User:Sojeong.choi/MZ generation

MZ generation is a term commonly used in Korea to refer to the Millennials, which was born in the early 1980s and early 2000s, and Z generation, which was born in the mid-1990s and early 2000s.[1]
In other words, the MZ generation, ranging from 15 to 39, has 12,713,000 people, accounting for about 24.4% of the Korean population.[2]

The difference between millennial and Z generation

Generation classification of Korea[3]
generation classification the year of birth proportion of population media utilization propensity
baby boomer generation 1950s~1964s 28.9% analog post-war generation, ideological
X generation 1965s~1979s 24.5% digital immigrants materialism, competitive society
millennials 1980s~1994s 21% digital nomad globalization, empiricism
Z generation 1995s~ 15.9% digital native realism, ethical emphasis

Z generation is the next generation to the Millennials. 'Z' is the last letter of the alphabet, meaning the last generation born in the 20th century. There is no exact standard for dividing generation. Usually, people born before 1984 are called X Generation, born after 1984 are called Millennials, and the generation born after the mid-1990s is called Z generation. As of 2020, those under the age of 24 are still students or new to society. They look like the 'young millennials', but they have a lot of differences in their mindset and lifestyle.[4]

Z generation features


Digital Native


Individualistic propensity


Current oriented propensity



  1. ^
  2. ^ "Result of the 2019 Population and Housing Survey Registration Census Method". Statistical Office Population Survey. 2020.08.28.
  3. ^ Hong, giyoung. "The emergence of Generation Z and its implications for businesses" (PDF). Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 2019.08.19.
  4. ^ Kim, jihyun. "Five Differences Between Millennials and Z generation". TTimes. 2017.11.30.

Category:Korean words and phrases Category:Culture of South Korea