This is the userpage of Thebeast666.

Personal Info


Thebeast666 is also known as Scott Reed, but he hates his name because he was named after the character from the Thunderbirds television show - his father couldn't think of anything else and his mom wanted to call him Nicholas he uses The Beast because it was his nickname at school though he also (and prefers) to use 'Dwite Fry' a bastardisation of the horror actor Dwight Frye inspired by the Alice Cooper song Ballad of Dwight Fry. He can be reached at thought he's not sure why anyone on Wikipedia would want to talk to him but welcomes anyone who would.

He is currently single after a reluctant split because of university.

Abridged History


Thebeast666 as born and raised in Havering, England, born in Harold Wood and raised in Romford respectively. Romford is a strange place in that it in a London borough yet it's address is 'Romford, Essex' meaning techincially Thebeast666 lives in London, Essex - something that's quite physically impossible.

From the moment Thebeast666 started school to the moment he left he hated it and pretty much from the same moment he started he was bullied. Some bullying had grounds in reality (i.e. Thebeast666 was overweight and did have a strange childhood obsession with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, or Hero Turtles as they were known in England) while most of it was just random nonsense. As some of Thebeast666's oppressors were the very teachers who were supposed to stop such things. Eventually Thebeast666 decided the only way to stop this was to fight fire with fire and went to the gym and hung a classmate over a 20 foot drop onto a stone floor and things got better for him. He now keeps in good shape with at least two trips to the gym a week though some of this good is undone by his large chocolate consumption.

He is currently unemployed after leaving, or being asked to leave four separate colleges but is looking forward to a new job in Camden, London on a new market stall, if the stock ever arrives.



Thebeast666 like many his age grew up playing 16-bit video games specifically Sega's Sega Mega Drive which remains his favourite video game console. At a young age he also became interested in Comic Books and still reads a spattering of titles today including Teen Titans, Strangers in Paradise and when published The Savage Dragon though Thebeast666 stresses as often as possible he is not, though he has been, a 'comic book geek' and his interest is casual at best. At one point his collection exceeded 50 longboxes of issues, nowadays it comprises of roughly 12 along with a longbox filled with odds and ends magazines that don't fit anywhere else including various issues of Wizard he kept because he liked the articles, or the covers.

When he was around 13 he found comfort in music, specifically he found Ian Dury, a singer who sung about the places he lived and visited and about things he knew which was amazing to him as his whole family listened to Country Music. Ian Dury lead thebeast666 into the world of Punk Rock, Pub Rock and Two-Tone Records and so to politically based left-wing music like Billy Bragg, The Clash, The Jam, The Dead Kennedys, The Specials and others as well as Alice Cooper (via his influence on Johnny Rotten of the Sex Pistols) and so onto the Goth culture and though an ex's mother once described him as a 'Goth Barrow Boy' (which made him feel very good) and he always wears black and no other color, he doesn't consider himself a 'Goth' per say. His choice of black clothing is more inspired by his childhood facination with Jeff Goldblum's role in Jurassic Park.

He is also very interested in classic British Sitcom and British Television and is a particular fan of Ronnie Barker, Robert Lindsay, Ray Winstone, John Thaw and the writings of John Sullivan.

His favourite video game is NiGHTS into Dreams..., his favourite franchise Sonic the Hedgehog. His favourite comic book is unoriginally Watchmen and his favourite series Preacher. His favourite album is Ian Dury's New Boots And Panties!! and his favourite single is (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais by The Clash. His favourite film is The Virgin Suicides and favourite television programme The Sweeney. Thebeast666 is slightly worried that being able to list these makes him a 'geek'.

To Do


I am not a hardcore 'Wiki-er' but I do have some things I would like to do, providing someone else doesn't' do it first, in which case it's less work for me so I don't mind.

  • Sort out a little box thing for Ian Dury's albums and singles, and fill in the missing blanks
  • continue to add more Savage Dragon related articles, including missing characters and possible stories.
  • Make a box thing for Savage Dragon related articles.