Machine Learning and knowledge Extraction (Journal)

Machine Learning and knowledge Extraction (Journal)
DisciplineComputer Science & Mathematics
Edited byAndreas Holzinger
Publication details

Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction (MAKE) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal, which is published by MDPI.

It amis to provide a platform to support the whole machine learning and knowledge extraction community. Though there are

many existing excellent journals in this field, like Journal of Machine Learning Research and Machine Learning (Springer),

MAKE doesn't complete with them, rather a complementary to these journals. MAKE has a lot of excellent colleagues from all

over the world. The Editor-in-Chief is Assoc. Prof. Andreas Holzinger (Graz University of Technology, Austria).

Though MAKE is an open access journal, for well-prepared manuscripts submitted in 2018 and 2019, there is no publishing fee. Papers which

deal with the following seven topics are very welcome: Data, Learning, Visualication, Privacy, Network, Topology and Entropy.

For detailed explanation, please visit the Aim & Scope on the homepage: