
Bold text (talk) 02:30, 3 October 2012

Food securirty and how it affects India's Poverty

India's poverty line is still up for debate. Some committees in recent years have calculated that 32 percent of the population living in India are under the poverty line. This is not the worse of the problems that people who are living underneath the poverty will be facing. For example India's trajectory of an increase of population and also income inequality are some major problems the country will be facing. With the widespread of malnutrition in a lot of states in India. India's poverty stricken population are also facing a crisis with not enough income to feed there families and also not recieving adaquate healthcare that they need. In reality many of these problems have been going on for many years due to corruption within the government. It is reported that 60 million childern are considered underweight in India. (The Financial express, 2011, p. 4).

India has five major goals that need to be taking into action by the year 2020. First of India has to better agriculture and food processing. The reason for this is because many poverty stricken people go hungry every day in India. India's target is set at 360 million tons of food within a year. The development of better agriculuture and food processing will not only feed many people throughout India. It will also bring food security within the people living in rural areas in India and help speed up the economy. Better health care and and eduaction is another goal that India want's to accomplish by 2020. The more people who are educated in India results in better employment oppurtunities and population security. India also needs to work on their infrastructure. The better infrastructure India has the more people who will be living with electricity and this raises the standard of living within the country. Improving and creating technologies that will help the country and promote a sense of sustainablity is also another key goal for India. For example development of space and defense technologies will have a huge impact not only on the country but throughout the world. This not only promotes jobs but opens the eyes of the world and lets the rest of the world know that India is a legitimate power. (Kalam 2003, p.16)

South Asia's high population growth rates and high number of people living poverty or below poverty are living on $1.25 in U.S.A dollars. This means that this region of the world is the most vulnerable in dealing with food prices. Many low income families spend most of there income just trying to survive by putting food on the table. One studey say's that ten percent in a rise of food prices can affect 30 million more people from India. This can also put 4 more million people who are living in Bangladesh into extremem poverty. Long term goals need to be put in place not only for India but all of South Asia. For example the government in India needs to step up and support agriculture research and develope the green era of agriculture. This can help produce a better output of crops and the development of crops that are more sustainable to harsh weather. (Business Trends Asia 2012, pg.1)

References (2012, March 22). Food price hikes threaten South Asia. Business Trends Asia, p, 1. Kalam, A. (2003, March 11) Vision For 2020. The Nation p, 23. Islam, N. (2011, Decemeber 26) India's National Food Security. The Financial Express p, 4.