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Jaroslav Dostál (*1941 Prague) is an internationally recognized geologist and from 2006 an emeritus professor at St.Mary´s University in Canada where he worked since 1975. His research included a wide variety of topics from mineralogy, geochemistry and igneus petrology. He published over 300 articles in prestigeous professional journals and also served as coordinator or co-ordinator of many research projects. During his time at university he was instrumental in developing the department of geology as well as the university as a whole. He was a supervisior of dozens of students in either bacalor or doctoral studies and remained as head of the geology department for 12 years. He was also a member of the academic senate and the board of govermors of the university.

Dr. Jaroslav Dostál is a researcher in the field of geochemistry of igneous rocks and their application for studying the movement of the Earth´s crust and related mineral deposits. During his career he worked with other researchers from all over the world.

Jaroslav Dostál (born August 25, 1941 in Prague). After finishing elementary school in 1955 he went on to study Industrial Geology with graduating thesis from 1959 being titles Proposal regarding research of graphit deposits near Český Krumlov (Návrh na průzkum ložiska tuhy u Českého Krumlova). After that he went on to study geology at the Faculty of Science (Facultas Rerum Naturalium) with a specialisation on mineralogy. He finished his studies in 1964 with doctoral work being Geological and petrographic conditions in the area of Maršíkov (Geologické a petrografické poměry v oblasti Maršíkova). between 1964 and 1967 he worked as a research assistent and from 1969 on ward became an assistent professor at the department of Deposit Geology. During 1967 he received a stipent for a gradual study in Mc Master University in Hamilton, Canada. In August 1968 he was a member of the International Union of Geological Science Congress that unfortunatelly ended prematuraly due to military invasion. He finished his studies in 1974, earning the title of PhD. He had been active at St.Mary´s University of Halifax since 1975 where he served first as regular professor between 1980 and 2006 and then an Emeritus since 2006..