
The Ancient Greek philosopher
Born470 BC
Died399 BC

Subject's popular name (birthdate – death) can be a lead-in to the subject's real, formal, or extended name. Describe the subject's nationality and profession(s) in which the subject is most notable. Provide a description of the subject's major contributions in the immediately relevant field(s) of notable expertise.[1]

Education and Early Career


Dr. Carrie Rowe earned a Bachelor of Science in Education from the Slippery Rock University and a Master of Science in Instructional Leadership from Robert Morris University. Before coming to Beaver Area School District, Dr. Rowe worked for Pittsburgh Public Schools as a Spanish teacher at the Creative and Performing Arts School (CAPA) and at Westinghouse High School. Dr. Rowe was hired as a Spanish teacher at Beaver Area Middle/High School in 1999 and served in that capacity until she was promoted to Middle School principal in 2004. Since 2010, Dr. Rowe has held the positions of Director of Curriculum and Instruction and Assistant Superintendent for the district </ref></ref>. Dr. Rowe earned her Doctorate from the University of Pittsburgh in Administrative and Policy Studies.



Dr. Rowe published a 147 page dissertation in May 2014 entitled, "Teacher Behavior In The Digital Age: A Case Study of Secondary Teachers' Pedagogical Transformation to a One-to-One Environment" </ref></ref>. The publication examined changes in teacher behavior during the transformation to a 1:1 technology initiative on a secondary campus in the Mid-Atlantic region.

The current study examined changes in teacher behavior during the transformation to a 1:1 technology initiative on a secondary campus in the Mid-Atlantic region. This study assessed the frequency of instructional and non-instructional technology use over time. In addition, levels of instructional technology use were considered using Puentedura’s (2005) SAMR model: substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition levels. The current study considered the demographic characteristics of the participants related to changes in use of instructional and non-instructional technology. The current study considered: 1) sex, 2) building level, 3) years of service, 4) participation in a previous technology initiative, 5) academic department, and 6) education level. A

[[Image:Image(s) that captures subject's major contribution(s).ext|thumb|left|Photo caption]]

Expanded description


If an event that occurred in the life of the subject requires further explanation, elaborate.

Marriage and children


If the subject married and produced offspring, describe the marriage and list the immediate offspring.

  • Subject's Son (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description.
  • Subject's Daughter (birthdate – death) If notable, provide a brief single-line description.

Death and afterward


[If applicable] Legacy If any, describe. See Charles Darwin for example.

Philosophical and/or political views


Wikipedia is not a soapbox for individuals to espouse their views. However, views held by politicians, writers, and others may be summarized in their biography only to the extent those views are covered by reliable sources that are independent of the control of the politician, writer, etc.

Published works


If any, list the works organized by date of publication. See Charles Darwin for example.



(If any)



Include a bibliography listed in MLA format. Use for assisted MLA-formatted bibliography entries, or OttoBib for automatic bibliography creation from a list of ISBN numbers. See Reference management software for additional tools.

Always cite your sources! No original research![2]

Notes/Further reading


See also


List related internal (Wikipedia) articles in alphabetical order. Common nouns are listed first. Proper nouns follow.


  1. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx
  2. ^ Last, first (date). Name of page. Page xx. Publisher: xxxx

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