User:Nkrita/The Country and the World

Its structure resembled the format of western weeklies rather than that of the traditional Russian "thick" journals. Every issue opened with a political diary that presented a survey of international events with an emphasis on issues of special interest to the Russian reader, such as new developments in Eastern Europe and in the international communist movement.

The News from the USSR was not only chronicling in an exhaustive fashion the persecutions of dissidents, but also provided important information on political undercurrents in Soviet society. In its analytical articles the journal attempted to evaluate the political and economic problems of the Soviet state and society.

The greatest achievement of the journal is the publication of material sent in from the Soviet Union, above all, the extracts from the memoirs of the samizdat essayist and philosopher, Grigory Pomerants.

Strana i mir performe an important function by publishing in Russian excerpts from the works of authors like Hannah Arendt, Richard Pipes, Jean-Frangois Revel, and Aldous Huxley.