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Topic(s) to work on:

22 Pushup Challenge

Macmillan Cancer Support

What to Edit:

  • For 22 Pushup Challenge

- "Similar to the ALS IceBucketChallenge, it encourages participants to be filmed doing 22 push ups and then nominating others to do the same. How the #22PushupChallenge was different was that requesting donations was not a primary focus which may have alleviated any stresses of financial obligation to participate. The campaign also evolved and many participants committed to doing 22 pushups for 22 consecutive days and posting the videos on various social media platforms."

I would input more information in regards to why the campaign went in a different direction than another like the Ice Bucket Challenge where the primary focus was to raise awareness of ALS and for donations.

-"The "22" number was part of a statistic that was originally released through a case study done by the Department of Veteran Affairs in 2012, but since then have release an updated study showing the rate had fallen to "20" veteran suicides per day."

Would love to see more information regarding this. Even more information about the case study that was completed by the Department of Veteran Affairs in 2012.

-"In the US, many people participated for the 22KILL nonprofit organization, and even in the UK, many people along with British troops participated in the #22KILL #22PushupChallenge."

I would input more of the metrics on the information in regards to the wide spread awareness of the challenge.

  • For Macmillan Cancer Support

- "Macmillan faced criticism when it placed adverts in Facebook and on Google associating the viral fundraising activity, the Ice Bucket Challenge with itself. It had been suggested that the aim of the Macmillan marketing campaign was to divert web traffic and subsequently awareness and donations away from smaller charities with whom the challenge had been mostly associated, namely those relating to Motor Neuron Disease and ALS."

Definitely would love to see more written about this section. Very interesting.

-"Macmillan provides information about cancer through its Information Standard website, free printed and recorded materials, telephone support line and over 170 local cancer information and support services nationwide."

Again, would prefer to have more information written about this.