User:M4J MUSIQ 254/sandbox

here is m4j

This is M4J, Which simply means Made For Jesus is a SoloM4J MUSIQ 254 - YouTube CHANNEL Afropop Performing Artiste From Kenya. M4J also the CEO and Founder of Prodigal Star Foundation that is a Charitable feeding Program for the less Fortunate and the Street Kids. M4J is also the CEO at Great Ides Graphics Company that is a Graphics and video Editing Farm. Hailing From Mathare one of Africas Biggest Slums M4J through Prodigal Star Foundation gives back to the Society by Providing books, sanitary towels, cloths and Rechargeable lights to families and schools in need. M4J has an active Youtube Channel (M4J MUSIQ 254) and is widely celebrated for his work in the Gospel Fraternity Scene both in day today life and Social Media.