Luna Loud is a fictional character and one of twelve main characters of the American animated television series The Loud House, which has aired on Nickelodeon since 2016. Voiced by Nika Futterman, she first appeared in the eponymous pilot short, released on June 5, 2014, followed by her official debut in the series premiere "Left in the Dark" on May 2, 2016. Luna is the third oldest of main character Lincoln Loud's sisters, and, as of the fourth season, is fifteen years old.

Luna has a passion for music and British culture. Her idol is Mick Swagger, a parody of Mick Jagger, the lead singer of The Rolling Stones, and often speaks in a Cockney accent.

In the Season 2 episode "L is for Love", it is revealed that Luna is bisexual—she has a crush on her classmate Sam Sharp.