
Will Arnold at KWVA[1].

William Douglas Arnold (born January 11, 1979) is an American entrepreneur, politician, poet, playboy, radio personality and former world record holder from Davis, California.



Early Life & Disability


Will was born in Woodland, California with a hole in his heart requiring open heart surgery at age 18 months. As a result of the cardiac defect, he was also born with bi-lateral phocomelia, which appeared in his case as underdeveloped shoulders and arms. Will graduated from Davis High School in 1997, and attended the University of Oregon, where he studied history and political science.

Throughout elementary school Will was widely known for his great sense of humor, his kindness, loyalty and his ability to make a long day pass ever so quickly.--Displore 06:38, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

Rise to Fame


It was at KRVM in Eugene, where Will began his long career in radio. In December, 2001, Will volunteered at a second radio station, KWVA - a radio station so huge it doesn't have a Wikipedia page yet. Maybe Will will do something about that - Anyway, this was where Will became a news anchor, the position that garnered him unprecedented acclaim. A homeless man once recognized Will's voice and said, "You're Will! From the news!" Will couldn't believe the man had a radio.



Will is very thankful for the internet. It was on said medium that Will discovered his world record potential. He found that the record for someone to solve the Rubik's Cube with his feet was almost six minutes. Will knew he could do it in about five. So he tried, and succeeded. He attended an official World Speed Cubing event and set a new "footcubing" record of 04:06.68. A man from Amsterdam had heard about the new record, and invited Will to come visit. Will couldn't believe he was being invited to Amsterdam.

This would be Will's fifteen minutes of fame. Actually, if Will remembers right, he had three "solves" the day he broke the record, none of which took more than five minutes. So he still, technically, has a few seconds of fame left.



But, apparently, Europeans are serious about their Rubik's Cubing, and Will's record has been shattered. The record now stands at 1:18.15. Can you believe that? Will had so much trouble dealing with it that he continues a bender to this day. Will also writes letters to President Bush asking that Finland and Sweden be added to the Axis of Evil.

Places Will Has Been


Countries & Territories


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U.S. States & Territories


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Will's Heritage


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"Will's" articles








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