The Ten Plagues of Egypt, also referred to as Ten Plagues (Hebrew: עשר המכות, Eser Ha-Makot), the Plagues of Egypt (Hebrew: מכות מצרים, Makot Mitzrayim), or the Biblical Plagues, are the ten calamities imposed upon Egypt by Yahweh as recounted in the Book of Exodus, Chapters 7–12, to convince Pharaoh[1] to let the poorly treated Israelite slaves go. Pharaoh did not permit this until after the tenth plague.

The plagues were applied in a way to portray clearly the reality of Israel’s God, and thus by contrast the impotence of Egypt’s gods.[2] Some commentators have associated several of the plagues with judgment on specific gods associated with the Nile, fertility and natural phenomena.[3] According to the book of Exodus, God claims that justice will be served on all the gods of Egypt through the tenth and final plague:

That night, I shall go through Egypt and strike down all the first-born in Egypt, man and beast alike, and shall execute justice on all the gods of Egypt, I, Yahweh!

— Exodus 12:12 (NJB)

The Plagues of Egypt are recognized by Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

John Martin's painting of the plague of hail and fire (1823).

The Biblical narrative


The plagues as they appear in the Bible are:[4]

  1. (Exodus 7:14–25) water turned to blood killing all fish and other water life. (Dam)
  2. (Exodus 8:1–8:15) amphibians (commonly believed to be frogs) (Tsfardeia)
  3. (Exodus 8:16–19) lice or gnats (Kinim)
  4. (Exodus 8:20–30) beasts or flies[5] (Arov)
  5. (Exodus 9:1–7) disease on livestock (Dever)
  6. (Exodus 9:8–12) unhealable boils (Shkhin)
  7. (Exodus 9:13–35) hail mixed with fire (Barad)
  8. (Exodus 10:1–20) locusts (Arbeh)
  9. (Exodus 10:21–29) darkness (Choshech)
  10. (Exodus 11:1–12:36) death of the first-born of all Egyptian families. (Makat #also death of every camel.Bechorot)

The first three plagues seemed to affect "all the land of Egypt," [6] while the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th did not affect the children of Israel. [7] Conditions of the 8th plague are unclear. For the last plague the Torah indicates that they were only spared from the final plague by sacrificing the Paschal lamb, marking their doorpost with the lamb's blood, and eating the roasted sacrifice together with Matzot (לחם עוני) in a celebratory feast. The Torah describes the Angel of Death as actually passing through Egypt to kill all firstborn, but passing over (hence "Passover") houses which have the sign of lambs' blood on the doorpost.[8][9] The night of this plague, Pharaoh finally relents and sends the Israelites away under their terms.

After the Israelites leave en masse, a departure known as the Exodus, Yahweh introduces himself by name and makes an exclusive covenant with the Israelites on the basis of this miraculous deliverance.[10] The Ten Commandments encapsulate the terms of this covenant.[11] Joshua, the successor to Moses, reminds the people of their deliverance through the plagues.[12] According to 1 Samuel, the Philistines also knew of the plagues and feared their Author.[13][14] Later, the psalmist sang of these events.[15]

The Torah[16] also relates God's instructions to Moses that the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt must be celebrated early on the holiday of Passover ("Pesach" פסח); the rituals observed on Passover recall the events surrounding the exodus from Egypt. The Torah additionally cites God's sparing of the Israelite firstborn as a rationale for the commandment of the redemption of the firstborn.[17] This event is also commemorated by the fast of the firstborn on the day preceding Passover but which is traditionally not observed because a siyum celebration is held which obviates the need for a fast.

It seems that the celebration of Passover waned from time to time, since other biblical books provide references to revival of the holiday.[18] For example, it was reinstated by Joshua at Gilgal,[19] by Josiah, [20] by Hezekiah[21] and, after the return from the captivity, by Ezra.[22] By the time of the Second Temple it was firmly established in Israel.



The reason for the plagues appears to be at least twofold:[23] to answer Pharaoh’s taunt, “Who is Yahweh, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go?”[24] and to indelibly impress the Israelites with Yahweh’s power as an object lesson for all time, which was also meant to become known “throughout the world.”[25][26]

According to the Torah, God hardened Pharaoh's heart so he would be strong enough to persist in his unwillingness to release the people, so that God could manifest his great power and cause it to be declared among the nations, [27] so that other people would discuss it for generations afterward.[28] In this view, the plagues were punishment for the Egyptians' long abuse of the Israelites, as well as proof that the gods of Egypt were powerless by comparison.[29] If God triumphed over the gods of Egypt, a world power at that time, then the people of God would be strengthened in their faith, although they are a small people, and would not be tempted to follow the deities that God put to shame. Exodus portrays Yahweh explaining why he did not accomplish the freedom of the Israelites immediately:

I could have stretched forth My hand and stricken you [Pharaoh] and your people with pestilence, and you would have been effaced from the earth. Nevertheless I have spared you for this purpose: in order to show you My power and in order that My fame may resound throughout the world.

— Exodus 15-16 (JPS)


  1. ^ possibly Ramesses II, making the pharaoh of the Oppresion Horemheb
  2. ^ Plagues of Egypt, in New Bible Dictionary, second edition. 1987. Douglas JD, Hillyer N, eds., Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL, USA ISBN 0842346678
  3. ^ Commentary on Exodus 7, The Jewish Study Bible, 2004. Berlin A and Brettler M, eds., Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195297512
  4. ^ The Ten Plagues, in Illustrated Dictionary & Concordance of the Bible, 1986. Wigoder G, Paul S, Viviano B, Stern E, eds., G.G. Jerusalem Publishing House Ltd. And Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. ISBN 0895774070
  5. ^ Rabbi Samuel ben Meir on Exodus 8:17
  6. ^ Exodus 7:21, 8:2, 8:16
  7. ^ Ex. 8:22, 9:4,11,26, 10:23
  8. ^ Passover, New Bible Dictionary, second edition. 1987. Douglas JD, Hillyer N, eds., Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL, USA ISBN 0842346678
  9. ^ Passover, Illustrated Dictionary & Concordance of the Bible, 1986. Wigoder G, Paul S, Viviano B, Stern E, eds., G.G. Jerusalem Publishing House Ltd. And Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. ISBN 0895774070
  10. ^ Moses, The World Book Encyclopedia, 1998. World Book Incorporated ISBN 0716600986
  11. ^ Exodus 20
  12. ^ Joshua 24
  13. ^ 1 Samuel 4:7-9
  14. ^ Plagues of Egypt, New Bible Dictionary, second edition. 1987. Douglas JD, Hillyer N, eds., Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, IL, USA ISBN 0842346678
  15. ^ Psalm 78:43-51
  16. ^ Exodus 12, Leviticus 23, Numbers 9, Deuteronomy 16
  17. ^ Exodus 13:11–16
  18. ^ Passover, Illustrated Dictionary & Concordance of the Bible, 1986. Wigoder G, Paul S, Viviano B, Stern E, eds., G.G. Jerusalem Publishing House Ltd. And Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. ISBN 0895774070
  19. ^ Joshua 5:0-12
  20. ^ II Kings 23:21-23
  21. ^ II Chronicles 30:5
  22. ^ Ezra 6:9
  23. ^ The Ten Plagues, Dictionary & Concordance)
  24. ^ Exodus 5:2
  25. ^ Exodus 9:15-16
  26. ^ see also the commentary on Exodus 10:1-2, The Jewish Study Bible, 2004. Berlin A and Brettler M, eds., Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195297512
  27. ^ Ex. 9:14, 16
  28. ^ Joshua 2:9–11; 9:9; Isaiah 4:8; 6:6
  29. ^ Ex. 12:12; Nu. 33:4