Google Account

I used Wikipedia a lot of times before, but it is my first time to register in and use user page. The Wiki account can help us visit friends share articles. It's pretty exciting. I learned how to edit my user page, how to citation articles and etc.There are so many different functions here. I still cannot get the hang of most of them, but I will soon enough. I do believe this course will help me a lot about researching and writing papers.

Assignment: Wikipedia project


CPA Australia

LIBR 2100 Assignment#2 7/22

Founded in 1886, CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, with more than 150,000 members across 121 countries.

On this website, I find the similar sentence, and this website is CPA Australia's official website, so I think its credible and accurate.

2 relevant sources


It's from a web Encyclopedia in China, it is a credible and accurate academic source.


This is a website from University of Canterbury. As a result, I think it can be count as a credible source.

Source suggestion


[1] The CPA Australia Board (Found through Business Source Premier: EBSCO)
Ziggy2012 (talk) 10:51, 28 July 2015 (UTC)

Search strategy


First, we need to find the key words from the passage. And then, use the key words to search in a suitable search engine to find the information we need. we also can try use "and" , "or" and etc. to search with 2 or more key words together to find more similar and accurate information. Before citation, we also need to make sure the source is an credible and accurate academic source.

Notes from group members


Assignment 3 Junming Liao

Founded in 1886, CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, with more than 150,000 members across 121 countries. Core services to members include education, training, knowledge exchange, technical support, networking and advocacy.


Assignment for Aug 6th


From the professor's feedback that I should use database more instead of other search tools like 'Google'. So I find a new source from the database.[Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)] And this will be placed in the first section, 2nd passage, after the first sentence.

My passage: Founded in 1886, CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies, with more than 150,000 members across 121 countries.(Targeted News Service, 2011)


Targeted News Service. (2011). USQ Recognised by CPA Australia. Targeted News Service. 2011-10. Retrieved from:

original passage from new source: USQ has achieved Recognised Employer Partner status with CPA Australia, one of the world's largest accounting bodies.

Rewrite: USQ has associations with CPA Australia, one of the world's largest accounting bodies about recognised employer partner status.

Hello, I don't know why there is a link under here, and I can't delete it, so please ignore it. : )