Why I joined Wikipedia?


First of all, I did not join due to recent reports about the lack of contributing women and academics, though I am a member of both "minorities". The primary reason for getting an account now is that while searching for overview information about the topics mentioned below I discovered lacks of structure and linking. For minor typos I never felt the need to actually get an account, but for these topics since I figured there's more work still needed. So far I have only added some links between the related articles, corrected some typos and added some structure where needed. But I plan to expand the articles and therefore considered getting an account. As a result: Here I am, a female with a master's degree, soon to be PhD and therefore adding diversity to the community - I could make a rap song out of this ;-).

Topics of Interest

  • Analytics
  • Data Mining
  • Learning Analytics
  • Educational Data Mining
  • Computer-supported collaborative learning
Tip of the moment...
Using the Authority control template

Authority control systems assign a unique identifier to each topic, to allow precise identification of topics, and enable more accurate searches. The entries typically correspond to people, book titles, and similar well-defined entities.

The {{Authority control}} template links Wikipedia articles to the corresponding entries in library catalogs of national libraries and other authority files all over the world. This is why you may see several code numbers listed. As an example, the Wikipedia authority control information for the Alexander Graham Bell article looks like this:

Read more:
WP:Authority control (for editors)   
Help:Authority control (for readers)   
To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}