User:Necrothesp/List of Members of the Order of the British Empire, 1 January 1920

  •   Indicates that the award was or appears to have been for gallantry. Although the Order of the British Empire was not officially awarded "for Gallantry" until 1940, in practice it was sometimes awarded for courageous acts before this time.
Name Rank/Title Organisation Post Nationality Conflict/Incident Gazette[1]
Abbiss, William Frederick Paddington Borough Council/Ministry of Food Town Clerk/Executive Officer, Paddington Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Abbot, Mary Joyce Ministry of Pensions President, East Bristol War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Abbott, Tom Bland Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Lotherford Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Aberford, West Yorkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aberdein, Florence Margaret Ministry of Food Private Secretary, Flour Mills Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Abrahams, Joseph Godchaux War Refugees' Committee Chief Registration Officer, Earl's Court War Refugee Camp British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Abdy Collins, Sibyl Ida Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Waterloo Buffet for Soldiers and Sailors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ackland, Vera Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Rock House Red Cross Hospital, Bath British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Adam, Mary Honorary Secretary, 16th, 18th & 19th Battalions, Northumberland Fusiliers Comforts Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Adams, Edgar HM Customs and Excise Accountant, Accountant & Comptroller-General's Office British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Adams, Thomas Herbert National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Lowestoft War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Adams, Matthew Henry Midland Railway Chief, Outdoor Office, Chief Goods Manager's Department British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Addiscott, Elizabeth Mary Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Member, Southwark War Pensions Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Addison, Guy Frederick A. Harper, Sons & Bean Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aglionby, Rosa Frances Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant-in-Charge, Westminster Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Agnew, Andrew Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Glendun British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aitken, Adeline National War Savings Committee Chairman, Berwickshire War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aitken, Constance Margaret Ministry of Pensions Assistant Divisional Superintendent, Soldiers' Pension Awards Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aitken, John Malcolm, JP Ministry of Munitions Town Manager, Gretna Township British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Akers, Charles Wrightson Akers & Co Member, for services to the supply of compasses to the Royal Navy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alcide, Edward Augustus Captain Ruhleben Camp Head, Civil Police Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aldis, Arthur Cyril Webb Aldis Brothers Partner British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Alexander, Alfred HM Coastguard Coast Watcher, Leiston, Suffolk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alexander, Arnold Captain Border Regiment Indian Military Works Services British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Alexander, Margaret Katherine Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation 36th Wiltshire VAD/Administrator, Warminster VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Alexander, Donald Clark Captain Ministry of Food British Food Mission, United States British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alexander, Edith Margaret Services to the relief of distress in County Derry British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alexander, Eleanor Jane, ARRC Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Hampton Court Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alexander, John William Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary General Secretary, Southend-on-Sea War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aling, Gerrit Government of South Africa Censor, Cape Town South African World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Allen, David Hugomin Satow Officer-in-charge of recreation & cinemas, Rouen & Étaples British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Allen, Elsie Clara Ministry of Munitions Welfare Supervisor, National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Allen, Francis, JP Ministry of Pensions Member, Croydon War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Allen, George James Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Establishment Branch, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Allen, John Deputy Chief Constable Leicestershire Constabulary British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Allen, Margaret Louise British Red Cross Society Officer, Wounded & Missing Enquiry Bureau, Alexandria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alleyne, Stella Margaret Ministry of Munitions Labour Regulation Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Allison, George Henry Chief Inspector Southampton Borough Police British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Allum, Herbert George Ministry of Shipping Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Alston, Charles Henry, TD Major Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Stirling British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ambler, Joseph Edward Ministry of Munitions Munitions Area Dilution Officer, Lancaster British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anderson, Agnes Hilda Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, Maxillo-Facial, Brrok Street Facial & Norfolk Street Hospitals, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anderson, Frances Lightbourne Trimingham Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Wives' & Dependants' Committee, Helensburgh War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anderson, Francis Ministry of Pensions Member, Portadown War Pensions Committee/Member, Ulster Joint Disablement Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anderson, George Reinhardt, FRCS Southport Infirmary Surgeon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anderson, George William Strachan Major Australian Army Senior Assistant Censor, Headquarters Australian World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Anderson, James Alexander Soldiers' Christian Association Assistant Secretary for France & Flanders British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Anderton, James Edwin Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, New Mills Auxiliary Hospital, Derbyshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Andrew, Bennett Harvey Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Thame Auxiliary Hospital, Oxfordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Andrews, Arthur William Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Sub-Committee, Willesden War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Andrews, Elizabeth War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Andrews, George London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Foreman, Carriage & Wagon Department, New Cross British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Andrews, Helen Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Controller, County Down Railway Buffet for Soldiers & Sailors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Andrews, Walter Gower Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Monmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Angus, John Assistant Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Annan, Margaret Cabinet Office Administrative Assistant, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Annett, Henry Edward Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Joint Committee Hospital, The Vicarage, Runcorn British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anstruther, Hon Eleonora Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Plank House Auxiliary Hospital, Gillingham, Dorset British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Anthony, Isaac John Board of Trade District Superintendent, General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Apperly, David Cooper Voluntary Aid Organisation President, Langton Green War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Appleton, Janet Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation 1st Durham VAD Hospital, Whinney House, Gateshead/St John Ambulance Brigade Hospital, Saltwell Towers, Gateshead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Appleton, Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation London VAD No. 158 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Arbuthnot, Constance, Lady Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Newtown House Auxiliary Hospital, Newbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Arbuthnot, Elizabeth Fountaine Officers' Families' Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Archibald, David Station Master North British Railway Edinburgh Waverley Station British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ardern, Frederick Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Ashton-under-Lyne & Stockport District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Argo, Archibald Ministry of Pensions Secretary, Sutherlandshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Armitstead, Thomas Joint Honorary Secretary, Soldiers' Rest Club, Darlington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Armytage, Frederick Fairburn Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Askham Grange, Clifford Street & Nunthorpe Hall Auxiliary Hospitals, Yorkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Arnison, Christine Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Head, Newcastle upon Tyne War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Arnott, Francis William Daimler Motor Company Aeroplane Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Arundel, Grace Admiralty Experiments & Research Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ashley, Anne Board of Trade Industrial (War Inquiries) Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ashley, Martha Nixon Greenwood British Red Cross Society Services in Cuba British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ashmole, William Hadley National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Swansea War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ashton, Harold Galloways Limited Boiler Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ashworth, Tom Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Altrincham District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Askew, Percy War Office Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Astbury, Sarah Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Barry Road Hospital, Northampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Atcherley, Ethel Mary Queen's Hospital, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Atkins, Gertrude Ministry of Pensions Junior Administrative Assistant, Special Grants Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Atkinson, George Arthur British Red Cross Society Joint Secretary, British Red Cross Commission, Salonika British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Atkinson, John Parkinson Voluntary Aid Organisation Senior Medical Officer, Walden Place Hospital, Saffron Walden British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Austin, Gertrude Hannah Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Tipton War Pensions Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Austin, Henry Edmund Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Steward & Quartermaster, Grove Military Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Austin, Thomas George Ministry of Shipping Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Austin, William Walter Ministry of National Service Finance Officer, West Midlands Region British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Averay-Jones, Herbert Thomas Asiatic Petroleum Company Manager, Rouen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Awburn, Harriett Earl Roberts Rest House, Pentonville Road British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Awdry, Olive Muriel Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Honorary Secretary, Wiltshire Women's County Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Aylmer, George Mason Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ayres, Robert Alfred Ministry of Munitions Civil Assistant to the Superintendent of Research, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Backhouse, Edwin Air Ministry Staff Clerk, Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baggallay, Patience Gertrude Ministry of Pensions Officer-in-Charge, Women's Section, Central Office, London War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bagwell, William Henry Church Army Chief Clerk, Headquarters British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baikie, William Baikie Kirkwall Burgh Council Provost of Kirkwall British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bailey, Clement William Ministry of Munitions Chief Chemist, HM Factory, Langwith British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Bailey, Florence Emily Women's Clerical Branch, Works Directorate, Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bailey, George William Deputy Chief Constable Hull City Police British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bailey, James Rhodes Great Central Railway Assistant to the Port Master British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bailey, Margaret Fanny British Red Cross Society Superintendent, Special & General Service Sections/Officer-in-Charge, Wounded & Missing Search Department, East Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bailey, Robert William Harvey Rolls-Royce Limited Chief Designer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Baily, Edwin British Red Cross Society Medical Officer, British Red Cross Convalescent Home for Officers, Hotel Californie, Cannes British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baily, Harold Voluntary Aid Organisation Sub-Commissioner, Taranto British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bain, Herbert Barr Admiralty Deputy Accounts Officer, Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bainton, Edward Cecil Commandant East Riding of Yorkshire Constabulary East Riding Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baird, Alexander McDonald Ministry of Pensions Member, Brighton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baird, Blanche Mary Young Men's Christian Association Canteens organising secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Edwin Emmanuel War Office Temporary Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Gerald Percival British Red Cross Society British Red Cross Motor Ambulance Convoy, Italy British World War I (Italian Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Horace William Ministry of Food Assistant, Manufacturers' Section, Sugar Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Isabella Winifred Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Rolvenden VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Isabel Noeline Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Organising Secretary, Surrey Women's County Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Hove War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, John Fredrick William Admiralty Officer-in-Charge, Langley Naval Store Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Maggie Ethel Foreign Trade Department Manager of the Registries British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, Muriel Carew Foreign Office Shorthand Writer & Typist, Contraband Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baldwin, Arthur George Handley-Page Extensions Chairwoman, Works Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baldwin, Charles Henry Robert Reverend British Red Cross Society Services in Sweden British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baldwin, Sam Explosives and Chemical Products Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Balfe, Kathleen Catholic Soldiers' Club, Abbeville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Balfour, Jessie Edith Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Women's Detachment, Finsbury Square Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ball, Frederick Ernest HM Office of Works Temporary Technical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ball, James Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Derby Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ball, Walter Mills Poplar Union Master, Poplar Workhouse British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ballantyne, Allan Opie Acting Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ballantyne, Andrew Central Control Board General Manager, Glasgow Public House Trust British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Balmford, Joseph William Exchequer and Audit Department Acting Chief Examiner British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bamford, Herbert Richard Board of Trade Staff Officer, Finance Department British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Banner, Myra Explosives Loading Company Welfare Supervisor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Banner, Wilfred War Trade Intelligence Department Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barber, Arthur Powell Lieutenant Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Accounts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barber, Maude Helen Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation High Beach VAD Hospital, Westgate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barclay, Hannah Maud Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Colne House VAD Hospital, Cromer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baring, Harold Herman John Divisional Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barker, Christabel Buchanan Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, Harnham VAD Hospital, Salisbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barker, Frederick Rowland Lieutenant-Colonel British Red Cross Society Secretary, Worthing Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barker, William Bakewell Rural District Council Chairman British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baker, William Ministry of Food Chairman, Denbigh Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barkworth, Minnie Mabel Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barlow, James, JP Ministry of Labour Vice-Chairman, Oswestry Employment Committee/Member, West Midlands Employment Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barlow, Sydney Ministry of National Service Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barnaby, Stanley Skoulding Ministry of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barnard, Cyril Wyndham Special Constable Tunbridge Wells Borough Police Tunbridge Wells Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barnard, John Henry Owen Bolton Corporation Tramways General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barnes, Helen Elizabeth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barnes, Minnie Craig Ministry of Pensions Assistant Honorary Secretary, Bootle War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barnett, Margaret Elizabeth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Essex House Auxiliary Hospital, Church Stretton, Shropshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barns, George Delbridge Ministry of Labour Manager, Willesden Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barrett, Hannah Madge Voluntary Aid Organisation Head, Trained Nurses Pay & Contracts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barrett, Kate Eveline General Post Office Deputy Superintendent of Female Staff, Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barrett, Milan National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Streatham Ward War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barrow, Ellen Janet Innes Church of England Church of England Institutes, Bedfordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barrowcliff, Marmaduke Boot's Pure Drug Stores Section Head British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barrows, Lucy Adeline Ministry of Pensions Assistant Honorary Secretary, Birmingham War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barry, Arthur J. Assistant Censor, New York British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Barry, Thomas Ernest Admiralty Chief Examiner, Civil Engineer-in-Chief's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barsdorf, Ralph Local Government Board Secretary, Belgian Refugees Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bartholomew, William War Office Deputy Assistant Director of Army Contracts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bartlett, Thom Works Foreman, Shoeburyness British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barton, Harry Ministry of Labour Minor Staff Officer, Employment Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barton, Isabel Eleanor Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Clayton Court Auxiliary Hospital, Hampshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bartrum, Marian Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Eggerslach Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Barwell, Henry Edward Ministry of Munitions Works Manager, Experimental Shop, Trench Warfare (Design) Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Basset, Helen Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Bideford District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bassett, Ernest Thomas Walter Ministry of Labour Manager, Portsmouth Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bassett-Smith, Constance Brightman Admiralty Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Bateman, Edward Colston HM Stationery Office Deputy Superintendent of Printing British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bateman, John, JP Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Cheshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bates, Mary Beatrice Voluntary Aid Organisation Administrative Worker, Mottram-in-Longendale Auxiliary Hospital, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bates, William Edward National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Bridport War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bathgate, Adam Ministry of Munitions Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Battle, Richard Stafford Borough Council/Ministry of Food Town Clerk/Executive Officer, Stafford Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Batty, James Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baxter, Stewart William Beardmore & Co Aircraft Shop Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Baynes, Lucy Draffen War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bazley, Walter Stanley Ministry of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beale, Richard Henry Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Webburn British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beard, Charles Albert Admiralty Contract Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beardsley, Eleanor Jemima Ministry of Labour Chief Woman Officer, North-Western Division, Employment Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beattie, Rachel, Lady Services in Dublin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beavan, Ernest Charles Edward War Office Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beavon, John Ministry of Munitions Chief Examiner, Directorate of Inspection of Small Arms British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Becher, Cecil Leycester Major Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Treasurer & Honorary Secretary, Essex Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beck, Albert George Admiralty Foreman, Engineer Branch, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beck, Frank Harold Ministry of Munitions Staff Clerk, Directorate of Inspection of Small Arms British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beckenham, Harry Anstead War Office Shorthand Secretary to the Secretary of State for War British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beckett, William Marrow Air Ministry Assistant to the Chief Water Engineer, Department of Works & Buildings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beecroft, Alfred Department of Overseas Trade Trade Officer 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beeden, Harry National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Grantham War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beedie, Robert Mitchell Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS War Music British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Belcher, Edmund Charles Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Liverpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bell, Andrew, JP Young Men's Christian Association General Secretary, Glasgow Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bell, Enoch, JP National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Shirebrook War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bell, Francis James Chief Officer Surbiton Fire Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bellman, Charles Harold Ministry of Munitions Establishment Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, Ada Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Brooklyn VAD Hospital, Sydenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, Edward General Post Office Principal Clerk, Savings Bank Department British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, George Richard National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Newport War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Bennett, Joseph National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Newport War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, Josephine Katherine British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Dunoon District, County of Argyll Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, Leonora Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Paignton Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, Nina Bessie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cooden Auxiliary Hospital, Bexhill-on-Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bennett, William Henry Admiralty Acting Foreman, Engineer Branch, HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Benson, Edward Frederic Lady Sclater's Fund for Wounded Soldiers and Sailors Honorary Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Benson, John Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Temporary Inspector, Dairy Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Benyon, Edith Marion Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Englefield House Auxiliary Hospital, Berkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beresford, Dorothy Ministry of Munitions Optical Munitions, Glassware & Potash Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Berisford, Margaret Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, Congleton District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Berkeley, Eva Mary FitzHardinge Foley, 16th Baroness Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Struan House Auxiliary Hospital, Reading British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Berkeley Williams, Hon Winifred Mary Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Yorkshire Regiment Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Berkley, Ernest James Gibson, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Divisional Inspector & Medical Officer, Southwark Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Berry, John Joseph, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Executive Sub-Committee, Newcastle upon Tyne War Pensions Committee/Honorary Secretary, Elswick & Scotswood Workers' War Relief Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bertenshaw, Benjamin James Superintendent (Captain) Hastings Borough Police Hastings Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Besant, Frederick William Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Carriages British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bestwick, William Chief Superintendent Newcastle upon Tyne City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bevan, Edward Morris National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Caerphilly War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beveridge, John Reverend National War Savings Committee Organiser, Scottish War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beverly, Elizabeth Amelia Leytonstone Union Matron, Leytonstone Poor Law Schools British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Beynon, Ruth Young Men's Christian Association Assistant Secretary, Munitions Department/Secretary, Munitions Auxiliary Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Biddiscombe, George, DCM War Office Class A Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bidwell, Eivir Linda Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Shelford Auxiliary Hospital, Cambridgeshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bigby, Dorothy Anne Foreign Office Superintendent, Archives Branch, Registry, British Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Biggs, Ambrose Joseph HM Stationery Office Superintendent, Printing Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Biggs, Arthur Holland Board of Trade Production Department, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Birch, Charles William Birch Ltd Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Birch, John War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in Hereford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Birchby, Henry William Briton Admiralty Acting Assistant Naval Store Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bird, Henry Linsell Ilford Borough Council Works Superintendent, Engineers' Department British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Birtles, John Edward Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cheshire VAD No.1 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bishop, Alice Margaret Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Head, Cambridge Station Convoy Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bishop, Louisa Emma Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary, Jersey Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bishop, William George HM Stationery Office Superintendent, Printing Section, Publications Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bishop, William Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, 14th Northumberland VAD Hospital, Holeyn Hall, Wylam-on-Tyne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bisset, Ormond Douglas Captain Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Black, Rena Denholm Menzies Organiser, East Linton Institute Canteen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blackadder, David National War Savings Committee Secretary, Dundee War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blackhurst, Arthur Services to the supply of dental equipment British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blackmore, Constance Marie Ministry of Food Assistant Divisional Commissioner, South Wales Division, Cardiff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blackshaw, James William Ministry of National Service Finance Official, East Central Region British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blake, Charles Thomas Portsmouth Borough Council Chief Clerk, Chief Engineer's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blake, Ellen Una Voluntary Aid Organisation Organising Secretary, Newport (Isle of Wight) War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blake, Percival Ministry of Food Director, Grain Section, Food Control Committee for Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blake, Percy Francis Ward Captain Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blake, William Henry Lieutenant-Commander Royal Navy Naval Store Department, Admiralty British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Blamey, Helen Dale Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Camberwell A War Pensions Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blanchard, Edward Cooper Board of Trade Secretary, Belgian Railway Refugees Sub-Committee, Railway Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blanck, Sydney Frank Ministry of Munitions Foreman Mechanic, Munitions Invention Department Experimental Ground British World War I (explosives store fire) 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blandford, Edward Cornelius Admiralty Foreman of Storehouses, Naval Store Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blatch, William Bernard Board of Inland Revenue Professional Clerk, Office of the Solicitor British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blenkinsop, John Matthewson William Mathwin & Son Representative in Cardiff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Blewett, Joseph War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blewett, Martin Great Western Railway Agent, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bliss, John William Grand Junction Canal General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blood, Hon Geraldine Mary Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Chairman, County Cork Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Blossom, James Ministry of Pensions Member, Sheffield War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blount, Angela Mary Ministry of Food Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blount, Edith Margaret Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, Dublin City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bloxam, Frank Able Cadet Lieutenant-Colonel Staff Officer, Cadet Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bloxam, Henrietta War Refugees' Committee Services to a Belgian refugees' hostel in Ealing British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blundell, Agnes Mary Frances Founder & manager of a hut, Catterick Camp British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blundell, Harry James Ministry of Pensions Member, Waterloo-with-Seaforth War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blyth, Alice Maud Ministry of Munitions Statistical Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Blyth, Dora Elizabeth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Shornells VAD Hospital, Abbey Wood, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boadella, Alfred Herbert Cabinet Office Superintending Clerk, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bodin, Samuel Ministry of Pensions Member, Dudley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bolas, Harold Parnell Brothers Chief Designer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bolckow, Henry William Ferdinand War services in Cleveland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boldero, Margery Florence Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bolton, Henry Hargreaves, JP Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Rawtenstall War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bonallo, Nina Helen Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Toybank Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bond, George Leslie War Trade Department Head, Chemical Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bonner, Eveleen Caroline War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bonsall, Gertrude Elizabeth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Machynlleth Red Cross Hospital, Montgomeryshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Booker, Joseph Ministry of Munitions Inspector-in-Charge, Metropolitan Works, Oldbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boorn, George Stanley Ministry of Food Area Meat Agent & Slaughterhouse Supervisor, Nos. 10 & 11 Livestock Areas British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Booth, Ernest Witton Board of Trade Divisional Officer, Household, Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Booth, Frederick Knight HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Port of London British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Borrajo, Edward Joseph William Prudential Assurance Company Superintendent, Tabulating Staff British 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bostock, Adelaide Hannah Eliza Annie Voluntary Aid Organisation Voluntary Worker, Taunton Barracks British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bottomley, James Henry Services to the reception of overseas troops British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boucher, Elizabeth Staniforth Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Treasurer, Cornwall Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bouffler, Marjorie Minnie Ministry of Food Confidential Secretary to the Director of Contracts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boundy, Elsie Maria Prisoners of War Help Committee Devonshire Regiment POWs Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bourn, George Frederick Ministry of National Service Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bourne, Lily Anne British Red Cross Society British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bowden, Edgar Alfred Superintendent St John Ambulance Brigade Exeter Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bowden, Joseph Ministry of Labour Member, South-Western Employment Council/Redruth Employment Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bower, Elias Detective Chief Inspector Port of London Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bower, Percival Ministry of Labour Vice-Chairman, Birmingham Employment Committee/Member, West Midlands Employment Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bowley, Alfred Deputy Chief Constable Nottingham City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bowman, Hugh Ministry of Munitions Officer-in-Charge, Records & Priority Index, Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Bowman, James Henry Ministry of Food Distribution Officer, South Lincolnshire, Soke of Peterborough & Leicester City & County British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bowman, Richard Oxley Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer-in-Charge, Fairview Auxiliary Hospital, Ulverston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyanton, Ernest Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyce, James Stuart Ministry of Food Assistant Director of Tea Supplies British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boycott, Ethel Aline British Red Cross Society Officer-in-Charge, Hotel Christol, British Red Cross HQ, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyd, Gladys Margaret War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyd, Hugh Ministry of Pensions Member, Belfast War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyd, Katharine Faraday War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyd-Carpenter, Ethel Voluntary Aid Organisation Member, VAD No. 2, Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boydell, Thomas Home Office Junior Inspector of Mines British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyle, Irene Florinda Maud Foreign Office Temporary Clerk, British Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyle, Louise Judith, Lady Voluntary Aid Organisation Third Avenue Auxiliary Hospital, Hove British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Boyle, Percy Great Western Railway Traffic Agent, Weymouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Braby, Wallace Edith Cavell Homes of Rest for Nurses British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bradburn, Albert Edward Ministry of Food Secretary, Cold Storage Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bradford, Beryl Angelica Selby Air Ministry Controller of Women Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bradshaw, Laura Katherine Church of England Senior Superintendent, London Diocesan Rest Huts for Munition Workers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brady, Ralph Hollinshed Ministry of Food Chairman, South Lancashire Section of Auctioneers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Braggins, Edith Annie Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Braithwaite, Stanley Nesham Captain Mercantile Marine (Royal Mail Steam Packet Company) Marine Superintendent, Southampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brakes, Harry Great Eastern Railway Divisional Electrical Engineer, Ipswich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brand, Ethert Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brand, Henry Great Eastern Railway Assistant to the Continental Traffic Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Braybrooke, Henry Mellor Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Oakfield VAD Hospital, Hawkhurst, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Braybrooks, Gladys Marian War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brereton, Katherine Blanche, RRC Ministry of National Service Member, Melton Constable Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brew-Mulhallen, Vivian British Red Cross Society/Prisoners of War Help Committee Services in Co Wicklow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Brewis, Arthur William Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Lewisham Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bridge, Arthur George Ministry of Munitions Deputy Chief Dilution Officer, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Bridge, Josiah Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, South Shields War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bridger, Donald Keith Deputy Chief Constable Great Yarmouth Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bridgland, Richard John War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Briggs, Margaret Ellen Voluntary Aid Organisation Founder, Chiddingfold Depot for the Supply of Hospital Dressings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Briggs, Mary Alice Lancaster Borough Council Mayoress of Lancaster British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brightman, Thomas Admiralty Senior Pilot, Rosyth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brindley, Louis Kirwan Ministry of Munitions Works Manager & Deputy General Manager, Park Royal National Filling Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brindley, William Board of Trade Divisional Officer, Household Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brinnand, John Thomas War Office Chief Clerk, Shropshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brisley, Maud Isabel British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Wandsworth Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brittain, Ernest George James Spicer & Sons Technical Expert British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Britten, Charles Douglas Admiralty Costings Investigation Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Britten, Reginald Wellesley War Trade Department Head of Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Britton, Ellen Alice Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Tiverton Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Broadbent, Margaret Emily Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Raddon Court Auxiliary Hospital, Latchford, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Broadwood, Anna Maria Hennen Voluntary services to British soldiers in Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brock, Edith Balfour Voluntary Aid Organisation Head Masseuse, Newlands Corner Hospital, Surrey British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brocklesby, Isabel British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brodigan, Mary Christina Young Men's Christian Association Warden, Hostel for Munition Workers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bromhead, Ethel Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary, Canterbury Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bromwich, Frederick Dudman Patriotic services in Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brook, Arthur National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Altofts War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brook, Mabel Frances Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kinmount Auxiliary Hospital, Dumfriesshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brooke, Grace Milicent Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Hammersmith War Pensions Sub-Committee A British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brooke, Margery Jean British Red Cross Society/Ministry of Pensions Vice-President, Ross & Cromarty Branch/Voluntary Worker, Ross-shire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brooks, Charles John Wood Ministry of National Service Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brooks, Charlotte Elizabeth, Lady Admiralty Victualling Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brooks, George Harold Admiralty Civil Assistant to the Director of Fixed Defences British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brooks, Gladys Muriel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Ingress Abbey VAD Hospital, Greenhithe, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Agnes Elizabeth Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Scarborough POWs Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Bertram John Second Lieutenant Organiser of entertainments for wounded soldiers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Dorothy Ann Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Southwood VAD Hospital, Buckley, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Edward John War Office Confidential Shorthand Writer to the Secretary of State for War British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Emily May Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Woodlawn Hospital, West Didsbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Ernest Addison Captain Mercantile Marine London Representative, Imperial Merchant Service Guild British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, George British Red Cross Society Assistant Honorary Secretary, Edinburgh Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, James Ministry of Labour Deputy Chief Investigation Officer, Cardiff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Marian, Lady Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Crawley Down Auxiliary Hospital, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Robert Burns Foreign Office Clerk, British Sections, United States Embassy & Netherlands Legation, Berlin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Robert Cyril Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-charge of detraining wounded at Cardiff & Whitchurch Stations British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Theophilus Edward Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, Walter Ritchie Captain Mercantile Marine Dockmaster, Royal Dock, Grimsby British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, William Henry George Great Northern Railway Assistant to the Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brown, William Robert Ministry of Food Area Meat Agent for Lancashire & Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Browne, Dorothy Mary Foreign Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Browne, Douglas Cox & Co RAF Officers' Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Browne, George Herbert Admiralty Admiralty Agent, Ministry of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Browne, Mildred Frances Ministry of Pensions Cashier British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Browning, Albert Charles War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Brownsword, Walter Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Heaton Mersey Red Cross Hospital, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bruce, Alexander Chief Superintendent Bristol City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bruce, Lady Constance Veronica British Red Cross Society Vice-President, County of Fife Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bruce, Evelyn Susan Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Borrisohane Nursing Division, County Tipperary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bruce, George Chief Constable Dunfermline Burgh Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bruce, Violet Dorothy Evelyn Clerk, Intelligence Office, Paris British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bruffa, John Government of Malta Chief Press Censor & Censorship Establishment Officer Maltese World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Brunyate, Bertha Maud Vipond, Lady British Red Cross Society Secretary, Red Cross War Library, Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bryant, Mary Louisa Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Ashton Court Officers' Hospital, Bristol/Assistant Commandant, Foye House Auxiliary Hospital, Leigh Woods, Clifton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bryant, William Henry Ministry of Munitions Depot Manager, Central Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Buchan, William War Office Chief Barrack Master, Invergordon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buchanan, Andrew, JP Ministry of Food Labour Adviser British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buchanan, Archibald Samuel Superintendent Wiltshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buck, Edward Horace Services to National Registration in Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buckland, Isabel Maud Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Ashford Auxiliary Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buckland, Rawlin George Samuel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Torrington Auxiliary Hospital, Devon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buckley, Joan Brunner War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buckmaster, Dorothy Mary War Trade Intelligence Department Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bucknall, Nathalie Services to HM Forces British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buckner, Albert Walter Tilbury Urban District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Budd, Henry George National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, London Scottish Reserve Battalion War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Budge, John Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS North Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bugden, Sara Amy British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Hackney & Stoke Newington Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bull, Maude Ellen Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Hereford War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bullen, Daisy May National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Aeronautical Inspection Department War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bullough, Frank Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Assistant to the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bulman, Mary Helen Ministry of Pensions Member, Roxburghshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bulmer, Francis Bertram National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Gosport & Alverstoke War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bumber, Shah Subadar Mehtar of Chitral's Bodyguard Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Burall, Henry Charles National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Wisbech War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burchatt, Ernest Edward Admiralty Acting Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burcher, Frederick Edward Major Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Kidderminster Rural Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burdekin, Lizzie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Rugby Town VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burford-Hancock, Alice Maud Nancy, Lady Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 40, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Burges, Frederick Augustus L'Estrange Ministry of National Service Member, Sheffield Medical War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burgess, Arthur Edward Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Secretary & Organiser, Surrey Horticultural Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burls, Herbert Thomas Ministry of Munitions Geologist, Mineral Oil Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burn, Muriel Lyell War Office Personal Assistant to the DAQMG Official Historian of Quartermaster-General Services British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burnett, Alexander Board of Education Teacher of Manual Work, Cathcart Parish School British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burnett, Ernest Joseph Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Medical Officer, Skelton Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burnett, James Taylor Detective Superintendent Birmingham City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burnett, Mary Services during air raids British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burns, Donald George Coats Machine Tool Company Factory Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burnyeat, John Burnyeat & Dalzell/Ministry of Food Managing Director/Liverpool Agent, Shipowners' Provision Pool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burrowes, Henry Ambrose, JP Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer-in-Charge, Lynn Auxiliary Hospital, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burrows, Anna Louisa Young Men's Christian Association Munitions canteen secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burrows, Thomas Enos National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Tamworth & Atherstone War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burt, James Chief Inspector Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burton, David Fowler War Office Voluntary Worker, West Riding of Yorkshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burton, Donald Ministry of Munitions Chemist, Deputy Inspection of High Explosives British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burton, Kenneth Ministry of Munitions Technical Assistant, Aerial Bomb Section, Gun Ammunition Department/Member, British Military Mission, United States British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burton, Walter William John Home Office Second Division Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Burtt, William Edmund Voluntary Aid Organisation Chief Assistant, Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Bush, Albert Edward Flying Officer Daimler Company Assistant to the Chief Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bushell, Sybil Dorothy Department of Overseas Trade Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Bustard, George H. May & Co Acting Manager, Honolulu British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Butcher, Doris Ruth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butcher, Henry James J. E. Baxter & Co Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butler, Daphne Kendall Ministry of Food Clerk to the Chief British Representative, Inter-Allied Food & Relief Mission, Vienna British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butler, Harold Branson, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Surgeon, Guildford Auxiliary Hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butler, Henry John Chief Officer Wimbledon Fire Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butler, Herbert George War Office Deputy Assistant Director of Army Contracts, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butler, John Ingham War Office First Class Assistant Accountant, Army Audit Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Butler, Leonard Frederick George Brazil, Straker & Co Chief Draughtsman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Button, Thomas Frederick Star and Garter Hospital Voluntary Worker British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Buxton, Mary Aline British Red Cross Society Head, Mediterranean Section, Central Prisoners of War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Byas, Hugh Fulton Patriotic League of Britons Overseas Secretary, Tokyo Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Byrne, Louisa Mary Member, Tyneside Irish Brigade Comforts & Dependants Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cadell, Fairley Charlotte Ministry of Pensions Member, Edinburgh War Pensions Committee/President, West Division Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Caffyn, Margaret Louise Young Women's Christian Association Club Leader British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Caine, Elizabeth Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Bebington District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Callaghan, John Martin War Office Supervising Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Calmady-Hamlyn, Mary Sylvia Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Honorary Secretary, Devon Women's County Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Calvert, Harry British Red Cross Society Ambulance Transport Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Calvert, Harry Thornton Ministry of Munitions Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Calvert, Tom Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Chief Stevedore, Goole British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Camburn, Caleb National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Hungerford War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cameron, Allan Caledonian Railway Outdoor Mineral Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cameron, Charlotte Services to propaganda in America British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cameron, James Superintendent Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Camp, Edwin James Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Camp, Henry John Admiralty Keeper of Merchant Ship Fittings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Arthur Lang Captain Australian Army Senior Assistant Censor, Second Military District Australian World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Campbell, Donald South Eastern and Chatham Railway Master Shipwright British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Douglas Robert War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Georgina Jane Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cliff House VAD Hospital, Hunstanton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Geraldine Georgina Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Barn House Auxiliary Hospital, Whitstable British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Henry Samuel HM Customs and Excise Assistant Collector of Customs, Port of Liverpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Ina Voluntary Aid Organisation Controller, Belfast Rest House for Wounded Sailors & Soldiers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, John Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, John Archibald War Office Overseer, Department of the Superintending Engineer & Constructor of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Nicol London and North Western Railway/Caledonian Railway Superintendent, Carlisle British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Campbell, Olga Margaret Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Endell Street Military Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Campbell-Preston of Ardchattan, Mary Augusta Margaret Nicol British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Lorn District, County of Argyll Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Cannell, Daniel George Ministry of Pensions Principal Clerk, Soldiers' Pension Awards Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cant, William Edmund, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Woodhouse & Great Horkesley & Gostwycke Auxiliary Hospitals, Colchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cantley, John Cargill National War Savings Committee Secretary, St Andrew's Local Central War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Capleton, Ernest Carlile War Office Chief Examiner of War Office Contracts, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Card, Ernest South Eastern and Chatham Railway Chief Traffic Controller British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cardy, William Edward Jesse Board of Control Accountant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Careless, Beatrice Anne Ministry of Pensions Assistant to the Officers' Friend British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carey, Arthur William Joseph Greenwood Macleod Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Carriages British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carey, Geoffrey Newman Captain Officer-in-charge of government shipments to Russia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carey, Joseph James Seymour War Office Chief Clerk to the Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Stores, Plymouth Garrison British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carle, James Ministry of Food Area Officer, Scotland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carlile, Charles National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Brixham War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carmichael, Andrew Chief Inspector Greenock Burgh Police Greenock Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carmichael, Winifred Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Director, Lady Monro's War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carr, David Leslie Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Bootle Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carr, David Whiston Lieutenant British Red Cross Society OC Transport, British Red Cross Commission, Salonika British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carr, George Alexander Newcastle upon Tyne Corporation Tramways General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carrington, John William Richard Admiralty Acting Armament Supply Officer, RN Ordnance Depot, Bedenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carter, Frederick James South Eastern and Chatham Railway Superintendent Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carter, Maud Eleanor Voluntary Aid Organisation Hospital supply depot work British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carter, Thomas Ministry of Food British Food Mission, USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Carter, Wilfrid George Sopwith Aviation Company Chief Draughtsman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cartmell, Annie, Lady Preston Borough Council Mayoress of Preston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carus-Wilson, Caroline Adini War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Carvell, John Maclean St John Ambulance Brigade Ambulance Training & Organisation, London District British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carver, Helena Philae Olive Virginia Maxwell Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, York War Pensions Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Carver, Olive McLaren Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Officer-in-Charge, Kilrie Auxiliary Hospital, Knutsford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Caryl Molyneux, Caroline Elizabeth Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary, Oxfordshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Cash, Ernest William Ministry of Munitions Works Manager, Newport National Shell Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Casson, Emily Marjorie Foreign Office Clerk, British Blockade Delegation, Paris British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Castle, Hubert William Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Castle, Montague Wilson War Office Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Castleman-Smith, Ella Gertrude Worker for war charities British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Cattanach, Jean Lorimer Voluntary Aid Organisation Superintendent, King's Lancashire Military Convalescent Hospital, Blackpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Catterson-Smith, Wyke Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Roscommon War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cave-Browne-Cave, Beatrice Mabel Ministry of Munitions Technical Assistant, Technical Department, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cay, Albert, JP Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Warwick War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chadwick, Edith Caroline Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Dewsbury War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chadwick, Harry Bernard Clarke Ministry of Labour York Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chalker, Alfred Caulke Station Master London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Crystal Palace Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chamberlain, Alfred John Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chambers, Evelyn Marion Cabinet Office Assistant Head Clerk, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chambers, Francis George Midland Railway Foreman, Brass Foundry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chambers, Henry War Office Transport Workers' Battalion British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Champness, Edward Leslie Acting Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Champneys, Edith Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Shernford Park Auxiliary Hospital, Frant, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chandler, William George National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Darlington War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chanter, Francis William, JP Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Barnstaple Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chanter, Frederick Ministry of Food Area Supervisor of Slaughtering, Devon, Cornwall & Dorset British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chantler, John Dale, JP Commander Manchester City Police Manchester Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chapman, Edmund Alumsby Admiralty Foreman of Boilermakers, HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chapman, Edward Henry HM Stationery Office Superintendent, Manchester Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chapman, James Gardiner Section Leader, Chorlton-cum-Hardy Section, East Lancashire Transport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chapman, James Henry Services to the supply of director firing gear to the Royal Navy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chapman, Maud Jewell Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Charles, Gertrude Mary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Charlesworth, William Herbert Rudolph Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co Assistant Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chase, Alice Eleanor Air Ministry Air Intelligence Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chatfield, Frederick, JP, DL Ministry of Pensions Member, Westmorland War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chatfield-Clarke, Leslie Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Northwood House Hospital, Cowes British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chatterton, Elizabeth Eva Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Bay (Co Wicklow) War Pensions Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chavasse, Frances Hannah, Lady Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Beaconswood Auxiliary Hospital, Rednal, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cheshire, Herbert Henry London and North Western Railway Goods Agent, Coventry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chester, Jack Granado HM Office of Works Acting Minor Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chester, Stephen Charles Robert Major Royal Army Ordnance Corps British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Cheyne, Charles Inspector Hamilton Burgh Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chilcott, Gregory Hall War Office Map Curator British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Childs, Emma Catherine Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Sutherlands Auxiliary Hospital, Reading British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chilton, Ruth Helen Jane British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Ching, Horace Edwin Ministry of Shipping Lighterage Pool Committee, Port Said British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chisenhale Marsh, Edith Eleanor Mary Ministry of Pensions Member, Essex War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chittenden, Doris Mary Board of Trade Typist & Secretary, Household Fuel & Lighting Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Christie, Annie Commandant Scottish Churches Hut, Rouen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Christopherson, Alice Catherine Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Gardenhurst VAD Hospital, Bexley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Chubb, William Lindsay Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Minley & Farnborough Court Auxiliary Hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Church, Charlotte Mary Viola Foreign Trade Department Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clanwilliam, Muriel Mary Temple Meade, Countess of Voluntary Aid Organisation Services in County Down British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clapperton, Gladys Laura Young Men's Christian Association Personal Private Secretary to the National Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clark, Alice Fanny Ministry of Pensions Member, Kingston upon Hull War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clark, Arthur Percy Stanley Anglo-Egyptian Bank Manager, Jerusalem Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clark, Elizabeth Mary Services to the relief of stress in County Londonderry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clark, George Henry War Office Chief Clerk, Plymouth Garrison British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clark, Harry War Office Civilian Conductor in charge of animals on board horse transports British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clark, Joseph Sains Assistant Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clarke, Arthur Ernest Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, St Augustine's Auxiliary Hospital, Rickmansworth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clarke, Dora Gunning Elwin Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Romney Marsh VAD Hospital, Littlestone, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clarke, George Whitlock Honorary Secretary, Soldiers' and Sailors' Service Club, Belfast British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clarke, Helen Blanche Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Strood VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clarke, Percy Daniel Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Gloucester City & Rural District Food Control Committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clarkson, Elkanah Regent's Canal and Dock Company Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clay, Mignon Elvira Voluntary Aid Organisation Leeds Clothing & Hospital Needs Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clayton, James South Eastern and Chatham Railway Head Locomotive Draughtsman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clayton, Thomas, JP Services to collecting funds for local hospitals in Castle Bromwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clegg, Fanny Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, Rochdale War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clinch, Sidney Herbert Ministry of Munitions Chief Stores Auditor, Department Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clinkard, Charles Ernest Lieutenant (Deputy Commandant) British Red Cross Society Deputy Commandant of Orderlies, British Red Cross HQ, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clothier, Frederick Nelson Lieutenant Ministry of Shipping Transport Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cloux, Frank Louis Whitmarsh HM Office of Works Assistant Architect 2nd Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clover, Dorothy Margaret Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Birkenhead Branch, Cheshire POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Clutterbuck, Sydney Ernest Inspector Glamorgan Constabulary Glamorganshire Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cobb, Monica Mary Geikie Professional Classes War Relief Council Joint Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cobden, Alfred Sydney Ministry of Munitions Chief Accountant, HM Factory, Oldbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cochrane, Edith Rose National War Savings Committee/Ministry of Pensions Services to local war savings & war pensions committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cochrane, Ethel National War Savings Committee/Ministry of Pensions Services to local war savings & war pensions committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cochrane, Ethel Isabel Virginia Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary, Northumberland Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cockburn, Dorothy Ministry of Munitions British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cockburn, James Lowrie Bishop & Co Partner British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Cockerell, Florence Elizabeth Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation RN Hospital, Chatsworth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cohen, Marjorie Emmeline Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Quartermaster-in-Charge, Furzedown Auxiliary Hospital, Limpsfield, Surrey British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cohen, Philip Air Ministry Staff Clerk, Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coke, Lady Mabel Young Men's Christian Association YMCA Munitions Canteen, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Colbourne, Robert Bertram Ministry of Food Chairman, South Warwickshire Section of Auctioneers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Colchester, Annie Frances Julia National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Croydon War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cole, Albert Percy Admiralty Airship Design Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Cole, Annie Violet Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Cheltenham POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cole, Francis Joseph Admiralty Surveyor, Civil Engineer-in-Chief's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cole, James Edward Ministry of Shipping Deputy Technical Assistant, Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cole, Robert Clifford HM Office of Works Acting Minor Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cole, Seymour Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Sussex Lodge Red Cross Hospital, Newmarket British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Collard, Cecil Wharton Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Collins, Alice Godiva Thorold Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation No. 4 Auxiliary Hospital, Exeter British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Collins, Christabel Assistant Staff Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Collins, George William Sub-Divisional Inspector Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Collins, Katharine Wilson Ministry of Pensions Member, Glasgow War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Collins, William Joseph Lieutenant Ministry of Shipping Head of Registry & Circulation, Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Colls, Herbert Ailby Board of Trade War Risks Insurance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Colquhoun, Emily Margaret Prisoners of War Help Committee Assistant Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coltman, Grace British Red Cross Society President, Deeside Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Combe, Nigel Victor, JP Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, West Sussex Allowance Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Comer, George Richard National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Boston War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Comerford, Matthew Dundalk Borough Council Town Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Compton, Henry, JP Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Kingston-on-Thames War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Congreve, Eirene Voluntary Aid Organisation Baggage Mistress, RN Hospital, Granton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Conibear, James Handford War Office Class A Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Connochie, Harry Joseph Bexfield War Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Connolly, Thomas Francis Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Optical Munitions, Glassware & Potash Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Connor, Anthony John St John Ambulance Brigade Secretary, No. 12 District British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Constantine, Arthur Heaton Ministry of Munitions Engines Design Branch, Mechanical Warfare Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cook, Albert Sydney War Office Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cook, Charles Lever Captain Mercantile Marine (London, Brighton and South Coast Railway) Master, SS Newhaven British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cook, James Superintendent Lincoln City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cook, William Frederick General Register Office Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooke, Clara Mabel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Olton Auxiliary Hospital, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooke, Edward Henry William Ministry of Food Chief Registration Officer, Birmingham Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooke, Frank Alexander, DCM Captain War Office Services to London anti-aircraft defences British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooke, Frank James Station Master London and North Western Railway Crewe Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooke, Howard Francis Vernon Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Salvage Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooke, William Herrick Worksop Union Master, Worksop Workhouse British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cookson, Thomas Hatton Ministry of Food Assistant, Oils & Fats Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coombes, Sydney Cooper Admiralty Naval Supply Officer, Colombo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coope, Amy Monica Ministry of Munitions Secretariat Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooper, Edward Stroud Board of Trade Assistant to the Secretary, Railway Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooper, Howard Samuel National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Ross & District War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooper, Juanita Carlota Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Organiser, Secretary & Treasurer, Loughton War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooper, Marion Helen Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Queen's Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Cuckfield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cooper, William Henry Hewlett Reverend National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Crickland & Wooton Bassett War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cordeaux, Edith Ministry of Pensions Member, Canterbury War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Corkran, Helena Muriel Seymour Queen Mary's Needlework Guild British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cormack, George Fishery Board for Scotland Fishery Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Corns, Frederick Samson Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS John Pender British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cornwell, Lily Elizabeth Frances War Office Lady Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Corscadden, Fannie Evelyn British Red Cross Society Services to shipwrecked sailors in Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cosens, Peter Hunter Scottish Freshwater Fisheries Committee Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coster, Gaius William Liverpool City Council Clerk to the Select Vestry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Costigan, Charles Samuel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation West Lancashire VAD No. 25 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cotton, Annie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Hartsleap Convalescent Home for VADs, Sandhurst British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cotton, Archibald James Ministry of Food Deputy Executive Officer, Lambeth Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coulson, Edith Mabel Government of Ireland Confidential Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coulson, William Ernest Ministry of Shipping Assistant Representative, Malta Dockyard British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Counahan, Michael Tyrell HM Customs and Excise Collector of Customs & Excise, Port of Cork British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Court, Lilian Young Men's Christian Association YMCA Munitions Canteens, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Court, Lilian Ethel Foreign Office Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Court, William Albert Admiralty Surveyor of Stores, HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coutts, Frederick, TD Major Paisley District Tramways Company General Manager & Electrical Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Couzens, Arthur Wilson Exchequer and Audit Department Chief Examiner British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Coventry, Mary Jane British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Kinross Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cowdroy, Charlotte Jane Howarth Prisoners of War Help Committee Organiser & Treasurer, Hornsey POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cowley, James Arthur Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Northwich War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cowley-Brown, Patrick Campbell Government of the Straits Settlements Assistant Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Cowper, Mary Bourne Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, Leighton Buzzard War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cox, Arthur William Franklin Station Master Great Northern Railway New England Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cox, James Henry Admiralty Inspector of Shipwrights, HM Dockyard, Sheerness British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cox, Joseph Peter Ministry of Pensions Chairman & Honorary Secretary, Knutsford War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cox, Percy Walter Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Chief Executive Officer, Kent Agricultural Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cox, Ralph Bouverie Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Requirements & Statistics Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cox, Veronica Mary Machell Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Honorary Secretary, West Kent Women's County Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cozens-Hardy, Margaret Joy Ministry of Pensions Member, Norwich War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Craig, Robert James Ministry of Munitions Manager, HM Factory, Avonmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Craig, Walter Elder War services in Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cramp, Annie Elizabeth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Coventry VAD No. 70, Warwick British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cran, George, VD, JP County Director Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Medical Officer, Weal Auxiliary Hospital/County Director, Kincardineshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crapnell, Stanley Richard Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Halifax Guardian POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Craske, Mabel Annetta Ministry of Labour Secretary, Juvenile Advisory Committee, Borough Employment Exchange, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Craske, Mary Ministry of Food Assistant, Lowestoft Food Committee Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Craven, Edward Joseph Eclipsis War Office Statistical Officer, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crawford, Daniel, JP Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Chairman, Hertfordshire County Produce Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crawford, Thomas Voluntary Aid Organisation Ambulance Transport Officer, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crawley, Gertrude British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Holbeach District, Lincolnshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cresswell, Catherine Gwladys Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Aberdare & Merthyr Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Croft, Charles Rowland Voluntary Aid Organisation Chief Assistant, Auxiliary Hospitals Accounts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crofton, Augusta Maude Ministry of Pensions Member, County Leitrim War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cromwell, Oliver Underwood Superintendent Doncaster Borough Police/Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Doncaster Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crone, William Ministry of Munitions Central Establishment Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Cropper, Marjorie Constance Ministry of Pensions Member, Westmorland War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crosher, William Samuel Air Ministry Contracts Branch, Department of Works & Buildings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crosland, Clarence Field HM Office of Works Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cross, Arthur Holt & Co Army Pay Room British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cross, Edward Alfred National War Savings Committee Honorary Organiser, Wrexham Rural District War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cross, Grenville Burgess Ministry of Shipping Technical Assistant, Directorate of Supplies, Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cross, Robert William Ryder Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Port Forwarding Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crossingham, Agatha Gwendoline Rees Ministry of National Service Private Secretary to the Controller British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Croucher, Wilfrid Gladstone National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Bridgwater War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crow, Ada Maud Missions to Seamen Stornoway Mission British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crow, John Chief Police Officer Ministry of Munitions Police Pembrey British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Crowe, William Ministry of Munitions Chief Dilution Officer, Cardiff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Crowther-Beynon, Vernon Bryan War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in Beckenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cruickshank, George Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Haddington War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cruickshank, James Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Accounts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cuddeford, Arthur Charles British Red Cross Society Assistant Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cuff, Stanley Geikie Ministry of Food Assistant Director of Tea Supplies British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Culley, James Ministry of Pensions Member, Middlesex War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cullis, Mary Aeldrin Services to the troops in France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cullum, Henry John Ministry of Munitions Mineral Oil Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Culshaw, Frank Hull Union Master, Hull Workhouse British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Culver, Albert Leopold South Eastern and Chatham Railway Agent, Hither Green Sidings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cumming, Andrew Lawrance Ministry of Shipping Assistant Representative, Malta Dockyard British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cumming, Ethel Maud British Red Cross Society Acting Divisional Secretary, Kensington Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cumming, Ida Georgina Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Member, Sub-Committee B, Westminster War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Cumming, Phoebe Eleanor Ministry of Shipping Higher Grade Woman Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Cummings, John Thomas Ministry of Labour Manager, Borough Employment Exchange, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cuninghame, Helen Ethel Assistant County Director British Red Cross Society Assistant County Director, Wigtownshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cunnington, Lily Maria Young Women's Christian Association Travelling Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Currall, Henrietta Frances Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Moorgreen Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Moseley, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Currer-Briggs, Helen Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor & Administrator, Broadleys Auxiliary Hospital for Officers, Windermere British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cursons, George Robert Alfred Young Men's Christian Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Curtis, John William West's Gas Improvement Company Principal Engineering & Technical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Curtis-Hayward, Margaret Frances Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary, Gloucestershire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Curwen, Elizabeth Caroline Colebrook Gordon Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor of an auxiliary military hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Cutforth, John Ashlin Ministry of Pensions Deputy Principal Clerk, Medical Services Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Cuthbert, Helena Eliza Services to the sick & wounded in British East Africa British World War I (East African Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Dadson, Mary Alice Portlock Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Gifford House Auxiliary Hospital, Roehampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dakin, Francis George Superintendent Sheffield City Police Chief Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dakin, Margaret Evelyn Harrison Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Member, Sub-Committee B, Battersea War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dale, Albert Ernest Ministry of National Service Superintendent Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dale, Cicely Susan Commandant/Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kent VAD No. 36/The Bevan VAD Hospital, Sandgate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dale, Mary Frances Services to sick & wounded soldiers at Amiens British World War I (Western Front) 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dalmahoy, Lilias Edith Jean Ministry of Pensions President, Southern Division of Edinburgh City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dalrymple, William Ministry of Labour Member, Scotland Employment Council/Vice-Chairman, Edinburgh Employment Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dalton, James Henry Chesshyre, JP Ministry of Pensions Member, Cambridge Borough War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dalton, William Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Brentwood Sub-Committee & Member, Essex County War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Damer-Priest, James Ministry of Munitions Medical Officer, Royal Gunpowder Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dance, Samuel Richard Ministry of Food Despatch Officer, Fish Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dane, Frederick Hopper Ministry of Pensions Member, Ilford War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dane, James Whiteside, DL Kildare County Council Clerk of the Crown & Peace British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dane, John Stephenson Ministry of Food Assistant Commissioner & Fish Distribution Officer, London Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Daniels, Margaret Frances Admiralty Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dann, John Charles Station Superintendent South Eastern and Chatham Railway Woolwich Arsenal Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
D'Arcy, William James Buchanan Sergeant Southend Borough Police Southend Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dargie, Albert War Office Chief Clerk, RASC Supply Depot, Dundee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dashwood, Geva Vereker Prisoners of War Help Committee Member of the Executive Committee, Northumberland POWs Organisation British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davenport, Daniel London and North Western Railway Foreman, Crewe Locomotive Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davenport, Flora Gladys Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation London VAD No. 4/Weir Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davey, Benjamin Alfred H. M. Hobson Technical Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davey, Herbert John Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davie, James Gordon Ministry of Food Chief Cashier, Butter & Cheese Import Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Alonzo Ernest Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS St Patrick British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Clara Maud Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kent VAD No. 124/Organiser, Hubert House VAD Hostel, Dover British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Emily Geraldine Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation The Cedars Red Cross Hospital, Wells British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Ernest James Lieutenant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, George, JP Ministry of Pensions Member, Widnes War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Henry Ivor Ministry of Pensions First Class Clerk, Officers' Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Horace Victor Government of Sierra Leone Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Davies, Isabel Warwick Services to POWs British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Julia Services during air raids British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Morgan Pontardawe Rural District Council Chairman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Robert Yarnell Chief Police Officer Ministry of Munitions Police HM Factory, Queensferry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, Thomas Edward Captain Mercantile Marine Master, Tug Flying Kestrel British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davies, William Lloyd Exchequer and Audit Department Acting Senior Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davis, Albert Alfred Air Ministry Department of Works & Buildings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davis, Gershom Willoughby Cecil Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Accounts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davis, Lilian Bertha War Trade Department Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davis, Sydney Carlile Ministry of Food Area Transport Secretary, South Western Division, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davison, Edward Anderson Area Chief King's Lynn Borough Police King's Lynn Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Davison, John William British Red Cross Society Services in Glamorganshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawes, Elizabeth Lilian Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Abington Avenue Auxiliary Hospital, Northampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawkins, William Paxton Foreign Office Shorthand Writer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawson, Agnes Ministry of Labour Appointments Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawson, Agnes Elizabeth Superintendent, Blackpool Welcome Hut British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawson, Anne War Office Shorthand Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawson, Cecily Ministry of National Service Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dawson, Keith Cyril Darlington Acting Major 57th Wilde's Rifles British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Day, Edward Philip National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Bingham Church School War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Day, Ernest Cockburn Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS Montrose British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Day, George, FRCS Ministry of Munitions Medical Officer, HM Cylinder Depot, Bucknall British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Day, Maud FitzGerald Prisoners of War Help Committee Assistant Honorary Secretary, South Staffordshire Regiment POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Day, Thomas Frederick Board of Trade Divisional Officer, Household Fuel & Lighting Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Day, William Thomas Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Machine Tools Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Deacon, Clara Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Prince of Wales Hospital, Cardiff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dease, Mary O'Kelly, JP War work British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
De Courcy Ireland, Myrtle Air Ministry Personal Assistant to the Deputy Chief of the Air Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Defries, Wolf Ministry of Munitions Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
De Knoop, Evelyn Elizabeth Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor & Officer-in-Charge, Calverley Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Tarporley, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
de Martin, Gaston Pacroe Government of Hong Kong Assistant Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Dempster, William Thomas Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation South Croydon Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Denholm, John Maxwell Ministry of Labour Manager, Glasgow Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Denholm, Walter Windebank Workman & Clark Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dennis, Anna Emily Ministry of Pensions Member, County Wicklow War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Denniston, Mary Grace Ministry of Munitions Parliamentary & General Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dent, Herbert Crowley Major Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Colne House VAD Hospital, Cromer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
de Rome, Francis John Government of Hong Kong Assistant Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Desborough, Walter Home Office Minor Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Devereux, Augustine Services to wounded soldiers and POWs British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dewhurst, John Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Norton Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Gloucestershire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dexter, Thomas Services to the defence of Kut-el-Amarah British World War I (Mesopotamian Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Dey, Alexander Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, 12th Northumberland VAD Hospital, Fowberry Hetton/13th Northumberland VAD Hospital, Etal Manor, Cornhill-on-Tweed British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dezest, Frank Cox & Co RAF Officers' Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
D'Harty, William Cornelius HM Office of Works Architectural Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dick, Henry Charles Foreign Office Assistant to the British Commercial Attaché, Christiania British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dick, James Scott Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dick, Marion Edith Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dicks, Eustace James Carey Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Eastor Park Hospital, Suffolk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dickson, Beatrice Beaupré Queen Mary's Needlework Guild President, Rosario Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Dickson, Eric James Lieutenant Supply and Transport Corps British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Digby, Emily Ministry of Pensions Joint Honorary Secretary, Colchester War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Diggins, William Samuel Admiralty Foreman, Engineer Branch, HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dilby, Arthur George Ministry of Food Chairman, Bedfordshire Section of Livestock Auctioneers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dilks, Alice Irene Ministry of Munitions Personal Secretary to the Director of Gun Contracts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dillon, Malcolm Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser, Seaham Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Durham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dillon, Stella Margaret Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Bedford VAD No. 4 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ditchfield, Richard Thomas Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dix, Edith Amy Ministry of Food Chief Clerk, Hampstead Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dixon, Jennie Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Dowery Auxiliary Hospital, Nantwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dixon, Kate Alice Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary & Benefactor, Uppingham Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dixon, Walter Reginald War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dobbin, William Wood County Director (Major) St John Ambulance Brigade County Director, South Tipperary Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dobbings, William Ministry of Labour Deputy Chief Investigation Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dobie, Herbert Voluntary Aid Organisation Principal Medical Officer, Eaton Hall Auxiliary Hospital/Medical Officer, Oakfields Auxiliary Hospital, Upton, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dobson, George Herbert Second Lieutenant Supply and Transport Corps British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Dockery, Owen Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser of ambulance work, County Galway British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Doherty, Arthur Edward British Potash Company Chemical Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dollond, Alfred Walter War Office Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Donald, David Angus Grangemouth Burgh Council Burgh & Waterworks Engineer British 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Donald, Robert, Jr National War Savings Committee Secretary, Banchory and Upper Deeside War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Door, Reginald Edmund Ministry of Labour Manager, Plymouth Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Doran, David John Great Western Railway Principal Clerk, Chief Goods Manager's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dormer, Alfred James Ministry of Labour Services to welfare of soldiers in Reading British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dott, George Ministry of Pensions Member, Glasgow War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Doughty, Beatrice Mary Constance President, Lowestoft Sailors' and Soldiers' Welcome Club British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Douglass, James Robertson Dundee Harbour Trust Chief Assistant Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Doulton, Alice Duneau Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Camberwell War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dover, Alice Eliza Prisoners of War Help Committee Superintendent of Packing, Northampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dow, Mary Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets York Station Canteen and Soldiers' Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dowler, Edwin Harold Oriental Tube Company Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Down, Thomas Beadle Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co Assistant Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Downing, Pansy War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dowsing, Herbert Leopold Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, St John Voluntary Aid Hospital, Hull British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Drage, Elinor Katharine British Red Cross Society Joint Manageress, Hertfordshire War Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Drake, Annie Halifax Courier Superintendent, Halifax Courier Comforts Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Drake, Ellen Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Voluntary Worker, Tooting Military Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Drakeford, William Dusantoy War Office Temporary Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Drapes, Thomas Lambert Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Portskewett & Gwy House Auxiliary Hospital, Chepstow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dray, Evelyn Muriel War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Drew, James William Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Cornwall War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Drew, Lorna Auchterlonie British Red Cross Society Office-in-Charge, Wounded & Missing Enquiry Depot, East Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Drummond, Mary Jane British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Greenwich & Woolwich Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Drummond Hay, Eveline Anstey Deputy Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kenry House Auxiliary Hospital for Officers, Kingston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dubois, Frederick Ministry of Food Deputy Chief Accountant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Du Cane, Arthur George Foreign Office Secretary to HM Minister in Christiania British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Duddy, Philip Menross HM Customs and Excise Staff Clerk, Secretary's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dudgeon, Florence Margaret Foreign Office Temporary Clerk British World War I/Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duffes, Hilda Ethel Paterson Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dugdale, Hilda Prisoners of War Help Committee Joint Honorary Secretary, Blackburn POW Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duggan, Mary Reverend Mother Voluntary Aid Organisation Superintendent, Holly Mount Auxiliary Hospital, Tottington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Duggan, Motherwell Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Rayner Crodt & Haigh Lawn Auxiliary Hospitals, Bowdon/John Leigh Officers' Hospital, Altrincham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Duggleby, Constance Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Confidential Clerk, Lewisham Military Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dunalley, Frances Mary Prittie, Baroness British Red Cross Society British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duncan, George Aberdeen Harbour Superintendent, Aberdeen Floating Dock British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duncan, George Douglass Ministry of Food Deputy Executive Officer, Sunderland Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duncan, George Forest Inspector Rutherglen Burgh Police Rutherglen Burgh Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duncan, Margaret Elmslie Ministry of Munitions Welfare Supervisor, National Shell Factory, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Duncan, Robert Irish Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Duncan, William Lindsay Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Scottish Prince British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dunderdale, Robert Harold Webster Blackpool Hospital Medical Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dunell, Marion Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Garboldisham Manor VAD Hospital, Thetford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dunkin, William Henry Department of Overseas Trade Principal Assistant, Metal Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dunn, Marion Prudence Voluntary Aid Organisation House Matron, Beaufort War Hospital, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dupré, Percy Vivian Scientific services to the government British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Durant, William James United Alkali Company Medical Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Durham, John Hope War Office Secretary & Shorthand Typist, Intelligence Service for British Armies in France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dutton, Mildred Ministry of Pensions Deputy Honorary Secretary, Bolton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dutton, Peter Irving Voluntary Aid Organisation Clerk & Steward, Lord Derby War Hospital, Warrington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dyas, William George Ministry of Munitions HM Magazine Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dyer, Albert John Captain Indian Military Accounts Department British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Dyer, Alfred Thomas Young Men's Christian Association Voluntary Worker British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dyer, John Luther Section Leader British Red Cross Society Red Cross Unit No. 3, Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dyer, Robert Broomfield Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Wigtownshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Dykes, Kathleen Ellison Tyneside Scottish Joint Secretary, Ladies' Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Dyson, John Richard Haigh Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Honley Auxiliary Hospital, Huddersfield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Eager, Joseph Henry Station Master London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Shoreham-by-Sea railway station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eagles, Joseph William National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Coalville War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eames, Florence Mabel Home Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Earle, Betty Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Camberley Military Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Earle Marsh, Jane Prisoners of War Help Committee Joint Honorary Secretary, Monmouth POWs Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Eastwood, Mabel Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Centre Vale Auxiliary Hospital, Todmorden British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Eborall, Edith Church of England Honorary Secretary, Church of England Clubs for Soldiers, Folkestone British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eckford, Reginald Henderson HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul at Tsingtao British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Ede, Henry William London and North Western Railway Assistant Irish Traffic Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eden, Mary Frances Dove Voluntary Aid Organisation General Service Superintendent of Labour, Queen Alexandra's Military Hospital, Millbank British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edgar, James Winterbottom National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Salford Borough War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edith, Frances Organiser, Soldiers' Rest & Refreshment Camp, Beira British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Edmiston, Iris Dorothy Ministry of Shipping Personal & Private Secretary to the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edmunds, Flavell Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Chesterfield Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwardes, Charles Whitfield Admiralty Acting Inspector of Electrical Fitters, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Edwards, Arthur Joseph Admiralty Contract Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Edwards, Bogdan Edward Jastrzsbski Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Medical Officer, Boothroyde Auxiliary Hospital, Brighouse British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwards, Elizabeth Alice Ministry of Munitions Supervisory Clerk, Directorate of Inspection of Munitions Areas British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwards, Emma Dorothy Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Crofton Auxiliary Hospital, Aigburth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwards, Ernest Arthur Ministry of Food Assistant Commissioner, Midland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwards, Mabel Constance Ministry of Pensions District Head, Liverpool War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwards, Roger Bellis Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Leeswood Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Mold British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Edwards, William Buckland Ministry of Munitions Principal Assistant Chemist, Directorate of Chemical Inspection British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Edwards, William Ernest British Red Cross Society/Voluntary Aid Organisation Ambulance Transport Officer/Officer i/c Food Supply for Auxiliary Hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eggleshaw, Frank Herbert Great Northern Railway Assistant to the Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ehrenfest, Muriel Alice Adela Voluntary Aid Organisation Chief Assistant, Motor Boat Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eland, Ruth Adelaide War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eliot, Kate Marianne Admiralty Armament Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Elkington, William Ministry of Munitions Chief Investigation Officer, North-Western Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Elles, Gertrude Lilian Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Wordsworth Grove Auxiliary Hospital, Cambridge British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Elliot, Bessie Clarke British Red Cross Society Red Cross Visitor/Lady i/c Invalid Kitchen, Shonbra Infectious Hospital, Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Elliott, Arthur Campbell Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer-in-Charge, Chaseside Auxiliary Hospital, St Anne's-on-Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Elliott, Charles Edward Vickers Assistant Manager, Gun Building Plant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Elliott, Charles John Ministry of Food Distribution & Emergency Officer, Eastern Division, Cambridge British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ellis, Albert Edward Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant, VAD No. 33, East Lancashire/Officer-in-Charge, Ambulance Train Squad, Mayfield Station, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ellis, Charles Leonard British Red Cross Society Ambulance Transport Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ellison, Anne Foreign Office Shorthand Writer & Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Elmsall, William de Cardonnel Assistant Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Newton Abbot Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Elmslie, Edward Cooch Stewart Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS Electra British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Elton, Mabel Thérèse Admiralty Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Elwes, Henry Geoffrey District Commissioner Boy Scouts Association Colchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Emler, Frederick William Board of Trade Staff Officer, Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
England, Harry Yorkshire (West Riding) Electrical Tramways Company General Manager & Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Engleheart, Matilda Mary Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Boxford & Hadleigh War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Enthoven, Augusta Gabrielle Eden British Red Cross Society Central Prisoners of War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Entwistle, Joseph Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Bacup War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Erskine, Walter Hugh Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Etheridge, Arthur Thomas Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Etheridge, Herbert Admiralty Deputy Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eunson, Milicent Ministry of Pensions Member, Northampton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Evans, Abel Joseph, JP, NP Ministry of Labour Member, Gloucester Employment Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, Claude Victor War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, Edith Mary British Red Cross Society Principal Officer, Red Cross Clothing Depot, Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, Edward Prichard Ministry of Shipping Administrative Assistant, Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Evans, Frank Hedley Beaconsfield Motor Company Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, Gladys Richardson War Refugees' Committee Services in Wimbledon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, Harold Butler Wyn Admiralty Chief Airship Overseer, Armstrong Aircraft Construction Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Evans, Harry Loft Ministry of National Service Member, Hull Medical War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Evans, Herbert Ministry of Munitions Technical Investigating Officer, Department of Engineering British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Evans, John Thomas Admiralty Acting Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Pembroke British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, Walter David Admiralty Examiner, Armament Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, William James Board of Trade Equipment Section, Household Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Evans, William Owen Voluntary medical services to sailors & soldiers and their dependents in thw Swansea Valley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eve, William Charles Pittuck Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Gun Ammunition Filling Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Eyles, Herbert Charles Office of Woods First Class Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Eyre, Julia Philadelphia Prisoners of War Help Committee Organiser, Beverley Sub-Depot, Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Facer, Hedley Humphrey Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Reading Local Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fairbairn, Ethel Fulton National War Savings Committee Assistant Honorary Secretary, Liverpool War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fairbrother, Thomas Ministry of Food Divisional Accountant, North-Western Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fairey, Charles Richard Fairey Aviation Company Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] **
Fairless Stuart, Winifriede Fairless Ministry of Food Executive Officer, St Pancras Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fairley, Lucy Rosalind Ministry of Shipping Typist & Secretary to the Director, Ship Management Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fairley, William Board of Control Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fairlie, Jessie Mary Prisoners of War Help Committee Convener, Ladies' Committee, East Stirlingshire POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fairrie, Annie Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Princess Christian Military Hospital, Englefield Green British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fairweather, Amelia Services to troops in British East Africa British World War I (East African Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Falkus, Richard Uriah, ISO Admiralty Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fallon, Thomas Joseph Aloysius Government of Ireland Secretary, Irish Petrol Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farmer, William Henry Superintendent Worcestershire Constabulary Chief Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farmery, John Chief Officer Ilford Fire Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farnell, Beatrice Isabel Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Assistant, Charing Cross Station Free Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farnsworth, Frank Smedley Ministry of Munitions Manager, Derbyshire National Shell Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Farra, Robert Edward, MSM Services to the co-ordination of demobilisation British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Farran, Helen Isabel Ministry of Pensions Honorary Worker, Dublin City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Farrant, Mary Josephine War Office Lady Superintendent, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farrell, Henry William Treasury Solicitor's Department Legal Translator, Intelligence Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farrer, Julia Frances, ARRC RN Hospital, Mudros British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Farrow, Arthur Edward Inspector Rochdale Borough Police Rochdale Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Farrow, William Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Sale & Ashton-on-Mersey District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Farwell, George Douglas Ministry of Munitions Gun Ammunition & Engineering Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fasey, William Air Ministry Resident Engineer, Department of Works & Buildings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Favell, Millicent Elizabeth War Trade Department Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fawssett, Frank Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, St Ann's Auxiliary Hospital, Lewes British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fear, Thomas Richard Ministry of National Service/National War Savings Committee Services to recruiting, war savings, etc, in Cardiganshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fearfield, Marjorie Pollard British Red Cross Society Assistant Transport Officer, Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Featherstone, John Thomas National War Savings Committee Honorary Organiser, Rochester War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fedden, Alfred Hubert Roy Brazil, Straker & Co Chief Engineer & Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fellows, Gertrude Elizabeth Board of Trade Private Secretary to the Secretary, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Felton, Edgar Hall Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Cleethorpes Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fenelon, Martin Joseph War Office First Class Assistant Accountant, Army Audit Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fenton-Livingstone, Marion Isabella Rose Services to soldiers' and sailors' shelters in Argyllshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ferguson, Anna Wise Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Belfast Docks Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ferguson, Frances Madeleine Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Pavilion Hospital, Calne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ferguson, Gilbert HM Coastguard Coast Watcher, Kilcroman, Islay British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ferguson, Harold Stuart Captain London Rifle Brigade Honorary Secretary, London Rifle Brigade Regimental Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ferguson, James Strathearn Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Railway Materials Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fergusson, Margaret Heriot Admiralty HQ, WRNS British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Feuerheerd, Marietta Robertine Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Euston Free Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ffoulkes, Katharine Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Rode Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fidoe, Alfred Joseph Voluntary Aid Organisation Clerk & Steward, Ashurst War Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Field, John William Foreign Office Staff Officer, Librarian's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fielder, Charles James Association of Master Lightermen and Barge Owners Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fielding, Frederick British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, Buckden Centre, Huntingdon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fielding, Henry Canterbury City Council/Ministry of Food Town Clerk of Canterbury/Executive Officer, Canterbury Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fielding, Thomas Henry Ministry of Labour Divisional Staff Officer, London & South-Eastern Division, Employment Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Finch, Daisy Amelia War Office Telephonist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Finlay, William George Honorary Secretary, Northumberland Veterans' Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Finlinson, Ethel Mary Ministry of Munitions Secretary to the Controller, Gun Ammunition Filling Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Finnis, Herbert Chief Electrician Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS Levant I British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fisher, Edward Lamley Banbury Rural District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fisher, Ellinor Jane Voluntary Aid Organisation Head Steward, St John VAD Hospital, Hull British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fisher, Ethel Sophia Ministry of Pensions Member, Carmarthenshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fisher, Frederick Ludolph Chief Electrician Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS Amber British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fisher, Hubert William Warwick War Trade Department Secretary, Trans-shipment & Re-export Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fisher, Katharine Syrian and Palestine Relief Society Worker in Jerusalem British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fisher, Samuel Joseph National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Burton-on-Trent War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fitt, Adelaide Ministry of Pensions Member, Limerick City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
FitzGerald, Henry Purefoy Commandant (Reverend) Voluntary Aid Organisation Lidwells VAD Hospital, Goudhurst, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
FitzGerald Beale, Frances Helen Ministry of Pensions Member, Queen's County War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fitzpatrick, Alice Harriet Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, Bowood VAD Hospital, Calne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Flanagan, Mary Ministry of Food Assistant, Manufacturers' Section, Sugar Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Fleming, Edith May War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fleming, Frederick Alexander Ministry of Munitions Manager, Grimsby National Shell Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fletcher, Frederick John Admiralty Acting Examiner of Dockyard Work British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fletcher, Violet Eastwood Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Camberwell Divisional Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Flint, Frederick Theodore Young Men's Christian Association Worker British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Folland, Henry Phillip Nieuport and General Aircraft Company Chief Engineer & Designer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] **
Fooks, Amy Harriet Voluntary Aid Organisation General Service Superintendent, VADs, Colchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Foord, Walter James War Office Chief Clerk, Central Registry, Southern Command British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Forbes, Barbara Donald British Red Cross Society Secretary, Islay Division, County of Argyll British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Forbes, James HM Customs and Excise Collector, Port of Swansea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Forbes, William, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Banffshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ford, Arthur Clow War Office Chairman, Education Committee & Camp School, Ruhleben British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ford, Thomas Benjamin Foreign Office Shorthand Writer & Confidential Clerk to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ford, William George Ministry of Food Chief Road Transport Area Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Forman, Bernard Gilpin Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Medical Officer, Cober Hill Hospital, Scarborough British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Forrest, Alfred Wightman Ministry of National Service Member, Sheffield Medical War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Forrest, Thomas Walker Amsworth, JP Ministry of Pensions Member, Darwen War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Forrester, Miriam Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, Passports Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Forster, Aquila Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Forster, Douglas Wakefield National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Sedgwick War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Forster, Matthew, JP Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society Honorary Secretary, Durham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Forster, William Blackness Foundry Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fortington, Edna Winifred Ministry of Munitions Non-Ferrous Materials Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fortye, Grace Voluntary Aid Organisation Charing Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fossati, Mary Mussely Services to British subjects in Courtrai British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Foster, Marion Ferguson Preston Infirmary X-Ray Worker British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fowle, William, VD Northallerton Urban District Council/Northallerton Rural District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fowler, Charles Roy HM Office of Works Acting Assistant Architect British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Fowler, Ethel Ada Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Priory School Red Cross Hospital, Taunton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fowler, Gertrude Irene James Keiller & Sons Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fox, Arthur Wingrave Wolseley Motors Manager, National Gauge Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Fox, Marshall Nathaniel Syrian and Palestine Relief Society General Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fox, Violet Beatrice Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Foyster, Constance Helena Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Old Hastings House Auxiliary Hospital, Hastings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
France, William Ernest National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Knutsford War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Franceys, Amy Constance Ministry of Pensions Member, Blackpool War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Francis, George Chaplin Government of Ireland Confidential Clerk to the Chief Secretary for Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Francis, Katherine Lilian Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Gray House Auxiliary Hospital, Chepstow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Franklin, Arthur Sumpter Ministry of Munitions Assistant Manager, Dagenham Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Frankling, Albert Edward Admiralty Acting Electrical Engineer, Dockyard & Repairs Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fraser, Clive Stewart Captain Government of the Straits Settlements Chief Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Fraser, Gordon Lushington British Red Cross Society Embarkation Officer, Étretat British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fraser, Hugh Station Master Highland Railway Invergordon railway station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fraser, Robert Deputy Chief Constable Midlothian Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fraser, Sarah Louise Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Nunthorpe Hall Auxiliary Hospital, York British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Freeman, Phillip Anthony Mallows Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector, Trench Warfare Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Freeman-Horn, Edith Mabel British Red Cross Society Organiser, Collecting Box Department, County of London Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
French, Herbert Edward Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Kovno British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
French, Hilda Dillwyn Northampton Hut, Aldershot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
French, James Frederick Foreign Office Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
French, Louis Emanuel Lieutenant Expeditionary Force Canteens Officer i/c at Ports of Eastern Shipments British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
French, William Henry Ministry of Munitions Munitions Area Dilution Officer, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Frere, Laetitia Helen Admiralty Naval Intelligence Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Frewen, Violet Helen Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Dixter Auxiliary Hospital, Northiam, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Frith-Lowndes, William Frederick Lowndes Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Chesham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Frost, Ann Lucy Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Thelwall Keys Auxiliary Hospital, Warrington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Frost, Percy Services in Umbria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fry, Frederick William War Office Services to reception of overseas troops British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fryer, Frances Mary Prisoners of War Help Committee Joint Secretary, Sherwood Foresters POWs Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fulford, Catherine Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Fulham War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fullarton-James, Penel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Northumberland VAD Hospital, Borough Hall, Morpeth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Fuller, Mabel Frances Voluntary Aid Organisation Private Secretary to the Director, Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fuller, Mary Francis Navy League of Great Britain Member, Ladies' Emergency Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Fulljames, Edith Marianne Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Oatlands Auxiliary Hospital, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Furner, Duncan Campbell Superintendent Hove Borough Police Hove Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gaddum, Arthur Graham Greek Boy Scouts Organiser British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Gahan, Horace Stirling Townsend Reverend Church of England British Chaplain, Brussels British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Gair, Christina Ellen Commandant (Matron) Voluntary Aid Organisation Wallside Auxiliary Hospital, Falkirk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gaisford, Gertrude Emma Frances Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation St Mary's Auxiliary Hospital, Worthing British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gaisford-St Lawrence, Bertha Mary Prisoners of War Help Committee Services to prisoners of war & war funds British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gallaway, James Henry Deputy Chief Constable Isle of Wight Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Galloway, Kathleen Frances Elaine Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, Southport War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Galloway, Mary Helene Voluntary Aid Organisation Chief Voluntary Hospital Visitor, North Scotland Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gamble, William Michael Hudson Julius War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gamble-Walker, Sophie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Lancaster House Red Cross Hospital, Whalley Range, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gammon, Edith Olive Ministry of Munitions Secretary to a Member of the Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Gane, Percy James Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation 3rd Wiltshire VAD British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gant, Wilfred Robert Pinfold Admiralty Deputy Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gard, William Garrard Snowdon Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Commandant, VAD No. 49, London/Chairman, Hampstead Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gardiner, Frederick Henry Admiralty Acting Inspector of Electrical Fitters, HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gardiner, Henry Willoughby, FRCP Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Quarry Place Auxiliary Hospital, Shrewsbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gardiner, Robert Fulton Church of Scotland Business Manager, Scottish Churches Huts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gardiner, William Rattray Young Men's Christian Association Honorary Treasurer, South Eastern Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gardner, Jessie British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, Bo'ness Committee, Linlithgowshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gardner, William Reid Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Kilpatrick 'B' War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Garford, Marian War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Garland, Arthur Edward Ministry of Munitions Principal Assistant Chemist, Inspection Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Garland, Hilda Margaret Ministry of Pensions Officer i/c Training Section, London War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Garner, Harry Ministry of National Service Chairman, Hinckley Rural Advisory Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Garratt, Herbert Todmorden Borough Council/Ministry of Food Town Clerk of Todmorden/Executive Officer, Todmorden Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Garrett, Edith National War Savings Committee Joint Honorary Secretary, St Albans War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Garrow, Alexander Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Assistant Secretary, Elginshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Garry, Thomas Gerald St John Ambulance Brigade Cairo Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Garton, Albert London and North Western Railway Trains Clerk, Liverpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gartside, Vincent Ministry of Munitions Machine Tools Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Garvey, Harrie Ministry of Pensions Member, County Mayo War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Garwood, Edmund John War Office Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gaskin, John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Whitby War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gates, William Henry Captain Mercantile Marine (South Eastern and Chatham Railway) Master, SS The Queen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gayton, Joseph Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Men's VAD, Carnarvonshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gear, Elizabeth Anne Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Organiser, Treasurer & Secretary, Pinner War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Geary, Henry Valentine Voluntary Aid Organisation Chief Assistant, Accountants' Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gedge, John Henry Barnes Ministry of Food Chairman, East & West Flegg Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gee, Frederick Whitfield National Waste Products General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gemmell, Alice Caroline Anne Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Commandant, VAD No. 24/Secretary, City of Edinburgh Personnel Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Genders, Reginald Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Gent, William Henry War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
George, Samuel Glasgow Steel Roofing Company Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
George, William Frank National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Aldershot Central War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Georges, Edith Alexa Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser, Pembroke Lodge Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gibb, Elizabeth Salvation Army Worker at Mons British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gibson, Agnes British Women's Patriotic Association President, Argentina British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Gibson, Edward National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Stepney War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gibson, James Albert Captain Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Galcombe Auxiliary Hospital, Isle of Wight British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gibson, Lawrence Eastern Telegraph Company CS Levant II British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gibson, Thomas George Board of Trade Staff Officer, Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gibson, William Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Carnalia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Gifford, Emma Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Monmouth House Red Cross Hospital, Chard British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gilbertson, Mary Campbell Bisset Matron Gilbert Bain Memorial Hospital Lerwick British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gilburd, William Robert War Office Assistant Secretary, Kent Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Giles, Arthur Ministry of Munitions Private Secretary to a Member of the Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gillett, John Cornelius Ministry of Pensions Member, Walthamstow War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Giller, George Samuel Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Secretary, Gloucestershire Agricultural Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gillett, Henry William Admiralty Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gillett, John Cornelius Ministry of Pensions Member, Walthamstow War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gillott, Mary Aloysia Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Eastwood Auxiliary Hospital, Nottinghamshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gilmore, Fred Peden War Office Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gilmour, Robert Station Superintendent Glasgow and South Western Railway Glasgow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gilmour, Robert Scott J. and R. Wilson Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gilroy, James Boyd Young Men's Christian Association Assistant Superintending Accountant, France, Belgium & Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Given John Cecil Mackmurdo Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Holt Auxiliary Medical Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gladwyn, Sidney Charles Ministry of Munitions Chief Draughtsman, Royal Laboratory, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Glaysher, Henry Charles War Office Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Glayzer, Edward John Superintendent Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Glazebrook, Edward John, DCM Captain (QM) General List British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Glossop, Charles Henry, JP British Red Cross Society Honorary County Treasurer, Derbyshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goad, Edwin Henry Chief Officer Reigate Borough Police Reigate Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goad, Frederick Lockhart Ministry of Munitions Dilution Officer, Leeds British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Godfrey, Norah Air Ministry Welfare Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Godwin, George Batley Ministry of Munitions Works Manager, Mossband, HM Factory, Gretna British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Goff, Emily Gertrude Prisoners of War Help Committee Organiser, Dundrum POWs of Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goldsworthy, Frederick James Metropolitan Water Board Resident Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gollance, Ernest Marcus War Trade Department Head of Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gollin, Walter Josephson Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gooch, Eva Conway Everard Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser, Banavie Auxiliary Hospital for Officers, Inverness-shire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gooch, Henry Martyn World's Evangelical Council General Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gooch, Ivy Church of England Church of England Soldiers' Rooms, Abbeville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goodbody, Lydia Maria Royal Dublin Fusiliers Committee Chairman, Royal Dublin Fusiliers Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goodden, Caroline Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Compton House Auxiliary Hospital, Sherborne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Goodrich, Walter Francis Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goodwin, Charles Arthur HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul, Tunis British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Goodwin, John Henry Captain National Maritime Board Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gordon, Frank Lindsay Services to hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Gordon, John Cornewall Duff Catholic Women's League Voluntary worker British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Gorman, William Midland Railway Foreman, Tender, Lagging & Boiler-Mounting Shops British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gosling, William National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Great Yarmouth War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Goss, Lilian May Voluntary Aid Organisation Services to Bristol hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gosse, Hope Wilkes Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Eccleshall Auxiliary Hospital, Staffordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gough, Kathleen Mona Voluntary services to British soldiers in Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gould, William Edward Thomas War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gowan, George D'Olier George Kent Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Goward, Raymond Spencer Major Australian Comforts Fund Assistant Commissioner Australian World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Gracey, Edmund Harland & Wolff Head, Contracts & Buying Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gracie, William McAuley Great Central Railway Chief Clerk to the Goods Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Graham, James HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Long Room, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Graham, Jannet Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Edward Malam Hospital, Deganwy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Graham, Robert Balfour, VD, JP, FRCS Lieutenant-Colonel (County Director) British Red Cross Society Fifeshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Graham, Robert Paul Captain Mercantile Marine (White Star Line) Wharf Superintendent, Liverpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Graham, Ronald Lieutenant (Assistant Commissary) Indian Survey Department British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Graham, Thomas H. Ministry of Food British Food Mission, USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Graham, William Board of Trade Secretary to the Dyes Commissioner British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grant, Agnes Jane Sailors' & Soldiers' Recreation Room, Simonstown British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grant, Emma Egerton Secretary of war committees in Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grant, Ethel Ogilvie National Council for Combating Venereal Disease Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Granville, Agatha British Red Cross Society Lady Superintendent, Red Cross Workroom, Alexandria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gratwick, Doris Hilda War Trade Statistical Department Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Graves, Margrett Massy Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Soldiers' & Sailors' Free Buffet, Waterford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gray, Ada Leila War Office Lady Superintendent, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gray, Julie Hunter Voluntary Aid Organisation Catering Department, HRH Princess Beatrice's St Marylebone War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gray, Robert Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Midlothian Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greathead, Alice Charlotte British Red Cross Society Organiser, Red Cross Working Parties, Hertfordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greatorex, Ronald Henry Government of South Africa Censor, Johannesburg South African World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Grech, Elizabeth Constance Vittoria British Red Cross Society Divisional Honorary Secretary, St Leonards-on-Sea Division, Sussex Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Green, Alfred John British Red Cross Society Accountant & Stores Officer, Salonika British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Green, Henry Martyn Ministry of Munitions Central Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Green, Henry William Captain Mercantile Marine (London and South Western Railway) Master, SS Lydia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greenaway, Thomas Joseph Lieutenant-Colonel Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greenhalgh, Frederick William Manchester Union Deputy Clerk to the Board of Guardians British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greenland, Dora Young Men's Christian Association President, Shakespeare Hut, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greenup, William Admiralty Contract Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Greenway, Bessie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Farnborough VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Greenwood, Fred National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Nelson War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Greenwood, Josémée Marguerite Ministry of Munitions Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gregory, Alfred Thomas, JP Ministry of National Service Chairman, Tiverton Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gregory, Arthur Lambdon Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gregory, Ethel Amy War Office Shorthand Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gregory, Harry William George War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gregson, George Woolley Ministry of Labour Investigation Officer, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Greig, Margaret Eunice Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor & Lady Superintendent, Eccles Officers' Convalescent Hospital, Coldstream British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Greig, Phyllis Evelyn Ministry of Labour Labour Section, British Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grier, Francis William Mathwin & Son Leith Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Griffith, Griffith Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS San Eduardo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Griffiths, Griffith Nathan Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Llanelly British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Griffiths, Ida Mildred Mary Ministry of Pensions Member, Twickenham War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Griffiths, Marion Voluntary Aid Organisation Nell Lane Military Hospital, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Griffiths, Sarah Ann Ministry of Pensions Member, Coventry War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Griffiths, Walter James Ministry of Munitions Chief Draughtsman, Royal Carriage Department, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grime, Joseph Crookes, JP Commander Manchester City Police Manchester Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grimsdale, Blanche Emma Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Organiser, Gerrards Cross War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Grimsdale, William War Office Acting Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grimwade, Isabella Emily Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Organiser, Streatham War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Groves, Mary Queen Mary's Needlework Guild President, Weymouth Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grubb, Charles John Edward Ministry of Food Branch Depot Manager, Butter & Cheese Import Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gruchy, Amy Douglas de War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grundy, Emily Susan War Refugees' Committee Services to the reception & assistance of British refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Grundy, Lily Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Guinness, Kenelm Edward Lee Robinhood Engineering Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gunn, Edith Milner Young Men's Christian Association Lady Superintendent, Nigg YMCA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gunn, George, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Parkgate Auxiliary Hospital, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gunson, Alice Maud Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Wisbech Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gunton, Ernest War Office Temporary Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gurling, Albert Edwin War Trade Intelligence Department Head, Publication Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Gurney, Cecily Jane Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Swainsthorpe VAD Hospital, Norwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gurney Hoare, Frances Louisa Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Gerstley Hoare Hospital, Cadogan Square, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Gurteen, Horace British Red Cross Society Red Cross Unit No. 3, Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Gyles, John William British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, East Lancashire Food Stuffs Board British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hackett, John War Office Services re medical stores accounts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hadfield, John White Ministry of Labour Deputy Chief Investigation Officer, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hadkinson, Frederick HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul at Mytilene British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Hadley, Joanna Margaret Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Organiser, Kitto Relief Hospital, Reigate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Haffield, Walter Milford Paget Wounded Soldiers' Reception Committee Officer-in-Charge, Kingstown British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Haggard, Lilias Margitson Rider Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD (Norfolk) No. 116 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] **
Haig, Mary Lilian Assistant County Director British Red Cross Society Vice-President & Assistant County Director, Clackmannan & Kinross Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Haigh, George William British Red Cross Society Ambulance Transport Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hains, John James Admiralty Master Stevedore, HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hainworth, Edward Marrack, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, St John VAD Hospital, Hull British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hair, John Hugh, DL County Director British Red Cross Society Morayshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hale, Felix Great Western Railway Foreman, Locomotive Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hale, Muriel Alice Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Knowsley Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hale, Reginald Lieutenant British Red Cross Society Director of Finances & Personnel, Red Cross Commission, Mesopotamia & Persia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Haler, Percy James Hackney Institute Superintendent, Engineering Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hall, Audrey Elizabeth Kathleen War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Hall, Elizabeth Ellen Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Biddenden VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hall, Frederick Holland Admiralty Acting Deputy Expense Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hall, Henry Leonard Lieutenant Royal Air Force (Nieuport and General Aircraft Company) Assistant General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Hall, James Admiralty Examiner, Contract Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hall, Mary Eleanor Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cockermouth Castle Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hall, Matthew Voluntary Aid Organisation Assistant, Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hallam, Ernest Robert Francis South Eastern and Chatham Railway Signal Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Halliday, William Jamieson Services to war organisations in Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hallifax, Percy War Office Superintending Clerk, Remount Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Halliwell, David Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Assistant to the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Halliwell, John Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Winchcombe Auxiliary Hospital, Gloucestershire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Halsey, George Ministry of Food Assistant Director of Finance British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Haly, Herbert John Station Master Great Western Railway Westbury railway station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hamer, Dorothy War Trade Statistical Department Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hamilton, Ethel Mary Services to troops in Abbeville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hamilton, Patrick Swinglehurst Captain Border Regiment 2/4th Battalion British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Hammick, Lucy Mabel Queen Mary's Needlework Guild British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hammond, Edith Ministry of Munitions Lady Superintendent, Chaul End Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Hammond, Emmeline Mary War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hampshire, Frederick Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Horbury War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hampton, Clement Edward National War Savings Committee Joint Honorary Secretary, Hull War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hancock, Aline Marie British Red Cross Society Services in Darlington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hancock, William Hern Admiralty Secretary to the Deputy First Sea Lord British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hancox, Cecil John Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Bishop's Stortford Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Handford, Margaret Emma Ministry of Pensions Member, Barnsley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Handley, Kirk Deputy Chief Constable Leeds City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Hankinson, Charles James, JP Ministry of Munitions Superintendent of Stationery, Establishment Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hanna, Ellen Victoria Service at a soldiers' club in Dublin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hannaford, Claude Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hannan, George James Bryce Ministry of Munitions Administrative Officer, USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hannon, Marion Coulson Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cedar's Hospital, Beeston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Hansard, Arnold Greaves Ministry of Munitions Chief Draughtsman, Trench Warfare Design Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/10/21)[9]
Hanscomb, Henry Charles War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hansen, Alma Ministry of National Service Private Secretary to the Parliamentary Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hansen, Sven Wohlford Cardiff Hall Steamship Line Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hansford, Ernest William Harry Nobel's Explosives Company Manager, Commercial Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Happell, David Superintendent Ayrshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hardie, Annie War Office Superintendent, Press Section, Mobilisation Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harding, Ethel Emma War Office Lady Superintendent, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hardy, Dorothy Clara Ministry of Munitions Officer i/c Women Munitions Volunteer Records British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hardy, Margaret Jane Services to troops in France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hardy, William Eversley Bath Electric Tramways Company General Manager & Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hare, Francis Edward Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Shustoke Men's VAD, Warwick, No. 17 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hare, George Frederick National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Spalding War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harington, Wanda Grace War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harlock, Emily National War Savings Committee Member, Middlewich War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harlock, Wilfred, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman & Honorary Secretary, Nantwich War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harlow, Frederick James War Office Officer-in-Charge, X-Ray Section, Army Medical Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harnden, Alfred Charles Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harnett, William Augustus Admiralty Superintending Assistant Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harper, Edward Thomas Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harper, Francis Henry Colonial Office Military Accounts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harper, Sydney Ministry of Pensions Chairman, No.2 Section, Barnstaple War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harridence, Robert Treslove Lieutenant Supply and Transport Corps British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Harries, Owen Cunard Steamship Company Chief, Customs & Shipping Department, Southampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harries, Thomas Henry Admiralty Examiner of Dockyard Work British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrington, Henry Augustus Egyptian Post Office Postmaster, Alexandria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, Andrew, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Keyford Red Cross Hospital, Frome British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harris, Charles Admiralty Naval Store Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, Faith Frances Board of Trade Secretary to committee visiting America for purchase of railway material British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, Francis William Robert Ministry of Munitions Manager, Small Arms Ammunition Factories, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, George Hardy Ministry of Pensions Member, Devonshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harris, Henry Arthur Young Men's Christian Association Secretary, Cork & South of Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, John Charles Reverend War Refugees' Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, Lillie Crawford Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Head, Women's Institute Section, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, Mary Gertrude War Office Military Typist & Secretary British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harris, William Rowland Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Merthyr Tydfil War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harrison, Elsie Lydia War Office Deputy Controller of Women Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrison, Evelyn War Refugees' Committee Services in Devon & Cornwall British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrison, Freda Ministry of Food Divisional Assistant, Food Commissioner's Office, North Wales British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrison, Frederick Services in Honolulu British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Harrison, Gwynedd Helen Lightfoot Board of Trade Junior Administrative Assistant, Road Transport Board British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrison, Hilda Mary Ministry of Munitions Head, Waste Sales Department, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harrison, Muriel Evelyn War Office Lady Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrison, Sydney Thomas Walker War Office Acting Paymaster, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harrison, William Walter Deputy Chief Constable Cardiff City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Harrisson, James Captain Mercantile Marine (South Eastern and Chatham Railway) Master, SS Victoria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harry, Richard John War Office Acting Staff Clerk, Casualty Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harsley, Martha Ministry of Pensions Member, Kingston-on-Hull War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hart, Charles James London and North Western Railway Goods Agent, Broad Street British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hart, Cyril Herbert Admiralty Acting Assistant Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hart, James Admiralty Superintending Pharmacist, RN Hospital, Plymouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hart, Surrey Rutherford General Post Office Principal Clerk, London Postal Service British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harvey, Winifred Beatrice Ministry of Pensions Member, Guernsey War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Harward, Mabel Worker, Boulougne British Soldiers' Institute British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Harward, Reginald Cuthbert Reverend Church of England British Chaplain, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Harwood, Margaret National War Savings Committee Honorary Organising Secretary, Paddington War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Haslam, Francis Meadows War Office Supervising Clerk, Territorial and Volunteer Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hastings, Albert Ministry of Food Sectional Accountant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Haswell, John Watson HM Office of Works Assistant Architect 2nd Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Hatton, James Thomas Ministry of Munitions Principal Magazine Foreman, Research Department, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Haughton, Francis George HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Port of Kirkwall British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hauxwell, Francis Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway District Goods Superintendent, Bolton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Hawke, Dora Annie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kingsbury VAD Hospital, Shortlands, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hawkes, Violet Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Barnstaple Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hawkins, Beatrice Helen War Office Lady Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hawkins, Florence Beatrice British Red Cross Society Services in Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hawkins, Sarah Annie Moss General Post Office Deputy Superintendent, Money Order Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hawksworth, William Midland Railway Divisional Superintendent, Engineer's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hayes, Annie Rosina Ministry of Labour Honorary Manageress, Boulogne Soldiers' Hut & Restaurant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hayes, John Joseph Ministry of Shipping Deputy Transport Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hayne, Louis Brightwell Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Grove House Hospital, Harrogate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Haynes, George Superintendent Wolverhampton Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hayward, John Robert Baxter Union Jack Club Assistant Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heads, John George Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Whitley Bay & Monkseaton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Healey, John Eldridge Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Moor Park Auxiliary Hospital, Preston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hean, Walter John Admiralty Deputy Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heap, Edward Barlow, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Ashton-under-Lyne & Hurst Joint War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Heaps, James Board of Trade District Superintendent, General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hearnden, Horace Richard War Office Confidential Clerk to the Director of Railways & Roads British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hearsey, Dorothy Maud Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Boulogne Rest Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heath, George Augustine Ministry of Munitions Badges & Protected Occupations Sections British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Heath, Samuel Ministry of Food Superintendent of Cold Stores British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Heathcote, Lucy Lyttelton Voluntary Aid Organisation Principal Supporter, Heathcote Auxiliary Hospital, Southampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Heatley, Thomas Common, JP Divisional Commander Northumberland Constabulary Northumberland Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heatly, Richard Fade Goff Board of Trade Staff Officer, Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heaton, Mary Honorary Organiser, Vale of Clwydd Industries for Disabled Soldiers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hebblethwaite, Reginald Sidney Ministry of Food Accountant, Oils & Fat Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Heber-Percy, Gladys May Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Hodnet Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Shropshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hedderwick, Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Glasgow War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hedge, Henry Walter Admiralty Acting Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hedges, Alfred James Deputy Chief Constable Berkshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Heggie, Amelia Young Ministry of Pensions Member, Kirkcaldy War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Helm, William Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Castle Eden British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hemphrey, Bernard South Eastern and Chatham Railway Controller, Aldershot District British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henderson, George President, Leghorn Chamber of Commerce British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henderson, Harry Frederick Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Leicester War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Henderson, John Percy Patriotic services in Lerwick British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henderson, Marjorie Grace Seton War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henderson, Rosa Agnes Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Honorary Organiser & Secretary, Frome Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henning, Gladys Voluntary work with the New Zealand Expeditionary Force World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Henrotin, Jessie Services to troops at Le Havre British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henry, Margaret Jane Ministry of Pensions Member, County Monaghan War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Henry, Reginald George Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Henshaw, Thomas Arthur Birmingham Canal Navigations Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Herapath, Margatet Edith Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 12, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heraud, Victor Carpenter HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Port of Liverpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Herbert Williams, Jessie Wilhelmina Voluntary Aid Organisation President & Honorary Manager, Harrow War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Herdman, Maud Harriet Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary & Commandant, Strabane VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Heron, Cyril Renton Milner's Safe Company Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Heron-Maxwell, Adeline Helen Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser, Hawick Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Herr, Helena Voluntary Aid Organisation Recording Secretary, Trained Nurses' Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hewitt, Sarah Prisoners of War Help Committee Voluntary Worker, Leicester POWs Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hewlett, Beatrice Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Woodlands No. 3 Hospital, Wigan British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hibbs, Frank Edward National War Savings Committee/Ministry of Food Honorary Secretary, Norton-in-the-Moors War Savings Committee/Honorary Horticultural Representative, Leek, Food Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hicklin, Samuel Chief Superintendent Staffordshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hickman, Kenneth Claude Devereux Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Chemical Projectile Laboratory, Wembley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2] *
Hicks, Amy Maud War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hicks, John William Ministry of Munitions Computer, Ballistic Office, Ordnance Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hickson, Elizabeth Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cluny Auxiliary Hospital, Swanage British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hide, Annie May Constance Prisoners of War Help Committee Services to POWs Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hide, Arthur Foreign Office Assistant to the Commercial Attaché, Shanghai British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Higgin, Elizabeth Philadelphia Lockhart Ministry of Pensions Member, Belfast War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Higgins, Arthur Gordon War Office Civilian Quartermaster, Belmont POW Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Higgon, Victor James War Office Acting Secretary, Cardiganshire, Carmarthenshire & Pembrokeshire Territorial Force Associations British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Higgs, Charles James Ministry of Food Divisional Inspector, Home Counties Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Higman, Joseph Cresswell Captain Ministry of Food Divisional Road Transport Officer, South Wales Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hignett, Alice Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Honorary Travelling Inspector British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hildyard, Cicely Frances Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society Honorary Secretary, North Riding of Yorkshire Society British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hill, Alfred Roland British Red Cross Society British Red Cross Unit No. 2, Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hill, George Grayson British Red Cross Society County Secretary, Isle of Bute Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hill, George James National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Cambridge Borough War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hill, Harry Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Basignstoke Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hill, Helen Agatha War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hillkirk, Evelyn Margaret Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hillman, George Brown Captain Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Ledston Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Castleford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hills, Lucy Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser, Maidstone Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hills, Reginald Thomas Captain Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Women Munitions Volunteers Enrolment British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hilton, Evelyn Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Hampstead War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hilton, Mary Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Canteens Canterbury West Station Canteen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hinton, Margaret Searle War Office Superintendent, Separation Allowance Department, Surrey Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hitch, Lilian Ministry of Munitions Woman Staff Officer, Supply Department, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hitchcock, Katherine Elizabeth Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Superintendent, Mallow Railway Station Soldiers' Free Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hitchon, Witham National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Denton War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hives, Ernest Walter Rolls-Royce Limited Experimental Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Hoare, Daisy Ministry of Munitions Woman Staff Officer, Supply Department, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hoare, Juliana Margaret Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 138, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hobbs, May Elliot Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Travelling Inspector, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hocking, Francis Almond Department of Overseas Trade Head, Drugs & Hospital Requisites Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hockridge, Alfred George Admiralty Naval Store Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hodes, Francis Percy Regent's Canal Storekeeper, Regent's Canal Dock Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hodge, Alfred London and South Western Railway Chief Inspector of Docks Traffic British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hodge, Rebecca Prince Seaforth Highlanders Honorary Treasurer, Seaforth Highlanders Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hodges, James Robert Deputy Chief Constable Norwich City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hodgkinson, Thomas Thorpe Admiralty Temporary Second Assistant Electrical Engineer, Invergordon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hodgson, Jonathan Wright Ministry of Munitions Temporary Assistant Manager, Royal Small Arms Factory, Enfield Lock British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hodsman, Henry James Ministry of Munitions Chief Assistant to the Deputy Inspector of High Explosives, Leeds Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hodson, Thomas Stuart Ministry of Munitions Deputy Chief Dilution Officer, Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Hodson, Violet British Red Cross Society Records Department, Dorset Guild of Workers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hoffman, Emilie Air Ministry Manageress, Air Ministry Refreshment Club British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hogarth, Frederick William Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS Celtic Prince British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Hogg, John Drummond HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul at Bangkok British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Holderness, Barry Layton Central Control Board Superintendent of Canteens, Enfield Lock British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Holland, Mary Blanche Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Nauton Auxiliary Hospital, Gloucestershire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Holland, Thomas, JP Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Wigan War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hollander, John William Ministry of Food Assistant Director of Tea Supplies British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hollick, Frank Ministry of Munitions Divisional Inspector, Mechanical Warfare Department, Lincoln Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hollingdale, Harold John Station Master London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Seaford railway station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hollins, Rotha Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Transport Officer, Preston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hollis, John Walter Chief Superintendent Sheffield City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Holloway, Arthur Brissenden Great Western Railway Principal Clerk, Chief Goods Manager's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Holloway, Herbert Benjamin Admiralty Acting Deputy Cashier, Invergordon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Holmes, Gertrude Eirene South African Military Nursing Service South African World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Holmes, Margaret Ann Voluntary Aid Organisation Lady Dane's Hospital, Devonshire House/No. 2 Red Cross Hospital, Rouen/St John Ambulance Brigade Hospital Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Holt, Gertrude Mary British Red Cross Society Vale Avenue Workrooms, Chelsea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Holt, James Marston Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Runcorn Urban War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hood, Joseph National War Savings Committee War Savings Organiser British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hook, Reginald Myles General Post Office Assistant Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Hookers, Edith Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Stechford Auxiliary Hospital, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hooper, Florence Mary Alice Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Lindfield Auxiliary Hospital, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hooper, Helen Elizabeth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 90, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hooper, John HM Office of Works First Class Technical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hopkins, Charles James William Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hopkins, Frederick Friend Ministry of Shipping Senior Administrative Assistant, Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hopper, James HM Coastguard Coast Watcher, Easington, Yorkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hopps, William George War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Horn, Gerald Ministry of Munitions Non-Ferrous Materials Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hornbuckle, Thomas Midland Railway Electrical & Works Inspector British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Horne, Marjorie Ministry of Pensions Member, Caithness-shire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Horridge, Herbert William Ministry of Pensions Acting First Class Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Horsburgh, Florence Gertrude Ministry of Food Supervisor, Chelsea National Kitchen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Horsburgh, Lambert Gordon Ministry of Munitions Assistant Superintending Engineer, Department of Engineering British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Horsfield, James Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Claymont British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Horsman, Ernest George Board of Trade Timber Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hothersall, William Christian Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
House, Charles Edward George Board of Trade First-Class Trade Officer, Overseas Trade (Development & Intelligence) Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howard, Hon Bernard Edward Fitzalan Captain Ministry of Munitions Central Establishment Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Howard, Francis Foreign Office House Secretary to HM Ambassador to France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howard, Mary Ministry of Pensions Member, Bedfordshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Howard, Violet Angel Association of Voluntary Workers Honorary Secretary, Dover Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Howe, Albert Edward Captain Mercantile Marine (London and South Western Railway) Master, SS Alberta British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howe, Clarence Samuel Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS City of London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howe, Francis Cecil British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howell, Charles Frederick Honororary Secretary & Treasurer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howell, George War Office Superintendent, Separation Allowance Section, Derbyshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Howell, Ivor Morris Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Bridgend Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howell, Joseph Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Secretary & Manager, Hull Paragon Station Rest Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howells, William Wallace Board of Trade Secretary to Head of Household, Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howes, Arthur James Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Ipswich Borough Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Howes, William Thomas Captain (QM) Yorkshire Regiment 1st Battalion British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Howie, Leila Adeline Young Men's Christian Association Brindisi British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Howse, Gilbert Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Clintonia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hoyle, George Herbert National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, West Ham War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hoyle, Philip John Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Todmorden War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hubbert, Oliver John Foreign Office Minor Staff Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hubble, William Collister Chief Electrician Mercantile Marine HMT St Hubert British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Huddlestone, Frieda War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in Blackpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hudson, Albert Edward Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Cheltenham Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hudson, Alfred Ministry of Munitions Works Accountant, Huddersfield National Shell Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hudson, George Acting Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hudson, Joe Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Shipley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hudson, Russell Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Gauges Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hudson, Samuel Commander Burnley Borough Police Burnley Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Huggins, Amy Christine Adela Services in Port of Spain British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Huggins, Elizabeth Annie Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Treasurer, Gravesend Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hughes, Albert War Office Chief Clerk, Buckinghamshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hughes, Charles War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in Peterborough British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hughes, Dulcie Voluntary Aid Organisation Head Cook, No. 8 Red Cross Hospital, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hughes, Frederick Richard National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Bury St Edmunds War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hughes, John Gwilym Ministry of Food Deputy Food Commissioner, North Wales Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hughes, Richard Lloyd Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Lowther Castle British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hughes, Thomas John British Red Cross Society Transport of Wounded, British Red Cross Unit No. 2, Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hughes, William Henry Admiralty Foreman, Engineering Branch, HM Dockyard, Pembroke British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hull, Charles Cox & Co Officers' Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hulme, Gilbert Ratcliffe Board of Trade Tramways Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hume, Alexander Walter HM Customs and Excise Staff Clerk, Secretaries' Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hunt, Arthur Henry William Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Tettenhall Auxiliary Hospital, Staffordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hunt, Francis Cecil Admiralty Electrical Department, HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hunt, Lilian Hart Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD Motor Convoy, Rouen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hunt, Stanley Percival Assistant Station Master London and South Western Railway Southampton Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hunter, William Robert Ministry of Food Meat Trade Supervisor & Chief Meat Agent for Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Huntley, Alfred Henry HM Office of Works Architectural Assistant 2nd Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hurley, Charles Richard Admiralty Secretary to the Admiral-Superintendent, Tyne District British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hurlston, William Ministry of National Service Finance Official, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hurson, James Local Government Board for Ireland Dublin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hussey, Annie War Office Clerk & Typist, Directorate of Prisoners of War British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hussey-Freke, Ambrose Eyre Ministry of Food Sub-Commissioner of Livestock, Derbyshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hutcheon, Ada Mary Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Wimbledon War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hutcheon, Alexander Byres HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul, Panama British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hutcheson, Grace Admiralty Secretary to Director of Intelligence, Mediterranean Naval Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hutchinson, Beryl Butterworth British Red Cross Society/First Aid Nursing Yeomanry Officer-in-Charge, Saint-Omer Convoy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Hutchison, Agnes Hood Ministry of Pensions Lady President, Glasgow Wives & Dependants Divisional Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hutchison, Alexander War Office Deputy Assistant Director of Army Contracts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hutchison, Sarah Hannah Ministry of Pensions Chairman, South East of Scotland (Joint) Disablement Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hutton, Arnold William National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Deptford War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hyslop, Irene Murray Caterer & Secretary, Crescent Road Soldiers' Club, Beckenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Hyslop, James National War Savings Committee Chairman, Dumfries War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Hyson, Herbert Augustine Henry War Refugees' Committee Officer-in-Charge, Accounts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Idle, Percy Hastings Borough Council Town Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ifould, Edwin Sergeant British Army Veteran member of Volunteer Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7][10]
Imison, Herbert Ministry of Food Chief Rationing & Distribution Officer, South-Western Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ingilby, Marjorie Cecily British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, Perth War Dressings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Inglis, Dorothy Winifred East African Military Nursing Service British World War I (East African Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Ingram, Alfred Sydenham Port Said and Suez Coaling Company Coaling Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Inman, Ernest Stobart, JP River Wear Navigation Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Iredale, Joe Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Mablethorpe Auxiliary Hospital, Lincolnshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ireland, Henry Ralph Morgan, Grenfell & Co British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ireland-Blackburne, Editha Marjorie Liverpool Civic Service League Honorary Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Irish, Elsie Celia War Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Irvine, John Maitland Admiralty Headmaster, Rosyth Dockyard School British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Irving, Henry Edward Government of South Africa Censor, Bloemfontein South African World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Irving, John Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Dumfries War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Irwin, Eric Barnby Ministry of Shipping Technical Assistant, Department of the Controller-General of Merchant Shipbuilding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Irwin, Jean Percival War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Irwin, Sarah Commandant British Red Cross Society County Monaghan Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Isaac, Charles Voluntary Aid Organisation Accountant, Officers' Convalescent Hospitals Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Isaac, John Edward Admiralty Examiner, Contract Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Isaacs, Ellis Ministry of National Service Member, Glasgow Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ivell, Grace Mary Lena Ashwell Concert Party Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Jacka, Hilda Tyacke Ministry of Food Head, Records & General Intelligence Section, Statistical Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jackson, Daniel Noel Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, 4th Northumberland VAD Hospital, Dilston Hall, Corbridge-on-Tyne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jackson, Edward Siddall Voluntary Aid Organisation Consulting Surgeon, Wray House Auxiliary Hospital/Medical Officer, Bleasdale Auxiliary Hospital, Silverdale, Carnforth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jackson, Freda Christelle Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 52, West Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jackson, Maud Mary Ministry of Pensions Member, Bristol War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jacobs, Dorothy Isabel Foreign Office Temporary Clerk British World War I/Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jacobs, Louis Public Trustee Office Chief Accountant, Trading with the Enemy Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jakeway, George Ministry of National Service Private Secretary to the Director of National Service, Welsh Region British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
James, Frank Teharne, VD Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Merthyr British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
James, Frederick John Board of Inland Revenue First Class Valuer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jameson, Erskine Dawson British Red Cross Society County Treasurer, Morayshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jameson, William Storm Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Celtic Prince British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jamieson, Adam James Ministry of National Service/Ministry of Food Member, County of Shetland Mainland District Local Tribunal/Food Production Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Japp, George Allison Brigadier Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jardim, Antonietta Marcial King George Hospital, London Assistant Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jarratt, Elizabeth Lankester Ministry of Shipping Personal Clerk & Confidential Typist to the Shipping Controller British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jarrold, Alice Isobella Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Sunny Hills VAD Hospital, Thorpe, Norwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jarvis, Alfred William HM Office of Works Assistant Measuring Surveyor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jarvis, Enid Sybil Ministry of Food Administrative Assistant, Home Counties Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jeal, George Station Superintendent London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Victoria Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jeffery, Benjamin James Thomas Admiralty Senior Foreman of the Yard, HM Naval Yard, Invergordon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jeffery, Herbert Athelstan Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation No. 2 Red Cross Hospital, Rouen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jekyll, Annie Voluntary Aid Organisation 4th Northern General Hospital, Lincoln British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jenkins, Mary Ann Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Barry Dock Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jenkins, Percy Fitzgerald Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Dudley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jenkinson, Mary Adeline Ministry of Food Secretary, Wheat Executive British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jenkinson, William Russell Great Eastern Railway Clerk, Secretary's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Jennens, Lenore Sybil Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector, Aeronautical Inspection Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jennings, Arthur Oldham, JP Superintendent Brighton Borough Police Brighton Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jennings, Harry John Superintendent Surrey Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jennings, Leonard William HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Long Room, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jensen, Winifred War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jephcott, Susan Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Alcester Infirmary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jervoise, Edwyn Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Gun Manufacture Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jesson, George Arthur Touchet Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 7, East Lancashire/Organiser, Grove House Red Cross Hospital, Pendleton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jesty, Ernest National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Alresford War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jeune, Charles Henry Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Railway Materials Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jimenez, Vivian Eustace Ministry of Munitions Personal Assistant to a Member of the Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Johns, Richard John Ministry of National Service Finance Official, Cornwall British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Johnson, Adela Ministry of Munitions Superintendent of Training Classes for Women Clerical Staff, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Johnson, Edwin Thomas Chief Superintendent Salford Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Johnson, Gifford Henry Reverend British Red Cross Society Services in Salonika and France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Johnson, James William Maldens and Coombe Urban District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Johnson, Margaret Lilian Ministry of Labour Secretary to the General Manager of Employment Exchanges British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Johnson, Percy Faraday Chief Officer Mercantile Marine (Siemens Brothers) CS Faraday British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Johnson, Percy Richard Ministry of Munitions Manager, National Box Factory, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Johnson, Richard Spencer Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Hebburn British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Johnson, William Henry Vickers Assistant Manager, Submarine Fitting-out Department, Barrow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Johnson, William Thomas Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Johnston, Charles Saint Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Gloucester Red Cross Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Johnstone, Alexander National War Savings Committee/Ministry of Food Honorary Secretary, Workington War Savings Committee/Executive Officer, Workington Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Johnstone, James Drummond Ministry of Food Secretary, Cheese Advisory Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jones, Arthur Palm Lloyd's Register Inspector, Marseille British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Bessie Lyon Board of Agriculture and Fisheries in Wales Technical Inspector, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Cecil Barclay Admiralty Auxiliary Patrol Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Charles Leupolt HM Customs and Excise Senior Clerk, Statistical Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Edith Muriel Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Ellerslie Hospital, Blackburn British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Jones, George Henry Walter Ministry of National Service Assistant Private Secretary to the Minister British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Hannah Services to war committees in the Swansea Valley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Henry John Alfred Ministry of Munitions Technical Assistant, Gun Manufacture Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Herbert Arthur War Office Assistant Secretary, Cornwall Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, John War Office Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, John, DL, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Dolgelly War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, John Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine TSS Cambria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Jones, John Colenso Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Waterford Rural District War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, John Hugh Ministry of Food Assistant Director, Oils & Fats Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, John William Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Wimborne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Joseph Station Master London and North Western Railway Euston Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Llewellyn Thomas Chief Officer Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS Cambria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Owen Thomas Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Barry Dock Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, Robert Arthur War services in Southend-on-Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones, William Superintendent Glamorgan Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jones-Lloyd, Frederick Propert British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Barry Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jordan, Charles William Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Claudia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Jordan, William Henry Zambesi Navigation Company Engineer, Chinde British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Joseph, David Baldwins Assistant to the Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Joseph, Janie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Tudor House Auxiliary Hospital, Hampstead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Joslin, William Joseph Station Master Great Eastern Railway Liverpool Street Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Joy, Jane Madeleine Young Men's Christian Association Services in London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Judd, Leonard William London and South Western Railway Chief Clerk to the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kastor, Ella Marguerite War Refugees' Committee Transport Deaprtment British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kay, David Young Men's Christian Association Hut Leader British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kearns, Haidée Ida Navy and Army Canteen Board London Welfare Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Keeson, Peridôt Cuthbert Voluntary Aid Organisation Senior Honorary Clerk, HRH Princess Beatrice's War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kelham, Margaret Ethel British Red Cross Society Secretary, Red Cross War Library & Organiser, Red Cross Refreshment Canteens, Alexandria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kelly, Edmund Walsh, JP Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Bacup War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kemble, Katherine Charlotte Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Struan House Auxiliary Hospital, Reading British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kemp, Amelia Susanna Services to sailors & soldiers in Hampshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kemp, Charles Richard William Admiralty Inspector of Engine Fitters, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kemp, Herbert Edward Admiralty Acting Armament Supply Officer, RN Ordnance Depot, Lodge Hill British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kemp, William War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kemp, William Henry Station Master Great Northern Railway King's Cross Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kendall, Beatrice British Red Cross Society Joint Manageress, Hertfordshire War Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kendall, Kathleen Addison Voluntary Aid Organisation Chiddingfold Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kennedy, Walter Ministry of Health Supervising Assistant Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kennell, Joseph Foreign Office Editor & Reviser, Printing Department, British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kenyon, Milly Esther Innes Ministry of Pensions Divisional Superintendent, Widows Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kerr, Sybil Mary Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Cheltenham War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kesteven, Clement Percy Ministry of Labour Staff Officer, Yorkshire & East Midlands Division, Employment Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kettell, James Henry, JP Crewe Borough Council Mayor of Crewe British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Khan, Abdullah Jemadar 55th Coke's Rifles 1st Battalion Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Khan Bahudur, Khan Sahib Boi, IOM Subadar-Major Indian Frontier Constabulary Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Khan, Hakim Risaldar 31st Lancers Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Khan, Muhammad Sharif Jemadar Mehtar of Chitral's Bodyguard Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Khan Khahar, Khan Sikandar Hayat, of Wah Second Lieutenant 67th Punjabis 2nd Battalion Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4] **
Khan, Yasin Captain Alwar Lancers Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Kidson, Edith Marian Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Sittingbourne War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kidston, Jessie Cecilia Brownlie British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Helensburgh District, Dunbartonshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kilgour, Martin Hamilton War Office Division Officer, Royal Engineers, Chelmsford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kilner, Charles Scott, JP West Suffolk General Hospital/Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Northgate Street Red Cross Hospital, Bury St Edmunds British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kimber, Florence Edith Ministry of Munitions Private Secretary to a Member of the Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kindersley, Ada Molesworth Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Head, Training Section, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
King, Basil Captain Ministry of Munitions Depot Manager, Central Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
King, John Board of Trade Head of Section, Petrol Control Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
King-Edwards, Thomas Ramsay Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Swyncombe House Auxiliary Hospital, Oxfordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kingsbury, Kathleen Ministry of Munitions Central Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kingzett, Norman Froggatt Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Chertsey War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kinnear, James Francis General Post Office Postmaster of Stirling British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kiralfy, Gerald Archibald British Red Cross Society Head, Food Control Department, County of London Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kirke, Sarah Elizabeth Ministry of Pensions Member, Surrey War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kirkwood, Ethel Kate Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Stepney 'A' War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kissock, William Henry Ministry of Munitions Chief Technical Officer, Gun Ammunition Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knight, Enid Mary Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knight, Florence Mary Young Men's Christian Association Secretary, YMCA Munitions Canteen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knight, John Assistance to sailors at Victoria Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knight, Violet Hannah Hitchin Union Matron, Hitchin Workhouse British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knighton, Thomas Spencer Ministry of Food Sub-Commissioner of Livestock, Oxfordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knowles, George Potter Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Knowles Sykes, Annie Young Men's Christian Association Secretary, British Dyes YMCA Canteen, Huddersfield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Knox, David Alexander Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Annan War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Kydd, Oswald Jensen Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Australford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Kynoch-Shand, Eliza Eveline Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society Honorary Secretary, Banffshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lacey, Ellen War Office Lady Superintendent, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lacey, Henry Cubitt National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Alcester & Solihull War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Laidlay, Jane Eileen British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Haddingtonshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Laing, George Smith National War Savings Committee Secretary, Inverness War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lake, Alfred Samuel Board of Trade Staff Officer, Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Laker, Alfred Fareham Rural District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lamb, Emily Frances Edith British Red Cross Society Secretary to the Deputy Chairman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lambert, Henrietta Isabella Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Broughall Auxiliary Hospital, Whitchurch, Shropshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lambert, Octavius Edwaed Ministry of Munitions Chief Draughtsman, Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lambert, Olive Mary Assistant Secretary, British Soldiers' Institute, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lambourne, Christopher Ministry of Munitions Non-Ferrous Materials Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Lambton, Dorothy Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Winslow Auxiliary Hospital, Buckinghamshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lamont, John Macnab, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Bute War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lane, Helena War Office Lady Superintendent, Army Pay Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lang, John Henry Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, North of England Conference of Executive Officers of Local War Pensions Committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Langford, Frederic Charles Major British Red Cross Society Divisional Inspector, Camberwell Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Langley, George Johnson Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Loversal Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Doncaster British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Langridge, Harry Dickinson Great Central Railway Assistant District Traffic Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Langstaff, William Henry Inspector Ramsgate Borough Police Ramsgate Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Langton, Albert Smith National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Kimberley War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Large, Frederick George Salvation Army Services to hostels in France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Larkman, Raymond Board of Trade Staff Accountant, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Larsson, Carl Alfred Vickers Designing Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Latter, Eva Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Battersea & Clapham War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Latter, Flora Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Battersea War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lattimore, Ralph War Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Laurenson, George Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Racia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lavender, Joseph National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Prestatyn War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lavy, Ernest Edward Reverend Young Men's Christian Association Services in Baghdad British World War I (Mesopotamian Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Law, Bertha Voluntary work in a soldiers' club British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawford, Emma Ada Matron Church Missionary Society CMS Hospital, Damascus British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawrance, Dora Muriel Ministry of Munitions Private Secretary to a Member of the Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawrence, Isaac War Office Chief Clerk, General Staff, Southern Command British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawrence, Margaret Alice, Lady Voluntary Aid Organisation Vice-President, Purley Red Cross War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lawry, William St Ives Fishermen's Society Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawson, Emma Louise War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawson, Nellie Elizabeth Ministry of Information British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Lawson, Noel John Cecil Eastern Telegraph Company Service on cable ships British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lawson, William Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Chief Executive Officer, West Sussex Agricultural Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leach, Charles Henry, JP Darlington Rural District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leach, Claude Pemberton Inventor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Leach, Mary Sumner War Office Lady Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leal, Winifred Marie Louise Captain Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Lean, Jannette Winifred First Aid Nursing Yeomanry Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leaning, William National War Savings Committee Honorary Assistant Secretary, Nottingham County & Borough War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lecourt, Gustave Alexander Reverend Services to British prisoners World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ledbury, Rowland Egbert Ministry of Food Assistant Commissioner, Midland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ledger, Sidney Seaward Ministry of Food Head, Retailers' Section, Sugar Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ledingham, Alexander County Director British Red Cross Society County Director, Banffshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lee, George Admiralty Acting Inspector of Electrical Fitters, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lee, Henry Blott Divisional Leader Great Yarmouth Borough Police Yarmouth Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lee, John Thomas War Office Officer-in-Charge of Public Stores, Royal Army Ordnance Depot, Southampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lee, Mabel Meryck Queen's Hospital, Sidcup Chief Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lee, William Reverend Canon War Refugees' Committee Chairman, Bristol War Refugees Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lee, William John British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Roxburghshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leech, Beatrice Ellen Prisoners of War Help Committee Secretary & Organiser, Salisbury Branch, Wiltshire Prisoners of War Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leedom, Beatrice Lucy Ministry of Shipping Shorthand Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leeper, Elizabeth Anne Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Kingsbridge Free Buffet, Dublin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leetham, Ethel Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation York VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Leigh, Alan de Verd Admiralty Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Leigh, Charles Edward Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Leamington Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lemon, Margaretta Louisa Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Redhill Clinic & War Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Leslie, Emily Florence Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Assistant Commandant & Quartermaster, Garswood Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Ashton-in-Makerfield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Leslie, George Wallace Foundry Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lesser, Catherine Maud British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lester, Horace Lenton Ministry of National Service Area Official of Civilian National Service, Staffordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Levitt, Robert Thorp Captain War Office Chief Clerk, North Riding of Yorkshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewellen, Florence Beatrice Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Finchley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lewes, Mary Louisa Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Aberaeron Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lewin, Percy Evans Royal Colonial Institute Librarian British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Lewis, Alice Pansy Mary Ministry of Shipping Shorthand Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewis, Benjamin Joseph Voluntary Aid Organisation Head, Clerical Department, Headquarters British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewis, Edwin Superintendent Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewis, Sarah Agnes Jane War Office Officer-in-Charge, The Curragh Soldiers' Home British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewis, Thomas Henry Salvage Commission Services in East Africa British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewis, William John Admiralty Acting Examiner of Dockyard Work British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lewis-Dale, Henry Angley Acting Warden, Navy House, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lewty, Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Spondon Auxiliary Hospital, Derby British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Liburn, Bethea Highland Light Infantry Honorary Secretary, 1st Highland Light Infantry Regimental Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Liddell, Rhoda Caroline Anna Voluntary Aid Organisation Orthopaedic Worker, Netley Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Liddell, Violet Constance Voluntary Aid Organisation Orthopaedic Worker, Netley Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lightfoot, Theresa Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 120, Essex/Organiser, Burnham Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lightwood, Francis Harry Ministry of Munitions Stores Purchase Section, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lilley, Kate Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Clacton-on-Sea War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lilly, Walter Elsworthy Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3] *
Lindsay, Alexander Harvey Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Bonhill War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lindsay, Eliza Hunter Association of Voluntary Workers Honorary Secretary, Lauder Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lindsay Carnegie, Agnes Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Arbroath War Pensions Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Linfoot, William Ernest Campbell Gas Engine Company Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Link, Emily Ethel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation St Dorothy's Auxiliary Hospital, South Croydon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Linton, Charles Astell George South Eastern and Chatham Railway Engineer's Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lintott, Walter British Red Cross Society Honorary Treasurer, Mid-Sussex Division, Sussex Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Little, James Raymond British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, Friends' Ambulance Unit British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Livingstone, Jessie Walker British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Lanarkshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, Arthur Harold Hunslet Engine Company Director & Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, Christopher, MVO HM Office of Works Clerk of Works, Windsor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, Edmund Church Missionary Society Doctor, Gaza British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Lloyd, George Maybrey Young Men's Christian Association Chief Accountant & Organising Secretary for Munitions Canteens British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, John War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, John Daniel, TD, JP Lieutenant-Colonel Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Brynkinalt Auxiliary Hospital, Chirk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lloyd, John William War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, Reginald William Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Lampeter Urban, Lampeter Rural & Llanbyther Food Control Committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd, Thomas Joseph Admiralty Foreman, Engine Branch, HM Naval Yard, Invergordon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lloyd-Mostyn, Hon Pamela Georgine British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Llandudno Division, Carnarvonshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Llywarch, Gerald Ministry of Munitions Personal Assistant to the Chief Labour Adviser British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lochlein-Todd, Albert Rudolf Western Telegraph Company Rio de Janeiro British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Locock, Katharine Beatrice National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Oxford War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Loder, Henrietta Mabel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Rickmansworth Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lomax, Frederick Green Bank Hospital, Bolton Chairman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Longcroft, Cecil James Ministry of National Service National Service Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Looney, Daniel Captain (QM) West Riding Regiment British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Lord, Arthur Ernest Station Superintendent South Eastern and Chatham Railway Charing Cross Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lord, William John South Eastern and Chatham Railway General Superintendent, Dover British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lovell, William Day Captain 13th Lancers British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Lovelock, Charles Prior, TD Chief Officer (Major) Carshalton Fire Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lowe, Henry Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lowther, Thomas Edwin Major (QM) North Staffordshire Regiment 2nd Battalion British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Luard, Louise Henrietta Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Shropshire Light Infantry Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lucas, Mia Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation St John Hospital, Barry Island British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lucas-Scudamore, Sybil Frances Voluntary Aid Organisation Founder & Organiser, County Monaghan Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Luck, Ernest Bertram Ministry of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Luckhurst, Allen Edward James Captain Mercantile Marine (International Mercantile Marine Company) Marine Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Luddington, Leila Arthur Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Ely War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ludford, George Frederick Acting Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Luffman, Brooke Laud War Office Acting Higher Division Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Luffman, John George Innes Admiralty Confidential Clerk, Naval Construction Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lumley, Eva War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lumsden, John Brown National War Savings Committee Secretary, Galashiels War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lumsden, William Henry Ministry of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lund, Wilfred George War Office Organising work in Scottish Command British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Lungley, George William Ministry of Pensions Member, West Ham War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lunn, William Henry War Office Organising work in Scottish Command British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lupton, Anne Muriel Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, Leeds War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lyddon, Katherine Sub-Commissioner British Red Cross Society Ismailia, Egypt British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lyel, Percival Charles War Office Acting Staff Clerk, Land Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lyell, Maud Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 6, Red Cross (Liverpool Merchants) Hospital, Trouville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Lymburn, Mary Jane Dickie Ministry of Munitions Secretary & Personal Assistant to the Director of Forwarding British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lynn, Tryner, JP Superintendent Grantham Borough Police Grantham Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Lyons, Harry Services to entertaining wounded soldiers in Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macafee, Annie Harner Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser & Head of War Work & VAD Classes, Mid-Tyrone British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macall, William Neil Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary & Medical Officer, Meols Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Churchtown, Southport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Macan, Dorothy Vernon Young Men's Christian Association Organising Secretary of Flag Days British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McArthur, Gladys Forbes North British Rubber Company Works Superintendent of Women's Welfare British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McBright, David Samuel Board of Trade Secretary, War Manufacturers' Sub-Committee, Railway Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McBryde, Tom Murray Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of Commerce Secretary, Military Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McCall, Amy Kerr Ministry of Transport Confidential Clerk to the Minister British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macall, William Neal Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary & Medical Officer, Meols Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Southport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McCallum, Dugald Captain Ministry of Food British Food Mission, America British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
MacCartie, Flora Theodosia Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Sussex County Prisoners of War Fund for Royal Sussex Regiment British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McClure, Janet Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Services to auxiliary hospitals in Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McClymont, Lillie Atkinson British Red Cross Society Secretary, Scottish VAD Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McCreery, Emilia Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Greenhill Auxiliary Hospital, Sherborne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Macdonald, Amy Beatrice Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, King's Own Scottish Borderers Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macdonald, Charles Ministry of Labour Manager, Booth Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macdonald, Elsie Hay Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Salisbury War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Macdonald, Herman Arthur Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Alverstoke Auxiliary Hospital, Hampshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Macdonald, Johanna Margaret Worker, Scottish Churches Huts in France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McDonald, John National War Savings Committee Secretary, Melrose War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Macdonald, John, JP Acting County Director British Red Cross Society Fifeshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macdonald, John Highland Railway Chief Inspector, Engineer's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macdonald, Margaret Clare War Office Private Secretary to the Military Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McDonald, Reginald Henry Ministry of Munitions Foreman Writer, Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macdonald, Wilfrid Frank James Spicer & Sons Chief Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McDougall, Donald Ministry of Food District Officer, Cold Storage & Inland Transport Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McDougall, Harold James Public Trustee Office Senior Clerk-in-Charge, Trading with the Enemy Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macey, Josiah Admiralty Acting First Assistant Electrical Engineer, Dockyard & Repairs Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McFadyen, Duncan, JP County Director British Red Cross Society Inverness-shire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McFerran, Sarah Helen Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Newport Pagnell Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Macfie, Mary Jane Ministry of Pensions Member, Midlothian War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McGeorge, Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Dunbar Terrace Hospital, Dumfriesshire/Vice-President, Dumfriesshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McGill, Alice Mary Ministry of Pensions Convener of Voluntary Workers, West Hartlepool War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McGilvray, James Anderson Glasgow Steel Roofing Company Chief Outside Erector British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McGonigal, Margaret Dorothy Incorporated Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society Honorary Secretary, Belfast British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McGowan, Margaret Jane Voluntary Aid Organisation Administrative Worker, Shenstone House Auxiliary Hospital, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
M'Grath, Wellington Albert Rochdale Canal General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macgregor, John Alister British Red Cross Society Assistant to Commissioner, City of Dundee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McGuinness, Norah Mary Ursula Services to the Tyneside Irish Brigade & French Red Cross British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McIntosh, Alexander Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Dumbarton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McIntosh, Alexander Hugh War Office Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mack, Peter Ministry of National Service Secretariat Officer, Scottish Region British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackarness, Mildred Blankley Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackay, Murdoch Highland Railway Chief Inspector, Traffic Manager's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackenzie, Dorothy Rose British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackenzie, Frances Louisa Ministry of Pensions Trisden War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mackenzie, Kenneth Child Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Caerphilly Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mackenzie, May, Lady Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kenry House Auxiliary Hospital for Officers, Kingston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mackenzie, Mina Services to providing comforts for soldiers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackenzie, Peter Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine (Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company) CS Colonia British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackenzie-Gillanders, Frances Geraldine British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Ross & Cromarty Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McKerrow, Alexandrina Board of Trade Assistant to Controller of Trading Accounts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackidd, Barbara Winifred Logan Ministry of Food Establishment Officer, Fish, Poultry & Vegetables Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackie, George Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Leith Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McKillop, Margaret Ministry of Food Head, Foreign Statistics & Information Section, Statistical Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McKim, Frederick George Major Royal Army Service Corps British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Mackinder, Charles Henry Kayser, Ellison Company Assistant Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackintosh, Alexander Ministry of Food Area Secretary, Scotland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackintosh, Donald Grant H. Braithwaite & Co Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mackintosh, Herbert Bannerman Association of Voluntary Workers Honorary Secretary, Elgin Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McLachlan, Guendolen Mab Ministry of Pensions President, Northern Division, Edinburgh War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
MacLachlan, Morrison Ministry of Munitions Deputy Chief Investigation Officer, Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McLagan, Douglas Craig, DSO, TD Major Ministry of Food Area Secretary, Scotland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McLaren, Nellie Hessel Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Galashiels War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McLaughlin, Hubert William Charles Ministry of Munitions Chemical Adviser, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
McLaughlin, Patrick Joseph War Office Superintending Clerk, Mobilisation Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maclean, Henrietta Laura Services in Mombasa British World War I (East African Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Maclean, Marion Louise Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, New Kilpatrick 'A' War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
MacLeod, Harold Hay Brodie, FRCS Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Quarry Place Auxiliary Hospital, Shrewsbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Maclure, Harry Julius Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Contracts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McMahon, Michael Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Surplus Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McMenamin, Peter Paul Ministry of Food Director, Butter, Milk & Cheese Section, Food Control Committee for Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McMenemy, Frank Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Ballycotton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
MacMillan, William Superintendent Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McMillan, Sara Jane War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McMurdo, Archibald Hugh Highland Railway Assistant Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McMurray, Elizabeth Eleanor Services in Persia British World War I (Persian Campaign) 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
McNeill, Eileen Maud Mary War Office Military Intelligence Service British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
MacNeill, Malcolm Sergeant Argyllshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McNicoll, David Station Superintendent Caledonian Railway/Great North of Scotland Railway Aberdeen Joint Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macphail, Dugald Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Copeland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McQuade, William Ministry of Munitions Deputy Chief Dilution Officer, Leeds, Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Macrae, Elizabeth Nina National War Savings Committee Chief Assistant, Organising Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
McRaith, John Warden Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Macredie, Hastings George Cunningham Prisoners of War Help Committee Services to British prisoners British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
MacSwinney, Nora Kathleen Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Paddington VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mactier, Henry Carter Ministry of National Service Member, Wolverhampton Medical Board British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
McTurk, Isabel Voluntary Aid Organisation HRH Princess Beatrice's St Marylebone War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Maddison, Charles Henry Ministry of Labour Manager, Cardiff Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Madge, Gwendolen Mary Gladys Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation The Vicarage VAD Hospital, Shoreham, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Magee, Thomas Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser of Hospital and Transport Work, Wallasey British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Magor, Edward Manuel Superintendent Essex Constabulary Brentwood Division, Essex Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mahony, Mary Ellen Catholic Women's League British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Main, Ernest William Admiralty Inspector of Shipwrights, HM Dockyard, Sheerness British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mainz, Ernest War Refugees' Committee Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mair, Robert William Mathwin & Son Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maitland, Jean Hamilton British Red Cross Society Convenor, Lanarkshire Sphagnum Moss Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Malcolm, George William Ministry of Munitions Superintendent, HM Magazines, Northwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Malerbi, James Michael National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Southampton War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Malim, Julia War Office Voluntary Worker, Grantham Soldiers' Institute British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mallalieu, Vernon Admiralty Secretary, Lancashire Anti-Submarine Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Mallen, James Caledonian Railway Secretary to the General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mallinson, Clarice Elsie Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3] *
Malloch, Ethel Josephine Victoria Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary to the Director, Motor Ambulance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maloney, William Donnellan War Office Assistant Secretary, Lincolnshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maltby, William Graham Barringer Wallis & Manners British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mamos, Giovanni Monsignor Member, Athens Refugee Committee World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Maniece, William Christopher Henry Board of Trade Paris Representative, Leather Control Board British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mann, Frederick William General Post Office Staff Officer, Investigation Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mann, Sydney Frederick Captain Ministry of Food Executive Officer, West Ham Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mansell, Rosalie Ministry of Munitions Welfare Superintendent, National Filling Factory, Park Royal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mansfield, William Polety Great Western Railway Station & Quay Superintendent, Fishguard Harbour British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Manson, Albert James War Office Assistant Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
March, Joseph Ogdin Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Bulford Manor Hospital, Wiltshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Marchand, Isidore Henri Alphonse, JP British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Hertfordshire Branch World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Marchant, Herbert George Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement Officer-in-Charge, Machinery Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Margetson, Florence Nys Voluntary Aid Organisation President, Chislehurst War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Marindin, Gertrude Florence Evelyn Ministry of Pensions President, Eastern Division, Edinburgh War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Marlow, George William Augustus Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS War Down British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Marsden, Frank Ministry of National Service Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Marsden, Herbert Harrison Ormskirk Cottage Hospital Surgeon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Marsh, Constance Mable Worsey Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Beeches Auxiliary Hospital, Bournville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Marshall, Albert Edward Captain Ministry of Food Assistant Director, Meat Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Marshall, Gertrude Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor, Pinner Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Marshall, James Currie Glasgow and South Western Railway Goods Superintendent, Glasgow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Marshall, Janet Sophia Voluntary Aid Organisation Head Cook, Netley Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Marshall, William North Eastern Railway Yardmaster, York British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Marston, Dorothy Frances Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Overmead Auxiliary Hospital, Ludlow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Martin, Francis Edward Ministry of Food Head Inspector, Enforcement Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Martin, Sir James, JP Ministry of National Service Chairman, Surbiton Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Martin, May Angela Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Wives & Dependants Department, Dublin City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Martin, William, JP Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Medical Superintendent, King's Road Convalescent Hospital, Whitehead, Co Antrim British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Maskens, Harry Frederick British Red Cross Society Senior Station Officer, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mason, Florence Irene Foreign Office Shorthand Writer & Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mason, Frank John, JP Divisional Officer Ipswich Borough Police Ipswich Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mason, John Wright Hull City Council Medical Officer of Health British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mason, Walter War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in Sydenham & Beckenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Masterton, John Reverend Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Nuneaton Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mather, Alice Ministry of Pensions Member, Hindley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mather, Alice Lilian Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mathews, Leslie Ministry of Shipping Commercial Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Maton, William Clifford National War Savings Committee Member, Exeter War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Matthew, Ruth Mary Lord Roberts Memorial Fund Honorary Secretary for South Africa World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Matthews, Alice May Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary X-ray Operator British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Matthews, Edward Henry Ministry of Pensions Member, Scarborough War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Matthews, Olive Harrington Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation 228th London Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Matthews, Robert Lee Deputy Chief Constable Leeds City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Matthews, Sarah Emily Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Organising Secretary, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Matthewson, Thomas Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Newcastle upon Tyne War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Maurice, Thomas Cooper Ministry of Food Controller of Cold Stores, Cold Storage Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maurice, Walter Byron Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Marlborough Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Maxtone, Robert Young, JP Argyllshire County Council County Assessor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maxwell, Mary Alexandra Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Commandant, Drumpellin Auxiliary Hospital, Coatbridge British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Maxwell, William Blackley National War Savings Committee Secretary, Hawick War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
May, Edith Voluntary Aid Organisation Organising Secretary, Woodford Green War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
May, William George Admiralty Hydrographic Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mayer, John, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Newcastle-under-Lyne War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mayes, Howard Ministry of Munitions Senior Assistant Inspector of Munitions Areas British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Maynard, Annie Evelyn National War Savings Committee Member, North Riding County War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mears, Grace Edith Foreign Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Medwin, Gladys Leslie Ministry of National Service Voluntary Worker, Southampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mee, Oliver Ministry of Labour Manager, Manchester Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Meehan, Francis Edward, JP Services in Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Meiggs, Mary Effie Mesopotamia Comforts Fund Honorary Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Meigh, Edward Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Optical Munitions, Glassware & Potash Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Melandre, Joseph Ministry of Shipping Acting Head Inspector for loading Admiralty Transports in South Wales British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Melling, Thomas William Hadfields Chief Foreman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mellor, Juliet Vivien British Red Cross Society Officer-in-Charge, British Red Cross Motor Convoy, Étaples British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mellor, William Charles British Red Cross Society Red Cross Transport Services, Southend & District British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mellows, William Thomas Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Soke of Peterborough War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mellstrom, Charles Gustav Vickers Designing Staff World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Melville, James Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS Breslau British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mercer, William Ayerst Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Buyer, Stores Department, Headquarters British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Merchant, John Victor Jabez Captain British Red Cross Society Honorary County Secretary, Lincolnshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Meredith, Ann Maude Ministry of Food Administration Assistant-in-Charge, Medical Section, Rationing Sub-Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Merrick, Frederick William Vickers Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Merrick Lloyd, Frances Voluntary Aid Organisation Organiser, Boyle War Depot, Co Roscommon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Messel, Maud Frances Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Balcombe Auxiliary Hospital, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Metcalfe, Claude Board of Trade Divisional Road Transport Officer, North Midland Counties Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Metcalfe, George Arthur British Red Cross Society Transport of Wounded, Red Cross Unit No. 1, Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miall, Frank Berger Chief Electrician Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS Sentinel II British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Micklem, Eva Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Maidenhead War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Middleton, John Norfolk County Council/Voluntary Aid Organisation Clerk, Norfolk Asylums/Secretary & Paymaster, Norfolk War Hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Miles, Leopold War Office Acting Accountant, Army Audit Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Millar, Peter Ministry of Food Divisional Accountant, West of Scotland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Millard, Ernest Alfred War Office First Class Assistant Accountant, Army Audit Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, Amy Bessie Queen Mary's Needlework Guild Honorary Secretary, Exmouth Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, Charles Edward Augustus Captain Ministry of Munitions Services to the construction of munition factories British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, Charles Thomas Narramore War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, David Simpson, RD Captain Mercantile Marine (Cunard Steamship Company) Marine Superintendent, New York British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, Edmund Josiah Admiralty Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, Harold Tibbatts Trinity House British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, James Lieutenant Ministry of Munitions Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Miller, Joseph Ministry of Munitions Gun Ammunition Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Miller, Joseph Edward National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Brighton War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Miller, Sidney James Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Cambridge British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Milligan, John Arthur London and North Western Railway Clerk, Goods Train Section, Department of the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Millinger, Thomas Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Marena British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Millington, John Price War Office Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mills, Arthur Ministry of Munitions Foreman, National Sawmilling Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mills, Samuel Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Radcliffe War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mills, Hon Violet Louisa Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Wildernesse VAD Hospital, Seal, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mills, William Henry War Office Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mills, Zae British Red Cross Society Secretary, Red Cross Wounded & Missing Enquiry Bureau, Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Milne, Claire Marjoribanks, Lady War Office Secretary, General Headquarters, France British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Milne, Florence Assistant County Director British Red Cross Society Aberdeenshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Milward, Eliza Margaret Ministry of Pensions Member, Tenby War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Minchin, Arthur War Office Land Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitchell, Alexander Ministry of Food Sales Officer for frozen rabbits & eggs British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitchell, Elisabeth Duff Ministry of Food Office Superintendent & Secretary to the Commissioner, North-Western Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitchell, Hélène Penelope Doris Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Foreign Aircraft Services British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitchell, John Methven National War Savings Committee Secretary, Cupar-Fife War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mitchell, Lawrence Yuill War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitchell, Mary Birch Foreign Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitchell, Robert Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Hooton Pagnell Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Doncaster British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mitchell, Thomas John Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Men's VAD No. 7, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mitford, Dorothy Frances Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Filey Auxiliary Hospital, Yorkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mizen, Frederick George Cabinet Office Superintending Clerk, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moffat, Elijah James Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Ipu British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Moffat, George Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander HM Customs and Excise Collector of Customs & Excise, Port of Blyth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moffat, Rennie John Board of Trade Secretary, Road Transport Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moir, John Watson Workman & Clark Riveter British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mole, Charles Johns HM Office of Works Acting Assistant Architect British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mole, Ernest Services to British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Molineux-Montgomerie, Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Bracondale VAD Hospital, Norwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Molloy, Gwendolen Beatrice Sanchia May War Office Secretary, Officers' Clothing Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Monk, Geoffrey War Office Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Monk, William Alfred HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Port of London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Montgomery, John Young Men's Christian Association Organising Secretary, YMCA Munitions Canteens British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Montgomery, Samuel Ministry of Food Administrative Assistant, Milk Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moon, Malinda Ann Canteen work in Selby British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mooney, Alexander Patrick, JP Voluntary Aid Organisation Surgeon, St Joseph's Auxiliary Hospital, Preston British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mooney, George Elderkin Reverend Church of England Honorary Chaplain, HM Legation, Christiania British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, Arthur Frederick Superintendent Birkenhead Borough Police Birkenhead Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, John HM Customs and Excise Assistant Collector, Liverpool British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, John George Chief Superintendent Portsmouth Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, John Thomas HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Port of London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, Margaret War work in Bridge of Allan British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, Margaret Stuart British Red Cross Society Head, Bread Section, Central Prisoners of War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, Muriel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Great Yarmouth VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Moore, Thomas Edwin Deputy Chief Constable Stockport Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moore, William Gunn Dornoch Burgh Council Provost of Dornoch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moran, Selina Services to war charities in Hepburn-on-Tyne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
More-Gordon, Ellinor Maud Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Administrator, Montrose Red Cross Hospital & Montrose No.2 Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Morgan, Edith Lilian Ministry of Munitions Canteen Manageress, National Projectile Factory, Dudley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morgan, Eileen Cynthia Marjorie Ministry of Pensions Assistant Divisional Superintendent, Pension Issue Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Morgan, Ethel Marion British Red Cross Society Head, Civilian Department, Central Prioners of War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morgan, Robert Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Joint Stores Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morgan, Thomas Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Joint Stores Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morgan, William Richard Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Aberdare Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morris, Frank Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Secretary, Cheshire Horticultural Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morris, Harry Midland Railway District Controller, General Superintendent's Department, Kentish Town British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morris, Iorwerth War Office Temporary Supervising Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morris, John War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morris, Max Cyril Lieutenant Board of Trade Deputy Assistant Controller of Timber Supplies British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morrison, John Felixstowe Dock and Railway Company Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Morrow, Charles Thomas Captain Indian Army British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Mortimer, Muriel Ida Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mortimer, Reginald Mortimer Higgs, JP Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Hertford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mortished, John, RD HM Customs and Excise Collector of Customs, Port of Middlesbrough British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moscrip, Holbourn Jackson Tyne Improvement Commission Committee Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Moseley, Louise Voluntary Aid Organisation Ambulance transport work in East Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mowbray, George Services to British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mudge, Jenny Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Plympton Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Muirhead, Essa Gemmell National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Woking War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Müller, Lilian Prisoners of War Help Committee Secretary, Monmouthshire Regimental Care Committee for Prisoners of War British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mullineux, John Board of Inland Revenue Chief Examiner of Assessments British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mullins, Alfred James Government of Malta Chief Cable Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Mumford, Agnes Royal Sailors' Rests Charlestown Sailors' Rest, Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mungall, Walter Heggie Crieff Burgh Council Provost of Crieff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mungavin, George Walter War Office Civilian Clerical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Mure, Emily May British Red Cross Society Vice-President, Haddingtonshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Murgatroyd, William John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Kendal War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Murphy, James, FRCS Assistant County Director British Red Cross Society/Voluntary Aid Organisation Assistant County Director, Middlewich Division, Cheshire Branch/Medical Officer, Middlewich Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Murray, Amelia Henrietta Royal Dublin Fusiliers Services to Royal Dublin Fusiliers Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Murray, Edith Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Dalbeattie War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Murray, Frederick Southampton American Welcome Committee Joint Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Murray, Josephine Voluntary Aid Organisation/Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Treasurer, Galway War Supply Depot/Honorary Treasurer, Galway Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Murray, Robert Alexander British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, Linlithgowshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Murray, William Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Haddington County Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Murray-Dunlop, Mary Janet Voluntary Aid Organisation Administrator, Glendarrock Auxiliary Hospital, Wigtownshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Murton, Alice Hope Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cranbrook VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Musgrave, Catherine Wares Rittie British Red Cross Society Services to invalid officers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Musguin, William Charles Ministry of Munitions Civil Clerk, Woolwich Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Musson, Arthur Ministry of Pensions Member, Kesteven War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mustarde, John Clark Ministry of Munitions Munitions Area Dilution Officer, Labour Supply Department, Hamilton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Myers, Harry Cecil Lieutenant Board of Trade Assistant Road Transport Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Myers, Lancelot Brainard Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Poole War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mylchreest, Thomas Ministry of Pensions Member, Stretford War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Mylius, Wilhelmina Leonie Ministry of Munitions Iron & Steel Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nancarrow, Charlotte Alice Ministry of Pensions Member, Middlesbrough War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Napier, Norman Wilson Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nash, Alice Emma British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Lambeth Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nash, Dorothea Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Commandant, Hampton-in-Arden Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Nash, Elsie Kathleen Ministry of National Service Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nash, Lilian Mary Hamel Air Ministry Superintendent of Girl Messengers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Naughton, Thomas Henry Lieutenant (AC) Indian Military Works Services British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Naunton-Studdart, Isabel Prisoners of War Help Committee Services to prisoners of war in Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nawton, Daisy Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nayler, Joseph Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Carriages British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Neave, William Ministry of Munitions Chief Civil Clerk, Woolwich Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Neill, William Reid North Eastern Marine Engineering Company Manager, Boiler Shop British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Neish, Elizabeth Oliver War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nelson, Charlotte Mabel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Ockbrook Auxiliary Hospital, Derbyshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ness, Bertha Catholic Soldiers' Club, Abbeville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Ness, Helen Dorothy Parker Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Westbourne Hospital, Paddington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Newby, Albert Ernest Ransomes & Rapier Assistant Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Newel, Rose Alice Ministry of Pensions Sub-Committee Honorary Secretary, County Wicklow War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Newman, William Superintendent Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Newmarch, Edward Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS War Grange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Newnham, Charles War Office Worcester Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Newton, Frederick Captain Liverpool Salvage Association Master, Ranger British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nicholls, Ada Casterton Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Cannock War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Nicholls, Arthur Burleigh Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement Head, Metal Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nicholls, Evelyn Services in Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nicholls, Thomas Superintendent Cornwall Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nicholls, William Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS River Thames British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nichols, John Alexander National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Wantage & District War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Nichols, Thomas George Captain Master, Tug Gusty British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nicol, Charlotte Ministry of Munitions Chief Assistant, Lancaster National Projectile Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nicoll, William Harry War Office Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nield, Faërie Edith Lilian Ministry of Pensions Member, Southport War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Nisbet, Robert Ministry of Pensions Member, Hawick War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Nixon, Margaret Eva War Office Matron, Army Pay Department, Blackheath British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Noble, George Anderson Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Aberdonian British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nolan, Elizabeth Florence Mary Public Trustee Office Private Secretary to the Principal Clerk & Supervisor of Women Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Norie, Thomas Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Agnes Duncan British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Norman, Jennie Gilkinson International Hospitality League British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Normington, Arthur Edward Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Medical Officer, Reedyford Hospital, Nelson British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Norrish, Edith Gladys Barrett Ministry of Blockade Registrar, Restriction of Enemy Supplies Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
North, Frank Services to war charities in London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
North-Hickley, Sybil Louise Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Much Hadham Auxiliary Hospital, Hertfordshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Northcote, Jabez Charles National War Savings Committee Honorary Organising Secretary, London & South Western Railway War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nott, Marjorie Assistant to the Executive Officer to the British Director of Relief Missions British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nuttall, Edmund Ministry of National Service National Service Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Nuttall, William British Red Cross Society Honorary Accountant, East Lancashire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Oakeshott, Claude Albert Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Risaldar British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Oakeshott, Frances Maude Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Harpenden Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Oakley, Alice Annette Ministry of Labour Secretary, British Soldiers' Institute, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Oakshott, Julia Maud Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Abbotsford Auxiliary Hospital, Rock Ferry, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
O'Brien, Charles Henry William War Office Accounts Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
O'Brien, Herbert Charles Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Factory Audit & Costs Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
O'Connell, Cormac John Ministry of Shipping Private Secretary to the Accountant-General British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
O'Connor, Henry Young Men's Christian Association Secretary for Dublin & the Midlands British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
O'Donel, John, DL Captain Public services in Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
O'Donoghue, Mary Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Offord, Frederick George British Red Cross Society Station Officer, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ogilvy, Walter Captain Ministry of Food Services to the British Food Mission in the USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
O'Hara, Ethel British Red Cross Society Services in Co Sligo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Oldham, Hugh Falconer, JP Voluntary Aid Organisation Founder & Medical Officer, St John Auxiliary Hospital, Morecambe British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Olive, May Winifred Voluntary Aid Organisation Beaufort War Hospital, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Oliver, Charles Thomas Admiralty Acting Senior Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Oliver, John Pervey HM Passport Office Chief Examiner British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Olivier, Edith Maud Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Honorary Secretary, Wiltshire Women's County Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Olver, Bertie Cecil Ministry of Munitions Timber Supplies Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Openshaw, Edith Newbold Ministry of Pensions Voluntary Worker, Bury War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Openshaw, Florence Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Down's Park VAD Hospital, Littlestone British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Orange, Lionel Ministry of Munitions Chemist, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Ord, Mark Curry Admiralty Engineer Overseer, London District, Engineer-in-Chief's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Orford, John Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Stepleton & Swillington Auxiliary Hospitals, Yorkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Orme, Marie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 22, Derbyshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
O'Rorke, Gertrude Isabel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Pontyclun Red Cross Hospital, Glamorgan British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Orton, William Station Superintendent Great Western Railway/Midland Railway Bristol Joint Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ostle, Helen Muriel Ministry of Munitions Gun Ammunition Filling Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ottaway, John Detective Superintendent City of London Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ouseley, William National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Isle of Wight County & Newport War Savings Committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ouvry, Ernest Carrington Cadet Lieutenant-Colonel National Cadet Association Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Owen, Griffith Ellis War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Owen, Harry Collinson War Office Editor, Balkan News British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] **
Oyston, William Fletcher Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Flounder's College Auxiliary Hospital, Ackworth, Pontefract British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Paddison, William Perceval Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Page, Ethel Augusta Ministry of Pensions Member, Cardiff War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Page, Howard John Deputy Chief Constable Surrey Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Page, John Foulger Deputy Chief Constable East Suffolk Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Page, Reginald Captain Board of Trade Assistant Road Transport Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pakington, Hon Mary Augusta Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Honorary Secretary, Worcestershire Women's County Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Palmer, Florence Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Organiser, Hampstead War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Palmer, Rosa Jane Business Women of London Evening Workers' Movement Deputy Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Palmer, William Henry Commandant Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pannell, Charles Thomas Assistant Divisional Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Panther, Helen Annie British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pardon, Eva Queen Mary's Needlework Guild President, Nagasaki Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Parish, Henry Ministry of Pensions Member, West Bromwich War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Park, Ernest William Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Department of Engineering British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parker, Bertha Theodora England Women's War Dressings Association Organiser & Head British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parker, Ethel Elizabeth Foreign Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parker, James George Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parkes, Colin Egbert Ministry of Munitions Manager, National Amatol Factory, Leeds British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parker, Ronald Francis Commander (Captain) Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parkes, Edwin Ministry of Pensions Member, Eccles War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Parkin, Fanny Ida War Office Honorary Secretary, Families Benevolent Fund, Aldershot Command British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parkin, Joseph Henry Richmond Union Master, Richmond Workhouse British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parkinson, Frederick Henry Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Bolton Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parkinson, Janet Ministry of Pensions Area Committee Honorary Secretary, Lincolnshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Parkinson, John Frederick Main Admiralty Senior Examiner of Engineering Work British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parkinson, Walter Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 23, West Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parnaby, John Murray National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Middlesbrough War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Parsons, Arthur Ambrose General Post Office Staff Officer, Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parsons, Charles O'Connor Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Honorary Medical Officer, Dore Auxiliary Hospital, Sheffield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Parsons, Joan Dorothea Langton War Office Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Parsons, John Edward Hocking Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Chipping Norton Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Partington, Mary Alice Ministry of Pensions Member, Glossop War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Partington, Willie Percival Hindley Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Small Arms & Machine Guns Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Partridge, Sydney John Admiralty Acting Deputy Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pass, Ralph Great Central Railway Chief Clerk to the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Paterson, Doris Hirst Ministry of Munitions Private Secretary to the Director of Munitions for Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Paterson, John Wilson HM Office of Works Assistant Architect 2nd Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Paterson, Mary Agnes Ministry of Pensions Member, Hillhead & Partick War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Paton, Daniel Shaw British Red Cross Society Secretary, Bourne District, South Lincolnshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Patterson, Robert Hogarth London and North Western Railway Cartage Assistant to the London Traffic Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Patterson, Walter, JP Clyde District Maritime Board Joint Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pattle, Cecil Frederic Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Chief Executive Officer, West Suffolk Agricultural Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pattrick, Emma Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Prince Edward Home VAD Hospital, Hunstanton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Paul, Minnie Services to the entertainment of wounded soldiers & sailors in Belfast British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Paull, Emily Anne Joint Founder, Sailors' and Soldiers' Club, 319 Vauxhall Bridge Road British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pawley, Katharine Alice Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Church House VAD Hospital, Bromley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Payne, Arthur Voluntary Aid Organisation Administrator, 7th Northumberland VAD Hospital, Whitley Bay British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Payne, Ellen Matron Ministry of Munitions Ambulance Station, HM Cylinder Depot, Bucknall British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Payne, Hazel Vivienne Admiralty Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Payne, Percy John Admiralty Acting Chief Examiner, Armament Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Payne, Stephen Admiralty Chief Admiralty Airship Overseer, Short's, Bedford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peace, John William Ministry of Food Divisional Road Transport Officer, Leeds British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peacocke, Aungier Station Master Great Eastern Railway Cambridge Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peacocke, Ethel Helen Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Cork Women's Association for Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peake, Emily Marion Girls' Friendly Society President, Ripon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pearce, James Superintendent Buckinghamshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pearce, John William British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pearman, Ernest Albert National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Houghton-le-Spring & Sutherland Rural War Savings Committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pearse, Eleanor Ministry of Munitions Recorder, Chemical Warfare Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pearson, Arthur Frederick, JP Ministry of Shipping Local Superintendent of Ship Repairs, Holyhead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pearson, Robert James Admiralty Senior Foreman, Engineering Department, HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pearson, William Henry Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway District Passenger Superintendent, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peck, Elfrida Mary Board of Trade Secretary, Bedford Road Transport Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peck, Frederick George Captain Mercantile Marine (Khedivial Mail Company) Marine Superintendent, Suez British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peddie, Francis Grove Association of Voluntary Workers Honorary Secretary, Cupar Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peddle, Cyril James Derby Crown Glass Company Chemist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peel, Cicely Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Clifton House VAD Hospital, Tenterden British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Peel, Dorothy Mary Grace Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor & Officer-in-Charge, Colshaw Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Chelford, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Penney, Mary Bentley Voluntary Aid Organisation Head Clerk & Treasurer, Exmouth Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Penning, Walter Admiralty Acting Foreman, Engineer Branch, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pepper, Charles County Director (Colonel) British Red Cross Society Co Meath Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pepper, William James Great Northern Railway Clerk, General Manager's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Perdue, Florence Louise Sophia, ARRC Admiralty Mudros RN Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Perkins, Charles Clifforde Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Perrey, Albert Victor George Ministry of Labour Manager, Weymouth Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Perrin, Alfred William Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Disablement Sub-Committee, Tottenham War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Perrin, John Edward Ministry of Food Assistant, Oils & Fats Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Perry, William War Office Staff Clerk, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peters, Henry Robert Board of Trade Assistant to the Secretary, Railway Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Peters, Herbert John Admiralty Acting Assistant Secretary, HM Repair Depot, Invergordon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Petherick, Wallace Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Garboldisham VAD Hospital, Thetford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pettyfer, Percy William Station Superintendent South Eastern and Chatham Railway Canterbury Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Philip, Elsie Green Ministry of Pensions Member, Gorbals & Tradeston War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Philip, Katherine Laura British Soldiers' Institute, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Philips, Helena Adelaide Sara War services in Flintshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phillibrown, George Ernest Superintendent Essex Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phillips, Harry Joseph Board of Trade Secretary, Department of Import Restrictions British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phillips, Helena Creed Government of Ireland Assistant to the Comptroller of the Household, Dublin Castle British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phillips, Wallace Henry National Relief Fund Assistant to the Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phillips, William James Admiralty Superintendent Accountant, Costings Investigation Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Philpot, Joseph Henry War Refugees' Committee Voluntary services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phipps Hornby, Anna Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Southwood House (36th London) Hospital, Eltham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Phœnix, Herbert Ray Ministry of Labour Chief Registrar British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Phythian, Thomas Ewart R. W. Crabtree & Sons Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pickard, Henry Aire and Calder Navigation Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pickard-Cambridge, Hilda Margaret Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Picken, Anna Craig Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Secretary, Belfast Docks Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pickering, Fred, JP Ministry of National Service Organiser, Trades & Commerce Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pickering, Percy War Office Confidential Clerk & Secretary to the Director of Quartering British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pickford, Hurd Ministry of Food Executive Officer for Milk, Home Counties Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Picton-Warlow, Camilla Allan Parisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Prisoners of War Bread Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Pierce, Elsie Louisa Ministry of National Service Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pierce, Thomas John Ministry of Munitions Badges & Protected Occupations Section, Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pierpoint, Marie Eugénie Paddington Soldiers' and Sailors' Club Superintendent World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pierson, Reginald Kershaw Vickers Chief Designer, Aviation Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Pightling, Garnet Ministry of Food Head, Raw Sugar Department, Royal Commission on Sugar Supplies British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pike, Emma Air raid services in Ramsgate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pilcher, Cecil Westland Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Holden House Red Cross Hospital, Boston, Lincolnshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pin, Violet Constance Letitia Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Assistant Private Secretary to the Chairman, Joint War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pincombe, Arthur Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Mountain Ash War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pipe, Nellie Ministry of National Service Housekeeper, Headquarters British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pirie-Gordon, Edward Ministry of Pensions Member, Crickhowell War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pitman, Arthur James Ministry of Labour Manager, Norwich Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pitt, Arthur George Air Ministry Chief Designer-in-Charge, Drawing Office, Royal Aircraft Establishment British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Pitt, Inez Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Charing VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Plage, John Philip Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS Austrahud British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Platt, William Alexander National War Savings Committee Member, Bury War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Platt, William Percival Lieutenant Northumberland Fusiliers Indian Military Accounts Department British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Platten, Samuel Henry, JP Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Edmonton Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Plevin, Mary Jean Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Quartermaster & Registrar, Bramhall & Cheadle Hulme Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Plummer, Arthur Bertram Ministry of Pensions Superintending Inspector, Birmingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Poe, Muriel Gladys St John's Ambulance Brigade Lady District Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pollard, Charles Deputy Chief Constable Buckinghamshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pollock, Catherine Heutig Certified Masseuse, Dublin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pollock, John Wilson Ministry of Labour Manager, Govan Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pond, Ethel Augusta Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Masonic Hall VAD Hospital, Bromley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ponsonby, Diamond Louise Constance Ministry of Food Supervisor, Cable Registry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Poole, George Francis Ministry of Food Chief Inspector, Oils & Fats Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Poole, Herbert Richard HM Customs and Excise Accountant, Accountant- and Comptroller-General's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pope, Frances Madge Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation No. 16 Reserve, Devon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Popplewell, Violet May Home Defence Comforts Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Porter, Elizabeth Allison Young Men's Christian Association Worker, Woolwich Canteens British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pott, Evelyn Mabel Assistant Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Nevill Park VAD Hospital, Tunbridge Wells British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pott, Gladys Sydney Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Travelling Inspector, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Potts, Dorothy Feilden Services in Chinde, Portuguese East Africa British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Potts, George Louis Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement Head, Textile Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Poulteney, Samuel Levi Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Callowland War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Poupart, William John London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Wharfinger, Deptford Wharf British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Powell, Benjamin Henry National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Eastry War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Powell, Clare Carew Founder, Tetley Hostel for Soldiers' Wives, Farnham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Powell, David, JP Ministry of Pensions Member, Breconshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Powell, Felix Edmund Bimbashi Alexandria City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Powell, Frank Grove Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Powell, George Henry Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Hendon Central War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Power, James Augustine War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Power, Leila Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Park House Auxiliary Hospital, Newbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pratt, Charlotte Amyand Powys British Red Cross Society Services in Co Kerry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pratt, Elizabeth Worth British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Bermondsey Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pratt, Frances Margaret Ethel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Red Cross Wards, Cornelia Civil Hospital, Poole British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Pratt, Frank Young Men's Christian Association War Emergency Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pratt, Frank Herbert War Office Chief Printer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pratt, Hilda Gertrude Prisoners of War Help Committee Assistance to British prisoners British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pratt-Johnson, Joseph Lieutenant Indian Army Postal Service British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Prentice, Joseph Great Central Railway Chief Train & Control Clerk, Doncaster British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Prescott, Charles Clark Ministry of Food Assistant Distribution Officer, East of Scotland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Prescott, Constance Alice Ministry of Munitions Secretary, Directorate of Area Organisation British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Presland, Claud William Ministry of Munitions Assistant Works Manager, National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Prest, Ellen Gertrude Manageress, Wakefield Church Hut British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Pretty, Marguerite Emily Ministry of Pensions Member, Ipswich War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Price, Annie Vincent Voluntary Aid Organisation Masseuse, Netley Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Price, Cyril Oliver Rose Cox & Co RAF Agency Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Price, Edward French Midland Railway Chief Draughtsman, Carriage & Wagon Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Price, John Glanville Ministry of Munitions Depot Manager, Central Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Price, Joseph Thomas Coke Oven Managers' Association Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Price, Sydney Reginald Ministry of Munitions Technical Assistant, HM Contracts Section, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Prichard, Mabel Henrietta Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Oxford City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Prichard, Samuel David Captain Mercantile Marine (London and North Western Railway) Master, SS Slievemore British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Prideaux-Brune, Cecely Alice Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Niekla Hospital, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Priest, Joseph F. & C. Osler Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pringle, Ethel Louisa Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, St John's Clothing Depot, Dublin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pritchard, Mary Ellen Ministry of Pensions Member, Carnarvonshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Proctor, Doris Brownsword Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Prowse, John Skardon Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Basford House Auxiliary Hospital, Old Trafford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Puckle, Emily Alice Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor & Commandant, The Hollands Auxiliary Hospital, Langton, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Puddey, Henry Admiralty Naval Store Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Puddicombe, John Admiralty Acting Deputy Naval Store Officer, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pullinger, Dorothée Aurélie Vickers Works Lady Superintendent World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Purcell, Thomas Edwin Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Karnak British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Purdue, Harry Roy Ministry of Food Secretary, Imports Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Purnell, Edward Kelly Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Purslow, Samuel Bell Brothers Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Purssell, Francis William Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Purvis, Bertha Maud Isabella Voluntary Aid Organisation Torquay War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Purvis, Isabelle Marie Voluntary Aid Organisation Head, Clonmel War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Purvis-Russell-Montgomery, Mary Maud Ministry of Pensions Member, Kinross-shire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Puttock, Muriel Public Trustee Office Assistant Superintendent of Women Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pygall, Frank Thomas Superintendent West Sussex Constabulary Chief Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Pyman, Elizabeth Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer, Hawkestone Park Auxiliary Hospital, Yorkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Radcliffe, Robert National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Hayle War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Radford, Lily Annie Ministry of Labour Member, Exeter Employment Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rae, Alexander Frederick Ministry of Munitions Administrative Assistant, Propellants Section, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Raikes, Hilda British Red Cross Society Organiser & manager of working parties in Norfolk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Raikes, Hilda Taunton Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Worker, Euston Station Free Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Raine, William Stephenson Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Hungerford Rural Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Raitt, Charles Palmer Admiralty Acting Inspector of Engine Fitters, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ralston, Helen Ripley Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Drumlanrig Auxiliary Hospital, Dumfries/Vice-President, Dumfries Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ramsay, Eleanor Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Malmesbury VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ramsay, Helen Margaret War Office Clerk, Prisoners of War Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ramsay, Margaret Evelyn Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ramsey, Arthur George HM Office of Works District Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ranade, Yashwan Bhicajee Captain Indian Medical Service Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Randell, Reginald Maurice Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Balgowan VAD Hospital, Beckenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ranken, Charles Ernest Cadet Captain Boys' Brigade Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Ransom, Herbert Charles Crown Agents for the Colonies Assistant Head, Miscellaneous Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Raphael, Effie Soldiers' Christian Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ratcliffe, Dorothy Mary Assistant Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Quartermaster & Assistant Commandant, Cirencester Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ratcliffe, Herbery Coakley Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Winchester Auxiliary Hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rawles, Kate Eleanor HM Office of Works Temporary Technical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rawlins, Frank William Lieutenant (QM) Cabinet Office Assistant Head Clerk, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rawson-Shaw, Josephine Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 108, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rawstorne, Maria Harriet Ministry of Pensions Joint Honorary Secretary, Wandsworth War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ray, Helen MacLaine Ulster Women's Gift Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rayner, Ralph Herbert Major Indian Signal Service British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Read, Ada Alice Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Leyton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Read, George William National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Weston-super-Mare War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Reddish, George Joseph Station Master London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Crowborough Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reed, Leah Lewis Ministry of Pensions Member, Kingston-upon-Hull War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Reed, Margaret Haythorne Admiralty Naval Section, British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rees, David John, JP Young Men's Christian Association YMCA Munitions Hut Leader, Port Talbot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rees, Henry Bernard Young Men's Christian Association Manager, YMCA Munitions Huts, Ebbw Vale Shell Factory & Crayford British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rees, John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Llanfyrnach War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Reeves, Mary Sybil Services to British soldiers in Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rehm, Eveline Lucy Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Fairlawn Auxiliary Hospital, Honor Oak, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Reid, Andrew War Office Official Photographer, Egyptian Expeditionary Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Reid, Frederick William Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine (Eastern Telegraph Company) CS Amber British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reid, James, DL Ministry of Pensions Member, East Lothian War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Reid, Thomas Birmingham Technical School Head, Department of Engineering British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reid, Thomas Ebenezer Armagh County Council Clerk to the County Council British 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Reid, William, JP Major Ministry of National Service Chairman, Largs Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reid, William Admiralty Acting Assistant Accounts Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reid, William Patriotic services in Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reid, William Macdonald Services to recruiting in Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reith, Jean Stuart National War Savings Committee Assistant Secretary, Scottish War Savings Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Relph, John William War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Repton, Guy George Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reside, David Alexander Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Wabana British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reynolds, Arthur Commandant Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Reynolds, William Midland Daily Telegraph Editor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Riach, George Station Master Highland Railway Station Master & Traffic Manager, Kyle of Lochalsh Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Richards, Eleanora Kathleen Commandant British Red Cross Society Recruiting Commandant, County of London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Richards, Jane Wilson Dixon Ministry of Food Confidential Secretary, Wheat Export Company British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Richards, John Samuel Ministry of Pensions Member, Southampton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Richardson, David, JP Superintendent South Shields Borough Police South Shields Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Richardson, John Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co Head Draughtsman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Richardson, John William Ministry of Pensions Chairman, North of England Conference of Executive Officers of Local War Pensions Committees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Richardson, Maria Isabel Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Wallsend War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Richardson, Peter London and North Western Railway Goods Agent, London Road, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Richardson, William Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, County Waterford War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rickard, Barbara Admiralty Accountant-General's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rickenbach, Frieda Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Claytons Auxiliary Hospital, Mayfield, Sussex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rickman, Mary Charlotte Murray Foreign Trade Department Assistant Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3] *
Ridehalgh, Gertrude Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Ambulance transport work in East Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ridland, Charles Forbes Captain British Red Cross Society Secretary, Banffshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ridley, Eustace Ministry of Munitions Honorary Secretary, Fire Advisory Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ridley, Mary Constance British Red Cross Society Organiser, British Red Cross Enquiry Bureau, Newcastle upon Tyne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ridley-Thomas, Lavinia Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Ardmillan Auxiliary Hospital, Oswestry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rigg, Hubert MacMullen Admiralty Acting Expense Accounts Officer, HM Dockyard, Malta British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Riley, George Willis HM Stationery Office Senior Examiner of Printers' Accounts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Riley, Henry London and North Western Railway Clerk, Rolling Stock Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Rimer, Alfred Henry North Eastern Railway Chief Locomotive Foreman, Gateshead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rimington, Frederick James Chief Officer Mercantile Marine SS Erinpura British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ritchie, Alice Maude Commandant St John's Ambulance Brigade Recruiting Commandant, County of London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ritchie, Charles John, JP Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rivet, Albert Robert Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Non-Ferrous Materials Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rix, Lucy Voluntary Aid Organisation Princess Beatrice's St Marylebone War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Road, Alfred Admiralty Senior Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Sheerness British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robbins, Gertrude Florence Eveline HM Office of Works Temporary Technical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Roberton, Margaret Hill British Red Cross Society Joint Secretary, Caithness Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Roberts, Arthur Harry General Post Office Assistant Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Roberts, Evan Acting County Controller St John's Ambulance Brigade East Lancashire Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Roberts, Irene Helen Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor & Commandant, Easton Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Grantham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Roberts, William Ivor Captain Mercantile Marine (London and North Western Railway) Master, SS Slieve Bawn British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robertson, Ann Margaret Prisoners of War Help Committee Assistant Honorary Secretary, Dundee Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robertson, Arthur Hurles Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS River Thames British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robertson, George Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Arran War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Robertson, James Admiralty Foreman Writer, HM Dockyard, Chatham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Robertson, Jean Dewar Admiralty Naval Intelligence Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robertson, Margaret Ida Admiralty Naval Intelligence Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Robertson, William Captain British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Dumbartonshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robertson, William Eugene Admiralty Acting Deputy Armament Supply Officer, RN Torpedo Depot, Rosyth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robinow, William, MC British Red Cross Society County Secretary, East Lancashire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robins, Harry George London and North Western Railway Assistant, Rolling Stock Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robinson, Charles Deputy Chief Officer Luton Borough Police Luton Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robinson, Doris Firth Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation St John VAD Hospital, Hull British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Robinson, Dorothy Faith Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant, London VAD No. 30/Quartermaster, Rosslyn Lodge Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Robinson, Edward Great Western Railway Assistant to the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robinson, Frederick Anthony Voluntary Aid Organisation Accountant, Northamptonshire War Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Robinson, George Fox National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Munitions War Savings Association, Hull British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Robinson, Henry William Bradley Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robinson, James Thomas Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer i/c Transport, Finsbury Square Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Robinson, Percy Holland Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation West Lancashire VAD No. 27 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robinson, William Walker Voluntary Aid Organisation Assistant to the County Director, West Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Robson, James Coventry Ordnance Works Designing Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Robson, William Tuke Southampton Corporation Tramways General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rochdale, Beatrice Mary Kemp, Baroness Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Lingholme Auxiliary Hospital, Cumberland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Roche, Francis Patrick British Red Cross Society Honorary Treasurer, Co Wexford Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rodhouse, Alfred Edward Voluntary Aid Organisation Duston Military Hospital, Northampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Roffe, John Station Superintendent London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Brighton Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Roger, Herbert Campbell British Red Cross Society Secretary, Scottish Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rogers, Florence Crichton Ministry of Pensions Member, Hove War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rogers, Frederick Henry Air Ministry Staff Clerk, Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rogers, Gilbert Lieutenant War Office Army Medical War Museum British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rogers, Mary Georgina Helen Ministry of Labour Member, South Midlands & Eastern Employment Council/Lowestoft Employment Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rogers, Timothy HM Customs and Excise Surveyor of Customs & Excise, Port of London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rogerson, William Henry Ministry of Munitions Priority Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rolfe, Richard Alfred Board of Trade Divisional Officer, Household Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rollings, William George Benjamin Admiralty Naval Store Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rollo, William John National War Savings Committee Secretary, Arbroath War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rolt, Frederick Henry Ministry of Munitions National Physical Laboratory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Ronald, James Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ronaldson, Thomas Percy War Office Censor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rorison, George Henry Ministry of Shipping Lighterage Pool Committee, Port Said British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rose, Hannah Catherine Voluntary Aid Organisation Divisional Red Cross Work Secretary, Stratton VAD, Wiltshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rose, Harold Greenwell Air Ministry Chief Assistant to the Drainage Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Roskrow, Albert Cyril War Office Army Medical Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ross, Millicent Ellen War Office Lady Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rosser, Thomas Newland Cardiff Docks Dock Master British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rouquette, Gladys Howard Ministry of Munitions Woman Staff Officer, Supply Department, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rouse, Alfred Robert Ministry of Munitions Statistical & Progress Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rouse-Smith, Mabel Ministry of Munitions Woman Staff Officer, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Routledge, Robert War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rowe, Alfred Edward Lieutenant British Red Cross Society Accountant, British Red Cross Commission, Salonika British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rowe, Arthur William Ministry of Pensions Deputy Principal Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rowledge, Arthur John D. Napier & Son Chief Designer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] **
Royds, Annie Bourne Prisoners of War Help Committee Yorkshire Prisoners of War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Royds, Margaret Ada Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Vicarage Hospital, Heysham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Roylance, Ethel Manford Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Bowdon Auxiliary Hospital, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Royle, Leonard Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Park House Hospital, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Roythorne, Herbert Deputy Chief Constable Isle of Ely Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ruby, Anna Colburn Ballincollig Soldiers' Home British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ruddick, John Chief Superintendent Sunderland Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ruddin, John Henry Ministry of Food Technical Adviser on Poultry, Game & Rabbits British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ruddle, George Salford Royal Hospital General Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rudston-Read, Lilian Voluntary Aid Organisation Donor of Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ruffer, Ferdinand Robert Mission Anglaise de l'Armament Assistant Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Rushall, Richard Boswell Rangoon Docks Master Stevedore British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell, Arthur Edward Ian Montague Lieutenant Ministry of Munitions Mineral Resources Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell, Ethel Ministry of Pensions Member, Malton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Russell, George Shipton British Red Cross Society Red Cross services British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell, Henry Alexander HM Office of Works Second Class Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell, Janie War Refugees' Committee Services to British refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell, John Tyne Port Sanitary Authority Chief Sanitary Inspector British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell, Mary Ruth, Lady Patriotic services in Edinburgh British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Russell Davies, Louisa Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Member, Kensington War Pensions Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rutter, Richard Golden Ministry of Pensions Member, Batley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Rycroft, Percy Edward Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Ryder, Edward Northern, DCM Captain 21st Lancers British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Sabine, Dorothy Gladys War Office Mobilisation Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Saer, John Carmarthen Rural District Council/Ministry of National Service Clerk/Clerk, Carmarthen Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sagar-Musgrave, William Noel Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sage, Arthur Reginald London County Council Vice-Principal, LCC School of Building British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Saint, Rosa Charlotte War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
St Barbe, Henry Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Clerk, Southern Sea Fisheries Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
St Maur, Nina Mabel Mary Ministry of Munitions Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Salmon, Joseph Harold Board of Inland Revenue First Class Valuer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Salmon, William John Cecil Redford Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Munitions, USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Salsbury, Albert Edward, DCM Ministry of National Service Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sammut, Florence War Office Lady Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Samuel, Argia Alicia Casmira Australian War Chest Club Manager World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Samuel, Thomas John National War Savings Committee Chairman, Aberystwyth War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sanders, Hilda Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Charleville War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sansom, William Campbell War Office Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Saunders, Lilian Beatrice Anna Foreign Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Saunders, Thomas Edward Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Collector of Fishery Statistics, Folkestone British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sawdon, Frank Reginald Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Medical Officer, Buxton Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sawyer, Hedley North Eastern Railway Clerk in Charge, Programme Section, General Superintendent's Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Saxon, Amy Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Stockport Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Saxton, Amy Harriette Voluntary Aid Organisation Managing Director, Woking War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Say, Geoffrey Baldwin Lieutenant Imperial Merchant Service Guild Assistant Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sayer, Thomas Lewes British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scanlon, Leonard Edmund Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Willow Bank Hospital, Manchester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Scannell, James Berchmans Admiralty Deputy Expense Accounts Officer, Gibraltar Naval Yard British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Schierwater, Charles Adolf Commandant British Red Cross Society Commandant of Ambulances, Liverpool Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Schiff, Otto War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in London & Manchester World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Schlesinger, Richard Alphonse War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Schofield, Joseph Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Chadderton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Scholefield, George Edward Voluntary Aid Organisation Founder & Medical Officer, Aughton Auxiliary Hospital, Lancashire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Scorer, Frank Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Crag Head Hospital, Bournemouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Scott, Alexander Thomas Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Archibald HM Office of Works Assistant Architect 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Elizabeth Mabel HM Treasury Secretary, Economic Section, British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Frank Stanley Liverpool and District Shipping Butchers' Association Chairman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Isabel Mary Gordon Ministry of Shipping Private Secretary, New York Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Isabella Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation 10th Durham VAD Hospital, Mayfield, Jarrow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Scott, Nora Carlyle Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Hart House Red Cross Hospital, Burnham, Somerset British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Scott, Robert Admiralty Military Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Robert Ministry of Munitions Works Manager, HM Factory, Avonmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott, Thomas John Midland Railway Marine Superintendent Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scott Anderson, Joan Anderson British Red Cross Society President, Ettrick Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Screech, George Ernest War Office Chief Examiner of War Office Contracts, Department of the Surveyor-General of Supply British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scrimshaw, Ellen Mary Young Men's Christian Association Vice-President, New Southgate YMCA Munitions Canteens British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scully, James Donald Ministry of Munitions Secretary, Dublin Official Munitions Boards of Management & Area Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Scurlock, Daniel Admiralty Acting Senior Foreman of the Yard, HM Dockyard, Rosyth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Searle, Susan Margaret Ministry of Munitions Private Secretary to a Member of the Council British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Searles, Sydney William Ministry of Munitions Principal Foreman Writer, Directorate of Inspection of Small Arms Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Seaton, Peter Superintendent Port of London Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Seddon, Thomas Ministry of Food Chairman, Kettering Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sedgwick, Richard Romney Ministry of Munitions Officer-in-Charge of General Correspondence, Badges & Protected Occupations Section British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Sedgwick, Susie Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, St Andrew's Hospital, Dollis Hill British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Selby, Elizabeth Mary Alice Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation The Glovers VAD Hospital, Sittingbourne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Selby, Thomas James Voluntary Aid Organisation Senior Medical Officer, Frodsham Auxiliary Hospital, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sell, Edith Lilian Ministry of Food Head, Intelligence Section, Enforcement Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Selous, Gerald Holgate HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul, Saffi British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Senn, Charles Herman British Red Cross Society Services to invalid cookery British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Sergeant, Wilfred Oswald Faithfull Ministry of Pensions Joint Honorary Treasurer, Hampshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Seyfang, Eveline Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Filsham Auxiliary Hospital, St Leonards-on-Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Seymour, Cynthia Charlotte Foreign Office Temporary Clerk, British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Seymour, Frederick Powell Union Jack Club Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shackleton, William Sheffield Simplex Motor Works Chief Engineer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Shannons, Frederick Alfred War Office Chief Clerk, Deptford Supply Reserve Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sharp, James Ministry of Food Chairman, Eton Rural Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sharpe, Daniel Crawford Ministry of Food Administrative Head i/c Clerical Staff, Imports Branch, Bacon Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sharrock, Alice Edith General Post Office Deputy Superintendent, Savings Bank Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shaw, David Nairn Royal Savoy Association Chairman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shaw, Edward Harry Church Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shaw, Helen Brown Patriotic services in Lanarkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shaw, Isabella Mackintosh Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer i/c General Service, VAD Unit, Rouen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Shaw, Mary Margaret Assistant County Director Voluntary Aid Organisation Dublin Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shaw, Richard Holgate Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Hampstead Garden Suburb Auxiliary Military Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sheldon, Harold Foreign Office Clerk, British Sections, US Embassy/Netherlands Legation, Berlin British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shepherd, Charles Edward Board of Trade Secretary, Petroleum Pool Board British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shepherd, Charles Herbert Lieutenant Ministry of Food Freight Department, Royal Commission on Wheat Supplies British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shepherd, Frederick Hawkesworth Sinclair Ministry of Munitions Labour Regulation Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sheppard, Alfred Edwin Board of Trade Head, Finance Section, Petrol Control Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sheppard, Mary Constance Ministry of Munitions Woman Staff Officer, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sheppard, Walter Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shillaker, James Frederick Ministry of Pensions Senior Superintending Inspector, Glasgow British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Shirres, Christian British Red Cross Society Secretary, North East District War Dressings Depot, Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sholto-Douglas, Gwendoline Ethel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Quartermaster, Filsham Park Auxiliary Hospital, St Leonards-on-Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Shorland, Elizabeth Freeman Chief Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Percy House Auxiliary Hospital, Middlesex British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Short, Henry Captain Mercantile Marine (London, Brighton and South Coast Railway) Master, SS Arundel British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Shotton, Charles Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Smethwick War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Shubrick, Eleanor Mary Woolwich Soldiers' Home British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sibbald, Arthur Trevitt Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Clapham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sidney, Leicester Philip Ministry of Munitions Parliamentary & General Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sigrist, Frederick Sopwith Aviation Company Engineering Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sim, James Great North of Scotland Railway Chief Trains Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Simey, Alma Margaret Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Rugby Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Simmonds, Frederick Victor Great Western Railway Outdoor Assistant to the Hotels Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Simmons, Frederick Vital Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation London Ambulance Column British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Simpkins, Ernest Charles Great Western Railway Chief Clerk to the Superintendent of the Line British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Simpson, Alfred National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Kippax War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Simpson, Jane Queen Mary's Needlework Guild President, Lima Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Simpson, Jeanie Nelson Taylor Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Airdrie War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Simpson, John William Great Central Railway Assistant Good Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Simpson, Mary Helen Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Organising Secretary, Women's Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Simpson, William Arthur John Chief Inspector Colchester Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sims, John William British Red Cross Society Transport of Wounded, Red Cross Unit No. 3, Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sinclair, Ellen Lowry Voluntary Aid Organisation Chief Assistant, Belfast War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sinclair, George Fraser Ministry of Pensions Clerk, Ross & Cromarty War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Singh, Attar Jemadar Frontier Garrison Artillery Indian Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Skeens, Frederick Ministry of Munitions Mechanical Warfare Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Skelsey, Richard Robert Ministry of Munitions Railway Materials Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Skerman, Oscar Ministry of Munitions Chief Examiner of Machine Guns British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Skevington, Frank Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Skilbeck, Mary Alethea Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Chipstead VAD Hospital, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Skinner, Christian Laing Scottish Soldiers' Club British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Skipper, Henry Herbert Admiralty Deputy Chief Surveyor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Skirrow, Florence National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Torquay War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Slade, Edward Charles War Office Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Slade, Mary Elizabeth Prisoners of War Help Committee Organiser, Swindon Branch, Wiltshire Prisoners of War Care Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Slater, Alexander Young Men's Christian Association Secretary, Headquarters Motor Service Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Slater, George Frederick National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, 3rd Reserve Hussars War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Slater, John Gladstone National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Hucknall War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Smale, Samuel Canteen worker in Paris British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Small, John Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Rosyth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Small, William Keane HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul, St Louis British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smart, Herbert Samuel Young Men's Christian Association Secretary, Liverpool Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smellie, James, JP Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Dudley British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Edith Mabel Ministry of Munitions Supply Department, Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Edwin Thomas Captain Mercantile Marine (London and South Western Railway) Master, SS Lorina British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Elizabeth Frances Jane Oke Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Crediton Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Ernest William Board of Trade Retail Coal Price Section, Household Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Eva Agnes Cabinet Office Confidential Secretary, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Frederick Herbert Ministry of Munitions Chief Inspector, Safety of Factories Branch, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Smith, Frederick Robertson Siddeley-Deasy Motor Car Company Chief Designer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Smith, George Frederick Kitson & Co Chief Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, James Board of Trade Secretary, Paper Control Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, James Ministry of Pensions Member, Nottinghamshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Smith, John Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS Longa British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, John Llewellin Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer, Aberdare War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Smith, Joseph Alfred Punton National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Tunbridge Wells War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Smith, Margaret Newbigging British Red Cross Society Secretary & Organiser, Paisley Central Red Cross Comforts Committee & Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Mathew, JP Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Finance Sub-Committee, Ayrshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Smith, Percival Ministry of Food Divisional Inspector, Home Counties Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Sarah Louisa Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, VAD Selection Board, Bristol Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Stanley William Admiralty Acting Deputy Superintending Clerk, Naval Ordnance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Thomas Armstrong Harland & Wolff Chief Draughtsman, Shipyard Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, Thomas Sinclair Captain Calcutta Port Commissioners Chief Harbour Master British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, William Haynes Ministry of Munitions Senior Assistant to the Assistant Controller of Inspection of Munitions (Organisation) British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smith, William Joseph Midland Railway Works Assistant, Carriage & Wagon Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Smyth, Jane Robinson Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Banbridge War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2][3]
Snodgrass, Burns Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Snow, Daisy National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Mid-Gloucester Women's Benefit Society War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Snow, Hilda Gertrude Foreign Office Shorthand Writer & Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Snowdon, John Henry Reed Admiralty Experiments & Research Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Snowie, James Deputy Chief Constable Haddingtonshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Soman, Mariette Eileen Admiralty Naval Section, British Peace Delegation British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sotham, Louise Victoria Gisela Services to soldiers in Lincolnshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Soutar, Charles Ministry of Food Area Secretary, Scotland Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Southam, Arthur Henry Ridgway Lieutenant-Colonel British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Battersea Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Southam, Thomas Frank Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Cecil Road Auxiliary Hospital, Hale, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Spadaccini, Henry Ministry of Food Dock Inspector British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Spencer, Blanche Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Quartermaster, Builth Wells Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Spencer, Henry Ministry of Munitions Manager, National Filling Factory, Erith British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Spencer, Thomas National Maritime Board Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Spiller, John Wyatt Ministry of Munitions Technical Adviser, Munitions Overseas Transport Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Spottiswoode, Robert Collinson D'Esterre Colonel Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Cork Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Squance, Muriel Mary Board of Trade Private Secretary to the Chief Financial Adviser, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Staddon, Kate Elizabeth Ministry of Pensions Member, Luton War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stagg, Arthur George War Office Deputy Superintending Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stainthorp, Amy British Red Cross Society County Secretary, North Riding of Yorkshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stalker, John Ministry of Pensions Member, Perthshire War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stalley, Ernest Alfred Great Eastern Railway Agent, Tilbury & East India Docks British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stanbury, George Crocker Admiralty Acting Clerical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stanley, Rowland John Ministry of Labour Manager, Sheffield Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stansfield, John Firth Ministry of Munitions Chemist-in-Charge, Chemical Inspection Department, USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3] *
Stanton, Ernest William National War Savings Committee Joint Honorary Secretary, Hythe War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stebbing, Henry Mark War Office Legal Assistant, Land Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stedman, Albert Douglas Ministry of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Steele, Arnold Francis British Red Cross Society Secretary, Le Havre Sub-Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Stenning, Jessie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Christchurch VAD Hospital, Beckenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stephens, Adelaide Charlotte Edith Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, Reigate Rural War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stephens, Albert Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS W. J. Radcliffe British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Stephens, Edwin Admiralty Foreman, Engineering Branch, HM Dockyard, Devonport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stephens, Einna Gwendolen Ministry of Shipping Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stephens, William John Ministry of Munitions Munitions Area Dilution Officer, Swansea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stert, Mabel Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, Frome War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Steuart, Maud Anne Sophia Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Kirkcudbright War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stevens, Arthur Michael Bygholm Ministry of Munitions Senior Assistant Inspector, Munitions Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stevens, Frederick Charles Cabinet Office Superintending Clerk, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stevenson, Eileen Ministry of Pensions Member, Londonderry City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stevenson, Hilda British Red Cross Society Second-in-Charge, Birkenhead Red Cross Work Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stevenson, Hugh Reverend Patriotic services in Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stevenson, John Proctor HM Stationery Office Deputy Superintendent of Stores British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Steward, William Arthur Briault Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Gun Ammunition Manufacture Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stewart, Agnes Paterson War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stewart, Charles British Red Cross Society Transport Officer, Dundee Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stewart, Donald Alexander Board of Trade Superintendent of Works, Scottish Branch, Timber Supplies Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stewart, Duncan, VD Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Hexham VAD Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stewart, Ethel Prisoners of War Help Committee Packing Department, Sunderland Branch, Durham Light Infantry Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stewart, Hugh Henry Boyd Air Ministry Directorate of Inland Construction British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stewart, Walter Grahame Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Medical Officer, Priory Auxiliary Hospital, Ware British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stewart, William Ministry of National Service National Service Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stickney, Evelyn Mary Ministry of Pensions Assistant Secretary, East Riding War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stigger, Horace Charles Home Office Paper Room Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stirling, Charles McKidd Lieutenant Royal Army Service Corps British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Stirling-Newall, Helen Frances Voluntary Aid Organisation Founder & Honorary Organiser, Wylam War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stobart, Harriet Katie Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation South Street Red Cross Hospital, Yeovil British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stock, Enid Amy Matron Voluntary Aid Organisation Matron, Bleasdale Auxiliary Hospital, Lancashire/Quartermaster, Carnforth Auxiliary Hospital, Windermere British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Stocks, George Board of Trade Assistant to the Secretary, Railway Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stoddard, Reginald Thomas Ministry of Labour Manager, Coventry Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stokes, Robert Day Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Sidmouth Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stokes, Sarah Shelton British Red Cross Society Organiser, Muswell Hill Red Cross Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stone, Benjamin Garne Louth Borough Council Chairman, Louth District & Borough Emergency Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stone, Henry Basford Rural District Council/Ministry of Food Clerk/Executive Officer, Basford Rural Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stoneham, Florence Marie Louise Patriotic services at La Touquet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stoneman, John Oliver Veysey National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Kingsbridge War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Stones, John Detective Superintendent Middlesbrough Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stopford, Annette Hilda War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Storey, Florence Lizzie Services in Peterhead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Storey, George Alexander W. Evans & Co Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Storrie, John Hay Atwall General Post Office District Manager, Post Office Telephones, York British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stowell, Harold Joseph National War Savings Committee Joint Honorary Secretary, Ealing War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Strachan, John War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stratton, Percy Montagu HM Office of Works Assistant Architect 2nd Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stratton, Robert National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Braintree War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Straus, Blanche Voluntary Aid Organisation HRH Princess Beatrice's St Marylebone War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Straw, Arthur Rager Admiralty Acting Deputy Naval Store Officer, Aberdeen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Strawn, Frances May War Office Secretary to the Deputy Director-General of Movements & Railways British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Street, Joseph Mansfield Ministry of Munitions Assistant to the Director of Inspection of Gun Ammunition (Technical) British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stringer, Frederick Colonel Soldiers' and Sailors' Families' Association Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Worcestershire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stroud, Arthur Church Army Organiser of Leave-Men's Hostels British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stroud, Arthur May Ministry of Munitions Non-Ferrous Materials Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Stuart, Charles Edward Board of Trade Paris Branch, Import Restrictions Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Sudbury, Evelyn Mary Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Thornecombe Red Cross Hospital, Bramley, Surrey British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sullivan, Daniel Ministry of Food Director, Flour & Bread Section, Food Control Committee for Ireland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sullivan, Dorothy Evelyn Foreign Office Shorthand Writer & Typist British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sulman, Helena Catharine, RRC Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Kempston Auxiliary Hospital, Eastbourne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Summers, Edward Joseph British Chamber of Commerce, Lisbon Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sutton, Albert Edward Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 9, Nottinghamshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Swallow, Clara Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation 22nd Durham VAD Hospital, New Seaham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Swan, John Henry Captain Mercantile Marine (London and South Western Railway) Master, SS Vera British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Swann, Grace Elsie Ministry of National Service Private Secretary to the Commissioner of Medical Services, West Midland Region British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Swanton, Margaret Eileen Pasley British Red Cross Society Divisional Secretary, Plymouth Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Swinson, Ethel Young Men's Christian Association Worker, YMCA Munitions Canteens, Birmingham Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Sykes, Charles Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Lotherton Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Aberford, Leeds British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Sykes, Margaret Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Huddersfield Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Symon, Lesley Kilmeny Prisoners of War Help Committee Organiser, Prisoners of War Branch, Camps Library British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Syrett, Sidney James Admiralty Acting Armament Supply Officer, RN Cordite Factory, Holton Heath British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taffs, Herbert William Ministry of National Service Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tait, Charles Wilson Urquhart & Lindsay Company Assistant to the Director & General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tait, James Ministry of Munitions Section Director, Accounts Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Talbot, Ernest Edward Austin Midland Railway District Locomotive Superintendent, Kentish Town British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tallack, Thomas Admiralty Acting Inspector of Shipwrights, HM Dockyard, Portsmouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tanner, Alfred Richard Morley Board of Trade Staff Accountant, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Tanner, John Detective Superintendent Bristol City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tansley, Emily Amelia Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Great Hermitage VAD Hospital, Higham, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Taphouse, Alfred John Ministry of Shipping Volunteer Assistant, New York Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tapp, Egerton Richard Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Weston Favell Auxiliary Hospital, Northamptonshire & Brampton Hospital, Huntingdonshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tasker, Arthur London Teachers' Association President British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Tasker, George Edward War Office Confidential Shorthand Writer to the Secretary of State for War British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tavener, Veronica Mary Agnes Ministry of Labour Private Secretary to the Solicitor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tayler, Frank Alfred Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Alfred Ernest Commandant British Red Cross Society Commandant of Stretcher Bearers, Sheffield Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Andrew William Station Superintendent London and North Western Railway Holyhead Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Arnold Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Rotenfels British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Clara Jane Voluntary Aid Organisation Superintendent, Voluntary Organisations Comforts Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Deborah Phipps New Zealand Army Service Corps New Zealand World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Taylor, Eleanor Bessie Percy Professional Classes War Relief Council Joint Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Fred Superintendent Manchester City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Frederick Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Munitions Inland Transport Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Gwynnedd Lefer Ministry of Pensions Assistant Honorary Secretary, Supplementary Grants Committee, Pembrokeshire War Pensions Committee/Acting Secretary, Pembrokeshire County War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Irene Ministry of Labour Chief Woman Staff Officer, Establishment Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Isabella Patriotic services in Scotland British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Walsall War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Taylor, Mabel Frances Admiralty Secretary, Admiralty Compass Observatory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Margaret Hector War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Taylor, Oscar Herbert War Office Acting Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Taylor, Selina Emma Ministry of Pensions Member, Crewe War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Taylor, William Arthur Trevor Ministry of Munitions Munitions Area Dilution Officer, Cardiff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Taylor, William Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Master, Belmont Road Hospital/Transport Officer, Liverpool Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Taylor, William Henry Forbes Major War Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Teagle, Alice Annie Young Men's Christian Association Worker, YMCA Hendon Aircraft Canteen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Teare, Robert Arminius Beaumont Ministry of Pensions Member, Hendon War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Terry, Walter Eyre Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Finborough Hall Red Cross Hospital, Stowmarket British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Theakston, William Pease, JP Head Special Constable Huntingdon Borough Police Huntingdon Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thomas, Arthur Lloyd British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary & Transport Officer, Pontypridd & Rhondda Fach Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thomas, Dulcibel Catherine Ktuta Ministry of Pensions Member, Swansea War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thomas, James Bertram Vickers British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thomas, Richard Everard Reverend National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Castleward War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thomas, William Howard Board of Trade Private Secretary to the Controller of Coal Mines British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thompson, Charles John Samuel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 168, London & Holmleigh Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thompson, Helena Agnes Mary Ministry of Pensions Member, Workington War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thompson, Ina Sophia Prisoners of War Help Committee Dundrum Prisoners of War Organisation British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thompson, James Benjamin National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Hemel Hempstead War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thompson, Lorna Ministry of National Service Assistant Secretary, Scottish Region British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Thompson, Nathan Inspector Waterguard British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thompson, Thomas North Eastern Railway Chief Foreman, Locomotive Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thompson, William Station Master North Eastern Railway Newcastle upon Tyne Central Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thomson, Alfred Ebenezer Spence British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Selkirk Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thomson, Daniel National War Savings Committee Secretary, Berwickshire War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thomson, David HM Office of Works Acting Assistant Architect British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thomson, Frances Beresford Ministry of Pensions Member, Bath War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thomson, Robert Currie Foreign Office Minor Staff Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thorley, William Frederick War Office Class 'A' Ex-Soldier Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thorman, William Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Kirkburton Auxiliary Hospital, Huddersfield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thorne, Charles Augustus, JP Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Honorary Medical Officer, Dore Auxiliary Hospital, Sheffield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thorneloe, Arthur Joseph Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co Assistant Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Thorpe, Helen Mary Voluntary Aid Organisation Head, General Service Department, County of London VADs British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thorpe, Hugh North Eastern Railway Chief Clerk, Freight Rolling Stock Department, York British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thorpe, Stanley William Chief Officer Kodak Kodak Fire Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Threlford, William Lacon Admiralty Superintending Accountant, Costings Investigation Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thunder, Irene Mary War Office Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thurlow, Edith Marian Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation High Wycombe Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Thwaites, Joseph Samuel War Office Acting Chief Examiner British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Thynne, Katharine Angela War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tiarks, Sophie Louise Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Hornbrook VAD Hospital, Chislehurst British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tierney, Francis Michael Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine (Western Union Company) British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tilbury, Edith Jane Adjutant Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tillard, Ethel Hilda Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 14, Gloucester & Racecourse Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tillett, Amy Henrietta Voluntary Aid Organisation House Matron, Lord Derby's War Hospital, Warrington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Titterington, Edward John Goodall HM Consular Service HM Vice-Consul at Vardo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Tivy, Evelyn Laura Assistant Organiser of Juvenile Work, Bristol British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tod, James Alexander Ministry of Pensions Member, Midlothian War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Todd, Georgina Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Recruiting Commandant, VADs, Co Fermanagh British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Todd, Gerald Frederick National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Bristol War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Toke, Nicolas Eyare War Refugees' Committee Secretary, Folkestone War Refugees Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tomlin, Henry Charles Ministry of Food Member, Leicester Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tomlinson, Alice May War Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tomlinson, Tom Ashton West's Gas Improvement Company Principal Engineering & Technical Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Toms, Stanley Joseph Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 31, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tonge, Edward Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Commandant & Medical Officer, Seaton Auxiliary Hospital, Devon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tonge, Frederick William John Ministry of Shipping Second Division Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tonkin, Harold John South Eastern and Chatham Railway Clerk, Locomotive, Carriage & Wagon Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Toovey, Thomas Reginald Port of London Authority Shipping Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Topham, Jane Grace Cowan Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Quartermaster & Secretary, Lutterworth Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tough, James Macgillivray Deputy Chief Constable Northumberland Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Towers, Thomas Peacock Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary & Treasurer, Paisley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tracey, Isabel Audrey Founder, British Club, Bogota British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Tracy, Kate Adelaide Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Beccles Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Traill, Margaret Isabelle Admiralty Signal Division, Naval Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Trant, Hope Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, VAD Motor Convoy, Abbeville British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Trench, Catherine Anne Swetenham Services to collection & despatch of food & comforts for soldiers & POWs British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tribe, Eileen Mary Admiralty Naval Intelligence Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tripp, William Thomas Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Services to fishery matters British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Trott, Nelson Hill Air Ministry Resident Engineer, Department of Works & Buildings British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Truscott, Frederick George Walter Board of Trade Private Secretary to the Head, General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tuck, Alice Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation London VAD No. 120 British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Tucker, Catherine Peterkin Soldiers' and Sailors' Help Society Honorary Secretary, Stoke Newington Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tucker, Douglas William British Red Cross Society Stores Accountant, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tudor, Elizabeth Ministry of Pensions Joint Honorary Secretary, Wandsworth War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Tunnicliff, Edward Jones Admiralty Acting Deputy Naval Store Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Turk, Erich Jewish Refugee Committee Honorary Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Turnbull, Alice Helen Church of Scotland Lady Superintendent, Church of Scotland Deaconess Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Turnbull, Amy Ruth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Quarry Hill VAD Hospital, Tonbridge British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Turnbull, Herbert Captain Grimsby Docks Fish Dock Master British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Turner, Caroline Ministry of Food Director of Inspection & Training, National Kitchens Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Turner, Elizabeth Ministry of Pensions Member, Ashington War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Turner, Emily Eliza Ministry of Health Superintendent of Female Staff, Insurance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Turner, Helen Gertrude Voluntary Aid Organisation Founder, Ipswich War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Turner, James Ministry of Munitions Munitions Inland Transport Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Turner, William Leslie Ministry of Munitions Research Chemist, Research Department, Royal Arsenal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Turpin, William Admiralty Dockmaster, Admiralty Floating Dock, Tyne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Tweedie, Edwin Air Ministry Directorate of Inland Construction British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tweedy, Hugh James Ministry of National Service National Service Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Tyler, Walter Edward Ministry of Munitions Assistant Works Manager, National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Underhill, Frances Olive Ministry of Food Administrative Assistant, Oilseeds Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Underwood, Eric Gordon Ministry of Munitions Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Unthank, Agnes Elizabeth Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation 23rd Durham VAD, Eaglescliffe British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Unwin, Arthur John Ministry of Food Assistant Director, Dried Fruit Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Usher, George Edwin West Hartlepool Union Master, West Hartlepool Poor Law Institution British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Usher, Tom Caizley Ministry of National Service National Service Representative, Accrington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Valentine, George Herbert Divisional Commander City of London Police City of London Police Special Reserve British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Valentine, Herbert Hughes War Office Chief Clerk, Royal Engineers Office, Weymouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Vandeleur, Mary Evelyn Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Prisoners of War (Cameronians & Scottish Rifles) Relief Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Van de Pol, Florence Clara War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees in Shrewsbury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Vasse, Kate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Vaughan, Ethel Irene Supreme Economic Council Personal Assistant to the British Director of Relief Missions British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Vere O'Brien, Florence Mary War Refugees' Committee Chairman, County Clare Belgian Refugee Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Verrall, Marian Elizabeth Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 268, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Vince, John Billinton War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Vine, Alfred Bertram Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Timberhurst Hospital, Bury British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Voeux, Violet Samana des Foreign Office Clerk, British Blockade Delegation, Paris British Versailles Peace Conference 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Vyse, Ethel May Ministry of Munitions Secretary to the Controller, Priority Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wade, Elmira Margaret Louisa Ministry of Munitions Administrative Assistant, National Aircraft Factories British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wager, Frances British Red Cross Society Secretary to the Principal Matron, British Red Cross HQ, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Waight, Daisy Olive War Office Supervisor-in-Charge, Telephone Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wainwright, Amy Grace Young Men's Christian Association Worker, YMCA Hendon Aircraft Canteen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wakefield, Frank Howard War Office Assistant Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walden, Thomas Vickers Head Foreman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walker, Charles Superintendent Lanarkshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walker, Edward Ministry of National Service Member, Huddersfield Medical War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Walker, George Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co Head Draughtsman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walker, Jessie Winchester War Refugees' Committee Services to war refugees British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walker, Herbert Arthur Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Chekiang British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Walker, John War Office Chief Clerk, Ayrshire Territorial Force Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walker, John Jeffrey Ministry of Munitions Senior Assistant Inspector of Munitions Areas British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Walker, Lucy Queen Mary's Needlework Guild York Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walker, Reginald Field Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Esher Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Walker, Thomas Herbert Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Umtali British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wallace, John Thompson Ministry of National Service Member, Bristol Medical War Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Waller, John Deputy Chief Constable Durham Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wallis-Jones, William James Ministry of Labour Branch Manager, Carnarvon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Walsh, Ann Pollexfen Prisoners of War Help Committee Chairman, Somerset Prisoners of War Help Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walsh, Arthur Edward Ministry of Munitions Deputy Divisional Inspector, Mechanical Warfare Department, Glasgow Area British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Walsh, Marguerite Mary Ministry of Munitions Head, Central Typing Section, Establishment Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Walsh, William Thomas Mersey Docks and Harbour Board Chief Committee Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walsh, William Trevor Hayne Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Training Section, Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Walters, Samuel Midland Railway Foreman, Boiler Shop British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walton, Nellie Cabinet Office Officer-in-Charge, Registry & Women's Welfare, & Supervisor, Co-ordination of Demobilisation Section, War Cabinet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walton, Harold Conrad War Office Army Medical Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Walton, Stanley Tyne Improvement Commission Assistant Harbour Master, Newcastle upon Tyne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Warburton, Alfred Voluntary Aid Organisation Officer-in-Charge, Ambulance Train Squad, Manchester Mayfield Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Warburton, Mabel Clarisse Syrian and Palestine Relief Society Member British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Ward, Ernest Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Ridgelands, Church House, Popeswood & Buckhurst Auxiliary Hospitals, Berkshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ward, Henry, JP Weston-super-Mare Urban District Council Chairman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Ward, Howard Percy Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Highfield Hall Auxiliary Hospital, Southampton British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ward, Isabel Mary Desborough Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Whitehaven Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ward, Mary Alexandria, RRC Services in Nigeria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8] *
Ward, Thomas Henry General Register Office Assistant Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Warden, Henry George Admiralty Assistant Shop Manager, RN Torpedo Factory, Greenock British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Ware, Louisa National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Wanstead War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Ware, Ralph Ernest Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Central Stores Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Waring, Margaret Elizabeth British Red Cross Society Services to British hospitals in Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Warmsley, Jennie Queen Mary's Needlework Guild President, Tientsin Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Warren, Ellen Winifred Anne Ministry of Pensions President, South Division, Bristol War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Warren, Frederick John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Haverfordwest War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Warren, Matthew Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Llandaff & Dinas Powis Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Warriner, Fred Station Master Great Northern Railway Doncaster Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wasey, Evelyn Mary War Office Lady Supervisor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Waterman, Elizabeth Margaret Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Rosherville VAD Hospital, Gravesend British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Waters, Charles Joseph Ministry of Food Deputy Executive Officer, Wandsworth Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watkins, Arthur Muriel Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Broughall Cottage Hospital, Whitchurch, Shropshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watkins, William Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Newtown War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watlington, Victor Dick, Kerr & Co Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, Agnes Mary Admiralty Naval Store Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, Arthur William Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, Edith Hay Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Pembury VAD Hospital, Tunbridge Wells British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watson, Harris Sheffield Corporation Tramways Assistant Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, John Board of Agriculture and Fisheries Chief Executive Officer, West Riding Agricultural Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, Joseph Thomas Ministry of National Service National Service Representative British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Watson, Maud Edith Eleanor Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Berkswell Rectory Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watson, Pamela Ethel War Office Temporary Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, Thomas Falkland Works Proprietor British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watson, Victor James Carter Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 5, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watson, William Law Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Non-Ferrous Materials Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Watson, William Wallace War Trade Department Division Head British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watt, George Captain Stornoway Docks Harbour Master British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watterson, Percy Gill Ministry of Munitions Accountant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Watts, Arthur Francis Commandant/County Commissariat Officer Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Commandant, VAD No. 25, Gloucester/County Commissariat Officer, Gloucestershire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watts, Charlotte Helen British Red Cross Society Chairwoman of Lady Visitors & Member, Executive Committee, Bristol Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Watts, Emily Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Ryme Hospital, Weymouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Watts, Hugh Edmund Ministry of Munitions Secretary, Factories Branch, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7] *
Watts, Mary Manning Voluntary Aid Organisation Joint Organiser, Hampstead War Hospital Supply Depot British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Waugh, Walter Charles Ministry of Munitions Mineral Oil Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Weaver, Alexander Charles War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Weaver, Henry Principal Station Master Great Western Railway Paddington Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Weaver, John Captain HM Coastguard Coast Watcher, Isle of Whithorn British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Webb, Arthur George Ministry of Munitions Manager, Cardiff National Shell Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Webb, Frank Hart War Office Supervising Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Webb, Percy Henry Walton-upon-Thames Urban District Council Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Webb-Johnson, Rosa British Red Cross Society Administrator, Red Cross War Supply Depot, East Sheen British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Webber, Katharine Stanton King's Fund Chief Lady Organiser, Bournemouth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Webber, Mowbray Frederick Vivian James Arthur, JP Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Shepreth Auxiliary Hospital, Cambridgeshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Weber, Barbara British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Webster, James Alexander National War Savings Committee Secretary, Royal Arsenal & Dockyard War Savings Association British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wedgwood, Mary Enfrazia Voluntary services to British soldiers in Italy British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wedlake, John Admiralty Acting Armament Supply Officer, RN Ordnance Depot, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Weedall, John Ministry of Food Meat Prices Expert British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Weeks, Percy Frank Inspector Ramsgate Borough Police Ramsgate Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Weighill, Allice Ministry of Pensions Member, Whitby War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Weir, Edith Margaret Mary Ministry of Pensions Junior Administrative Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Welch, George Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation General Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Welch, Joseph Hubbard Voluntary Aid Organisation Honorary Secretary, Derry City & Co Donegal Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wells, John Wardle National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Abbots Langley War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wells, Joseph Francis Air Ministry Staff Clerk, Marine Works Directorate British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wench, Una Margaret Kerry Ministry of Munitions Priority Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wensley, Frederick Porter Detective Chief Inspector Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8] **
Wentworth, Joseph Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
West, David Cockburn National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Wallsend War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
West, Edward Superintendent Metropolitan Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
West, Ellen Board of Trade Secretary to the Director, Petroleum Executive British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
West, Stanley George Norman War Office Class 'A' Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Westell, Benjamin Central Criminal Court Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Westell, Edgar Lewton Ministry of Food Assistant Director, Establishment Division British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Westhead, Marian Lucy Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Quartermaster-in-Charge, Binefield Auxiliary Hospital, Oxted, Surrey British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Westmacott, James Richard War Office Departmental Chief Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Weston, Robert Ogilvy Air Ministry Directorate of Inland Construction British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Whaley, Francis Henry Board of Trade Head Clerk, Department of Import Restrictions British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wharhirst, Alfred John National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Lincoln War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wheat, Thomas Milnes Ministry of Pensions Honorary Treasurer & Chief Clerk, Lincoln City War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wheeler, Arthur George Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 7, Gloucester British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wheeler, George Herbert Board of Trade Secretary, Railway Executive Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wheeler, Henry Charles London and South Western Railway Chief, Rolling Stock Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whinney, Gladys Procurator-General's Department Assistant Keeper of Records, Prize Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitbread, Edward Prisoners of War Help Committee Treasurer, Cheltenham Prisoners of War Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitby, Beatrice Mary Elizabeth Prisoners of War Help Committee Organiser, Nottingham Prisoners of War Fund & Comforts for Troops Fund British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitby, Stafford Beeston Hull Soldiers' Club Honorary Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
White, Frank George London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Goods Station Superintendent, Willow Walk Goods Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
White, Frederick Wallis Ministry of Munitions Assistant Manager, Directorate of Inspection of Small Arms Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
White, Hilda Annie Board of Trade Department of the Controller of Trading Accounts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
White, Kathleen Cameron Voluntary Aid Organisation Wounded & Missing Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitehead, Arthur John Ministry of Labour Assistant Manager, Kingston Employment Exchange British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitehead, Irene Voluntary Aid Organisation Masseuse, London Military Hospitals British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Whitehouse, Edwin St John Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Hermitage Auxiliary Hospital, Solihull British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Whitehouse, John Ministry of Pensions Chairman, Finance Committee, Barrow-in-Furness War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Whitfield, Avery Alfred Ministry of Food Executive Officer, Isle of Wight Rural Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitfield, Muriel Frances Association of Voluntary Workers Honorary Secretary, Lewes Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitley, Leonard Vincent Board of Inland Revenue HM Inspector of Taxes 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitmee, Andrew Conder Association of Voluntary Workers Honorary Secretary, Hornsey Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whittaker, Joseph Henry Voluntary Aid Organisation/British Red Cross Society Honorary Secretary, Chaigley Manor Red Cross Hospital, Accrington/Officer-in-Charge, Accrington Section, East Lancashire Transport British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Whitty, William Deputy Chief Constable Great Grimsby Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whitworth, Edith War services in Swindon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whyatt, Charles Sidney Great Eastern Railway Assistant Marine Superintendent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Whyte, Robert National War Savings Committee Secretary, Leith War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wicks, Ernest Arthur Station Master Great Eastern Railway Colchester Station British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Widdowson, Dorothy Ministry of Munitions Private Secretary to the Controller, Inspection Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wight, Mabel Voluntary Aid Organisation Secretary, St John Hospital, Penarth British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wightman, Florence Oldfield Queen Mary's Needlework Guild York Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wigley, Kathleen Sinclair British Red Cross Society Superintendent, Queen Mary's Hostel for Red Cross Workers, Russell Square British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wigley, Thomas War Office Supervising Clerk, Directorate of Prisoners of War British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilbraham, Hugh Edward Major Ministry of National Service Chairman, Northwich Rural Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilcock, Joseph Superintendent Lancashire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilké, Bessie Dayrell Young Women's Christian Association Club Leader British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilkinson, Clennell Anstruther Commission Internationale de Ravitaillement Section Head British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Willans, Gordon Jeune Ministry of Pensions Acting Principal Clerk, Officers' Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Willcox, William Garratt British Farmers' Fund Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Willett, Thomas Charles National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Wandsworth War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Williams, Charles George National War Savings Committee Secretary, Coldstream War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Williams, Edith Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation VAD No. 22, Carnarvonshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williams, Edward Richard Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Carmarthen Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Williams, Friend Isaac Major (Commissary) Indian Ordnance Department British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Williams, George Owen Ministry of Food Chairman, Prestatyn Food Control Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williams, Morgan Assistant Commander Metropolitan Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williams, Richard Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Roseneath Auxiliary Hospital, Wrexham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Williams, Richard Trefor Ministry of Food Chief Supervisor of Slaughtering British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Williams, Thomas Pilkington Brothers Foreman, Shell Shop British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williams, William George British Red Cross Society Transport Officer, Carmarthenshire Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williams, William Lewis Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Brynawel British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williamson, Henry Ministry of Munitions Assistant Inspector of Gun Ammunition British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Williamson, James Ministry of Pensions Honorary Secretary, King's Lynn War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Williamson, James Chief Engineer Mercantile Marine SS Madras British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Williamson, William James Captain Mercantile Marine Master, FMS St Ninian British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Willis, Arthur, JP Ministry of Munitions Priority Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Willis, Frederick Bainbridge Senior Superintendent London Fire Brigade British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Willoughby Smith, Helen Patriotic services in England & the USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Willson, Emily Mary Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Cantelupe Road Auxiliary Hospital, Bexhill-on-Sea British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Willson, Harold Leonard James Ministry of Shipping Inspector of Shipping British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Willson, Percy Arden National War Savings Committee Chairman, Lambeth War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wilmshurst, Thomas Percival Commander Derby Borough Police Derby Borough Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Alexander Poole Irish Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Annie Wilhelmina, Lady Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Fernleigh VAD Hospital, Larkfield, Kent British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wilson, Arthur Cecil James Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Twilight British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Cyril Captain Censor, Alexandria British World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]
Wilson, Edith Maltilda Clementine Ministry of Pensions Member, Surrey War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wilson, Florence Aline Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Bankside Auxiliary Hospital, Workington British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/06/01)[6]
Wilson, Henry War Office Acting Accountant, Army Audit Staff British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Henry Joseph Fullock Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Philomel British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Ivy Madge Ministry of Munitions Aircraft Production Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wilson, James Arthur Chief Constable Merthyr Tydfil Borough Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, James Naismith Glasgow Corporation Tramways Secretary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Jessie Millar Australian Young Men's Christian Association Superintendent, Hotel Windsor, Paris Australian World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, John Reverend Young Men's Christian Association YMCA Worker, Woolwich British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Robert Ministry of National Service Clerk, Chipping Sodbury Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, Robert Alexander Group Leader Newcastle upon Tyne City Police Newcastle upon Tyne Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, William Burton-on-Trent Borough Council Corporation Gas Works British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wilson, William John Denman Ministry of Food Officer-in-Charge, Cabling & Coding Room British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Winby, Thomas Board of Trade General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Winder, Charles Bertram Adjutant British Red Cross Society Boulogne Base Convoys British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Winder, Penelope Young Men's Christian Association Superintendent, Blackpool Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Windiate, Albert Commandant Salvation Army British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Windsor, Maurice Captain Aircraft Manufacturing Company Chief Draughtsman British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Winfield, Richard Board of Trade Divisional Officer, Household Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wingate, Gerald Henry Theodore Hamblin Managing Director British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wingfield-Stratford, Rosalind Mabel Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Malling House VAD Hospital, West Malling British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Winstanley, Denys Arthur Services in Cairo British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Winstanley, Herbert Chief Inspector Liverpool City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Winterbotham, Clara Frances Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation St John Hospital, Cheltenham British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Withers, George Mould E. G. Wrigley & Co Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Witts, Gulielma Ewart British Red Cross Society Driver, Salonika British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8] *
Wolfe, Ernest Montague Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation London Ambulance Column British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wollen, Emily Hilda Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Portishead Red Cross Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wood, Benjamin War Office Senior Army Scripture Reader, British Expeditionary Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wood, David William British Red Cross Society Technical Adviser, Special Fire Survey Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wood, Dennis Ministry of Food Assistant Director of Finance British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Wood, Dorothy Graham, Lady Voluntary Aid Organisation Voluntary Motor Driver, New End Military Hospital, Hampstead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wood, George Ellis Greenwood & Batley Manager, Loading Factory British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wood, Gertrude Prisoners of War Help Committee Honorary Secretary, Sheffield Prisoners of War Help Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wood, Gladys Ministry of Munitions Financial Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wood, Grace Eliza Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Creswell Auxiliary Hospital, Nottinghamshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wood, Harry Brounton Acting Constructor Royal Corps of Naval Constructors British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wood, Louisa Jane Ministry of Pensions Member, Burnley War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wood, Maud Ministry of Munitions Assistant to the Chief Lady Superintendent, Inspection Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Wood, May Road Board Clerk in Charge of Accounts British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wood, William Ministry of Pensions Member, Spenborough War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Woodcock, Henry Chadwick British Red Cross Society Organiser & Lecturer on First Aid, Enfield British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Woodcock, Walter Shellaker Ministry of Food Distribution Officer, Nottingham City & County British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Woodell, Florence Ernestine British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Woodeson, Edward Seymour Superintendent Norfolk Constabulary Chief Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Woodhead, Herbert Miall Voluntary Aid Organisation Medical Officer, Ingestre Auxiliary Hospital, Staffordshire & Ashton-on-Mersey & Linden Lea Auxiliary Hospitals, Cheshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Woodmore, William James Admiralty Foreman, Engineer Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Woodroffe, Alban James Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Uplyme Auxiliary Hospital, Devon British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Woodroofe, Henry Ministry of Munitions Sub-Section Director, Munitions Inland Transport Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Woods, Margery Adah Ministry of Munitions Departmental Finance Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Woodward, Frederick Hugh Lieutenant Ministry of Food British Food Mission, United States British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Woolcombe, Lilian Mary British Red Cross Society Officer-in-Charge, British Red Cross Hostel, Boulogne British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wooldridge, Jane Anne Commandant Voluntary Aid Organisation Hungerford Auxiliary Hospital British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Woodward, Frederick Hugh Lieutenant Ministry of Food British Food Mission, USA British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Woolley, Constance Maria Services at a canteen in Nottinghamshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Woolley, Frederick George Joseph Westwood & Co Works Manager British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Worlidge, Edward Captain Mercantile Marine (Alfred Holt & Co) Marine Superintendent, London British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wormald, Walter Sergeant-Major British Red Cross Society Ambulance Transport Officer British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Worrall, Gladstone Walter Ministry of Munitions Engineer, Northwich Area, Explosives Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wright, Arthur James, JP Ministry of Pensions Member, Burton-on-Trent War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wright, Edmund Board of Trade District Superintendent, General Distribution Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wright, J. M. Captain Mercantile Marine Master, SS Nawab British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wright, James Brown National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Evesham War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wright, John Superintendent Dunbartonshire Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wright, Thomas Henry Ministry of Shipping Temporary Assistant British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wrighton, Amelia Soldiers' and Sailors' Free Buffets Organiser & Manageress, Darlington Station Soldiers' Buffet British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wrigley, Vincent Shiers War Office Assistant Secretary, Territorial Forces Association of Denbighshire & Flintshire British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wuidart, Jules Reuleaux Ministry of Munitions Technical Assistant, Gun Ammunition Department World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Wurtzburg, Margaret Caroline Quartermaster Voluntary Aid Organisation Cedar Lawn Hospital, Hampstead British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wybrow, Albert William Commandant British Red Cross Society Hospital Services & Air Raid Relief Units, City of London Branch British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Wyke, Clement James Ministry of Munitions Deputy Chief Dilution Officer, Manchester, Labour Supply Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/11/02)[3]
Wykes, William Henry War Office Chief Clerk, Central Registry British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wylson, Oswald Cane British Red Cross Society Deputy Chief Surveyor, Special Fire Survey Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Wynnes, James Cumming HM Office of Works Architectural Assistant 1st Class British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Yates, Florence National War Savings Committee Honorary Secretary, Scarborough War Savings Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Yates, James Deputy Chief Police Officer Ministry of Munitions Police Gretna British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Yearsley, Clare Elizabeth War Office Works Directorate, Egyptian Expeditionary Force British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Yeates, Percy Thomas Arthur Captain Trinity House Master of vessel British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Yelloly, Robert Superintendent Newcastle upon Tyne City Police British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Yeo, Richard Forster Board of Trade Household Fuel & Lighting Order Branch, Coal Mines Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Yeoman, John Pattison Ministry of Pensions Vice-Chairman, North Riding War Pensions Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Young, Colin, JP Ministry of National Service Member, Fochaber District Local Tribunal British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Young, Elizabeth Diana Ministry of National Service Clerk British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Young, George Chairman of funds in Elswick & Scotswood British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Young, Harry Maurice Ministry of Pensions Deputy Principal Clerk, Pension Issue Office British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[2]
Young, James Major Indian Military Works Services British Third Anglo-Afghan War 1920/01/01 (1920/08/03)[4]
Young, James Robert Spencer Air Ministry Administrative Assistant, Secretary's Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Young, Nathaniel James Newport Borough Council General Manager, Electricity & Tramways Department British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Young, Thomas Pettigrew Chief Special Constable Fifeshire Constabulary Fifeshire Special Constabulary British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[8]
Young, Winifred Ministry of Munitions Officer-in-Charge, Information & Records Bureau, Chemical Warfare Committee British World War I 1920/01/01 (1920/03/30)[7]
Younghusband, Jonathan Government of South Africa Censor, Durban South African World War I 1920/01/01 (1921/01/14)[5]


  1. ^ In format year/month/day. Note that some awards are backdated. In such instances, the actual date of the award is given first and the gazette date is given in parentheses.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz aba abb abc abd abe abf abg abh abi abj abk abl abm abn abo abp abq abr abs abt abu abv abw abx aby abz aca acb acc acd ace acf acg ach aci acj ack acl acm acn aco acp acq acr acs act acu acv acw acx acy acz ada adb adc add ade adf adg adh adi adj adk adl adm adn ado adp adq adr ads adt adu adv adw adx ady adz aea aeb aec aed aee aef aeg aeh aei aej aek ael aem aen aeo aep aeq aer aes aet aeu aev aew aex aey aez afa afb afc afd afe aff afg afh afi afj afk afl afm afn afo afp afq afr afs aft afu afv afw afx afy afz aga agb agc agd age agf agg agh agi agj agk agl agm agn ago agp agq agr ags agt agu agv agw agx agy agz aha ahb ahc ahd ahe ahf ahg ahh ahi ahj ahk ahl ahm ahn aho ahp ahq ahr ahs aht ahu ahv ahw ahx ahy ahz aia aib aic aid aie aif aig aih aii aij aik ail aim ain aio aip aiq air ais ait aiu aiv aiw aix aiy aiz aja ajb ajc ajd aje ajf ajg ajh aji ajj ajk ajl ajm ajn ajo ajp ajq ajr ajs ajt aju ajv ajw ajx ajy ajz aka akb akc akd ake akf akg akh aki akj akk akl akm akn ako akp akq akr aks akt aku akv akw akx aky akz ala alb alc ald ale alf alg alh ali alj alk all alm aln alo alp alq alr als alt alu alv alw alx aly alz ama amb amc amd ame amf amg amh ami amj amk aml amm amn amo amp amq amr ams amt amu amv amw amx amy amz ana anb anc and ane anf ang anh ani anj ank anl anm ann ano anp anq anr ans ant anu anv anw anx any anz aoa aob aoc aod aoe aof aog aoh aoi aoj aok aol aom aon aoo aop aoq aor aos aot aou aov aow aox aoy aoz apa apb apc apd ape apf apg aph api apj apk apl apm apn apo app apq apr aps apt apu apv apw apx apy apz aqa aqb aqc aqd aqe aqf aqg aqh aqi aqj aqk aql aqm aqn aqo aqp aqq aqr aqs aqt aqu aqv aqw aqx aqy aqz ara arb arc ard are arf arg arh ari arj ark arl arm arn aro arp arq arr ars art aru arv arw arx ary arz asa asb asc asd ase asf asg ash asi asj ask asl asm asn aso asp asq asr ass ast asu asv asw asx asy asz ata atb atc atd ate atf atg ath ati atj atk atl atm atn ato atp atq atr ats att atu atv atw atx aty atz aua aub auc aud aue auf aug auh aui auj auk aul aum aun auo aup auq aur aus aut auu auv auw aux auy auz ava avb avc avd ave avf avg avh avi avj avk avl avm avn avo avp avq avr avs avt avu avv avw avx avy avz awa awb awc awd awe awf awg awh awi awj awk awl awm awn awo awp awq awr aws awt awu awv aww awx awy awz axa axb axc axd axe axf axg axh axi axj axk axl axm axn axo axp axq axr axs axt axu axv axw axx axy axz aya ayb ayc ayd aye ayf ayg ayh ayi ayj ayk ayl aym ayn ayo ayp ayq ayr ays ayt ayu ayv ayw ayx ayy ayz aza azb azc azd aze azf azg azh azi azj azk azl azm azn azo azp azq azr azs azt azu azv azw "No. 31840". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3812–3870.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv "No. 32109". The London Gazette. 2 November 1920. pp. 10612–10614.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag "No. 32001". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 July 1920. pp. 8051–8052.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag "No. 32193". The London Gazette. 14 January 1921. p. 372.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am "No. 31924". The London Gazette. 1 June 1920. pp. 6038–6039.
  7. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc hd he hf hg hh hi hj hk hl hm hn ho hp hq hr hs ht hu hv hw hx hy hz ia ib ic id ie if ig ih ii ij ik il im in io ip iq ir is it iu iv iw ix iy iz ja jb jc jd je jf jg jh ji jj jk jl jm jn jo jp jq jr js jt ju jv jw jx jy jz ka kb kc kd ke kf kg kh ki kj kk kl km kn ko kp kq kr ks kt ku kv kw kx ky kz la lb lc ld le lf lg lh li lj lk ll lm ln lo lp lq lr ls lt lu lv lw lx ly lz ma mb mc md me mf mg mh mi mj mk ml mm mn mo mp mq mr ms mt mu mv mw mx my mz na nb nc nd ne nf ng nh ni nj nk nl nm nn no np nq nr ns nt nu nv nw nx ny nz oa ob oc od oe of og oh oi oj ok ol om on oo op oq or os ot ou ov ow ox oy oz pa pb pc pd pe pf pg ph pi pj pk pl pm pn po pp pq pr ps pt pu pv pw px py pz qa qb qc qd qe qf qg qh qi qj qk ql qm qn qo qp qq qr qs qt qu qv qw qx qy qz ra rb rc rd re rf rg rh ri rj rk rl rm rn ro rp rq rr rs rt ru rv rw rx ry rz sa sb sc sd se sf sg sh si sj sk sl sm sn so sp sq sr ss st su sv sw sx sy sz ta tb tc td te tf tg th ti tj tk tl tm tn to tp tq tr ts tt tu tv tw tx ty tz ua ub uc ud ue uf ug uh ui uj uk ul um un uo up uq ur us ut uu uv uw ux uy uz va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz wa wb wc wd we wf wg wh wi wj wk wl wm wn wo wp wq wr ws wt wu wv ww wx wy wz xa xb xc xd xe xf xg xh xi xj xk xl xm xn xo xp xq xr xs xt xu xv xw xx xy xz ya yb yc yd ye yf yg yh yi yj yk yl ym yn yo yp yq yr ys yt yu yv yw yx yy yz za zb zc zd ze zf zg zh zi zj zk zl zm zn zo zp zq zr zs zt zu zv zw zx zy zz aaa aab aac aad aae aaf aag aah aai aaj aak aal aam aan aao aap aaq aar aas aat aau aav aaw aax aay aaz aba abb abc abd abe abf abg abh abi abj abk abl abm abn abo abp abq abr abs abt abu abv abw abx aby abz aca acb acc acd ace acf acg ach aci acj ack acl acm acn aco acp acq acr acs act acu acv acw acx acy acz ada adb adc add ade adf adg adh adi adj adk adl adm adn ado adp adq adr ads adt adu adv adw adx ady adz aea aeb aec aed aee aef aeg aeh aei aej aek ael aem aen aeo aep aeq aer aes aet aeu aev aew aex aey aez afa afb afc afd afe aff afg afh afi afj afk afl afm afn afo afp afq afr afs aft afu afv afw afx afy afz aga agb agc agd age agf agg agh agi agj agk agl agm agn ago agp agq agr ags agt agu agv agw agx agy agz aha ahb ahc ahd ahe ahf ahg ahh ahi ahj ahk ahl ahm ahn aho ahp ahq ahr ahs aht ahu ahv ahw ahx ahy ahz aia aib aic aid aie aif aig aih aii aij aik ail aim ain aio aip aiq air ais ait aiu aiv aiw aix aiy aiz aja ajb ajc ajd aje ajf ajg ajh aji ajj ajk ajl ajm ajn ajo ajp ajq ajr ajs ajt aju ajv ajw ajx ajy ajz aka akb akc akd ake akf akg akh aki akj akk akl akm akn ako akp akq akr aks akt aku akv akw akx aky akz ala alb alc ald ale alf alg alh ali alj alk all alm aln alo alp alq alr als alt alu alv alw alx aly alz ama amb amc amd ame amf amg amh ami amj amk aml amm amn amo amp amq amr ams amt amu amv amw amx amy amz ana anb anc and ane anf ang anh ani anj ank anl anm ann ano anp anq anr ans ant anu anv anw anx any anz aoa aob aoc aod aoe aof aog aoh aoi aoj aok aol aom aon aoo aop aoq aor aos aot aou aov aow aox aoy aoz apa apb apc apd ape apf apg aph api apj apk apl apm apn apo app apq apr aps apt apu apv apw apx apy apz aqa aqb aqc aqd aqe aqf aqg aqh aqi aqj aqk aql aqm aqn aqo aqp aqq aqr aqs aqt aqu aqv aqw aqx aqy aqz ara arb arc ard are arf arg arh ari arj ark arl arm arn aro arp arq arr ars art aru arv arw arx ary arz asa asb asc asd ase asf asg ash asi asj ask asl asm asn aso asp asq asr ass ast asu asv asw asx asy asz ata atb atc atd ate atf atg ath ati atj atk atl atm atn ato atp atq atr ats att atu atv atw atx aty atz aua aub auc aud aue auf aug auh aui auj auk aul aum aun auo aup auq aur aus aut auu auv auw aux auy auz ava avb avc avd ave avf avg avh avi avj avk avl avm avn avo avp avq avr avs avt avu avv avw avx avy avz awa awb awc awd awe awf awg awh awi awj awk awl awm awn awo awp awq awr aws awt awu awv aww awx awy awz axa axb axc axd axe axf axg axh axi axj axk axl axm axn axo axp axq axr axs axt axu axv axw axx axy axz aya ayb ayc ayd aye ayf ayg ayh ayi ayj ayk ayl aym ayn ayo ayp ayq ayr ays ayt ayu ayv ayw ayx ayy ayz aza azb azc azd aze azf azg azh azi azj azk azl azm azn azo azp azq azr azs azt azu azv azw azx azy azz "No. 31840". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3812–3870.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq ar as at au av aw ax ay az ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx by bz ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dq dr ds dt du dv dw dx dy dz ea eb ec ed ee ef eg eh ei ej ek el em en eo ep eq er es et eu ev ew ex ey ez fa fb fc fd fe ff fg fh fi fj fk fl fm fn fo fp fq fr fs ft fu fv fw fx fy fz ga gb gc gd ge gf gg gh gi gj gk gl gm gn go gp gq gr gs gt gu gv gw gx gy gz ha hb hc "No. 31840". The London Gazette (Supplement). 30 March 1920. pp. 3812–3870.
  9. ^ "No. 32494". The London Gazette. 21 October 1921. p. 8291.
  10. ^ North East War Memorials Project