(can be quoted freely with attribution!)

Life is like playing Solitaire. 
The rule of the game(s): Never make a move that can
be made later but can not be undone if made now.

I'm humble. Otherwise, I could be humiliated.

Peace of mind is the inverse of the area of the triangle formed by 
what you want yourself to be, what you think you are, and what you really are. 
The closer these are, the greater peace you get.

Disillusionment is irreversible.
Caveat: Unless one could be re-illusioned. :-)

Real friends tell you not the things you want to hear, but the 
things that need to be told to you  (potentially bitter truths).

Intuition is malleable.

Acquisition of knowledge is the act of retrofitting biased inferences derived from 
incomplete information into indoctrinated minds.

Candour disarms critics and girl/boy friends.

Marriage is man's respect for possessiveness and adultery is God's contempt for the same.

The most difficult thing in life is having to endure hypocrisy - both within and else where - when 
you become aware of it.

I dream, therefore I am.

I generalise too early and too often.

-- Sundar