Socialism is a system of government that believes in the distribution of wealth and owned production among all people of its community. Socialism dates back to the 19th century when poverty was on the rise and extreme inhumane working conditions were the norm in Europe. It was after World War II. when Socialism became more prevalent and Karl Marx's vision was brought to light. He believed that “wealth is created by the working class and wrongfully appropriated by the rich."

Symbol of Socialism Red flag



Socialism a political and financial system which the means of production are owned by the community as a whole, with the government ensuring the equitable distribution of wealth. Socialism has been used in politics and also in economy of the world. Socialism has morphed into Soviet-style communism and produced Latin American fascisms, whereas in Europe, numerous nations combine socialism standards with capitalism and majority rule government. Within the U.S., programs such as Social Security and Medicare, are presently profoundly implanted in our society. In fact the U.S. got the idea for a social security system from 19th-century Germany who launched an old-age social insurance program back in 1889.

The American government dominates the U.S. with this Social Security system by deciding how much and when employees and employers pay into the system, how much individuals receive in benefits when they get them, and preventing almost everyone from opting out. Social Security is, in effect, a form of democratic socialism; however, it may also be considered a form of social insurance or a social safety net.

The program requires every workers to pay into the system throughout their working years. The government controls the money they contribute and decides when and how much they get back after and if they reach retirement age. Most of the money for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP etc, comes from payroll taxes paid by U.S. workers and employers.

Still, socialism has generally stayed on the edges of American legislative issues, until it was re-insured in the campaign of Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders. Oftentimes, Socialism is compared to or misdefined as Communism. Karl Marx believed that the class system should not exist and private property should be dissolved or equally distributed between all individuals of a shared community. This would aid in eliminating the huge gap between the wealthy and those living in poverty. This would allow for an easier and consistent flow of goods and services.

Socialism arises


It began as a response to the poverty and inhumane working conditions in the Europe industry in the early 19th century. One of the first thinkers called a "socialist" was Robert Owen, an idealistic Welsh mill owner who in the 1820s created a number of short-lived "utopian" communities — basically, collectives — in Britain and the American Midwest. Socialism started arising in the midcentury from the writings of German philosopher Karl Marx and the rise of labor unions. "Socialists rejected the argument that the wealthy deserve their wealth because they created it, instead believing that wealth is created by the working class and wrongfully appropriated by the rich."

Name Karl Heinrich Marx Born on 5 May 1818 Died on 14 march 1883 Nationality German Role Phylosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, critic of political economy, and socialist revolutionary Ideology: the Marxism ideology

Name Karl Heinrich Marx

Born on 5 May 1818

Died on 14 march 1883

Nationality German

Role Philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, critic of political economy, and socialist revolutionary

Ideology the Marxism ideology

Karl Heinrich


Karl Heinrich Marx born 5 May 1818 – 14 march 1883) was a philosophist , economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, critic of political economy, and socialist revolutionary. He wrote a lot of books and one of his best volumes are the 1848 handout The Communist Pronouncement and the four-volume Das Kapital (1867–1883). Marx's political and philosophical thought had a colossal impact on consequent mental, financial, and political history. His title has been in many aspects of social hypothesis. He developed the Marxism ideology.

Marxism Marxism sets that the battle between social classes—specifically between the bourgeoisie, or capitalists, and the working class, or workers—defines financial relations in a capitalist economy and will lead definitely to a communist insurgency.

