User:MrsRatched/Media bias in Spain

Media bias in Spain is the description of media systematically presenting a particular point of view. Claims of bias in the media include claims of liberal bias, conservative bias, mainstream bias, and corporate bias


Mariano José de Larra

While the 18th century journalistic activities in Spain were influenced by the Enlightenment ideas and its costumbrist, didactical style based on the idea of "learning through reading", the 19th century journalism gained more political tones due to the rise of liberalism that followed the Napoleonic Wars and the efforts of a large reformist intellectual elite as well as the advent of marxism in the second half of the century and the later nationalist movements that regarded journalism as an effective mean in order to spread their ideas trough the population. The Spanish-american war and the subsequent defeat and loss of the remaining colonies meant the failure of the Restoration system, a Two-party system where two political parties alternated control of the government by means of a heavily orchestrated and mechanized electoral process, and the beginning of a gradual degradation of the system until its collapse in 1931. As a result, the regenerationist movement involved an increase of independent journals and gazettes at the early 20th century, centering about different issues concerning the socio-political situation of the nation and the needs for an alternative policy to the Canovist system, wich resulted in the rise of ideologies such as Fascism and Communism or the revival of Carlism.

The left-wing media

  • laSexta (TV)
  • laSexta 2 (TV)
  • lasexta 3 (TV)
  • Público (Newspaper)

The right-wing media

Brand Editorial line Media Notes
El Mundo
ABC row 2, cell 1 row 2, cell 3
La Razón
Antena 3 (TV)
Telecinco (TV)
Cuatro (TV)
Libertad Digital
El Imparcial

Claims of far-right bia


Intereconomía TV


Cadena COPE (Spanish Catholics Radio)


13tv (Spanish Catholics tv)


Libertad Digital


