User:Vbbhasti/Books/Logical Fallacies

Logical Fallacies 1.1


Formal and Informal

List of Fallacies
List of fallacies
Formal Fallacies
Appeal to probability
Argument from fallacy
Base rate fallacy
Conjunction fallacy
Formal fallacy
Masked man fallacy
Misleading vividness
Propositional Fallacies
Affirming a disjunct
Affirming the consequent
Denying the antecedent
Quantification Fallacies
Existential fallacy
Formal Syllogistic Fallacies
Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise
Fallacy of exclusive premises
Fallacy of four terms
Fallacy of the undistributed middle
Illicit major
Illicit minor
Negative conclusion from affirmative premises
Syllogistic fallacy
Informal Fallacies
Accent (fallacy)
Ad hominem
Ad nauseam
Argument from authority
Argument from silence
Argument to moderation
Argumentum ad lapidem
Authorial intent
Begging the question
Circular reasoning
Continuum fallacy
Correlation does not imply causation
Correlative-based fallacies
Direct reference theory
Ergo decedo
Etymological fallacy
Fallacy of composition
Fallacy of division
Fallacy of quoting out of context
Fallacy of the single cause
False attribution
False dilemma
False equivalence
Furtive fallacy
Gambler's fallacy
Historian's fallacy
Homunculus argument
Ignoratio elenchi
Incomplete comparison
Inconsistent comparison
Informal fallacy
Is–ought problem
Kettle logic
Loaded question
Ludic fallacy
Moral high ground
Moralistic fallacy
Moving the goalposts
Naturalistic fallacy
Nirvana fallacy
Philosophic burden of proof
Post hoc ergo propter hoc
Proof by assertion
Proof by intimidation
Prosecutor's fallacy
Proving too much
Psychologist's fallacy
Red herring
Regression fallacy
Reification (fallacy)
Retrospective determinism
Special pleading
Suppressed correlative
There are known knowns
Wrong direction
Faulty Generalizations
Accident (fallacy)
Argument from analogy
Cherry picking (fallacy)
Faulty generalization
Hasty generalization
No true Scotsman
Overwhelming exception
Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism
Red Herring Fallacies
Appeal to accomplishment
Appeal to consequences
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to fear
Appeal to flattery
Appeal to motive
Appeal to nature
Appeal to novelty
Appeal to pity
Appeal to ridicule
Appeal to spite
Appeal to tradition
Argumentum ad baculum
Argumentum ad crumenam
Argumentum ad lazarum
Argumentum ad populum
Association fallacy
Chronological snobbery
Fallacy of relative privation
Genetic fallacy
Judgmental language
Poisoning the well
Reductio ad Hitlerum
Straw man
Texas sharpshooter fallacy
Tu quoque
Two wrongs make a right
Vacuous truth
Wishful thinking
Conditional or Questionable Fallacies
Definist fallacy
Parable of the broken window
Slippery slope