Fereshteh Ahmadi, Professor in Sociology, University of Gävle.



Fereshteh Ahmadi PhD, Full Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, University of Gävle, Sweden. She is an Iranian-Swedish researcher. She came to Sweden 1984 and 1986 she began her studies in sociology at the Department of sociology, Uppsala University. Ahmadi concluded her Ph.D in sociology at Uppsala University in 1995 and became associate professor in 2001 at the same university. Her Ph.D thesis, Iranian Islam and the Concept of the Individual, deals with the problem of the non-development of the concept of the individual in Iranian ways of thinking.Professor Ahmadi is presently specializing in issues related to health, religion and spirituality. In addition, she has conducted research on gerontology, international migration, Islamic Feminism and Music and Coping at Uppsala University. She is responsible for a research on Diversity Barometer. She is also responsible for an international project on Meaning-Making Coping. The project involves researchers from Sweden, South Korea, China, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Brazil, Turkey and Iran.

Research projects


Main responsible for a number of research projects at the Uppsala University and University of Gävle:

A survey on diversity, ( 2013-2018), financed by the University of Gävle.

A survey of children and relationality (2015), financed by the University of Gävle.

A Survey study on Religious and spiritual coping methods among cancer patients. University of Gävle. Financed by the University of Gävle. The old Flying Dutchmen: Shuttling immigrants with double assets (1995-1996). Uppsala University. The project was financed by The Swedish Council for Social Research and The Faculty of Social Sciences at the Uppsala University.
 The impact of  "ways of thinking" on gerotranscendence and wisdom (1997-1999). Uppsala University. The project was financed by The Swedish Council for Social Research and The Faculty of Social Sciences at the Uppsala University. For more information see: http://www.soc.uu.se/research/gerontology/current.html (2001-2006).

Religious and spiritual coping methods among cancer patients. Uppsala University. The project was financed by The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research.

Islamic Feminism. A case of Study of Islamic Feminism in Iran (2001-2006). Uppsala University. The project was financed by The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation.

Music as a coping method: a study of the role of music in coping with cancer from patients' perspective (2006-2009). Uppsala University. The project is financed by The Swedish Research Council.



Ahmadi, F., Palm, I. & Ahmadi, N. (2017) Mångfaldsbaromtern 2016 . FoU-rapport Nr 44. Gävle: Gävle university press. http://hig.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1085307/FULLTEXT01.pdf

Ahmadi, F. & Ahmadi, N. (2018- accepted), Existential Meaning-Making for Coping with Serious Illness: Studies in Secular and Religious Societies. Routledge.

Ahmadi, F., Mella, O., Irving, I. Darvishpoor, M. (2015). Mångfaldsbarometern: tio år av attitydmättningar I Sverige. (Diversity barometer: decade of attitude surveys In Sweden). Gävle: Gävle University Press.

Ahmadi, F. (2015) (red.). Coping with Cancer in Sweden – A Search for Meaning. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia sociologica Upsaliensia, 6.3

Ahmadi, F. & Larsson, S. 2014. Hälsa, livsmiljö och arbetsliv – ett socialt arbete perspektiv (Health, Living envirenmetn and Workings life (A Social Work Perspective). Gävle University Press.

Ahmadi, F. & Lilja, M. (2014). Ensamkommande flyktingbarn utifrån perspektivet socialt arbete (Red). Gävle University Press.

Recently published as first author


Ahmadi, F., Certez Ö., A.Erbil, P., Ahmadi, N., Ortak, A. (2017) A Survey Study among Cancer Patients in Turkey: Meaning-making Coping. Illness, Crisis and Loss. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/1054137317720751

Ahmadi, F, Park, J, Kim, K. M. & Ahmadi, N. (2017), Meaning-making coping among cancer patients in Sweden and South Korea: A comparative perspective. Journal of religion and Health. 'Online First'

Ahmadi, F.; Park, J.; Kim, M. K. & Ahmadi, N. (2016) Exploring existential coping resources: the perspective of Koreans with cancer. Journal of Religion and Health. DOI 10.1007/s10943-016-0219-6; http://rdcu.be/ksP2

Ahmadi, F. & Ahmadi, N. (2013). Nature as the Most Important Coping Strategy among Cancer Patients: A Swedish Survey. Journal of Religion and Health 52(4):1177-90.

Ahmadi, F. (2013). Music as a method of coping with cancer: a qualitative study among cancer patients in Sweden. Art and health. 5(2):152-165.