International School of Engineering (ISE) is a part of the Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. ISE was established in 2005 with the inspiration from increasing growth rate in industrials, higher demands of engineers, and most importantly, engineers capable of international language. ISE presents four programs of studies; Nano Engineering (Nano), Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Aerospace Engineering (Aero), and Automotive and Design Engineering (ADME).



The idea to create international school of engineering at Chulalongkorn University has begun since the year 2000. Main purpose was to support the graduate students from neighboring countries and from aboard because staffs in the Faculty of Engineering were not so proficient in English that they could communicate with foreigners.

A group of professors saw the advantages of this idea to the students in the faculty, so they presented the dean of the Faculty of Engineering to hold the international program. The faculty highly agreed with this idea, and immediately formed several teams to build the curricula and got everything ready. Until the year 2005, ISE first opened for the new student admission.



ISE aims for internationalization of engineering under the determination of Chulalongkorn University in educating students with knowledge and morality and the promotion of Thai culture. ISE has a good contact with various universities around the world, especially Japan. ISE acts as a part of an international academic network. ISE cooperates in academic terms with its partner universities.


  1. ISE is an international school with four majors: Nano Engineering (Nano), Information and Communication Engineering (ICE), Aerospace Engineering (Aero), and Automotive and Design Engineering (ADME).
  2. Our majors are multi-disciplinary, which broadens the scope of the participating partners' specialities.
  3. ISE builds international, unique, skillful students, matching most academic interests.
  4. ISE is a hub for networking in engineering among different international partners in the world.
  5. ISE introduces partner institutions to Chulalongkorn University students and other Thai universities.



Bachelor Degree


Nano Engineering (NANO)


Globalization implies competition in the international arena in all aspects of business. Manufacturing and services industries are particularly affected by the drive to find the cheapest suppliers and knowledge workers. Only companies or nations that take full advantage of advanced technology are well equipped to answer the needs of the 21st-century consumers. Nanotechnology is one of such advances that can, and will, impact all in the manufacturing sectors: from heavy industries to small, from automobile and petrochemical to textile and clothing. Those in the services industries thus need to keep pace with advances in nanotechnology if they are to provide customers with the most cutting edge and efficient solutions such as nanochip solutions to the biomedical or telecommunications service providers.

Nanotechnology can be applied in almost all industries and can increase a country's competitiveness. In some industries, nanotechnology is a means for survival. Despite the eminent threat of being left behind, firms or nations cannot harvest the full potential of nanotechnology due to its multidisciplinary nature and the heavy investment involved in research and development. Our nano-engineering program is such an investment and is truly multidisciplinary in that it ingrains in students the basics (physics, chemistry and biology) and the applied (electrical, chemical and materials engineering). Most of the current science and engineering degrees are highly fragmented, with little collaboration among departments, resulting in scientists who are too theoretical minded or engineers who are weak in the sciences. The increased knowledge base and skills required to compete mean that the engineers have to have stronger fundamentals in the sciences and the scientists have to have more hands-on experience. Nano-engineering program is thus formulated to bridge the capability gap of the two.

The nano-engineering program aims to produce undergraduates who are knowledgeable in chemical, electrical and materials engineering which are the fundamental building blocks of nanotechnology. Upon graduation, students will be a unique and important human resource pool capable of developing many manufacturing and services industries and taking them to the next level. Examples of industries that require engineers with nano-engineering skills include chemical, medical, biomedical, electrical and electronics, agricultural, and textile and clothing. The students will possess problem-solving and analytical skills typical of engineers and at the same time have deep understanding of sciences and materials, especially ones with size scale in the nano-meter range. These will be necessary in providing industries with solutions that are novel and better than existing ones.

ISE's nano-engineering program is a truly multi disciplinary scheme in which students can learn how to understand engineer functional systems at the atomic scales. Our Nano graduates establish a strong background in chemical, electrical, and material engineering of the sub-microscopic world that is key to many exciting emerging technology

Nano-engineering program aims to meet the industries' needs for engineers that are conversant in the various aspects of nanotechnology. Those who graduate from the program can be counted on by virtually all those that are involved in high value-added manufacturing and by most service providers in hi-tech industries to help them gain sustainable competitive advantage. The graduates from this program can be relied upon for their strong scientific knowledge, practical engineering skills and effective management required to lead organizations into the ever increasing competitive world.

Automotive and Design Engineering (ADME)


Automotive industries are truly worldwide business, consists of international multi disciplinary functions in high-tech engineering, manufacturing, design, research and development, logistics, management and marketing, that cover all areas of seven continents such as USA, Europe, Africa, Australia, and especially Asia where in this decade all automotive concentration will accounted by 60% of global Automotive Industries.

As a key manufacturer hub in Asia, Thailand is positioned as a strategic exporting location for supplying international automobile market. Thailand has a long histories and well established part and component suppliers with great infrastructure and enabling business environment that supporting by political stability. The Thai government is employing policies that enable Thailand being a “Detroit of Asia”, an automotive hub of the region, by encouraging investment, manufacturing hub, as well as other activities such as research and development. Several strategic plans are issues to fulfil this need.

With strong growth of automotive industries in the region, the current and upcoming activities require engineers with multi engineering knowledge and skills with international communication capability. The Automotive Design and Manufacturing (ADM) Engineering program offers a new dimension of multi disciplinary courses profiling from automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering design, manufacturing, regulation and management. As Thailand is being automotive hub in the region, in addition to manufacturing growth others automotive activities such as designs and developments continue to grow and so the demand of qualified engineers within the region. This international program will provide graduates with multi engineering knowledge and skill to fit perfectly for the much-needed automotive assemblers, part and component makers, and other supporting industries and related manufacturers. The ADM Engineering program has well established relationships with automobile manufacturers and some classes will cooperate with them to fulfil student's industrial expertise.

ISE ADME program involves the development of motors vehicles from the visual appearance and the creation of the product concept to manufacturing control, materials handling, and automation. ADME graduates, though specialized, have a competitively solid background in both automotive design and manufacturing engineering.

Students may choose to concentrate in the field, which will benefit them most in different engineering areas of automotive industry ranging from automotive design to manufacturing. Beside the industrial career path, graduates may choose to pursue a higher degree in the related fields.

Information and Communication Engineering (ICE)


ICE is an exciting and promising integration of Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Industrial Engineering, the combination of the very core of Chulalongkorn Engineering School. The program offers students with a chance to become hardcore programmers serving the international community with IT architecture for enterprises, software on mobile devices, satellite communications, game programming, computer networking, and software engineering for large organizations, just to name a few. The discipline will be strengthened with the appreciation of Management Science that should heighten your competency to the international level. ICE is your future.

Aerospace Engineering (AERO)


Aerospace Industry has been growing rapidly in the recent years. The Royal Thai Government has issued a policy to make Thailand the centre of air transport for South East Asia region. Many new commercial airlines have been allowed to enter the market such as Air Asia, Nok Air, Phuket Air, and Orient Thai. In addition, the government is considering the policy to allow a private aircraft into Thai airspace. There is an immediate need for human resource with the knowledge and capability in the field of repair, maintenance, design and construction for the aircraft. Thus, the Royal Thai Air force and Chulalongkorn University have entered a collaborative agreement to develop and to offer the curriculum in Aerospace Engineering for such a need. Students who enrolled in this program will greatly benefit from a rich academic strength of the program that is being offered by both institutions.

Master Degree


Infrastructure in Civil Engineering (ICE-INFRA)


Major infrastructure projects play a significant role in driving the economic and social development of the country. Such engineering projects strive for personnel with interdisciplinary knowledge. Infrastructure engineers must be able to address all challenges encountered throughout the project's life circle.

Department of Civil Engineering at Chulalongkorn University has launched a new Master's program of Infrastructure in Civil Engineering. This program is specifically designed for engineers who would like to specialize in all facets of infrastructure management.

Project Management (MPM)


It is no longer sufficient for managerial staff or engineers to be just knowledgeable or simply dedicated to the accomplishment of their jobs or tasks. Nowadays, Engineers and managers alike must be moved beyond their familiar areas of proficiency and engage on a variety of responsibilities for which they were not initially trained, just about all of which demand ardent skills on managing projects: unique and temporary works. So here comes an international program of Master of Engineering in Project Management (M. Eng. in Project Management) or MPM for experienced candidates offered by an enthusiastic institution; International School of Engineering (ISE), Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. The professional course will yield immersive and collaborative learning experience that facilitates striving candidates to achieve satisfying outcomes.
