

Search for the real truth. Accurately characterize conflict.

Be Bold Honor the NPOV, COI, and NOR policies of Wiki. Recuse myself and others where appropriate.

Believe in Why tags are evil

I'm finding the parenthetical style far over-used, masking shoddy writing.

About me


I like to consider myself a true a citizen of the world. Independently wealthy, I try to spend at least half the year on the small island of Manhattan, trying to keep my business afloat. The rest of the year I spend traveling around the world- visiting my two sisters in London; my house not far from the Seine; and two little villas, one in Taipei and the newest one in Tokyo. Sometimes go for a ski in Aspen or the Alps, but I absolutely must spend at least 4 days every August kayaking around a random and gorgeous bay in Canada.

Fluent in several languages- English, French, German, Vietnamese and Mandarin Chinese (spent a total of 5 years on location learning the last two.) Now working on Japanese.
