Pireachd (Pyrrì'aȝt) Is a Celtic language spoken by the Sianchairr of northwestern Scotland, and is a mix of Goidelic and Brittonic languages. The language is also refered to as Gàidhlig Mòr, Short Manx, and Welsh of the North/West.



In c.650 Dál Riata, a kingdom from Northern Ireland, began to take control of western Scotland and displace the languages of cultures of many of the native peoples of the area. While many of these tribes were pushed farther east into Pictland, some others fought against or solidified deals with Dál Riata underkings to keep their land under their own rule through trade or other exchanges. Tribes that stayed in place often had Gaelic language and culture slowly combine with their own. This assimilation and others are one of the base creators of many of the Gaelic dialects found about western Scotland and the islands. Though rare, the cultural replacement did not fully replace the original one, instead merged together into a culturally distinct group. This process is what happened to the Siarachan, the father tribe of the Sianchairr,