User:Yamcosh/Renewable energy in the Philippines/Tntle Peer Review

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Renewable energy in the Philippines

Evaluate the drafted changes


Content: Content looks really good. I like the flow of the first paragraph and how each point flows into the next sentence. It makes it very easy to read and digest. I do think it toward the end of the first paragraph, if you break the "incorporating small scale" sentence into two, it'll better differentiate the two ideas, instead of mixing "mitigating side effects" and bringing electricity to rural communities. I think it'd continue the natural flow of the first paragraph where every sentence has its individual point and purpose. Feels like that one sentence has two ideas (one of slowing the side effects, and the other of the benefits to the locals) put into one.

Tone and balance: I think your tone is good. Everything you wrote was factual and had sources to back it up.

Sources and References: I think you have a lot of great sources, and you definitely have enough for the amount you wrote. I think you did a good job here.

Misc.: The only other thing I'd bring up is maybe when you use the percentage symbol, see which one is like the standard used. Cuz I saw in an earlier part of the article, under sources, they just wrote (Blank number) percent, rather than use the % symbol, so just for consistency sake, maybe see which one is the preferred method.