Winter semester 2018/2019









ArcticMonkey21 (Laura)




Canopy 21

Week 6

  1. do sth
  2. first project
  3. trans probs
  4. where do we go from here?


  • 5 min: some changes have been changed back => did rejection make sense to the ones who changed it?

-> Germans are a lot more annoyed by sb changing sth in their articles

  • 10 min: how much time did it take us to translate our first project?

-> many students worked more than 1 hour on their part

  • 15 min: did sth annoy us while translating?

-> multiple authors work on an article, so some points are repeated throughout an article -> bad news: sometimes articles are not well written (misleading, not clear) -> good news: we can change it

  • 25 min: always give feedback (even positive feedback) so that the person whose article you corrected sees that you read it
  • 30 min: organizational things

-> different deadlines for translation and proof reading -> keep deadlines

  • 40 min: trans. probs.

-> American or British spelling? -> words: Bewirtung? Anklang? -> überregional? -> passive and active: wurde immer wieder erweitert (has (been) extended) -> specific places: should they be left out because they are not relevant for English readers?

  • 60 min: which spelling?

-> original American topic => American orthography -> original British topic => British orthography -> neither: first author important or we decide on it

  • 65 min: lexical things

-> has been extended is correct

  • 70 min: singular they

-> completely natural

  • 75 min: places and proper names

-> some places are internationally known in their natural language (only translate in brackets if it's necessary to the story) -> in case the word has its own article, link it (what do they call it?) -> no need of translation if there is no international word for it

  • 80 min: target audience

-> a billion people: will probably not know much about places in Germany -> drop it if it dis not relevant for the story

  • 85 min: individual words

-> überregional: no direct translation => so translate sense -> German tends to be noun-heavy vs. English tends to be verb-heavy

* 90 min: Homework -> every body is to look through the whole article and look for consistency (words etc.)

Week 7


Minutes 29/11


  • Overview
  • Copyright
  • Links
  • Procedure
  • AOB
  • Get started with Project 2
  • (16:20) Copyright/references. English wiki is a different project than German wiki where we copied article from. File request for page importation. How do we solve problem for Das Fest? Transport from German to English:
   How to make an application for copyright.
   Copy and paste German article title.
   "Import version history."
   Begründung: Translation Project.
   Signature: 4 tilde


16:34 Template can be found on User:OberMegaTrans need the template for every article we translate. Absolute minimum: put template on talk page of whatever article you are translating.

16:37 Links. German links might not work when copied over.

  • Links in German are potential links for English article (must be an equivalent on en.wikipedia)
  • Links to Anglo-American world.
  • Particular to the subject.
  • Anywhere where you think a link could be useful.
  • Articles that could link to ours "from outside" that would lead back to our page.
  • Categories. Should add a categories section to our article.
  • Search for 'Das Fest, Karlsruhe' look for any article in English where 'Das Fest' is mentioned -> simple search

16:50 Links added. Once we transfer page to real Wikipedia then we can add links on other article that lead to our page.

17:00 Started draft for new article by using Wikipedia:Article wizard

Wizard -> Draft -> Text Link to draft created on User:OberMegaTrans/Das Fest

Homework Put your English translation on the draft page. Next week we should see a more or less completed draft page with links leading out of the article. Use this link: Draft:Das_Fest

Look more generally at article - does it look like a professional article? Try putting references and pictures in the draft. Next week we will have an almost completed draft.

Project 2

17:15 Choosing an article of at least 500 words.

17:27 Voting on article Neubourg (Freiburg) and Raimartihof

Week 8


Minutes 06/12


  • Organisation
  • Status project 1
  • Status project 2
  • Translation questions


  • breaking the translation process down into smaller groups -> goal: working in pairs
  • who do you want to work with?
  • what article are you interested in? (about 1000 words, 3-4 suggestions of articles to translate that also kind of fit the interest of the other members of your group)
  • individual project = own translation

Status of project 1:

  • status of the draft -> pieces are missing -> completing the draft -> asking for permission to publish the English article
  • asking for import is a copyright problem -> first request did not work because we tried it on the German Wikipedia -> next stop: requesting to import the article on the English Wikipedia
  • asking for publishing is a drafting issue -> to publish go to the draft -> check if everything is included -> click on: submit your draft for review -> You're done! YAY!
  • But: keep in mind that it might take some time until the article is published! Don't be impatient or disappointed!
  • Maybe Wikipedia wants you to make some changes, that's not a bad thing.

Status of project 2:

  • group 1: almost everything is translated, copyright, import and proof-reading issues haven't been dealt with until now
  • group 2: almost everything is translated but there are boxes on the bottom that cause problems while translating (visual editing -> looks messy at the moment), copyright template included, proof-reading also needs to be done
  • goal for next week: getting both articles to the same level so that they can be published

Translation questions:

  • Which system do I use, metrical or imperial? -> depends on cultural context, think about the target audience. If you want to be nice, include both. There's also a code who does the calculating for you (conversion tool).

e.g. 355 to 275 km (221 to 171 mi)

  • What to do when there is wrong information included in the German article? -> Change it in German (sensible, verifiable, useful contribution) That's only a luxury on Wikipedia, the real world works differently!
  • How much information needs to included in the English article (names, specific information...)? -> Is the global Wikiworld interested in this topic? What does the English speaking know? What are they interested in? Different people are interested in different things (subsets -> people who are interested in the German culture)

OMT's rule of thumb? Leave it out if you feel like that only every tenth Sheldon is interested in a particular fact, if you're not sure about it, put it in. Nothing to lose.

  • How to link correctly?

Translation difficulties:

  • wie ein Korsett einschnüren sollte: Talk about it next week!
  • Armenspital: hospital for the poor, house for the poor
  • Findelhaus: orphanage
  • Quellfassung: Talk about it next week!
  • Leibgadinghaus: retirement hut for the parents of peasants

--> old-fashioned, fancy, old-people words, what to do? -> is there any fancy, snobby, cultural equivalent? --> simplify it! --> modernise it! --> make it accessible

PS: 1) We had a little scare yesterday when it seemed that the minutes had not been saved ("edit conflict"). Here are some precautions we can take to avoid this in the future.

  • Make sure everyone knows that the secretary is working on the page (i.e. don't change the page without communicating first)
  • Create individual, editable sections and then edit only individual sections, one at a time.
  • If you're taking minutes, save your drafts every now and then.
  • If you prefer, you could take minutes in another program, such as Word, and then copy & paste.
  • If you have an "edit conflict", try going back and saving your text (select & copy).

PS: 2) We have received a notification saying that "Das Fest" has not been approved. The main reason is "missing references". If one or two of you would like to take a stab at adding references, that would be fantastic. There are some links on my page, and on WP generally, on how to do this. OMT





Neuburg (Freiburg im Breisgau)


Karlsruher Grat

Grat just English


Bismarck Turm

Rieselfeld (Freiburg im Breisgau)

Karlsruher Grat



Notschrei Skiing Trail

Translation Course




Schlossgarten (Karlsruhe)