Hi! You may call me Thorn! (or Meme, or MemeThorn, or Thornoroni, or Thorb) I am a twice-exceptional student in biology with a systems physiology focus, with intent on going to med school and becoming a geneticist. :3 I have cEDS and it's many, many weird co-morbidites, including autism, if you couldn't tell from the fact that I actually have an account on Wikipedia. I mostly just read on here, go down weird rabbit holes, and argue with people in the real life about how "Actually, even though anyone can edit Wikipedia, it's still very reputable for general informational purposes and is a great way to find secondary and primary source documents." People are very sick of me.

Might edit some medical pages or random weird animal pages from time to time to add information I feel like is missing from random documents I read. Also might edit stuff about local San Jose and San Francisco punk scenes. Blame my girlfriend. Double also might edit stuff about some obscure glitch/breakcore/rock/metal/noise/generally avant garde artists I like, because I take it personally when not every weird obscure side project they've done is listed, how dare people not know every fact about an artist. I do art sometimes too. Will upload to Wikimedia if I feel like it.