User:Nqss/Contract Wars (game)

Contract Wars

Contract Wars — it is free to play first person browser shooter powered by Unity engine. Game developed by Russian company AbsolutSoft. At the moment game is under stage of pre-relise candidate and avaialable at 4 social networks and one gaming site.

Contract Wars powered by Unity 3D, which allows it to be one of the most visually advanced browser games. Game uses free to play buisness model . Игра использует free 2 play which is based of microtransactions. Also Contract Wars, aside from tactical gameplay, huge amount of teasks and ability to build your character, it also has huge arsenal of weaponry.

The game takes place in near future in non-existing city called Tarkov, where rages war between two PMCs, BEAR (Battle Encounter Assault Regiment) and USEC (United security). Несмотря на то что это наемники, обе стороны конфликта имеют отсылки к их происхождению. BEAR формируются из бывших специалистов подразделений особого назначения РФ и СНГ и чаще всего изображаются в подобной экипировке, также представляют интересы РФ в конфликте. USEC же формируются из бывших специалистов Европейских и Американских подразделений, имея в своем наборе соответствующее обмундирование и экипировку, они представляют интересы NATO и компании под названием Terra Group, которая их нанимает.



Contract Wars history is built aroubd conflict of two privat military corporations, BEAR and USEC

Game mechanics


Its standart first person shooter Game mechanics involves MMO elements, such as skills, which enhance the players character by adding some new abilities.

Skills in game breaks into 5 classes, available for player. All of the skills are free to buy from any class, except you can buy skills from top to buttom. Each skill can be bought with SP - skill points, which can be obtained by player by leveling up, completing contracts or buying with GP.


Game modes
Game modes includes some variety (5 modes) of well known modes such and some game modes which is similar to well known modes from other games. Game modes are Target Designation, Team Elimination, Deathmatch, Tactical Conquest, Deathmatch.
Target Designation - one of the first game modes made in the game and it is similar to the plant and defuse mode from other games. Players are breaks in two teams, one have objective to plant a beacon for air strike, the other team have to prevent this to happen.
Deathmatch - is a standart Free for all mode, where all pleayers fighting with each other to get most points.
Team Elimination - is variation of classical Team Deathmatch, the only addition here is VIP players, who have 1000 hp and always seen on the scree of allies and enemies. First to spawn in the game - becomes VIP and only one team can have VIP at the time. When VIP got killed, other team gets VIP .
Tactical Conqest - .

Leagues is semi cybersport game mode, where players competite in randomly managed matches, depends on their stats or Leagues Points. League Points is the main factor in Leagues of Contract Wars, players earn them during succesful games and lose them if they are defeated. Players playing team matches and only team that won earning points, the other team losing. So basicly it provides additional motivation for completly random players to play together for victory. Leagues are broke into

Contract wars have wide range of firearms to offer, which is mostly based of real life weapons and also there is some amount of guns which doesnt exist, but could exist.

  • Pistols


  • Submachine guns
  • Assualt rifles
  • Machineguns
  • Sniper rifles


