Klimadelegation e.V.
TypeNon-governmental organization
  • Mülheim an der Ruhr
Area served
52 (2021)

Klimadelegation e.V. is a German non-profit youth climate organisation. It is a politically independent association of young people aged 16 to around 30. The association is committed to sustainable climate protection with a focus on global climate and intergenerational justice. The members have taken part in the United Nations Climate Change Conference since 2012 [1][2]. Klimadelegation reports about its work at the conferences and various issues in the context of national and international climate policy, climate change and climate protection via various social networks and a homepage.

History, foundation and structure


Klimadelegation was founded in 2019 and is run by a volunteer board. The voluntary members of the association organise themselves mainly in the work areas of climate policy, climate education and public relations. In addition, inter-association projects and cooperations take place regularly.



Klimadelegation is dedicated to global climate justice between generations and world regions with the aim of ensuring that present and future generations have a planet worth living on as well as an intact environment. To this end, Klimadelegation stands for an ambitious and fair fulfillment of the goals and principles of the Paris Agreement. The focus is on the youth of the world, as a group that is particularly strongly affected by climate change from a temporal and global perspective[3]. The association is committed to ensuring that the interests of young people are more strongly taken into account in climate policy decisions and that young people are sensitised to the global impacts of climate change[4].

Activities & Projects


Since its foundation, the association has been organising changing projects on topics of political youth participation, youth education and youth representation. One focus is on the exchange and communication of global perspectives, engagement in the field of climate education, e.g. through lectures and workshops, as well as project and public relations work.

International climate policy and UN climate negotiations


Since 2012, the members of Klimadelegation have participated as observers in the United Nations Climate Change Conference and the subsidiary bodies (SB)[5][6]. The association draws attention to youth issues and gets involved in talks with negotiators and in panel discussions. In addition, the association reports and informs about the negotiations and climate policy processes tailored to the target group of youth and young adults. Klimadelegation is part of the official international youth representation YOUNGO (Youth NGOs)[7] to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Even beyond the climate conferences, Klimadelegation maintains an exchange with German decision-makers at the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on climate policy issues. In 2019, Klimadelegation provided a youth delegate to the 2019 UN Climate Action Summit in New York[8].

International networking and understanding


Even before the association was founded, Klimadelegation organised a youth climate conference (Conference of Youth, COY13 for short) with more than 1.000 participants from more than 110 countries in Bonn in 2017 in close cooperation with BUNDjugend and funded by the BMU and Bread for the World (Brot für die Welt)[9]. This took place on the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn 2017 to provide a platform for young people from all over the world to share knowledge, exchange ideas and develop global networks for the purpose of sustainable and equitable climate protection[10]. Furthermore, in cooperation with the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations as well as funded by BMU, Klimadelegation organised a four-week exchange programme between German and Fijian young people to give them the opportunity to share ideas, learn about national climate and ocean protection policies and meet with government representatives and international organisations[11][12].

On the margins of the 24th 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Klimadelegation organised a Franco-German-Polish youth exchange in cooperation with BMZ and BMU to strengthen exchange and European cohesion with regard to the climate crisis and to give Europe's youth a voice. The young participants developed ideas and demands on topics such as the energy transition, socio-ecological transformation and sustainable development. They presented these ideas and demands to decision-makers from the ministries[13].

At the 25th 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Klimadelegation continued the tradition of European networking and cooperation. Together, the young people addressed a letter to the EU Commission[13] in which they demanded an ambitious climate protection contribution (Nationally Determined Contribution) from the European Union and an increase in the emissions reduction target. To this end, they organised a "Youth for European Climate Action" discussion with German decision-makers on the EU's climate ambitions and the role of Germany and youth in this context[14].

In 2020, Klimadelegation carried out a virtual exchange project with young climate experts from Latin America and the Caribbean for about two months. The BMU-funded project Building Bridges for Climate Action (BB4CA) aimed to bring the perspectives of Latin American and Caribbean youth, and thus in particular young BIPoC adults, to German and European climate policy and civil society in order to create awareness and a common understanding of global climate protection[15].

National and European climate policy


Klimadelegation was one of the main initiators of the German "AllInForClimateAction" campaign in cooperation with the Youth Delegates for Sustainable Development to the United Nations, BUNDjugend, Fridays for Future Germany, NAJU and LCOY Germany[16]. As part of this, a catalogue of demands was drawn up and presented to and discussed with government representatives in various talks[17].

Climate education


Klimadelegation also works in the field of climate education[18]. This takes place, for example, in the form of lectures at schools and universities[19] or youth conferences[20] and on social media. For example, members of Klimadelegation represented the association as speakers at YouCON 2020 (organised by YoupaN), the German Fridays for Future Congress in Dortmund[21] and the German Youth Climate Summit in Heidelberg, among others. The association offers the project "Climate Classroom", in which members of Klimadelegation give lectures in schools and conduct simulation games with school classes. In preparation for the 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Klimadelegation conducted an online workshop attended by 30 representatives of various youth organisations for introductory and strategic preparation.

Media contributions



  1. ^ Bericht über Teilnahme an UN-Klimakonferenz Website des Instituts für ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  2. ^ Bericht über Teilnahme an UN-Klimakonferenz in Katowice 2018 Website von Paul Opländer Haustechnik. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  3. ^ Jugendstatistiken zu Umwelt und Klimawandel Website der Vereinten Nationen - Büro des Beauftragten des Generalsekretärs für Jugend. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  4. ^ Selbstverständnis des Vereins Website der Klimadelegation e.V. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  5. ^ Interview mit Vereinsmitglied zur Teilnahme an COP Website des Climate Adaptation Summit 2021. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  6. ^ Bericht eines Vereinsmitglieds über Teilnahme an COP in Katowice Website des Team Energiewende. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  7. ^ Bericht eines Vereinsmitglieds zur Zusammenarbeit mit YOUNGO Website der Stiftung Energie & Klimaschutz. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  8. ^ Interview mit der Jugenddelegierten des Vereins zur Teilnahme am UN Climate Action Summit Website des Campus Halensis. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  9. ^ Bericht zur COY13 Website der Berliner Verlagsgesellschaft vorwärts. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  10. ^ Eventkalender: COY13 Website der Vereinten Nationen - Klimawandel. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  11. ^ Bericht zum Jugendaustausch Deutschland-Fidschi" Website der Stiftung für die Rechte zukünftiger Generationen. Abgerufen am 27.02.2021.
  12. ^ Video Fiji Exchange Summeray" Youtube-Kanal der Klimadelegation e.V. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  13. ^ Brief an die EU-Kommission PDF der UN Youth Representatives. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  14. ^ Post zum European Youth Event Instagram-Kanal der Klimadelegation e.V. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  15. ^ Projektbeschreibung BB4CAWebsite der Klimadelegation e.V. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  16. ^ Projektbeschreibung All in for climate action Website der Jugenddelegierte für Nachhaltige Entwicklung. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  17. ^ Bericht über All in for climate action Website der Leipziger Zeitung. Abgerufen am 27. Februar 2021
  18. ^ Projekt Klimaklassenzimmer Website der Klimadelegation e.V. Abgerufen am 27.02.2021
  19. ^ Universitätsvortrag eines Vereinsmitglieds an der LMU Website der Münchner Universitätsgesellschaft. Abgerufen am 27.02.2021
  20. ^ Programm der LCOY 2020 Website LCOY. Abgerufen am 27.02.2021
  21. ^ Bericht über Teilnahme eines Vereinsmitglieds am FFF-Kongress Website des nd - Journalismus von links. Abgerufen am 27.02.2021