I like music and movies, I dislike school and team sports. I would travel if I had enough money (I spend it on music and movies and things that usually cost less than great enterprises), and I would be happy if I traveled and had much fun in my own way, but sadly it's a mid-life crisis at my age of 16, funny? Now that you've seen how sad can be a presentation, let's go to the preferences of mine.

Music: my favourite bands ever are Joy Division, The Smiths, Morphine and The Cure. Then I adore female songwriters like Joni Mitchell and Tori Amos, or Kate Bush. Ambient is a kind of music I happen to adore, both gothic (Dead Can Dance, Arcana) and electronica like Autechre. Oh, how couldn't I adore The Velvet Underground? The same for Talking Heads and Television: classics! I got also a crush on industrial: Current 93, Coil, Cabaret Voltaire, Suicide and sometimes Einstürzende Neubauten. Also trip-hop with Portishead, Lamb and Massive Attack, and some other artists I listen to are: Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, Beck, Eels, Faith No More, Tool, Air, David Bowie.

Being italian I got to know Premiata Forneria Marconi and Fabrizio De Andrè, I love them. (check my account on RYM, my nickname is ArgentFatale).

Movie directors: Pedro Almodóvar, Shinya Tsukamoto, Federico Fellini, Takeshi Kitano, David Cronenberg, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Wong Kar-Wai, Roman Polanski. And many more, I think Jodorowsky's Santa Sangre has to be my favourite movie ever.

Oh, Scrubs is my favourite tv-show, now it's over, bye ppl.