Memo bey Memai

Memo bey Memai (Muhammed bey Haji Ahmed bey oglu) — poet.

Memo bey (cc. 1870s)

Memo was born Muhammed in Shusha in 1849 in a wealthy merchant family of Memai. Nicknamed Memo from the early childhood he will later take it as his pseudonym.

He was part of Literary Union Mejlisi Uns led by Hurshidbanu Natavan in Shusha.

Along with his poetry he created a travel guide to Russia, Central Asia and Turkey called "Sayahatname" (Book of Travels) now considered lost.

Father of five he was married to a sister of Abdurrahim bey Haqverdiyev, first Azerbaijani classical music conductor and playwright.

Memo bey died and was buried in Shusha in 1918.

Poetry and Calligraphy

Memo was writing in classical Aruz style in Azeri and Farsi languages (and also in a distinctive mixed Farsi/Azeri). Also known as a calligrapher Memo left a few valuable copies of poetry of Natavan and other prominent poets of Azerbaijan. A set of poems written by his hand is now kept in Baku Institute of Manuscripts.


Ənvər Çingizoğlu. Mamayevlər, "Soy" elmi-kütləvi dərgi, 2011, №9, səh.6-10. (in Azeri)