I, Milo Opplinger (* 03.02.1995), am living in Zurich, Switzerland. I am a big fan of Minecraft and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and other videogames (and Pizza ¬_¬). My profession is Information scientist.



Well, I'm born in 1995 in the (german: Kantonsspital St. Gallen), also called KSSG, in the sector 6 , second floor, in the room 211. I was the youngest in the kindergarten, almost one year. I've jumped the second class, because I already could solve tasks with advanced math operators (sqr(), sqrt(), deg, etc.). After primary school and secondary school I've gone to the gymnasial school (High school). After ETH I have gone to IT Lorinius, a advanced ICT- Company. I played violin, drums and piano, till I was 20. I sometimes still pay on them, but I don't let me teach anymore.



I'm more active on the swiss-german Wikipedia and on the german Wikipedia.

That's it!


Yeah, okay, I hope you know me a little better than before, and thanks for reading!
