
The Museum

On New Year's Day in 2005, Cultural Revolution Museum, built in Tashan Scenic Spot, Lianshang Town, Chenghai District, was the museum firstly built by the folk for memorizing Cultural Revolution. Tashan Scenic Spot covers an area of about 2.13 square kilometers. Tashan Scenic Spot is a beautiful place of interest where lies the mysterious Tianchi Lake and chains of mountains. Particularly, it is a mirror of the Cultural Revolution history, which mourns the victims and brings enlightenment to people. The museum was for commemorating the death in Cultural Revolution originally, however, with Peng Qi’an’s [1] ongoing thinking, the museum is now far more than just a place for mourning. [2]





The idea of establishing a museum for Cultural Revolution was originally from Ba Jin, a famous writer in China. Later, Peng Qi’an, former vice mayor of Shantou city, Guangdong Province, tries to bring the idea into existence. Some retired cadres of Shantou city sponsored the establishment of it. They witnessed the Cultural Revolution and survived. Therefore, they determined to raise fund to build it in a non-government way. Among them, Peng Qi’an, is the most contributive person. [2]

"The Tower for Martyrs"

Cultural Revolution


Cultural Revolution (Chinese:文革), also known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (Chinese:无产阶级文化大革命), was a movement that began in 1966 and ended in 1976. It was a violent mass movement that happened in the People’s Republic of China. Triggered by Chairman Mao, the Cultural Revolution was supposed to develop advanced socialism by removing the so-called capitalist and revisionist elements from China. However, Mao’s purpose to start Cultural Revolution, in some people’s minds, is to destroy his political enemies and create a brand new China. [3]

"The Mirror Platform"



Major Scenes


In Cultural Revolution Museum, there are totally 13 major view spots. In the Stone Monument Forest (Chinese:碑林坊), many stone monuments and graves are standing still. They are built to commemorate those persecuted to death in during Cultural Revolution. Other view spots include Platform for Remembrance and Thinking (Chinese: 追思坛), Pavillion for Mourning (Chinese:哀鉴亭),Monument Gallery for Memorizing History (Chinese:碑廊铭史), Pagoda for Comfort Wishing (Chinese:思安塔), Mirror Platform (Chinese:明镜台), Stone Pen for Writing History(Chinese:石笔书史), Alarm Bell Sounding Constantly (Chinese:警钟长鸣) and so on. Platform for Remembrance is dedicated to commemorate one of the most remarkable communist military leader of China, Peng Dehuai, who was persecuted during Cultural Revolution. [4]

Photos taken during Cultural Revolution are displayed in the form of stone carving



The dilemma for the museum now is the lack of operating money. In 2005, tourism of Tashan was prosperous. There were lots of touring groups every day, roughly 300 to 500 thousand person-time. Cultural Revolution is still a sensitive topic in China, so the promotion of the museum is restricted by the Shantou City Government, which results in less and less tourists. Some exhibits have been stolen, so Peng puts forward some solutions. For Peng’s proposals, the village committee, the owner of the museum today, rejects his ideas frequently. With his friends’ help, Peng finalize some of them eventually. The problem lies in the issue of land using, which brings quarrels between Peng and the committee. Peng is not happy with the committee’s arbitrarily using the fund for the museum. [5][2]



See also


(Chinese)In-Depth Report on Cultural Revolution Museum Cultural Revolution Museum Draws Overseas Attention