admin. I was really confused, which offer to undertake. At last during our night prayer I did a Luck Draw Contest. Written Two countries in pieces of paper and took one out of that. The winner was Saudi arabia. And Now I am here in Saudi Arabia working as My favorite work nature “Warehousing”.



I asked the Lord “What can I offer the lord, for all these goodness to me?” He answered through Deuteronomy 26.2 “Each of you must place in a basket the first part of each crop that you harvest and you must take it with you to the one place of worship”. Since then I decided to offer My 1/10 of my earning to Church. Psalm 116 : 12-14 “ What shall I return to the LORD for all his goodness to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the LORD, I will Fulfill my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people.”

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